The Evolution Radio Logo Contest!
Bahh, DJ's not allowed to enter?? Forget that for a lark!!
Go on, beat this!!!
Coin's 00BER logo!!
Pffh, and I thought this drawing lark was hard!
Come on then, hand over my prize, damnit!
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

Okay, guys, just to let you know there's a slight change in plans - the closing date for entry is now Saturday 14th, in order to get things moving.
We've recieved some great entries, but there's still time if you want to enter! Send your entries to the e-mail address above!
But...but......mines gotta win cos it's soo 00ber!!, surely?!?!??!?!111??eleventyone!!"""
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

2. Keep it original. You can submit the single best design in the world, but if it infringes on copyright, trademark, or intellectual property, we can't use it.
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Do we have permission to use Cox Imagery dear?
Fair question.
I can't answer fully for the station, but I would imagine that at the very least, the stuff in the fan pack would be safe to use?
Perhaps a mail to Bridger could clarify? or if he's watching us......always......I can sense his power......floating above us.....
*runs screaming for the hills*
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

2. Keep it original. You can submit the single best design in the world, but if it infringes on copyright, trademark, or intellectual property, we can't use it.
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Do we have permission to use Cox Imagery dear?
[/ QUOTE ]
I would have to say a huuuge no to that. One of the things that's limited me in the Forumite shop is that I can't do any designs which utilise any CoX, NC Soft, or Cryptic imagery - including in-game objects. Since the shop isn't affiliated with NC Soft or Cryptic, it's understandable. Fan sites, however, do bear some affiliation. Evo Radio isn't a fan-site. We're a radio station that happens to service the community, but bear no real affiliation (other than, of course, our immense gratitude at being able to broadcast from certain events). As such I would say that if you really feel as if you want to use them, I can't stop you. However, from some of the designs that have been entered already which are 100% original pieces, using something which relies on some of the CoX set-pieces probably wouldn't rate as high.
Basically, if anyone wants to send me pictures of their CoX, I wouldn't find it particularly amusing.
Mummys entry sent
Evolution Radio is in the process of a make-over, and we want -you- to be a part of it!
) and we'd like the logo entries to be as big as posible. Naturally, we don't want it to be on an A2 sized piece of paper. 1500 X 1500 should be the maximum size, and 1000 x 1000 minimum, please.
From today, September 18th, to Monday the 16th of October, we'd like you to submit your designs for a brand new Evolution Radio logo. The best design, as voted for by your Evolution Radio DJs, will be used as the new logo.
So, what can it be?
The answer is, absolutely anything you want. We DO ask that you follow the submission guidelines, however:
1. Keep it clean. Evolution Radio caters to a wide variety of people, and we don't want little Johnny to be corrupted by our logo.
2. Keep it original. You can submit the single best design in the world, but if it infringes on copyright, trademark, or intellectual property, we can't use it.
3. Keep it BIG! Size DOES matter (ask my ex.
4. Keep it Evolution. The logo will be used to sum up what Evolution truly is. We're not going to tell you what Evolution means to you...this is your chance to show us what you think of Evolution Radio.
For ease of browsing, we'd appreciate it if the submitted designs are in JPEG format, and, if you can, try to keep it at 120 DPI. Other than that, make it as big and bold as you want, with all the colours in the spectrum, or even simple black and white. There's no limit, except that of your imagination.
The winning entry will be judged shortly after the closing date, and the winner will recieve a Time Card, good for two months of play-time, courtesy of Evolution Radio. Please send all entries to:
It's important that, in order to make this as fair as possible, that I, and only myself, see your entries - I will not have a vote on the entered logo designs, in order to remain impartial, since I'm friendly with a fair few people on these boards.
All Evo DJs are free to enter, of course, but their entries will be discluded, to keep things fair.
So, what're you waiting for?