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  1. sounds like i'm fairly "pure " then
    take all the empathy power sets soon as they are available and keep up with a few of my secondarys for the very odd occasion when im not healing/ buffing
    also taking leadership pool along the way

    but what ever..i like the power set and love playing as an emp..which as i see it is the whole point.(that and enjoying the game).and looking after my team is a very big part of it
  2. This has probably been discussed a million and one times instance today prompts me to ask..

    "How pure do you have to be to be a PURE empath??"

    as i was on a team and was told by the defender on duty..dont worry im a pure empath
    ive curently got 2 defenders, one thats empathy/archery
    and my newest one thats empathy /rad
  3. Frosttzone


    yup takes a very long time. when i got mine took all night, then crashed as got to the final 30 mins, ended up going out in a strop and buying more expensive city of villans as less update needed. but look on the good side, by the time you got it updated the new update for issue 8 will be needing to load( tom 1pm) so morw waiting.
    it is worth it honest
  4. im a female who plays female chars..mainly for the reason my son plays on the same account and he sticks to male ones( hes 14) makes it less confusing for our global friends.
    But that asside i havent had gifts of inf or anything else.
    i tend to call every1 huni in game if i dont know them..just my friendly way..but never really thought whether peeps thought was i male or female until i was really slow getting into a mission one day..i was asked where i was, and replyed i was just cleaning my bath this the 2 guys i was playing with responded that at least they knew i had to be a real woman cos a man wouldnt have been doing it was a bit too multitasking for most men
  5. i'll be there if possible ( work evenings a lot of the time)..if not my stand in frosttzone will make it
  6. random people send you tells asking if you have got a lvl 50..and would you therefore be willing to power lvl them.
  7. Frosttzone

    Balaban hits 50

    BIG congratulations mate
    im very near yet so far
    well done my best mate here
  8. try the storm warriors
    ive recently joined them..25 or so in the a good base
    and more importantly a really chatty, friendly bunch of people who also arrange in game events.e.g. hide and seek or a quiz
  9. Frosttzone

    Why a Defender?

    having just sat and read this thread i'll tell you why a defender
    cos i like to be a defender..i dont have time to be bored..i find keeping my team mates buffed up and healthy..especially in a big team..keeps me more than busy and if the unusual happens and i find im not doing that then i get stuck in to the fight and blast a few things.
    yes i may not be able to solo, and this does mean i have to scout around for team mates occasionally, but i still love silver lady and have made it to lvl 45 all be it slower than my blaster mates