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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    hmmm never thought of it in that direct manner.

    That happens quite often in real life too.

    Landlord just didnt want the apartments anymore so he just stop renewing the leases and when the last one was done, he tore the buildings down.

    He was making a profit, living good but he just got tired of the apartment buisness ad decided to rid of the buildings. Been two years and last we spoke, he still wasnt sure with what he was going to do with the land yet.

    Please one thing tho. Just because I don't agree with that other persons analogy, it doesn't mean I think NCSoft is innocent of doing anything wrong. The way they chose to handle the closure was in my personal opinion dishonorable.

    The closure wasn't a snap decision. They were discussing it months in advance and chose to keep silent in order to milk as much money from us as possible right up to and including the way they released the announcement thru the devs.

    Hell, I was actually on my way to renew my sub and buy points for the new power sets when I saw/read the announcement on the forums.

    If they had been up front with us months ago and told us they were discussing the future of the game, we'd have had plenty of time to get used to the idea. We'd have had a chance to rally and try to save the game. Sure some people would have stopped spending money but a lot more of us would have spent more than ever.

    As it is the animosity NCSoft has generated is deserved.

    That being said the people that are foaming at the mouth like rabid dogs (on both sides) aren't helping their causes. All their accomplishing is making it easier for the other side to dismiss the reasonable arguments being made.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    I heard a recent rumor that seems legit claiming SW:TOR may also be shut down sooner rather than later. It was mid-level scuttlebutt from the EA financial side (Schwab), saying they've lost more than 63% of their customers in their social games so they're thinking of "re-focusing their digital store strategy." (His words, not mine.)
    That wouldn't surprise me, just don't say it anywhere on their forums. There's a solid core of die hards that sit in their parents basements and try to "force-choke" anyone that suggests the game isn't 100% healthy. Or as they say, "I find your lack of faith disturbing."
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
    It's that "just" at the end that's the problem.

    For me, that's exactly what's being taken away from me - the future. I still had many characters I still wanted to get to 50, many characters still in my head waiting to be created, many storylines I'll never get to see in the actual game, many new powersets and powerset combinations I wanted to try (including some that aren't actually in the game yet - my Wind/Storm Controller, for example).

    People have compared it to losing beloved family members or pets, but maybe a better analogy would be finally finding a small but beautiful house for you and your family, spending years learning about the house's little quirks, and enjoying decorating and redecorating it to suit your whims.

    And then, while you're reading about a new chair that's coming out in a few weeks that would look perfect in your living room, some big corporation comes along, throws you out on the street, rips your house out of the ground, puts it on a truck, and moves it to somewhere unknown. Everything you spent on that house is gone. All the things you created and built for it are gone. Everything you were planning to add to the house is now just a "what might have been".

    Sure, you still have your happy memories of living in that house, but you're still homeless. Your comfortable routine in a familiar environment has still been shattered and tossed to the winds by some uncaring third party. And, worst of all, your house still physically exists, but some faceless organization refuses to give it back to you (even at a new location) and won't even say why.

    "It's okay, other places to live exist" is not comforting. "Why, there's a rat-infested apartment in the slums available!" is not comforting. However, "Hey, there's a billion-dollar mansion available! It's much better than your old one!" is not comforting either when it costs more than you could ever afford to pay.

    So, telling me that I'll just have to start yet another ten-year search to find a second game that suited me as much as CoH did, some other place that lets me create all the characters that are in my head (once I recreate all the ones I already had at my fingertips), some other place where the devs are as open and talkative and excited as they were in CoH, some other game that will run on a three-year-old Macintosh in less than 5 GB of HD space (this is the "billion-dollar mansion" part of the analogy: my computer can't run brand-new games like The Secret World, so it doesn't matter how good they are), "that's all", not only isn't comforting, it's downright condescending.

    "That's all" is not the same as "that's easy". Not even close.

    I want my home back.
    Unfortunately that isn't what happened here. You didn't buy a house. At best you were renting a house. A house you that you never had any chance of owning. And knowing that you would never own the house you still chose to make "improvements" to the house knowing you couldn't legally take them with you when you left or were forced to leave.

    Now your landlord has told you he's not renewing the lease and you have 90 days to be off the premesis because the buildings being torn down. And you can't pretend that you didn't know this couldn't happen because the landlord already did the same thing to half a dozen other houses he owned on the same block.

    Come Nov 30th the sheriff's coming by to make sure everyone is out of the building.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
    I wasn't complaining, I was stating a fact.
    And I was confirming it as a fact. Do you always get defensive when someone agrees with you?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
    Yeah, CO is and was designed to be a comic book game and nothing else.
    Yeah, that was their goal. They specifically wanted to capture the feel of super hero COMIC books, and they succeeded. I personally don't like it, but they wanted everything to look and feel like a comic book.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Yes, MJ's family complained when they noticed it after his passing.
    Why'd they object? Was the dancing zombie touching little boys?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    **** me I get the rental part I have cable and a phone and internet but this is like my cable company cancelling their service then stopping by to try and take my television and my internet provider trying to take my computer, get it? NCsoft cancelled their service and now are taking my game.

    I wont play any games that are strictly online only anymore waste of money and time for myself.
    Not trying to give you a hard time, but it's more like the TV network cancelling the program you like to watch. Or the cable company deciding to stop broadcasting a particular network. The TV programs and networks don't belong to you.

    Oh and cable companies do expect you to return their cable boxes when you stop using their services. At least all the ones I've ever dealt with have.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    This times one thousand.

    They haven't added any substantial new content since early 2010, yet they constantly have their hand out with the cash shop.

    Our devs added the market and content creation increased substantially. You could see the money was being invested back into the game. Costumes, missions, power sets all released regularly for free and for pay.

    CO added their cash store and they manage to put out maybe a single costume set in a year, re-skins of existing travel powers and zero missions and gameplay content. And none of it 'free'.

    Yes the servers are still on but the game is essentially brain dead. So don't get too attached because I wont be surprised if it's not there a year from now. Especially if they don't get the big population and spending boom they're expecting from CoH closing.


    I think they're more focused on adding new stuff to STO than CO. STO has a much larger available fanbase to attract.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    I just don't trust those people with Star Wars or video games.
    Ah. Perfectly understandable. I got burned by Paramount or whoever it was that owns the Star Trek IP when they pulled the license on the old Star Trek RPG just before they released Next Gen, and then again when Turner or whoever it was that pulled the license on the B5 games being made by AoG (with no explanation) so I understand not trusting an IP holders.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Assuming Disney doesn't can this game before the f2p launch I look forward to checking it out.
    Don't see why they would. BW/EA is the one that has to worry about making a profit.

    As for the setting, it takes place long before any of the movies so it doesn't conflict with any official canon they'll be making.

    So outside of pulling the IP just to be a bunch of Richards there's no reason to do it.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post
    When is TOR going F2P?

    I didn't like it well enough during beta to buy it (too linear, simplistic and solo-based) but for free I might give it another try.
    They said f2p was being launched in the fall, so it's most likely going to happen sometime this month in November. I haven't heard of a specific date yet.

    For me the biggest disappointment was the extremely restricted character/costume creator where you can be any race as long as it's human.

    You'll want to read up on the f2p restrictions. Here's the link.

    Hope that helps you make up your mind.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
    I've been reading the CO forums lately, and one thing that really worries me is that there seems to be nothing on the horizon there. Unlike CoH, which has been getting a new zone every two issues (and huge zone revamps on the issues in between) and a constant flow of new powersets, CO has gotten exactly one new zone since it launched (and that addition was years ago) and there's nothing about any new powersets on the horizon (except for an occasional reskin of existing travel powers)

    If a game like CoH, one with excited devs and frequent content updates, can die so abruptly, can a game with silent devs and no content updates have any long-term viability? I don't want to actually find myself liking it only to have it also yanked out from under me.
    Got my monies worth on the LTS to that game well before it went f2p, and the free points I get each month since it went f2p has been steadily reducing my initial investment cuz I haven't spent a dime on it since it launched.

    They can cancel it at any time.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
    On the harbinger server, there is a guild Republic Paragons. We have only just formed, however, we are comprised of former CoH'ers. If you decide to go to a galaxy far, far away, let me know if you would like to join us. We will soon be starting an Empire guild as well, once we have enough empire side characters formed (currently only about 1-2 shy).

    My main character's screen name is Hagimond, you can also contact Zutharan, in game or email me here.

    Have to admit this is tempting but currently waiting to see what happens when F2P hits with server transfer prices as all my characters were put on Bergeren's Crossing when they forcibly merged the servers.

    I will make a note of this tho, and give it serious consideration as soon as I hear about the transfers.

    It's not that I don't mind rerolling but I'd hate to give up on my Trooper after I got him to his mid 20's before I cancelled last January.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NinjaPirate View Post
    I for one am not playing because I am one of the many folks in the eastern US without power due to a hurricane.

    Didn't you know the hurricane was an NCSoft plot to keep the people who've been badmouthing them offline.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    People tend to get defensive when it's pointed out that what they did was stupid. They may even privately agree in retrospect but publicly they are going to try to build some kind of plausible explanation as to why their action didn't seem stupid at the time.

    I think his original explanation was that after three weeks of no info about refunds, coupled with all the "NCSoft is EBIL" talk, he panicked. He was also ignorant about what happens to an account the requested a charge back. Stories from players who said their SO didn't recognize the charge, disputed it and now their account got locked were few and far between so that's not surprising.

    "Yeah, yeah, patience. How long will that take?"

    He didn't wait three weeks. When asked when he filed the charge back he stated filed the charge back right after the shutdown announcement was made. He was quite clear on that.

    I quoted his posts where he made that clear in responses to his one or two supporters.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    It's also human nature to call people sheep to make yourself feel better/unique
    (Hey at least you didn't call me a NCSoft apologist or employee)
    People are called sheep because they act like sheep and blindly follow their "flock" instead of acting responsibly and using their brains.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Let's be generous. It may simply have been anger and/or stupidity, rather than actual attempted fraud.

    The way he got defensive and abusive rather than answering simple questions

    Did his aunt pay for the sub on her CC?

    If so did his aunt get the refund and not notice it?

    If his aunt paid for the sub was she aware he filed for a charge back?

    made it clear to all but a couple people that he attempted fraud.

    There was also his admission in his third or fourth post that he filed the charge back before refunds were even mentioned because he wanted a larger refund than he assumed was going to be issued.
  18. Every multi-player game has jerks. Heck even single player games have jerks.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    I would agree with you that it's just harmless humor if it weren't for the fact that we've seen this before. I think every single person I know who is now eligible to vote for the first time will be supporting Obama because they saw the Daily Show and it was funny and Romney is evil. It worked against McCain too, this cheap way of cornering the young vote. I even know some actual adults who fall for it.
    So voting against Romney just because he's evil is fine but laughing about him is too much.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
    And I'm not convinced that the one who posted about it on Facebook was really banned, or if they were that it was because of FB posts. Smells like a stunt to try and get publicity / sympathy to me.
    Even if he was he could simply be the one guy that got banned for spamming the boards here, not for what was said on some social network. In my experience it's rare to find an individual that admits their own fault for getting banned.

    I have no doubt that the person who initiated a chargeback got banned though. But they were at least up front about exactly what they did, even if they didn't seem to understand why it was a problem.
    Well we know his main account was banned for making the charge back. That's standard policy. But all we know for certain about the second account is that the thread was deleted. We're assuming because he hasn't posted again that that account was banned as well. It's possible he just stopped posting because he couldn't cope with being told NCSoft was well within their rights to ban him for making the charge back.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Like I said, there was that one guy just after the closing announcement that crosspost on every board, simply repeating the same links that TonyV had with an extra large savecoh sig graphic. When asked to refrain he got 8 ways indignant and decried that those people were traitors. If this was real life he would have been one asking for an inquisition to route out those who aren't of the "true faith".

    Then one day all his posts vanished and he was never heard of again.
    Thanks for that info. I assume that when you say on every board you mean on our forums? If so we have two people that got banned for being stupid on our forums. Not because of what they were posting on social networks like the OP's rumor suggests.

    And two people getting banned over a two month period don't constitute a pattern of behaviour from NCSoft.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
    If backlash is so meaningless, do tell why NCSoft is banning accounts over it. This should be good.

    Who the hell has been banned over this? The ONLY person we know that's been banned for certain was the idiot that had his account closed because he filed a charge back on his aunts credit card, and we assume ended up losing that second account as well because he used an alternate account to get around being banned.

    Neither of which have anything directly to do with what NCSoft is being accused of.

    1 idiot getting banned for credit card fraud and gross stupidity doesn't equate to a NCSoft implementing a campaign to silence negative comments.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    it amazes me how stupid, bigoted, and uneducated some people are there.
    I worked customer service for many years and now I simply assume everyone is like that. It's less frustrating, and it's a treat to encounter the rare individual that isn't.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    I'm all for humor, but not at the expense of the future of my country.

    "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." --George W. Bush, Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000

    To hear the audio clip.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    Fair enough... for me, i bought my copy from the Guild Wars 2 website directly, instead of via the NCsoft store page. Both end up on the same actual page though, so if you are already buying the game from the NCsoft site, you already know that NCsoft are linked to the game.

    If, however, you bought the game direct from the Guild Wars 2 website, you *wouldnt* necessarily know that NCsoft were behind the game. Well, not unless you decided to look at the bottom of the webpages.

    I do believe that when Arenanet were tweeting about where to buy it, it was direct to their own website to either buy it, or for a list of retailers for the Collectors Edition. So far, i have not seen a single tweet directing people to the NCsoft page (and i went back to the start of August). Strangely enough, on the official Guild wars 2 facebook page, there is *no* link to the NCsoft store page... everything is direct to the Guild Wars site (which does make sense).

    Not saying that it is a bad thing, but those who would be going via the NCsoft store page, are more than likely going to be those who already have an NCsoft account. I (rather surprisingly) now very rarely buy stuff from the publishers website unless it is the *only* place where I can get it (like stuff on Origin right now). Well, unless I buy hard copy (which I do prefer overall though), where I then go for the best retail deal I can find.

    I think what we've seen while coming at this from two different directions is that the way things are set up it is easy for people to get confused about which "company" owns a given game, or if they are even seperate companies at all.