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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
    I just found an Amazon gift card I got at Christmas and since forgotten about. I'm planning to use it to buy their box set of the first 4 (5?) books this weekend.
    The box set is the first 4....book five comes out in July
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
    He's starting a new thread to discuss an ongoing problem, in a separate area that rednames spend a hell of a lot more time in than they do in the area that pertains to the problem.

    Note how quickly the Eden Trial was first replaced as WST, then fixed so it will allow people over level 41 to start it. Any bets on which week in June it will be WST? If people working toward Incarnate goodies experience an inconvenience (after all, the trial was still doable, you just needed someone of the right level to start it...or you could go Vigilante and do Ice Mistral) it's immediately fixed, but a major inconvenience that renders large chunks of a feature unusable due to an undocumented and unnecessary "fix" is allowed to go on and on for months because when you're playing AE you're not grinding trials, citizen!
    Needless snark is needless. See Bill's reply below

    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    And I seem to recall a statement that 'fixing that list is harder than you'd think.' (One of the ustreams.)
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
    Let's just kept in mind that Marvel's "cinematic universe" is always going to differ from the "comics universe." Some changes will make your eyes roll, sure, but I just accept them and move on.
    If it was Marvel making those changes, sure thing...but it's Fox, so they can go screw
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cowman View Post
    I don't really have any rage for the film. My feelings toward it are mainly.... apathy.

    I just don't care anymore. I know people say to view it as an alternate version of the universe, but that's kinda the problem. I'm usually not interested in those kind of stories.

    Now, obviously, any movie is going to be different from it's comic roots. Iron Man differed, Thor differed, Captain America will differ.... but those changes never shifted the characters as much as the ones they're making in X-Men.

    Pretty much this. There's "differences between mediums", like the Marvel Studios movies, then there's Fox's "X-Men"... to characterize the changes between source and movies there as "differences" is likely one of the biggest understatements in history. It's like someone was playing MadLibs, almost randomly inserting characters into (mutilated) storylines willy-nilly.

    The very first thing I remember reading on my own from cover to cover as a child was part of the Dark Phoenix saga, the one where Wolvie was about to kill Phoenix while Jean had briefly regained control. They shoe-horned that entire storyline in as a sideplot. The X-men will always have a special place in my heart; I just can't handle the extreme disregard the movies have shown for something that was a hugely important part of my life.

    First Class may be a good movie, but when it comes to the X-men, Fox has completely exhausted my goodwill. If it were any other franchise, with the same level of changes, I might pay to see it. Fox isn't seeing another dime from me for anything else X-related...barring perhaps a Deadpool movie starring Ryan Reynolds with an unprecedented level of creative control for an actor.
  5. Does that take into account the current salaries and benefits of the staff though, or would turning a profit under that model require a rejiggering of the studio's payscales and/or levels of staffing? Ahh...prolly not an aswerable question unless one was the CFO.
  6. Furio

    Solo content.

    Because they don't have the resources to do both at the same time, perhaps?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by joebartender View Post
    Black Scorpion added an update to the discussion here http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...&postcount=613
    *sarcasm* Wow...it's almost like the devs have been reading the forums for the past 7 years or actually playing in secret on the live servers. *sarcasm*

  8. Is it July yet? need book 5 like, yesterday
  9. I think the key here is that it's "recent releases"...ie these DVD sets recently became available
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chuckles07 View Post
    Are people who are complaining about the incarnate costume pieces complaining cause they dont want it in the game, or complaining cause they will have to do something to get it?
    From my brief skipping thru the thread, most complaints seem to be that it's costumes for lvl 50's only.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
    You realize that people who "emerged from the woodwork" for i20 to say "how much this game is horrible and the dev team should feel horrible" are probably the only reason you get Rikti, Nemesis and Rularuu pets, right? Do you really think the devs would have acknowledged that we don't all love Praetoria as much as they do if all of us whiny complaining doomcryers hadn't said so loudly and repeatedly?
    I'm more inclined to believe they had more pets planned all along, and like everything else Incarnate related, are rolling it out piecemeal. I'd wager that more pets were coming with or without the constant threads on the topic.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Posters are self-selected advocates and smart alecs. Myself included. If you want to know what the average person thinks about politics, you don't read political bulletin boards. You select people randomly who aren't themselves self-selected for highly skewing personal motivations.

    That's what makes MMO boards the *worst* place to take the pulse of the MMO player community at large. You're more likely to get a representative sample of people standing in line at Taco Bell.
    I know that (sorta acknowledged it in the post) but that still leaves the question of where would one go (and generally speaking, if they're in line at Taco Bell, I'm not sure their opinion on anything is valid ).
  13. So um...is this gonna be a movie *about* the Stooges (a comedic bio-pic), or a Stooges movie set in the present?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    Personally if I were a large company I'd do a customer survey of a random portion of my active player base.

    No it wouldn't be perfect either but it would at least eliminate most of the selection bias you get on message boards.
    No, I mean as the average person. Where would the average person go if they were looking for info, or other people's opinions on a new game, or a significant change to an existing one?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Random postings in MMO bulletin boards are the *last* place I would go to take the pulse of the MMO gaming community at large. I mean literally the last place, after cemeteries and stadium rest rooms.
    Where would the first place be, then? Seriously, I'm curious. I know any particular MMOs boards are only visited by a small subset of it's population, and ergo, the Generic MMO boards are an even smaller subset of that, but where else are people talking about MMOs and gaming other than MMO and gaming sites?
  16. I already gave my citation. "Based on my wanderings of other generic MMO sites". It was right in the post you pulled that quote from, VG. I didn't state anything as absolute fact, just my opinion formed from reading websites/forums focused on gaming in general or MMOs.

    Personally, of the games I've played that went F2P, I either already had lifetime subs to so I wasn't affected, or I found the new model to be more annoying than anything else, so I didn't continue to play. And just looking at the games I have lifer status in, I barely log in at all, more about the games than their financial model. I do still follow their offers and such, and simply find the whole thing tedious. I don't think I'm alone here...I'm pretty square in the middle of the "avg. gamer" demographic, and I completely do not mind paying for convenience.

    As far as the OP...I have yet to see the F2P setup (outside of Guild Wars, maybe) that I find preferable to simply putting in my cc info and hitting autobill every 6 mo. So I can't think of how I'd convert this already successful MMO to F2P and still enjoy it just as much.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gatecrasher View Post
    I'm not gonna say you'll never find that combo of advanced science and utter inability to defend themselves, but I'd be willing to bet that world won't be any Earth. When we learn a new trick, by God we figure out how it can be used to blow somebody up!

    Not exactly accurate....we've likely figured out the new trick accidentally while trying to blow someone else up.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
    It's not that subscription MMO's can't transition to F2P (and it has been done successfully,) it's just has to be done delicately.

    But again, this thread isn't about that. This thread is about what sort of F2P model you would build for CoH if it went F2P, not should it, or will the game fail if it does or, DOOOOOOM.
    And I also didn't say it couldn't be done, or that it hasn't succeded in other situations. I said it's *perceived* as a sign of a game ending among the general MMO populace.

    Personally, I think the fact that Turbines first attempt (the non-hobbity one) at it is working out is due to it being setup, from it's original launch, in a very F2P-friendly manner; I think they may have been considering F2P all along. Which is kind of meta, in a way.
    The PnP version of the game had all kinds of supplements and adventure packs that you'd buy separately too, so it's just them being true to their source on multiple levels
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
    There's a also a majority perception that F2P MMO's are the way of the future and can engender and create thriving robust communities. It's just a matter of how it's done.

    Which is why I was specific in mentioning "subscription games going F2P". Games that start life as F2P are a completely different animal.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
    It will only be seen that way by the portions of the community that would see it as such. The same ones that see 'DOOM' written in the clouds passing by over head, or in the laughter of a newborn, or every time a new patch comes out.
    I dont think he's talking about the current CoH community, but the more general community of MMO interested people out there. And I'm inclined to agree with him, based on my wanderings in other generic MMO sites. Consolidating servers and subscription games going F2P are generally regarded as the proverbial canary in the coal mine developing a serious cough.

    Of course there are people that don't see it that way, but that's been the majority view ( accurate or not, it's the perception that exists) in pretty much every case.
  21. There was a red/blue requirement (lvl 50 hero, you could make a kheld, but not SoA) in the past, but as long as you met the requirements to get an EAT, you could always make one on any server...also, Epic never referred to anything other than the fact that these ATs had a built in story attached to them,as opposed to the generic other ATs.
  22. On his head...that's a "semi" luchadore mask...where the pic you posted is an actual luchadore mask
  23. Furio

    Scrapper Envy?

    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    Poor Spider. He doesn't deserve to be called that.

    After Warshades Crabbies are my favourite buff target for the Baf on my plant/emp. I'm kinda raging I don't have one myself having gone with a Fort/Widow when the level requirement dropped last year. Those pets and aoes along with the resistances and health make Crabbies very appealing on the Baf.
    Haven't gotten my shade to 50 yet, but yeah, the crab is hella fun on the BAF. Save all my pets (lore included) until the escape phase and nothing gets past me, strong enough to not get vaped if I have to pull an AV, or get caught out by the Defense Lasers...good times, good times.
  24. Hulk Hogan...although, his functions kinda the same way Tinkerbell's does. Enough people clap hard enough and believe in him and he's invulnerable