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  1. Okay, guys, just to let you know there's a slight change in plans - the closing date for entry is now Saturday 14th, in order to get things moving.

    We've recieved some great entries, but there's still time if you want to enter! Send your entries to the e-mail address above!
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm afraid I wasn't very well at the end of last week, and was off on Friday.

    Once I've sorted through all the usual Monday chores, I'll be getting back to work on this. I'll do my very best to have the winners announced in the next couple of days.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just get em done by Brighton B and you can give us the rewards then I'm assuming GvE sucked up most of this week.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hey, that's a thought. How about online GvE codes for the winners? It's less budget draining for you guys, and cooler for us.

    Of course, if it turns out I'm not a winner, then I think the prize should be a hearty slap on the back.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
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    The Freedom Phalanx is, in my opinion, the superior of the two books

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Apart from the fact that it shows what a bunch of weaklings the FP are

    ...Especially Sister Psyche, can she actually be any more lame as a super hero?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I refuse to believe this - in the comics, Sister Psyche is by far the coolest of the Freedom Phalanx - I'd read a novel just featuring her

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes, but you were smiten by her bathing in as much water as you might find in a rain puddle.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Infernius raves about them, but he is a little on the excitable side

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can't say I've ever noticed him raving about The Web Of Arachnos, myself. The fact he loves it so much he'll read out whole portions of the book over TeamSpeak could mean so much...heh.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    School Discos...aah memories of sitting in the corner playing on my gameboy whilst all the "cool" kids danced to YMCA and Grease Megamix.

    Will there be Panda Pops?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yarr, me matey, thar be Panda Pops and Soda Streamed Pepsi/Cream Soda ahoy!
  6. I'm glad you brought it up, WH.

    All you need to do is go to the website, which you can get to from my signature link, or here: Evolution Radio and on the right hand side is a list of options to connect, including:

    Media Player (currently not working)
    Browser based connection (Working on IE and Firefox)

    Alternatively, you can go to the Evo Listen site (HERE) and, upon accepting the "Listen.pls" file, that should automatically stream to whichever music program you use to connect to web-based radio stations, whether it's Media Player, Winamp, or iTunes.

    If you don't -have- Winamp, I'd whole-heartedly recommend it, as it's a fairly small program, but better, in general, than Media Player, as you can connect to web-radio and web-TV stations.

    (Just a quick note - as of my writing this, there's a DNS problem with the main Evo site, so the will be, at least for now, the best bet)
  7. Wednesday 20th, the first Evo School Disco night will commence! participation isn't mandatory by ANY means, but you DO have to show up.

    This will be a weekly event, so if you miss one, never fear, there'll be another one next week. That's right, EVERY Wednesday night is School Disco Night, in Pocket D right here on Union. It's certainly worth using a costume slot for, in other words.

    Music will be 70s and 80s, provided by me on Evolution Radio, so don't forget to tune in and dance the night away!
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    By the end of this week, I promise.

    Again, my apologies for the delay - things have been busier than I expected, and I didn't want to rush through the selection of the winners.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's easy.

    October - Fire Guardian
    November - Fire Guardian
    December - Fire Guardian
    January - Fire Guardian
    February - Fire Guardian
    March - Fire Guardian
    April - Fire Guardian
    May - Fire Guardian

    ...The fast that I did my first creative bit on here in January is neither here nor there, IMHO.
  9. Evolution Radio is in the process of a make-over, and we want -you- to be a part of it!

    From today, September 18th, to Monday the 16th of October, we'd like you to submit your designs for a brand new Evolution Radio logo. The best design, as voted for by your Evolution Radio DJs, will be used as the new logo.

    So, what can it be?

    The answer is, absolutely anything you want. We DO ask that you follow the submission guidelines, however:

    1. Keep it clean. Evolution Radio caters to a wide variety of people, and we don't want little Johnny to be corrupted by our logo.
    2. Keep it original. You can submit the single best design in the world, but if it infringes on copyright, trademark, or intellectual property, we can't use it.
    3. Keep it BIG! Size DOES matter (ask my ex. ) and we'd like the logo entries to be as big as posible. Naturally, we don't want it to be on an A2 sized piece of paper. 1500 X 1500 should be the maximum size, and 1000 x 1000 minimum, please.
    4. Keep it Evolution. The logo will be used to sum up what Evolution truly is. We're not going to tell you what Evolution means to you...this is your chance to show us what you think of Evolution Radio.

    For ease of browsing, we'd appreciate it if the submitted designs are in JPEG format, and, if you can, try to keep it at 120 DPI. Other than that, make it as big and bold as you want, with all the colours in the spectrum, or even simple black and white. There's no limit, except that of your imagination.

    The winning entry will be judged shortly after the closing date, and the winner will recieve a Time Card, good for two months of play-time, courtesy of Evolution Radio. Please send all entries to:

    It's important that, in order to make this as fair as possible, that I, and only myself, see your entries - I will not have a vote on the entered logo designs, in order to remain impartial, since I'm friendly with a fair few people on these boards.

    All Evo DJs are free to enter, of course, but their entries will be discluded, to keep things fair.

    So, what're you waiting for?
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    ...until Ben lets rip. I think he faceplanted soon after, but I couldn't keep track of the battle.

    ...Which you can see in the picture where Ben is, instead of helping a fallen comrade, instead opting to show off and shoot Jack. >_> /thumbsup

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nope, the only time I planted were both Lusca fights. The Jack/Eochai battle caused much unintentional hilarity on TeamSpeak, since the people on TS were the people forcing the spawn, whenever we'd need something to be done, instructions were yelled at everyone going after the GMs onto TS...when only a handful of us could hear them.

    Admittedly, if people had actually listened to the countless Broadcasts of "Wait, DON'T attack that lot" then there would have been less Faceplants during the Jack/Eochai GM fights...

    And, anyway. I'm a Blaster. I shoot things till they're dead. I don't "help" people. I merely mock their pain. And then laugh at Hidden Healer, when it takes him around 10 minutes to get a level 12 character from Atlas to Independance Port, and it takes Spawnus somewhere around five minutes to get a level ONE character from Atlas to Croatoa.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, it happened numerous times that Weasel and Guardian would both give the correct answer - often with the exact same wording - and Guardian just cam ein a microsecond before Weasel... some of the other contestants suggested that they might actually be the same person, playing two accounts at the same time...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, but weren't those the same people who suggested you were telling me the answers, and could have been Genericed for their name/costume?
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Fire Guardian won the match with 11 correct answers, netting him the Jackpot of 2 mil plus 100.000 per answer - 3.100.000 inf. Weasel came in a close second with 10 correct replies, getting him a neat million - but Transcendant Ghost (never figured out whos alt he was, if any), who came in third with 8 correct answers, also answered one of the Bonus Questions for 500.000, thus netting him a total of 1.200.000 inf, effectively putting him ahead of Weasel in terms of prizes.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You should have heard Weasel on TS during the contest. I kept pipping him to the post with certain answers, and he'd let out a little plaintative yelp every time I beat him.
  13. The problem with saying "7/8 leaning towards 8" is that it won't work with Syra. Remember when she tried to organise the Forumites into doing the CoT trial, and it ended up happening on a completely different day, at a completely different time, with completely different people?

    So, just to play it safe, at 8pm on Saturday, I will be at Lusca (any one of them) going to take her on. Afterwards, we'll have a calamari buffet!
  14. [ QUOTE ]
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    For those of you who have been wondering about the Toons site, I'm still working on a few samples before we actually launch. But here's the first completed sample, a manga/anime style piece of Halley's Comet.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Woah. That....that's kinda hot.


    [/ QUOTE ]I was thinking that, but you'll never catch me posting a comment like that on a public message, waitasec...dammit

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah. I'd hit that.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    /chan_motd "Recluse Strike Force" Welcome to the channel guys!

    The channel name has to be in the quotes

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And it has to be in quotes if it's longer than one word. Watch out, though. MOTDs either change several times a day, or once every few weeks.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Can we put a request in before the party to help with on the day rushed and demands?

    If so where?

    Just want to be helpful

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Best person to ask is Fire_Guardian, I'm busy keeping Stase from finding out what's going on

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Aye, and the best thing to do to help would honestly, just show up, have a good time, and remember to wish Stasis a happy birthday. Everything's been sorted, from the music to the invites (big thanks to Bridger to posting info on the main EU page for that one). So, show up, enjoy yourselves, and party the night away!
  17. Fire_Guardian_EU

    Ask A Ben

    [ QUOTE ]
    When is the next 'Ask A Ben' coming out on internet worldwide?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    When it's ready. Things are up in the air with various things. A few weeks ago, the party in Pocket D took up a lot of my time. Last week, my computer got pretty funky and I had to wipe my C drive and start over (which cost me a LOT of my most treasured files) and things are up in the air -this- week because I'm working on Stasis' birthday - plus, now I'm with Evo Radio, I want to really focus on helping them make it better. Plus, there -is- the general issue of me having no job, therefore no money to buy new MiniDV tapes, and general stress.

    Eagle-eyed people may have noticed that I haven't made an Ask A Ben since I quit smoking. Odd, that.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Am looking to exchange 5 Million of my hard earned Defiant inf, for 5 Million shiny Union inf. Please PM me if interested. Thanks

    [/ QUOTE ]

    At the current rate of exchange, I'll glady change your 5 million Defiant Inf for five Union inf.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    FG's got his playlist ready already.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If I didn't absolutely hate that song, I'd probably agree with you.

    The playlist is, as it should be, in constan fluctuation. I have songs which I know must get played, but, since Stasis has yet to tell me what sort of music she actually likes, it'll probably just be random tunes and requests from people until she speaks up.

    Death metal, here we come.
  20. On the last day of the month (next Thursday) our very own Stasis hits 21, and, to commemorate the last "fun" birthday she'll ever have, she's asked me to host a party in Pocket D, complete with cake, flowers, streamers, and, I quote "Some bangin' choons man, innit?" *

    So, as I reluctantly prepare to don the headphones and start planning for an Evo set (8 to midnight) I remind people to come along, show your love and support for Stasis, as she prepares to leave her "fun" life behind, and grit her teeth at the inhumanity of the world, as seen through the eyes of an "adult".

    Bridger, if you don't show up, I won't be the one holding Stasis back at Memorabilia.

    Everyone come along, give the birthday girl a nice big hug, and stay for the music. I want to see Evo at capacity, people!

    ( * May or may not have been said by Stasis. No quote should be taken orally, rectally, or at face value. Side effects may include nausea, dizzinss, fatigue, PLing N00bs, and the inability to do anything but say "LOL!" over and over)
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Weasel = (found out after I was told)
    Mongrel = Garbage
    Ms Paragon = Abba
    Mr.Normal = (found out after I was told)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Since Weasel really did some hard ones (Mr Normal in particular), here's my pick for Fire Guardian:

    1. Are you male or female? Fat Boy
    2. Describe yourself? All Messed Up
    3. Describe how you live? Jumpin' At Shadows
    4. Describe your boy/girlfriend? Always There For You
    5. How do you feel about yourself? Nothing To Lose
    6. Where would you rather be? Running From The Storm
    7. Describe what you want to be? Looking Back
    8. Describe how you love? Nothing's The Same
    9. How do some people feel about you? Afraid Of Tomorrow
    10. Share a few words of wisdom? Reach For The Sky
  22. It's odd, but you're probably the only other player I remember from when FG was in his in-game infancy, when I went to The Hollows for the first time, got myself low on health, and you swooped in from overhead and healed me.

    Even today, I remember who you I told you a couple of days ago, when I saw you in Atlas, I saw you briefly in PI, teaming with some other players. Although I like to consider myself a well known person in the game, the recognition I get is nothing compared to the recognition of you - even I stop and smile when I see you flying around, and I always get a kick out of you flying overhead and greeting me.

    Look at the adoration you get when you say you're leaving. I don't have to be another person to say that I'll miss you - I think everyone you've met and helped in-game will. You've helped shape the players in this game, and you've had nothing but a positive effect on all of us.

    Hurry back soon. [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]