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Congratulations, the title of your post got me to spit my soda on my screen.
*goes to find paper towels*
Bad idea: Throwing your new pet in a lake.
Good idea: Utilizing the Wiki while playing -
My husband, Joyrock, for getting me into this game and it's wonderful community.
My children (both biological and step)
Finally having a house instead of a tiny cramped apartment.
The support of my mother in law, husband, and his side of the family as I make the shift from working constantly, to going back to school
The fact that my ferret doesn't try to steal shiny things or gnaw on the electric cords. (He just has a thing for nerf weapons and has a large stash under my bed) -
Bad Idea: Upgrading your computer with Commadore 64 parts
Good Idea: Buying the Devs a drink at a meet and greet. -
Bad Idea: Using the Pet AI as your playstyle
Good Idea: Using the LFG tab to find trials -
Quote:/agreeSome of us have many different types of Tankers and quite frankly don't mind what the challenges are, some how, some way we are just going to over come them.
Rather than simply say "Here's my Dark/Darks build" which would be easy I want to direct you to this guide:
It's Dark/Fire but that doesn't matter, you can still analyze it, determine what you can from it and perhaps change your build to suit. In particular with your build I am not keen on the Dark Regeneration slotting.
The "I can't do it therefore no one can" mentality should never exist because we all have different experiences. People say its hard on the endurance but I would like to see their builds in order to see why, it maybe hard for them but it isn't always for others.
I'd forgotten about that link. -
Bad Idea: Buying useful stuff for your rival's SG base
Good Idea: Thanking the Emp after they heal/rez you. -
Personally I'd try a different aura/armour, but that's my opinion after seeing the MASSIVE end drain the dark aura brings to the table.
Now I never really went for the IO sets with Minerva, but I know that I had to have all my armours 6 slotted just so I could put end reduction on them, otherwise just having them all running at once would completely drain my endurance while standing in one place.
It's ok for a team build, since most of your attacks/armours are debuff. I would jump in, drop my attacks to debuff the groups, then leap back and try to attack from the edges while the other tank kept the aggro. -
Aww, that's awesome! My brother actually learned how to read on "Monkey Island" so it's always nice to see that games are still helping kids learn.
My two girls have been working on their processing speeds with their reading since they started playing, which as made their teachers really happy. -
I took a Dark/Dark to 50...and promptly retired her. It was sheer stubbornness that I got her to 50 at all.
Debuff tanks are just kind of squishy imo. They're good if you're not the main tank.
Are you looking for opinions on the build, or suggestions? Your post wasn't very in depth. -
I think the director took a page from the big book of anime.
Rule #623 Human bodies have at least 8 litres of blood in them, that will gush when cut.
Aside from the over abundance of gore (which I was informed after that it was the director's style), it was pretty good. Served as a good example for my RPG group to show them what Exalted Solar fighting would look like. -
I hate the ones where you have to rescue them and escape with them alive, and they go and aggro the whole room. *coughLadyJanecough*
Depends on how they're cooked and if I can dip it in something. More than likely eat.
Potted Meat and Century Egg.
(yeah...anything I'm putting up...I've had to eat at one point :-p) -
Quote:Again, as I stated, just because someone could do that (the inappropriate names), doesn't mean that it should be ruined for the rest of the people who wish to have the option. I know of someone on the Champion server who had a merc MM and named his minions things like Pvt Parts, Mjr Johnson, etc etc. Granted he doesn't play anymore, but the fact is, it didn't matter that the mobs weren't female, he still was using inappropriate names on his minions/himself.Playing devils advocate here.
What are the repercussions when a player named Pimpdaddy or Pimpsalot which would be okay for a single toon player as I have seen in the past, now makes one for a female based Mastermind. Or picks a adult entertainment type name and then names the pets similarly.
Quote:As a side note I took on a slight offense to denoting that bad behavior is only seen on freedom server.
Quote:I find it great and dandy and have no issues with your request, but I do think you need to give valid way that might be acceptable to resolve these possible issues. You want them to give you something and then have them deal with the issues of what they gave you might cause. As much as I don't care about the Dev's I do agree this would be more work for them in what is now a F2P game.
It goes back to my argument that just because there is someone out there who will do the whole pimp/macdaddy toon with female minions, or someone who will misuse the emotes so they can mimic having sex with them, or someone who will intentionally go out of their way to make their toon as offensive as possible, doesn't mean that everyone else should be denied something that would add more variety to this game.
Here's an example of something already in the game. SLIME AURA. I've seen female toons in bikinis with the slime aura on their lower half. If it's tinted red, yellow, or white....it can be taken as VERY inappropriate. But that one wasn't held back to "err on the side of caution", as it's already out there. There was a toon who was named "That time of the month" (very quickly became a generic hero because someone reported it) who used the slime aura and the red tint. -
Other things that could be used for the base forms for female pets:
Mercs: Crey agents (the suit and tie females)
Thugs: Skull's girlfriends (I know they're not actual mobs we fight, but it's an idea. Like they've decided to finally step up and fight along the rest of their bf's gang.)
Ninjas: The females from the Legacy Chain group -
Quote:I'm a fan of Celestial Monkey style in Exalted...so haven't had a chance to try that weapon. Looks awesome tho.I want one of these.
Simple. Graceful. Understated... And absolutely perfect for making a City version of my favorite tabletop Exalted character.
I wouldn't say no to a Titan scythe, either. -
I've been playing MMs since I started (first toon was a blaster, but then I discovered the awesomeness that is MM), and one thing that always felt lacking was the lack of customization with the pets. There's not even an option to change the colours on the minions (except for demons...but that's only to a minor extent)
One thing that I've always wanted to see, especially since you only get the option for male or gender neutral (robot/zombie), is female minions.
I can understand the reservation because of the potential for people to scream "OMG SEXISM!", but at the same time, the same could be said for the fact that a MM can only control males. (ex complaint: What, are females not good enough to work together with a MM? We can fight against them and defeat them, but we can't work with them?)
I've brought this up at two occasions, the first being the 2010 SF M&G, and the second being the CoH Pummit earlier this month. Both times I was given the response that they would prefer to "err on the side of caution". Funny thing is, that the issues that were presented, like the misuse of emotes on the minions, (such as using swoon or collapse, and then doing pushups on top of them) is already being done, and it's with males as the minions....or with dead mobs (yes, my husband, Joyrock and I actually saw that happening in DA with the BP during our little excursion to Freedom server).
If the potential for "abuse and misuse" is so great, why not remove the ability to use certain emotes/commands all together?
My two cents on the subject would be to have set outfits/appearances like with the male versions, thus removing the potential for "fembots" or "bikini girls" running around. If sexism complaints are such a concern that the Devs prefer to err on the side of caution and just not bring out the option, then what about the latest items available such as the gunslinger set? Saloon girls were essentially viewed as "dancing girls" or "soiled doves" (which aren't T for Teen), yet they're still being put out there as an option. Shooting down an idea just because someone, somewhere, at sometime might do something wrong and then offend someone, would put it to the point that NOTHING could be in the game. Because there is at least SOMETHING that is going to offend SOMEONE.
Instead of going and not putting out something because of the chance someone might become offended, why not give us the chance to try out the option.
So here's my suggestions, please critique/add to them as you see fit.
-Give us a drop down option to switch between male/female with the powers.
-Have set skins for both genders, if able to, give some sort of colour tinting.
Examples of what could be used for the pets, or as base suggestions:
Thugs- Rocket Girls
Mercs- Knives of Artemis style?
Robots- either keep them gender neutral, or the Victorias from Praet
Zombies- um....do they even have a gender anymore?
Ninjas- Use the sliders to make them more feminine
Demons- Girlfriends from Hell, or just keep them the same/different colour?
-At least give us the option to see the product, instead of assuming that people will get up in arms and begin to form a mob to storm Paragon Studios.
Thanks for your time. This is something that I feel really strongly about. -
Quote:Seconded by me and Joyrock for the Naginata.Topic says it all, post your suggestions and desires!
Staff Melee: Naginata
Titan Weapons: A damaged, rusted version of the Razor Sword.
I'd like to see a large "anime" style mallet for titan weapons, especially since we seem to summon our weapons from "hammer space" (yes, anime nerd to the extreme here)