11059 -
Quote:I haven't defended any company killers. The corporates and the bakers union are both responsible for screwing over the majority of the Hostess employees.Stop defending these company-killers. They aren't "job creators," they're business destroyers, plain and simple.
Unions are supposed to be about worker solidarity not stabbing your fellow coworkers in the back by being stubborn and getting everyone fired. -
Quote:It's a sad thing when the people side with the corporation which couldn't give a crap about you, and turn their backs on their fellow man.
Right. It wasn't the teamsters that put 18,000+ coworkers out of work by being stubborn greedy pancakes. But you keep telling yourself the bakers union are innocent victims. Everyone else sees them for what they really are.
Oh and if Vachon wants to expand their Canadian manufacturing and sell Twinkies to the US market, I say good for them. They'll be doing it without employing any of the people in the bakers union that worked for Hostess. -
True, but for how long? And how easy will it be for those people to get new jobs in this economy? Especially since everyone knows the members of the bakers union tanked 18,000+ jobs so they could get a chance at a few more dollars in their pockets. I wouldn't hire any of them.
Quote:You mean they get rid of the f2p business model and switch back to subs which wasn't making enough money in the first place?If NCSoft decided, for whatever reason, to turn Payments back on and Keep the Game...
Would You Stay?
Hell no. That would just be an underhanded attempt to trick more money out of us before shutting the game down again but this time for actually not showing a profit. -
Quote:So what. The Teamsters have union members working at UPS that get paid $29. bucks an hour, yet the Teamsters union chose to keep Hostess employees employed because they understood that a pay cut and steady work is right before Christmas is better than unemployment, no Christmas, and struggling to make ends meet.I copied this from Wikipedia......
"Twinkies are still produced in Canada by Saputo Incorporated's Vachon Inc. (at a bakery in Montreal) which owns the Canadian rights for the product from Hostess and is not affected by the actions in the United States."
Vachon is Unionized and employees make more than lol $17/hr.
Nuff Said. -
Thanks Angel. I will make every effort to be there.
I sincerely hope that the Hostess employees that weren't members of the baker's union find swift employment at new companies or at whatever companies that buy the rights to make Hostess products.
Quote:No it wasn't. For a couple of years base rent and the exact amount owed has been linked to certain items that players can purchase for a base. Among those items are the storage bins. Restricting the ability to pay rent to subscribers prevented nonsubscribers who didn't want to buy extra storage from the Paragon Market from exploiting the base feature by creating a bunch of solo bases that were nothing more than giant storage bins for their accounts.Can't pay base rent just cause I don't have a sub? Wow... that's really retarded.
The devs always maintained that bases were multi-player oriented content and were stubbornly dead set against adding any feature that made creating solo bases more convenient.
But any nonsubscriber that was willing to invite a VIP into their SG's was allowed to get around the rent restriction and use bases for storage.
Quote:And you'd think they'd let that slide with the game ending anyways.
If anyone had successfully managed to purchase the rights to keep CoH running making all the accounts VP would have screwed the new owners over, because people who never spent a dime on the game would have had access to features they never purchased.
Despite all that NCSoft didn't get around to disabling the players ability to upgrade their accounts with old box codes until the 19th of September. That gave players 3 weeks to upgrade their accounts and enjoy the final 90 days as VIP's.
Shutting off the ability to upgrade accounts had to be done once NCSoft was ready to start issuing refunds.
I'm sorry you missed out on the chance to upgrade your account to VIP status. -
Also not seeing an image, and need server/dimension names for both games. Will definitely try to make it, but may have familial commitments that night.
You know, after seeing some of the comments made by members of the baker's union on picket lines saying things like, "Shut it down, we'll get a better deal from the new owners!" I actually find myself hoping that whoever buys the rights to manufacture the Hostess products, takes it and incorporates those products into their own pre-existing manufacturing facilities even if it means everything gets moved to Mexico.
Wow. I just learned that PWE has disabled the ability to petition posts on the STO forums.
Quote:Talk about making people jump thru hoops.Quote:Hello,
Can anyone tell me how to report a post that is in violation of the community rules for this forum? In this case, it's someone spamming the same message over and over in multiple threads with a fake technical fix that in fact crashes peoples' machines.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
EDIT: The Perfect World ticket button 404s out, so that's not an option.Quote:Try a PM to pwebranflakes, that'll work, or if you're on Twitter send an @ to @PWE_Branflakes, those are the 2 ways I do it, until we get a report button on the site again -
Quote:Bingo. The bakers union is at least just as guilty as everyone else.And, from the same article:
"The Teamsters remain stuck in a time warp, unwilling to sufficiently adapt in a competitive marketplace."
Selective quotes can work both ways.
And the conclusion you quoted was written by some nobody who was summarizing and excerpting other articles. A better summary, from CNNMoney/Fortune.com said:
"But in truth there are no black hats or white knights in this tale. Its about shades of gray, where obstinacy, miscalculation, and lousy luck connived to create corporate catastrophe. Almost none of the parties involved would speak on the record. Still, its clear from court documents and background interviews with a range of sources that practically nobody involved can shoot straight: The Teamsters remain stuck in a time warp, unwilling to sufficiently adapt in a competitive marketplace. The PE firm failed to turn Hostess around after taking it over. The hedgies cant see beyond their internal rates of return. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera."
Sounds like there's plenty of blame for all parties involved. -
Still waiting for some word on server transfers. I really want to move at least one character off of Beregen Colony to the CoH guild.
It's interesting. I wish I had a budget that allowed me to contribute some cash to them. For some reason it only runs on Firefox for me. On IE it doesn't work at all.
Oh I forgot to mention it earlier, but I filed a petition about the chat problem I was having and I had a very helpful GM assist me and direct me to wherethe problem might lie if he/she couldn't resolve it with his/her tools. The response was fast, pleasant, and professional. My lousy short term memory prevents me from recalling the GM's name. I didn't think to write it down. grrr. I hate it when I can't remember a name.
Yes actually it is. The Baker's Union is not the innocent victims you want to believe they are. They had the power to keep everyone employed but they chose to screw everyone over. No amount of spin doctoring can change that.
Quote:The victim here is the employee who didn't belong to the baker's union or who did and voted against the strike action and is now out of a job.
The choice still boiled down to;
A) Quit yourself because you didn't like the new union contract the bankruptcy judge put into effect or;
B) Remain on strike even though the owners stated that if it wasn't resolved by Thursday evening, the company goes out of business and everyone is out of a job.
In either case you, a member of the baker's union who was for the strike will be out of a job but why should only you suffer for the holidays so you choose B.
They had the option to keep the company open, to keep everyone employed but they, the baker's union, chose to put everyone on the streets.
So the victims here were those who weren't in the baker's union but in one of the unions that agreed to the concessions or were in the baker's union but didn't vote to strike. Those are the people I feel sympathy towards. -
Quote:Ya know what, now that you mention it I don't think I've ever seen anyone chatting either. I assumed it was because I play infrequently and at odd hours.Maybe I've screwed something up with my settings, but I literally *never* see any chat. I see people, have done a couple of dungeons through the group finder, but my main's just finished egypt and i never see any one chatting
Okay got everything figured out and the channels seem to be working for me now. Not sure how it happened but when I copied the channels and pasted them onto my txt files I got a space before the slashes that I didn't notice. So everything was "space"/chat join. -
Quote:That $2500 figure is a scary lie used by people who don't like unions.
The reasons Unions are disliked are the same reasons Management is disliked. Disreputable scumbags get into leadership positions and abuse their power/authority for their own personal gain at the expense of other people.
Both Unions and Management can be great when the right people are working together for the betterment of all instead of looking out for themselves and screw anyone else. -
I wouldn't be surprised to learn that some of the anti-managment bias being presented in this thread stems from raw nerves over the way this game was shut down.
I've seen both unions and management make some pretty boneheaded demands at various jobs I've had so I've learned not to listen to the propaganda from either side. The truth almost always lies somewhere between what each side is claiming.
Thanks. I'll have to watch my copy cuz I don't remember that scene clearly. I recall the banter when they were watching a copy of the movie to find out where she was but not all the details.
Quote:I don't even consider CS when deciding to play a game. I'll play what I want, and if a problem shows up I'll generally just "suck it up" although I will search the internet for possible fixes or explanations. Guess I've been lucky as I've rarely had stuff lost in games. You might check if your DOFF (Duty Officers) assignments might have eaten up lost inventory items.
Oh I'll take CS into consideration if the problem is serious enough. For example:
When SW:TOR launched they had a problem with the security settings. The system screwed up something and people could not log into the game nor onto the forums. The only way to get it fixed was calling CS.
It took me two solid weeks of calling over and over at different times of the day just to get thru. Their automated system was hanging up on people instead of putting them in queue. Then once I got into the queue it was 4 1/2 hours before I was taken off hold.
A week before my free 30 days was to run out the launcher failed to work again, and I spent another week trying to get in touch with CS. The day before I was going to get billed for the net month I unsubbed. I wasn't paying for a game I couldn't even log into.
Quote:I've been playing STO for a month now, mostly for free except for a $10 time card. I levelled up a Fed character to 50 (cap), and a Klingon character (they start at level 20 after you unlock the option) to level 50. I've maxed the Klingon's ship with Mk XI purple weapons and equipment, haven't bothered to go for the uber Mk XII stuff you have to grind for (all for a < 1% increase in performance? I'll spend my time on doing fun stuff instead of grinding the boring "raids").
I haven't found the restrictions to be much, although hearing from some subbers that they couldn't live with them (example: "I cry when I'm below 20 million"). *shrug*
The 10 million EC (energy credits) limit hasn't been an issue for me as the most I've had at any one time is 5 million EC, twice, each time spent for a Fleet Ship Module (you need 4 for a high end ship option, that $10 bought the other two).
Inventory and bank limits haven't been a problem, either.