65 -
Got my 63 month badge a week ago, so I assume I'm in the first wave.
While I'm only an hour away, money is tight and I go back to college soon. Maybe next year.
No...no PvP is probably the most pathetic thing this game has ever produced. Bragging about it is even worse.
Hehe, don't worry guys, Champ it is for now. And as for those TPS reports, I had plenty of time on my break to get caught up on them, and I've now done next weeks too!
Wait... -
Hey D, for the last week I've been trying to get CoV to work and FINALLY did!
Ranma sent me a tell last night, like old times. I'm pretty sure he/she thinks that I'm still stalking him/her.
Issue 5 changes aside for a moment, be safe over there States' bro.
Upsen, how would you feel about Red for a Skranker? It's hard for me to change colors...
Very awesome guide Cuppa, helps me a ton seeing as I'm a sophmore in High School right now and want to get into the game business some way or another. I figure I'll have my best chance either in the Business or Writing fields, so this guide helps me a ton. By the way, any openings at Cryptic for writers in the future? Because writing for Coh/Cov would be like a dream come true!
Ok ya, sounds good Upsen. Hold or immoblilize, I can't tell the difference, I'm a tanker for God's sakes! But it's cool, I was planning on six-slotting Char anyways.
Upsen, quick question: I'm building my tanker so he'll have Ring of Fire six-slotted for Hammy so I can help out with the holds. Can I still stick with the Black and Grey costume and then jump with the controllers to hold? Or would I have to switch to a purple costume? Because purple is most definately NOT my color.
Awesome decision States, and that flashback system can't get here soon enough. With the 2 latest Updates, you brought excellent zones, trials, and missions into the fray, and I'm sure much more are planned for the future. I'd like my main to experience this stuff as soon as possible!