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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    They never should have named the AT, Tank.

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    You're assuming that the name followed the AT design; I think the opposite is true -- that they defined the need for an AT that could "tank" (as the verb) and designed the class to do this as well as possible without being unbalanced compared to the other ATs.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Did you know that Rikti swords did double damage when Issue 2 became live. This made the Cape Mission pretty tough if you were at the right level to face Rikti during it. Just another bug that was squashed long ago but caused a stir when it was happening.

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    When I2 went live, the cape missions were bloody hard even if you were facing Lost. Damned Pariahs...

    I think they were supposed to be mini-Trials (after all, there was a juicy reward), but too many people complained and the devs eventually dialed down the difficulty to approximate a normal Lost or Rikti mission.
  3. FireIron


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    (a) Street sweeping is boring -- even compared to grinding the same instance maps over and over again.

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    Thats complete nonsense. Moving from one spawn to the next is the same in missions as it is on the streets.

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    I didn't say combat or tactics were different. I said it's boring. Door missions have backstories and objectives, which while pretty simplistic, at least give you a reason for what you're doing, and each mission advances a plotline that has an ultimate payoff. This is the part that is lacking in street missions.

    [ QUOTE ]
    The hazard zones are so large that you didn't often see two groups competing for spawns. In fact it encouraged those wonderful occasions where two seperate teams worked together while sweeping leading to them being able to take on even tougher spawns.

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    Your experiences and memories are obviously different than mine -- I remember the awkward etiquette of trying to determine which team had first dibs on a spawn group, and the inevitable arguments over the local chat channel.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Name me one mission which supports multiple teams inside it.

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    None, thank god!

    [ QUOTE ]
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    (c) Spawn groups on the shared maps aren't generated at the optimal size & levels for the team size & desired difficulty.

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    Spawns generate in the world are based upon the size and amount of players in the area at the time. You should have seen the spawns which could take place in Perez Park when it was an active zone, seeing 2 or 3 bosses during the peak playing hours with a ton of leuitenants and minions in the minority was common place. As for being optimised, the players were able to pick and choose who they could have a fight with. A mission tells you what to fight so infact the missions are less optimal compared to street sweeping.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Point conceded. You can certainly pick and choose your targets when sweeping, for the desired size and levels.
  4. FireIron


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    Something has to be done to bring back hunting in hazard zones as a valid alternative to missions in the eyes of the player community.

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    There are three problems with this:
    (a) Street sweeping is boring -- even compared to grinding the same instance maps over and over again.
    (b) Your team has to compete with other players and teams for the same spawns.
    (c) Spawn groups on the shared maps aren't generated at the optimal size & levels for the team size & desired difficulty.

    One of the things that drove me away from WoW is that almost all of the early quests are of the "Kill X Monsters and Collect Y Drops" type on the shared when the server is crowded everyone is falling all over each other, going after the same mobs, KSing, camping, etc.

    But that's just me...if you want to street sweep, feel free -- the contacts will even give you hunt missions.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    The taunt as far as i have tested is arround the target. What you saw may be explained by a very large area that went all the way behind you but centered arround the enemy.

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    That's possible. That would imply that the effect of Gauntlet would cascade out from each hit mob in a Fire Sword Circle? Up to some capped number of targets? Also, a Tanker Fireball (from the ancillary pool) would behave like a ranged Taunt on mobs around the Fireball target?
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Okay, so if I've got a group of enemies around me, and I'm attacking them with single targeted melee attacks, gauntlet is engaged. I'm focusing on one target in particular; does that mean any enemies within THAT foes melee range are effected by gauntlet as well? (up to 5 anyway)

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    Actually, I think that it is in a radius around the Tanker, not the target.

    There was a short-lived bug on Test a while back where Gauntlet was inadvertently dealing real damage instead of Taunt magnitude. I jumped on and tried it before they took down that build, and I could see the Fire Sword damage being inflicted on mobs all around me, including behind me.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Then if I use a PBAoE, say fire sword circle, I can effect an additional 10 or the melee enduced gauntlet swtiches to PBAoE induced?

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    Dunno. I don't think Gauntlet would stack or modify the effect of FSC, because FSC (like all attacks, regardless of AT) has an implicit Taunt effect proportional to damage, and affects the same AoE as Gauntlet. I don't *think* that the Gauntlet taunt would cascade out...

    [ QUOTE ]
    What if I have a group of 15 around my tank, and then use the power "Taunt" at some ranged enemies to mitigate damage from a teammate does that taunt only effect 2 of them, or does the taunt I have on the 15 in melee range get negated?

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    The ranged Tanker Taunt should effect mobs as normal. I strongly doubt that it would either deal less taunt because of any previous aggro the Tanker is holding, nor release any previously Taunted/Gauntleted/aggroed enemies.

    Based on my Tanker experience, the real challenge to a Tanker holding aggro is the damage and status effects being dealt by your teammates, which have strong implicit Taunts built into them.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    I think some scrappers didnt had any critical attack powers, and the ones that did ony had one power that was able to critical. At the time, it was the way a 7.11 BI attack ended up doing similar to a tanker 9 BI attack without letting them do one shots left and right, they did it only to not allow the attacks to do too much front load damage. So with or without icon, you cant really say that was an inherent of the AT, it was an inherent aspect of the power itself (and these powers used to be only the very last ones so many scrappers never got far enough to even see it)

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    Was that in Beta? Because I can remember my lowbie katana Scrapper doing crits in Galaxy City, pre-I1.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Nop. That I am 100% sure is not so. Few (VERY few) powers had a chance to critical, but thats very far from being an hinherent ability of the AT. The inherent critical chance was added much later (at this time they just gave all powerst hat were already able to crit a higher chance to do so)

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    It wasn't originally an "inherent power" with an icon and everything, you are correct. However, as you said, Scrapper attacks always had a chance to critical. This has been tweaked and reconstituted quite a bit since the beginning, but the concept of "Scrappers can do critical hits" was always in the game in some form, and has always been exclusive to Scrappers.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Wait, then this means the tanker is the only AT that actually had a true inherent from day one, and it just got bumped up a bit with issue 3? (was that issue 3?)!!

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    Nope, Scrappers had Critical Hits from the beginning. Tauntlet was added, and Tanker Taunt was made AoE downstream due to complaints that Tankers (previously) had to take the Presence pool in order to hold aggro well. (Tanker Taunt was originally single-target like Scrapper Taunt).

    Containment was thrown in to address sucky Controller damage, and Defiance and Vigilance to, er, tantalize and frustrate the other two ATs.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Lol, alright, let me clarify... I think Gauntlet is more useful for tanks than Defiance is for blasters or Vigilance for defenders. I agree, either Defiance or Vigilance would be magnificent on a tanker. */em drool*

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Or Containment...on an Ice/Ice Tanker...
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    But defenders, (other than storm/) more than any other powerset other than /regen scrappers, are the easiest to build to not suffer from endurance problems.

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    Masterminds are the easiest AT for Endurance, in my experience, because I spend an inordinate amount of time in combat ordering the pets around, which doesn't cost any End.

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    I can't believe you're talking about inherents, and didn't mention containment. It's the best inherent in CoH. Double damage, all the time? The only catch is that I have to do my job? Yes please.

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    QFT, but Containment has one teeny tiny Achilles' Heel not shared by Critical Hits, Defiance, Scourge, AS, Fury, etc: "Doesn't Work Well Against AVs."

    Edit: Also, Controllers paid for Containment in the form of a big nerf to our holds -- hold times were decreased, number of mobs held by AoEs was capped, and hold power recharges were increased.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
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    Wasn't TI a click back in CoH Beta?

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    Yup. 30 second duration, 2 minute recharge, IIRC. Gave a 32.5% buff to S/L resistance. Was changed (along with a bunch of other tanker stuff) 2 weeks before the game went live.

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    Thanks! Now the name of the power makes more sense. I can even see why they changed it...too much time standing around with the tanker "WF TI".

    They should have renamed it when they changed it so dramatically. As it stands now, TI is neither temporary nor invulnerability. A better name would be "Bulletproof" or somesuch.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    I believe you are looking for this:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Powers - Critters

    * AVs/Heroes and Giant Monsters now ignore threat level damage multipliers for different Archetypes. They are still affected by Taunt as before.

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    Can someone translate this? What are "threat level damage multipliers" and why is it bad that AV/Hs and GiMons ignore them?
  14. [ QUOTE ]
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    And hey, let's be careful out there...

    Good old Esterhaus.

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    I preferred his original tagline:

    "Let's do it to them, before they do it to us."

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    That was Jablonski's tagline. Robert Prosky was brought in to play Jablonski after Michael Conrad (Esterhaus) died.
  15. FireIron

    Issue 12 is out!

    [ QUOTE ]
    I12? I thought we were waiting for I7?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, the subject line should specify CoHDT* #12.

    * = City of Heroes "Dead Trees" edition
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    And the same people who made it so just about every other mission from 10 to 40 in CoV is either Longbow, Circle of Thorns, or both.

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    Really? My villains seem to spend a disproportionate amount of time fighting Arachnos mobs, with whom they are supposed to be allied, in theory. Longbow doesn't seem to show up any more than Wyvern or Legacy Chain, and quite a bit more than Thorns.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    "You shouldn't hang me on a hook, Johnny. My mother hung me on a hook once. Once." - Joe Piscapo as Danny Vermin in Johnny Dangerously (1984)

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    It's "my Father hung me on a hook once." (pronounced "fodda").
  18. FireIron

    Toga toga toga!

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    Time to make a Broadsword/Regen scrapper with a toga.

    His Battlecry? THIRTEEN!

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    Titus Pullo? I served with him under Caesar in Gaul!
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    The problem with AR isn't that S/L is so heavily resisted. It's how it stacks up with other blast sets. See it has no AIM. See that there is what we called a double whammy. Okay.... Now here's where it get's worse. For conceptual reasons most new players tend to pair assault rifle with... wait for it.... DEVICES. Which has no build up.

    The perfect gimp storm..... Heavily resisted damage/no aim/no buildup + squishy AT who kills fast or dies hard. See those other examples you mentioned.... they have some self buffage to deal with the problem. If you go tinkering with mob resistances you'll just overpower sets that have some means of debuffing or dealing enough damage to compensate.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Am I old because I remember when AR/Dev was the overpowered FOTM?
  20. FireIron

    Dark Armor/Melee

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    whatever. You're the [censored] that got me addicted to Bleach!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Talk about a severe drinking problem...
  21. FireIron

    Badge Questions

    Question about the Undying badge:
    Allegedly this badge is for 100 deaths. Last night I suddenly had this badge awarded at the end of a mission. But I hadn't died. I can only think of two possible reasons why this badge popped at that moment: (a) The end-of-mission XP paid off the last debt from 100 deaths counted since the death badges were added (ie, the badge is awarded for dying AND paying the resulting debt); or (b) Some quiet background datamining was still catching up on counting old deaths (this character was created shortly before I1 (!) and has easily died more than a hundred times -- but I understand that stuff that happens before the badges are added often don't get recorded or counted).
    So the question is, what does this badge actually count, and why did it pop when it did?
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Actually this is a bug. Mancusans are only supposed to spawn in Telenphier Conax missions. It will be resolved in the next server fission.

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    "This must be what it feels like to go crazy." -- Dr. Simon Tam
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Not nature and no reference to a season but it had the cut. I think it should at least get partial credit.

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    Paragon Summer
    Gilgamesh reports the news
    No words are written

  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, I personally think this week's PT was the best ever. I've done James Ellroy one better and deconstruted the written language to its true essence. Pultizer, here I am...

    -Gil, The Zen Master of Prose

    [/ QUOTE ]
    When Gilgamesh writes
    Blank pages become worthy
    Zen master of prose
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I posted this answer on another thread, but I'll pass it along here. The new guy from the trailer is Foreshadow.


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    Really? Oh, my.

    I hope we don't see some superbeing named Conclusion or Epilogue in the near future.

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    His Praetorian counterpart would be...Flashback?