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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
    Why do you feel the need to challenge that?
    It's because of a little something called the "argumentative theory of reasoning", and it says essentially that humans didn't learn to ask questions and offer answers in order to find universal truths (or to have rational discussions). We did it as a way to gain authority over others (The "I'm right, you're wrong...even if I agree with you").

    Basically...We're Not Programmed to Seek "Truth," We're Programmed to "Win"

    (Modified from a mixture of an article on Cracked, and my sociology textbook.)

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Overlord View Post
    Totally signed, but sadly I doubt we'll be getting it, even though everyone seems to be in general agreement.
    If we bug them enough...
    One can always hope. I know that at each and every CoH event I go to, I'm going to KEEP bringing this up.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dante View Post
    And a joyous Yuletide to everyone at Paragon from me.

    I'm glad that this is a question being asked because I honestly do not feel like much of a VIP these days. I could go into a long list of things that I have disliked since Freedom launched but apparently, that's 'entitlement' according to some posters. On the whole, Freedom has been positive but as a tier 9 veteran, there is little I would lose from dropping to Premium. Access to the dire Incarnate system (although I am hoping the revamped DA will fix some of the issues I have with it, despite it still being stupidly complicated) and the Tier 9 armour (which, being pre-tinted, I have little interest in) is all I think.

    What bothers me most is how VIPs are treated exactly the same as other players when it comes to purchases. I have no problem with buying costume packs and powersets but there seems little benefit to being a VIP when doing so. As much as I despise the proposed Super Packs, the idea was announced with no concessions for VIPs. Surely as a VIP, I shouldn't be forced to gamble like the rest of the playerbase to get these exclusive items? Although I welcome the proposed changes, this was a place crying out for VIPs to get better treatment.

    The same goes for Titan Weapons. This set is going out with a tiny amout of options so that you can charge us more for further options. Instead, how about VIPs get all the skins thrown in for free, just because we're VIPs?

    It's this kind of thing that's frustrating to me. There are not enough places where it seems that being a VIP carries any perks. Sure, we get a whole server to ourselves and if you're lower down the reward tree, it's more apparent and I won't deny, £5 worth of points is nice every month. But there needs to be more places where being a VIP has apparent and obvious rewards. If you're looking to convert more Free and Premium players to VIP accounts, those rewards need to be more obvious and ongoing.

    For each new marketing initiative you guys come up with, consider how VIPs could be treated differently. You've already got our money, stop trying to squeeze more out of us by treating us the same as everyone else.

    Have a great holiday season.
  4. Firemoth

    Is "Gratz" dead?

    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
    Same here with Virtue.

    *Hides in fear from mentioning I play Virtue*
    *grabs pitchfork*
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
    Would be nice. Perhaps something for Tier 8/9 VIPs. Though that's excluding myself from that. Boo : (.
    Same here
  6. Firemoth

    CoX Bucket List?

    1) Get one of each AT to 50 (workin on that....Blaster, Scrapper, Defender, Tanker, MM done)
    2) Play an Epic AT on Hero side for more than 10 levels (FAIL)
    3) Get invited to a closed beta (*cross fingers*)
    4) Get FEMALE PETS as an option for MM (Working on this)
    5) Um....not pausing in the middle of a TF to go into the other room to smack my husband (playfully) for a snarky comment he made about me to the group. (FAIL)
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    I demand that this happens. MMs are such a sausage-fest.
    I just spit my soda.....But yeah, pretty accurate there.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Because Nightstar's creator is a male and follows the rule of "Style is important"?
    And he's lonely and single.
  9. Firemoth

    Is "Gratz" dead?

    Originally Posted by houtex View Post
    And all teams, which lately have been 40+, have said the Gratz to me, and me back at them, but methinks thats 'cause Pinnacle's cool like that.
    Same with the groups I run with on Champion. And on the sewer trials, we tend to say "Perma-Gratz!"
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    While I wish the slider went smaller as well, one has to realize this game doesn't do adolesents very well, as in not at all.
    At least they fixed the female taunt voice to be different than the male taunt voice on several of the powersets. That scared me the first time I made a small petite female tank and hit taunt, only to get a beefy male voice coming out of her.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Read a comic or manga, and you'll know how
    They have anti-grav packs in their breasts, right?
    Because I've watched plenty of animes where the females breasts defy gravity (seriously, watch Voltage Fighter Gowkaiser...they go in two opposite directions when she shakes her head)

    Then again, of the comics I read where women have those boots, they tend to fly or hover more than walk, and the's pretty much Shonen-ai. (Or high fantasy)
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post

    As long as you're VIP you can play beta.
    Yeah, I'm off and on the open beta all the time. What I'm really wanting is the closed beta (wishful thinking, I know).
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
    (23" widescreen, 1920x1080 res)

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
    In all seriousness, this is a complaint I've heard frequently in game over the past two years (since I subscribed), and I was kind of bewildered the first time I noticed how ample the smallest allowed size is.
    I developed a new love for the baggy shirts when I noticed this. I have one character who happens to be a prepubescent Praetorian runaway...who apparently has implants....
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    So, for complete sets we have Steampunk, then Barbarian and then Gunslinger.
    I should probably clarify for my post, I started at the "Going Rogue" expansion, so for me, yes it was in my eyes sexy after sexy after sexy.

    Steampunk was mostly fine with a 'feh, no jacket' which was a major complaint from the Magic Pack two entire years prior. Surely they should have noticed that back then? Apparently not.
    I think the steampunk jacket could be considered 2 sleeves and a collar (not dissing it, just saying it's not really a jacket)

    Then came Barbarian, with the first 'This is a bit silly' moment with thigh high, high heeled boots and furry edged skirts and the like.
    Still trying to figure out how we're supposed to run in those things....

    And then we got Gunslinger. With all that entailed.

    That's three complete, themed and paid for packs in a row. That's not 'misrepresenting' anything, really.

    Also, Rian, would it seriously kill you to use paragraphs or basic capitalisation? Walloftext is not a pretty thing.
    /seconded. Brain...hurty....
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
    You sound like a wonderful, loving, mom....don't change.

    Yeah, they're just not going to like me when they wake up. Went over their grades and found about 20 missing assignments and several Fs between CoH time for them until it's all done
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Primary_Unit View Post
    OK, I'll play ...

    I'm a heterosexual woman who's happily not married right now with a grown daughter. We have between us three VIP accounts, two of which are more than 7 years old. We love CoH so much they have never lapsed despite many months when we had little or no time to play, just because we wanted them there, just in case.

    We buy expansion packs, not all, but most of them, including the lacy, frilly and women-must-be-half-undressed-to-be-seen ones.

    Many of my characters are male, because I prefer dressing my Ken dolls over my Barbies nowadays. I get frustrated sometimes by the lack of options. My female characters put on little bits of nothing sometimes just to laugh at how distracted and easy-to-defeat some males get in their presence. But I often like to see them as extensions of myself, only with much better figures, and when I think about how I would dress as superheroine (heroine? really? we still use that word), well, one or two bustiers do it all, but you can never have enough good jackets and coats.

    My daughter is, well, solidly beyond the legal drinking age now and thankfully mature, smart and sensible. She uses all the various options for her female characters, from metallic armor to lacey bustiers. I don't worry (much) about her self-image or what she might be "saying" to all the adolescent-minded males in game.

    If she were a young teen, this whole costume debate would be of much more significance to me. As it is, I'd like more female options that are cool clothes rather than just skimpy and cold, but it's not as big an issue for me as say, a good solo incarnate path. But if my daughter were 14, it would matter a lot.

    The point being: I'm a woman. I'm a mom. I pay to support this game too. I LOVE RESPECTABLE OPTIONS FOR WOMEN and MORE GOOD JACKETS FOR EVERYBODY.
    *Raises glass to a fellow Mom* I couldn't have said it better if my sleep deprived brain tried.
  18. Firemoth

    Comic Relief

    This for titan weapons:

    A guitar of some sort for Katana Melee? I can see my husband (all 6'4" of him) going "SQUEEEEEE!" in a girly voice for that.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
    Reason 2: Choosing who lives and who dies.
    I second this reason.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
    THAT is your definition of conservative?
  21. A hat pack. Tired of a long haired female suddenly getting a pixie cut when she puts on a fedora.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
    It's a shame that some people can't see a woman as feminine or attractive if she's conservatively dressed. I can.
    You and my husband must be part of a dying breed.
  23. I'd like to see this, especially since that way I don't have to log on to each of my daughter's accounts, run the transactions, and then go on to mine if I'm adding points to mine as well. I could just do it all from mine, and then gift points to my girls from my account.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    I dont understand where this sudden "omg females have nothing!" riot group has come from
    It's not that we're saying we have nothing, a lot of us are saying we're tired of the overly sexy costume pieces we keep getting.

    I might be a VERY small minority, but as a female, I own the following:
    1 pair of sneakers
    1 pair of motorcycle boots
    1 pair of nice boots
    Several pairs of slippers (mostly men's)
    2 pairs of jeans (one is on its last legs so to speak)
    2 pairs of slacks
    2 skirts- 1 brown 1 black
    2 pairs of shorts
    3 "nice" tops
    2 "fancy" tops
    I don't know honestly, because my husband and I share most of them since I tend to buy larger shirts that can also fit him.
    3 fleecy jackets (2 for around the house)
    1 Duster
    1 "fancy" jacket

    So when I make characters, I tend to go with more "conservative" outfits. Yes I still have the "sexy" and "skimpy" outfits from time to time, but that's only if it would fit with the character's personality. For me, having sexy after sexy coming out leaves me with the same things to keep using, and it gets old.

    Doesn't mean I don't spend 2+ hours at a time messing around with costumes That's the major difference between me in RL and the game.
  25. Eat! Especially candied.

    Japanese Curry