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  1. Thanks again for all the suggestions...

    I found a Galaxy GTX 460 GC 768M card at the local BestBuy for $134.99 so with tax it was $145.59. It plays CoH as smooth as butter! One of the few times I have actually stuck to my budget.

    Edit: My Windows Experience score for graphics card/3d Gaming Score improved from 6.8/6.8 to 7.5/7.5, and that is compared to the original 5.1/5.6 of the integrated graphics (HD 2000). So I am quite happy with the results.
  2. Thanks for all the info and suggestions. Looks like I might just wait and save a little more until I can get the GTX 460.
  3. Hello,

    I am looking at purchasing a new video card, and would like to get some input from people here at CoH...

    My PC is a Gateway DX4850-27eu -- just bought it about twenty days ago to replace a crappy Acer mini-tower.

    My specs:

    Intel I5-2300 CPU
    6 MB RAM
    1.5 T Hard Drive
    9800GT 512M video card
    CX500 Corsair 500W PSU

    I just bought and installed the PSU and the 9800GT two days ago (Nov. 1st) for approximately 130$. The PC had Intel HD 2000 integrated graphics when purchased. The new video card is a nice step up, and CoH plays much smoother. The only two games that are played on this PC are CoH (me), and Civ 5 (my BF). He says that Civ 5 is MUCH quicker with the new card.

    So, after all that... I am thinking of purchasing an EVGA GTX550 Ti 1G video card, and keeping the 9800 for an emergency backup.

    Is the GTX550 Ti that much better than the 9800GT?? I can buy this from BestBuy for around 150$ which is my absolute max budget.

    I checked out the "stickied" thread about the video cards that can run CoH in UltraMode, and I don't see this card on that list... I am hoping that is because the card is relatively new...
  4. /sing "EULA in the morning, EULA in the evening, EULA in the afternoon!"

    I think I saw (possibly heard) that in an old Warner Bros. cartoon... just sayin'...

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
    The reason we were given for the omission was... potato. =/
    Finally something in this forum made me smile...
  6. First of all, I don't consider myself a great player, but I would like to think that I am competent at this game heading into my 42nd month. I am the true definition of the casual player: I play to have fun, and I don't usually team or run task forces.

    I also have narcolepsy. 99% of the time it is totally under control. So there is no problem. However, I would never "announce" this fact before starting a TF or team, because then people would think "yeah, bail and then claim you were 'out'..."

    But, recently in the middle of a TF I had an "incident"... apparently, I fell asleep during the TF. I feel so bad, and so embarrassed... just imagine blinking your eyes, and the next thing you know, two hours have passed.

    When I "woke up" -- I had no idea what had just happened. And then, I saw all of the hateful tells and messages. I can't even begin to say how horrible I felt. I consider myself a very good team player, and to see those comments was truly devastating.

    So, I apologize to anyone on that team. I know it was only seven people, but I really felt so bad, that all I could do was slink away and not say a word...
  7. Sign me up, Olga Pavlova (Blaster).
  8. Hi, I would like to join with my AR/Dev Blaster, Olga Pavlova... the 9th is my birthday, "so, wodka for all..."
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
    Yes they can turn Sides
    Succinct and to the point...
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
    I figured you must be having problems with Void dudes based on this...
    You "figured" wrong pilgram, since I have stated multiple times that I have not been in the situation you describe... I am simply asking a question...
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
    In Tip Missions, levels 20-30 and 30-40. I've been running Vigilante missions with my Warshade, and he runs into Longbow all the time.

    I'll have to run more missions on the redside now that I have gone Vigilante, but I'm suspecting they do show up over there.
    Thanks, nice to know for future reference...
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
    I have run into Void Hunters spawning along with Longbow and PPD.

    Now, here's the funny part. The Longbow or PPD will turn on the Void Hunters and kill them before I arrive. It's quite helpful.

    I'm sure it's a bug, but I'm hoping the devs do not devote a lot of time to rushing a fix for it.
    Can you give more details please? What level? What zone?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RobertoLyon View Post
    But I'd love to visit Sleeping Kitten's regular stomping grounds to romp in the fields of actual sugary sweetness and support.

    Where please?
    It IS sweet, but I don't have to tell you that...
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
    Like others have said, Void Hunters aren't much to worry about. They used to do unresistable Nicti damage to Khelds; I think now they do extra Neg/Nrg damage. Were you having a problem with them on blueside?
    It is not a matter of "having problems" with them, it is simply a matter of ARE THEY THERE?

    Don't know how to make it more plain... again, I have not made it to redside, or blueside, with either, I am simply asking the question...
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
    Let's get this thread back on track or at least onto one that isn't so argumentative.

    So which factions would need Quantum versions added? Snakes? Luddites? Goldbrickers? Scrapyarders?
    I also wonder about the flashback missions, as of now, can a PB or WS run them with no fear of Void hunters?? I haven't even got close to being able to check this out online, but it is a thought...
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    So...you decided to up your post count by starting an argument over a post that was made in jest?

    And, in this particular case, you are taking it far more seriously than I, since you decided your response needed 2 separate posts.

    Post count makes no difference at all. There are people with over 30,000 posts, and there are people with 1. I respond to the post itself, not the number next to it. I didn't call you a noob because you only had 10 posts now did I? So why are you making such a big deal out of a number under my name?

    If you want to keep thinking I was attacking you, go right ahead. I think it's pretty funny that you got offended because someone decided to make a non-serious post in your apparently super serious thread.

    Did I not use enough smileys? I can use more if the one I used wasn't enough to convey that I was joking.
    I think you've provided all the evidence necessary, hun....
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    The devs may not have bothered to make "Quantum blah-blah" for all the villainside groups though.
    That is "exzachary" why I asked the question...
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    Or are the forums such serious business to you that any attempt at levity is viewed as an attack?
    Sorry, I couldn't help but respond to this [ROFLMAO]...

    Yes, with less than 20 posts compared to 4,000 plus, who seems to take this more seriously?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    Did you not get any impression at all that, just maybe, I wasn't being entirely serious there?
    Hmmm... seems like someone needs to review "others peoples posts" with their huge sense of self...
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    You worry about them?

    They haven't been a credible threat for quite a while. Unless they are +5 to you, but a +5 anything would be a credible threat anyway, so it kind of loses it's weight there.

    Sure, if one catches you napping they can be a pain, but that's why you don't let things catch you napping
    Gee, why do most folks avoid the forums... don't need to answer, it is time for my nap.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Why not? I've never seen anything to suggest they're blueside-only critters.
    The game has the generic "void hunter" guy it uses anywhere he's needed already.
    Just curious... was wondering if it was known for sure -- would be nice not to have to worry about them, at least until it was "fixed"....
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    Yes, you just can't start with them in Praetoria.
    Leads to the next question... if a PB goes to the RI, will there be void hunters???
  23. Sorry if this has already been asked, but I couldn't find it (my search may have been too vague), can a Crab go hero? Or a PB go villain?
  24. That is right, and now I feel SO stupid...