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  1. No... no, he's right I tell you, we're dooooomed!!

    I was in Franky and Benny's tonight for my 6th wedding anniversary and it was FULL of people not playing CoH!!

    Gratz on the squiddies mate, have fun with those.

    Personally, I found the PB easier to use in the early levels and the WS got better as he got closer to 50, but try both and see how you get on.
  2. Easy one this - behind the masks!

    That one just ran and ran for ages.

    Dunno if it's still here, haven't time to check as I need to scoot off and pick a bit for me Mondeo!!
  3. I saw a review of CoH in a magazine in February 2005 and was instantly interested, having grown up with Marvel comics. So, after a "shall I, shan't I" session while standing in Game, I took the plunge and joined the game in that same month.

    As a sidenote, I believe that having comics from an early age gave me a fantastic headstart with reading and CoH boosted my speed at typing (I can now do so without looking at the keyboard, or even the screen on a good day) - so when I'm Prime Minister comics and CoH will be taught in schools

    The Atlas Park theme still gets me going, and my step-son doesn't understand why I'm still playing after all these years; no other game has remained installed for so long.

    I've made some good friends here, and it's also seen me through one of the very few bad times in my life when I lost my dad in April 2006. I have a picture of Quantum Dark sitting on a rock near the Arena in PI at sunset where he appears as a lonely figure gazing out to sea. It summed up my feelings perfectly at that moment in time.

    So, for me, it's been an awesome journey so far, it continues to be one every day, and I just had to add my thanks to the guys who made it all happen - you've made an old bloke happier more often than you can possibly realise!

    /e salute
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah but to what purpose? Bragging rights? I don't see it. I would much prefer newer challenges and yes gaining levels.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I play most of my fifties at 50, I fully plan on slotting them all, plus any more that get there, with lots of purples...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I also play all of my 50s. Which one I use depends on how I feel like playing at the time and whether there's a badge I might want for one of them.

    The arguments both for and against a level cap increase hinge on the limited amount of resources available to develop the game.

    My vote goes to new content instead of a level cap increase.

    The reasons are pretty straight-forward:
    Increase the level cap and you focus the resources on more powers for existing power sets.
    The actual journey to the new level cap will most likely be more of the same that you had getting to the previous level cap.
    Then the cry goes up after a week for another increase. We haven't really progressed.

    Keep the existing level cap and you can focus on new content instead which gives everyone new things to do. Zombie invasions anyone? It also frees resources to develop new power sets instead of tweaking old ones.

    CoX doesn't have the massive resource pool of WoW which can increase level caps and add content at the some time. Adding content seems like a good use of what's available and pretty much a no-brainer to me
  5. Good thread idea btw

    OK, here goes....

    Fulcrum - DM/Regen
    My first toon rolled on day 1 of me joining the game 42+ months back, and my first 50. His name encompasses the centre point of the scales of justice, co-incidentally my star sign is Libra, the scales, and I happened to have been playing 'Lock-On' on the day I joined which includes the Mig 29, or Fulcrum - it all seemed to fit!

    Quantum Dark - Grav/Emp
    He has gravity powers (and can draw on the world of quantum physics) together with an eye-scorching green and blue outfit - 'Dark' was so inappropriate I couldn't resist using it...

    Skyhawk - PB
    Wanted a light and airy name with a combat-type edge and Skyhawk is also the name of the Cessna 172 which I used a lot in FS9. He has an air force background so that fitted nicely.

    Chillerbolt - Ice/Elec
    Ice/Electricity blaster who gained his powers after an Ice blaster and an Electricity blaster who were having a tiff barrelled him into an air con unit which he was repairing on the Arena in Galaxy.

    Vigil - FF/Elec
    Seemed a good name for a defender. Kinda taken from Most Haunted which was on at the time. In game her name comes from a Crey Washing Powder which short circuited her washing machine and she emerged in a protective bubble with power over electricity... her mission is now to clean up this city.

    Defilade - Stone/Energy
    Taken from Saving Private Ryan - military term meaning obstacles or cover offering protection from incoming fire.

    Xenochron - WS
    His background involves time travel so Xenochron suggests time alien. Actually inspired by Frank Zappa and Xenochronic time patterns.

    Osmosis - Rad/Rad
    I just like the word... we have no water powers yet so he uses nuclear osmosis... which has upset some folks I've met who insist on 'keeping it real' while people fly, tp and superspeed all around them
  6. Hey, thanks guys!

    Rest assured that cakiness has indeed commenced, is continuing apace, and will show no sign of abating for many hours to come

    For those that are curious, I'm 444 today and as usual at this time of year I'll be sacrificing a Danish cookie in a desperate attempt to apease the god of zimmer frames for one more year
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    He obviously hasn't been to Stevenage in a long time, the Littlewoods left a loooooooooooooooooooong time ago. It's not so much old as prehistoric. Stone Age Stevenage had a Littlewoods. Chav Age Stevenage just has a medley of phone shops and a Next.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lol, I do remember Littlewoods (and Index), but I know they went yonks back.

    I also recognise the description of Stevenage as it is today!

    Anyways, might see you in Game sometime, and as I said earlier, enjoy every day
  8. [ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    Did you get that job in a Stevenage Game?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes! And just in time for Manhunt 2 (joy of joys).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Holy moley, I was in one of them today!!

    Is that the one opposite the old Littlewoods or the one down near Waterstones?

    (I live in Hertford and grew up in Stevenage)
  9. Stasis who?

    Sorry, couldn't resist - we put it on the top of every leaving card that goes around at work.

    We've never chatted, RPed, teamed or even shared the monorail for as little as 1 stop before, but anyone who's spent any time on the boards over the last 3 years will know your name and be sorry to see such a long-term member of this little community moving on.

    All the best, I'm happy that CoH had such a positive part in your journey so far, and I hope you continue to enjoy each day for what it brings
  10. Thanks for the correction Strykes mate - blame a long journey home on the M25 and being too impatient to log on to check for updates (nothing to do with old age... )
  11. Guys, just a little heads-up...

    Art of War are running a cozzie competition on Union (Saturday the 4th at 7pm GMT under the Atlas Globe - see the Union boards for more info) and Ghost Raptor has very generously donated 3 PPD codes for the 3 finalists.

    Feel free to come on down and join in
  12. Definitely building towards a great story mate - easy to get into, easy to read, and I NEED to know what was in those trees

    Keep it going bud
  13. Fulcrum

    Why CoX Rocks!

    Couldn't have put the original post any better myself...

    I've tried a heap of MMOs and CoX always proves to be the best game for finding a team, having fun in whatever time I have available, character customisation, player attitudes and all the other reasons listed already.

    It shoots, it scores.. back of the net!!
  14. So, would it be safe to say that the OP wasn't just pwned in pvp, he's been pwned here too?

    I'm not a huge fan of pvp but when I saw 'nerf regen' come up all over again I just groaned and had to read the rest.

    My limited experience of pvp with my regen isn't much to go on, but he definitely, positively did not feel overpowered as he was chain held in SC once upon a time.
  15. Fulcrum

    Zortel Hit 50!

    Just adding my gratz to everyone else's.
    Nice one Z
  16. Gratzifications Maxi, always good to see a friend get to 50
  17. Fantastic!
    Big gratz (again!) buddy. Sorry I wasn't there for the ding (too much RL stuff at the moment) but I should be there for the next one (or two or three )
  18. Pleased to report that I was on the team when Rita dinged, and it was in fact a double-dinging mission as my PB also hit 50.

    Big gratz to Rita - genuinely one of those people who you're so glad you bumped into!
  19. Fulcrum

    Best SG

    [ QUOTE ]
    Define "best"...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'd say it depends on the individual. You'll be happiest with people who you find you get on with and who play the game as you want to play it.

    I know that sounds a bit vague, but I really think that one scrapper's RP is another Kheldian's PvP.. or something
  20. I'm glad you enjoyed a great PvP experience - I was never a great fan of it but I was fortunate enough to have a SG boss who saw the potential in it and introduced us to PvP. (Thanks Zak, and Art of War ftw !!! lol)

    It's given me some of the most adrenaline-fuelled fun in the city so far! You might have some bad ones too but it really can be a whole bunch of fun when everyone takes part in the right spirit. Not for everyone, but I'm certainly a convert.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Jealousy is a terrible thing Rock_Eagle. Doesn't mean you can go dragging good peoples names through the mud though does it. However what you think of Art of War has nothing to do with this post, so keep your comments to yourself!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thanks Tene.
    I respect everyone's right to an opinion, even though it may seem to have sometimes been based on assumptions rather than facts. Happy to team with Rock Eagle sometime if it might help to put the record straight.
    'Nuff said.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Well, if you're looking for a dedicated PvP SG, then Art of War is the one for you.

    The only SG i've come up against that actually made us sit back and realise we may as well have not shown up for the raid. They all have dedicated builds designed specifically for PvP.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thanks for that Kinslayer.
    It's always nice to receive recognition from someone else who steps up to the plate and gives it their best shot.
    Such praise highlights the good-natured spirit that usually accompanies these matches.
  22. Good fight all round.

    There were a few choice comments broadcast in anger during the fight but that's only to be expected in the heat of battle - I can understand when those feelings arise out of frustration.

    Made us think about our approach and adapt to what we saw.
    Dr Death built it up nicely with his 'evil villain' approach and I'd like to think we did the heroes of Paragon City proud.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    ...or finding out your wife took the credit card with her whilst doing the christmas shopping!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My god, I have no shields that can possibly protect against that kind of pain!!!

    Negative energy pain...
    I'd imagine it's like being hit with a pulse of absolute coldness as the negative energy blasts the positive energy away from your body, followed by the kind of weakness that you feel with bad flu, or like being starving hungry (ie. no energy).
  24. Welcome to the biggest, friendliest, funnest time-sink in the whole history of my gaming life!

    Oh, and if you didn't know already, you picked a great time to join us Worldwide, as we're at the beginning of a whole bunch of Christmas goodies coming our way! Snowball, anyone?

    Oh, and grav/empath 'trollers ftw, btw.