11059 -
Quote:Yeah. I wasn't expecting it and it caught me by surprise.Not so sure... when I unlocked mine it was after completing Act 1, which is *around* level 30ish. I think I was actually level 32 or something when i got round to completing Act 1.
I hadn't yet unlocked my Legacy name before yesterday. I was prompted to pick a name when I logged in yesterday. Don't know if that's a bug or not. I sure wasn't high enough level only 26.
Quote:I guess I never realized how many different pets and speeders were in the game. I only started noticing when I was looking at some fthe items that were listed in the Cartel Packs.<edit>
The pets window/vehicle window are seperate to the "tool bars" that you can pay to unlock. Some people like having htem on the trays, others like having them just in the powers window.
Returning player here, and yes, I have quite a few pets... 10 or so. And then there are the 6 speeders that I have (although I can and will buy more).
Abilities wise, I actually have no problem with, it is just that with clickables, "dueling" powers (kick/punch etc), relic clickables and consumables, you can quite easily start running out of space.
It is just bar management in the end, one that I have no problems with overall, especially as I have clicked med packs/stims etc from my inventory before. I do the same in WoW... keep one sort on the bar, and the rest in the inventory before I can use it.
Which is slightly different to CoX though, in that you cannot activate powers from your "powers window" and it has to be from the tray (or at least I have never managed to activate it via a click in the powers window) -
In STO you can trade in Dilithium for store credit. Or at lleast you used to be able to do that. Not sure if it's changed.
Quote:There are three skills you can buy on the store. The first starts at level 10 Speeder Piloting I. at 25 you can buy/use Speeder Piloting II, I forget what level Speeder Piloting III is usable at.Ugh...
Do you have to be subbed or pay to unlock mount usage? I wanted to finish up the Imperial Agent story but traveling through Alderaan was torture (and that was with a mount)
Like hell I'm running through that place at default speed on foot.
Each skill level increases the speed you travel when using a mount, And I think a speeder bike is available for sale on the store as well. -
Well the F2P nerdrage is going on in full swing over in a galaxy far far away. Everything from a dozen variations of
"They said this would be F2P but I have to pay for all the good stuff! That isn't F2P!!!"
"F2P Possibly worst mistake for SWTOR because f2per's have flooded all the starter planets. There was people every where."
Seriously? F2P is a mistake because there's too many people playing.
People will pancake about anything. -
Quote:So it went from standing in the hole under an outhouse while getting crapped on to standing in the hole under an outhouse, and getting crapped on while your naughty bits are repeatedly smashed between two bricks.I've talked with some folks who were playing Cryptic games around the time their CS department got folded into PWE's system.
General sentiment is the service quality took a nosedive under PWE.
I'm so glad I stopped spending money in that game. -
IMO Cryptic's CS was horrible before they were picked up by PWE. I never got a response to any petitions, and I just gave up trying to get things fixed. So I can't say if PWE's CS is better by comparison. Also since I gave up on CS I stopped spending money in their cash shop. I get by on the free points from the LTS I bought before launch.
The only people attached to TOR are the ones that have been subbed since Launch. They are mostly the die hard loyal customers. Not fanbois, not dev stooges, just loyal customers like we have/had here fr 8 years. Sure there are a few of the other two types, but you only notice them because they have the biggest "mouths" and it's easy to ignore them on a forum.
I bought two rename tokens yesterday but only got one. Gonna check later to see if the second was just a hiccup. I was having problems yesterday getting access to the store. Kept to refresh by clicking Home but it wouldn't refresh. So I kept trying to open it until it succeeded.
Edit: Okay just finished checking. No second rename token but the points I spent on the second token were refunded, so I have no complaints. -
Oh wait, you said BEETLE not Bug. Nevermind For a second I thought you was trashing my main car Herbie, and we was gonna have to throw down.
Yeah Audi's mop the floor with Beetles. -
Quote:Whether or not that is true, in this case E_L is correct. 50+ years ago was 1962. The most current computer game at that time was called Spacewar and it was played on the PDP-1 computer.Oh, seeing as we're all leaving anyway, I'll just say this:
Evil_Legacy, you were my least favorite person on the forums. You were an unfunny doomcaller who couldn't stop raining on everyone's parade to think about any of the incorrect drivel you post in these hallowed threads. I don't know who you think you are, but I can say this: You are a terrible person and a worse forumite.
That is all.
Seriously, I love all you guys... but not that guy.
Know anyone that owns one of these outside of a museum?
The two computer games before that in 1959 were Mouse in the Maze and Tic Tac Toe played on the TX-0.
Before this was the game Tennis for Two from 1958 which was played on an analog computer and vector display of an oscilloscope
And in 1952 Noughts and Crosses was played on the EDSAC computer
In 1951 the game of Nim was played on the NIMROD computer. The first computer specifically designed to play a computer game.
Before that the game of chess was programmed to play on the Ferranti Mark I but could only be programmed to solve mate in two moves.
And finally the first computer gamemade in 1947 was a missle simulator designed to be played on a cathode ray tube amusement device. The game was never marketed or sold to the public.
Now the first Arcade game called Galaxy Game was released in 1971
Two months later another company released Computer Space.
1972 saw the release of the first two home video game consoles.
Pong and Odyssy
So no people are not still playing 50+ year old computer games.
Edit: And actual "Video" games weren't sold until the 70's. -
Quote:No. I'm a Chicagoan.
There's a subtle, but IMPORTANT difference.
ALWAYS remember this.
That's why Hyper has such a hard time finding decent pizza shops in Chicago. They need to breed with outsiders from other parts of the country in order to restore pizza palate genes. -
Quote:That seems to be a universal truth wherever you live. Especially when joints start opening chains. When they start out they try to make the best product possible but soon it's about mass production using the cheapest ingredients possible to make the most money.Chicago Deep Dish is Chicago Deep Dish.
Chicago pizza is something else entirely.
It's a thin THIN crust pizza. And it's damnably hard to find the really good stuff nowadays. Usually it's some hole-in-the-wall pizza joint.
NY pizza? Bleargh! I spent a year and a half in NY. That pathetic pie they slop in NY isn't pizza. I mean, it's better than starving (but only slightly). But it's not pizza. -
Nicely said.
I'd also like to raise a glass to salute all my brothers and sisters the world over that chose to stand in harm's way to protect the people and things they loved most.
And another glass in honor of the fallen. Tho it saddens me that we cannot share a drink with them on this day, I know one day we will be reunited and stand together once more against the darkness. -
Quote:Wait. Are you buying lunch?If you REALLY want to know that bad, come down to Chicago, I'll take you out to lunch and insult you to your face so there's no equivocation on the matter. Work for your wangst.
If I lived near Chicago I'd let Hyper take me out to lunch and insult me every gorram day as long as he was buying.
I'd even antagonize him to keep him buying me lunch. I'd probably rub his nose in the fact that Chicago Deep Dish isn't pizza it's merely a variation of savory pie. Extremely tasty and delicious pie, but still just pie.
The only pizza is NY style.
Deep Dish is to pizza what Soy milk is to milk.
So if Hyper is a true Chicagonian I could probably get years of free meals out of him as we fight over why chicago is wrong about what they think makes a pizza.
Hell I could probably get a lot of dinner's out of it as well.
Sadly I live too far away. -
Quote:No one is on the same servers since launchMy wife will have to rename her character (when she gets bored with GW2 and goes back) and she's on the same server we started on back at launch; some people have a right to complain.
They have done two different server consolidations the first time they shut down some of the low pop servers that were in the game at launch.
The second time they shut down the remaining servers that were in the game at launch and transfered every single account to brand new improved servers.
And for some unknown reason they chose to reuse a few of the names of the old servers.
If you take time to read up on the second server consolidation that was done in September, you would know that EVERY SINGLE PLAYER CHARACTER was run through a checking algorythim against other characters before ALL characters were moved into brand new super severs. During the check, if there were duplicate names... the checking program followed a complex set of rules to decide who got to keep a name and who had to rename.
Personally I think it was a stupid idea to reuse the old server names for just this reason. Using the old names just confuses people into thinking they are entitled to a name because they think they are still on the original server and have seniority when they don't. -
Don't you just love the crybabies that cancelled their subs months ago only to return after two different server merges and are upset they have to rename their characters.
Damn straight.
If you'd like to disagree tell it to the thousands of Americans that died in our most recent wars overseas.
Tell it to the familys that lost their loved ones
or the 500+ American amputees due to the Iraq War.
or the 360,000 U.S. veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts who have suffered traumatic brain injuries (TBI), including 45,000 to 90,000 veterans with persistent symptoms requiring specialized care.
Then there's the data contained in the Army's fifth Mental Health Advisory Team report which indicates that, according to an anonymous survey of U.S. troops taken, about 12% of combat troops in Iraq and 17% of those in Afghanistan are taking prescription antidepressants or sleeping pills to help them cope.
In January 2008, the U.S. Army reported that the rate of suicide among soldiers in 2007 was the highest since the Army started counting in 1980. There were 121 suicides in 2007, a 20-percent jump over the prior year. Also, there were around 2100 attempted suicides and self-injuries in 2007.
A March 12, 2007, Time article reported on a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. About one third of the 103,788 veterans returning from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars seen at U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs facilities between September 30, 2001, and September 30, 2005, were diagnosed with mental illness or a psycho-social disorder, such as homelessness and marital problems, including domestic violence. More than half of those diagnosed, 56 percent, were suffering from more than one disorder. The most common combination was post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.
Tell it to the American economy that could have used the trillion dollars that was spent by the government fighting those last wars.
Oh and lets not forget the US allies that also died and were permanently injured helping us over there.
Nope. There are no winners in war. Just survivors.
Disabled Veteran
United States Navy
USS Austin LPD-4
Potestas Maritimas per Mobilitate -
Quote:I agree that a pure V:tM wouldn't last long in the CoH setting, but the problem as I see it is that we weren't seeing pure V:tM vampires. What we had in CoH was a blending of genres which could lead to almost anything being possible.I'm not saying it wasn't possible, I'm saying if you followed the lore of V:tM andhad them in CoH...with all those fire using enemies/heroes...they wouldn't last long
What happens when a vampire turns a super hero? Does the hero suddenly lose his abilities? Or does he become something even more powerful?
With the rampant super science, technology, and magic isn't it possible a device/spell/amulet exists that can be easily reproduced which filters out UV radiation around the person wearing it.
There's far too many ways a person could justify a CoH version of V:tM for me to argue with them so I just let them enjoy RPing what they wanted. -
Quote:If NCSoft suddenly changed it's mind and decided to keep CoH running it would be at best a pyrrhic victory."Victory" would be for NCSoft to either continue running CoH or to sell it to another company who'd keep it running.
The dev team has broken up and taken jobs at other companies, and there aren't many players that would return to the game after the way NCSoft has treated us.
CoH wouldn't be able to survive a relaunch under NCSoft ownership and would once again be shut down.
The only way CoH could continue is under completely new management that has no connection to NCSoft.