Day of Defeat... (Virtue)




It all happened so fast... all the years... all the years John and I put our heart and soul into.... into fighting those who threaten Canadian and American ideals, and putting them where they belong....gone... Lord Recluse did the impossible, the unthinikable... now every single one of my enemies are out there... even the ones who know my identity... and I know the first thing on their mind... is to get revenge... in the next few days, death will be knocking on my door...

*A punch knocks Alex through a wall in his apartment.
He gets up and wipes off the blood from his lip*

Alex: Heh... long time no see Sampson! You could have waited till I was outta my pjs... but you know what? Thats ok, those tights really make it hard to breathe anyways.

Sampson: You F$#@in piece of $#&T! You don't know half of what i went through in there pretty boy!

Alex: Wh-- di-d you just... did you just call me pretty boy?!

Sampson: Shut your trap! *Sampson picks up his phone* Ok guys.... I got him in his pyjamas, you can check out who the Royal Guard REALLY is.... but i'm not giving you the location till i see the money is transferred to my account.

I wasn't sure what to do, but I can tell ya, I only had one thing on my mind, and it probably wouldn't make things look any nicer than they already were

Alex: You SON OF !@#%^!! *Alex jumps at Sampson*

So long story short, I jumped at him, i beat him up pretty good, but then he decided to screw the money and told whoever he was talking to on the phone where i lived and where we were fighting. It turns out he wasn't just talking to one guy, he was talking to a bunch of my enemies who all put together a scheme to get me back. Before I knew it, i was thrown out of the window from the 2nd floor of the apartment... i didn't take the fall too easily... I've fought more than one enemy before, but not without my flight bands on... it makes it harder to seperate the fliers from the runners and jumpers without them... I had two black eyes, i swear i had a broken rib, and who knows what else those purple marks on my body were

Alex: ugh....

The moment I stop cracking jokes in a fight is when I know the fight has gone really bad... and it's at this point where I start to wonder why I went solo for so long... why didn't I join a supergroup when I was offered so many times... I've got no one to back me up, and i'm living in a freakin city of heroes...

((I'm basically asking to join an RP SG(Virtue) that has engaging story lines everynow and then, I also enjoy pvp, so perhaps if there are any RP SGs out there who are coordinating things with villian groups, i'd really really really love to join. Anyways, this is my characters call for help... feel free to jump him and rescue him, maybe even offer him membership to your SG *hint* *hint* or.... feel free to jump in as a villian and give him more poundings till someone comes to save him... and if no one saves him... well... then i guess he's just gonna have to die... *sigh* (SO SAVE HIM! =D) ))