Just a thought about pain......




I was just wondering, what would getting blasted by a Dark Nova feel like? We all know what smashing and lethal feels like, if you've hit your head on something or cut yourself on one of those darned kitchen contraptions, an electricity blast would feel like those shocks you get when you touch something you shouldn't , fire and ice feels like......well, fire and ice , and energy feels like one of those James-Bond-slash-Austin-Powers type giant lasers we all come across at some point in our lives , but what about negative energy? Does it feel like evil ? Or does it feel like chunks of you are being bitten off, as it is negative? I thought that with our highly enlightened Kheldian minds we could club together to come up with an answer, so that i may sleep once again........


"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."



It feels like your life is drained out of you, then stuffed in a blender, mixed, then you're forced to drink it, only to repeat the process.



I've never thought about what such an injury would feel like, though I have considers what quantum weaponry feels like for a Kheldian. Something akin to be ripped apart, molecule by molecule; or finding out your wife took the credit card with her whilst doing the christmas shopping!!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



...or finding out your wife took the credit card with her whilst doing the christmas shopping!!

[/ QUOTE ]

My god, I have no shields that can possibly protect against that kind of pain!!!

Negative energy pain...
I'd imagine it's like being hit with a pulse of absolute coldness as the negative energy blasts the positive energy away from your body, followed by the kind of weakness that you feel with bad flu, or like being starving hungry (ie. no energy).



I'd imagine negative energy pain to be more like a feeling of weakness, like some of the energy has been sucked out of you, weak at the knees, light headed, et cetra...

Wait a minute! Warshades are behind my panic attacks!



Has anyone ever had that feeling when you've been swimming in the sea for ages and you feel really cough-ey, but when you do cough your chest feels really horrible and cold and tight and hurty and sick... that's what I imagine negative energy to feel like, actually.



id think it will feel like a cold wet fish being shoved down your throat while strips of your soul are torn away, or like ur getting very old very fast



Third film/book so nyerrr



Like being shot by a hangover?



Probably, Energy feels like the phisics coming up against you, and Negative feels like the phisics coming up FROM you, aka life obsorving...


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad