Eva Destruction

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
    Wait, they don't stack? Or is it just the -spd that doesnt stack?
    Just the -speed, ie the annoying part.

    I always considered them one of the less annoying slow powers, since the caltrops don't have -recharge, and don't have -fly and I have a jetpack. Glue grenade on the other hand, is a complete nightmare, especially at the levels it shows up. Then you get Ghosts, you suddenly have no defense and can't hit the broad side of a barn. And your powers are tiny little dots and you can't run away because the slow persists after you leave the glue.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jwbullfrog View Post
    So now we officially have Eldrich Abominations in game.

    Well, why not? We can all do with a bit more Cthulhu.
    Rularuu and his minions would like to have a word with you.

    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Who's been offended by the 5th Column?
    I was, once. They said mean things about me and I got offended. Then I punched them in the face and set them on fire and did a bunch of other hurty stuff to them, and it made me feel better. So much better, that I decided to do it again at the first available opportunity.

    Beating up 5th and Rikti never gets old.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
    Why would we need to *make* the most annoying enemy group ever, when they already exist? I point you to.... the Knives of Artemis.
    Not since i8. That's when PPD in the levels where Equalizers overlap with Ghosts took over the championship spot. And since KoA caltrops stopped stacking, they're not even a contender anymore.
  4. We don't really need more level 15-20 content either. Heroes have Faultline and the villainous content isn't nearly as bad as legacy blueside content, a trial is being introduced for that range, both sides have a task force in that range, and people get through those levels fairly quickly.

    We need more level 30-50 content, before any other level range gets any. Period. Nobody will run a hundred alts through your shiny endgame if they stall out in the 30s for lack of things to do.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    Though with the dev's habit of constantly adding new badge missions to both sides, badgers tend to get forced to switch periodically anyways.
    It all depends on how dedicated you are to badging. Even my characters who don't otherwise go out of the way for non-accolade badges will go do explore and history badges if I'm bored.
  6. Give them some power that phases you, isn't actually auto-hit but might as well be, and lasts forever. Like Ballistas have. Give it to the Lieutenants. That way, you can't even escape the annoyance by getting yourself killed. And in case you do manage to get yourself killed, they have Curse of Weariness too.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Finally, all the solo-only crowd will have a place to go to climb up the Incarnate ladder. Maybe since they'll be tripping over each other street sweeping there, they can form a team and help one another.
    Yeah, funny, but repeatable missions > streetsweeping. Unless they have something like the Cimerora Wall there, but I doubt they will. That wall was the devs' gift to Assault Rifle.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
    Seems like these gods persist as long as there's some underground cult around that still worships them. Now see, if we'd built a hive-mind to link us all to the same mental network, we wouldn't have these little cults running around loose and ruining things for everyone else!
    Actually, now that I think about it, the BP feed on fear, so you probably couldn't wipe them out entirely. Unless we built a hive-mind to convince everyone not to be afraid, everything will be ok, we are your friends, we come in peace. But then you'd have some stubborn grizzled anti-hero types managing to resist through sheer force of will, and they'd turn out to be arachnophobic or something, and we're right back where we started.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
    I would seriously give bonus props if his creepiness helped the story ( Shining anyone?) But this guy is written so bad, and has so little reason for existenc I sincerely hope a decent editor actually exists somewhere in the bowels of NC Soft. Cause he needs major help, including just deleting if nothing else is easily done.
    NCSoft obviously has no editors, that's why there are typos in the character creator.

    Seriously, if they don't change arcs to try to patch up glaring plot holes, what makes you think they'll change one to get rid of an NPC you don't like? Especially since, from what I've heard, you're supposed to dislike him?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LordAethar View Post
    I also wouldn't mind seeing some mechanism to become available to bases so we could access flashback zones (Galaxy City, Dark Astoria).
    You can. The Galaxy City beacon goes to the echo of Galaxy now and they have no reason not to make Dark Astoria work the same way.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    Which is boooring to me...pfft stupid dogs...needs more cats in the game!
    Yes, we need a fluffy white cat that we can stroke while sitting in a big leather swivel chair.

    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    The art itself doesn't bother me but it is sort of surprising its oozing its way into this "Teen-rated" game. I think you're probably just going to have to brace yourself for the inevitable "please make her costume items available to player characters" suggestions sooner or later.
    Because teens are the ones most impressed by this stuff? Adults can get into strip clubs.

    I'm sure when we finally fight Dominatrix she will be wearing a spiked leather thong and be popping out of her spiky leather corset. Calling it now.

    Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
    And the Rikti will be shaking their heads at us and be all like, "This is why we killed our gods a long time ago!"
    Why didn't we kill at least those gods a long time ago? Even the other gods didn't like them. That makes me think the Rikti killing their gods was a retcon.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    You say that like it was a surprise to you.
    Not a surprise, just a disappointment. And I will continue to mock this new art direction at any opportunity I can until someone in charge realizes just how ridiculous it is. That outfit looks like it was copied off the cover of Heavy Metal.
  13. New zone looks great, but it does not look a thing like Dark Astoria. I'm wondering why they bothered calling it a Dark Astoria revamp and didn't just make a new zone.

    And I'm assuming the skank is Diabolique. All I can do is /facepalm. With every female NPC who gets "revamped" to look like a stripper, this game looks more and more like it's being made for 13-year-olds.

    The 6-location telepads will be nice, and...is that darkity tendrilly wolf the Darkness Control tier 9??? I can see why they held off announcing it, it looks lovely.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    The only reason I think anyone is complaining is that the iProgress requires such focused iTrial repetition. It's not like normal leveling where you can do a TF, then go do missions or something for a while before even touching another TF.
    It requires repetition, period. In normal leveling you can do a TF, then go do missions and never touch that same TF again, unless you want to. You gain all the rewards that are exclusive to that TF the first time. The only exceptions I can think of are the ITF, and that's only if you want the Nictus weapons, and Hami, simply because of the sheer number of people required.

    And yes, I am aware that DFB also encourages repetition with its selection of rewards. It was created to train newbies for the eventual iTrial grind.

    I22 will hopefully help significantly with this, but right now, it's pretty severe.
    I fully expect i22 to introduce a fairly small number of missions that must be repeated over and over to progress. I'm also fairly certain that the good rewards will be gated behind arcs that have a logical conclusion and, lore-wise, shouldn't be repeatable, and that they will use the SSA tech rather than being accessible through Ouroboros.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Demetrios Vasilikos View Post
    There are even some who have gone a interesting route Ive RPed with, who say that praetoria is more like our world but abit fast forwarded. And that the only real difference is our worlds stephen richter was bad *** enough to survive coles attempt on his life, and although we see him as evil, he is more the being a villain to save his world from a greater evil. and that he isnt as powerful as statesman because like us, he took the slow path of incarnation.
    That's really reaching. If any of our villains is in it for teh Evuls, it's Recluse.
  16. MrCaptainMan, don't bother. You'll just hurt your brain. The story behind the trials is "we went to Praetoria and killed a bunch of stuff to get shinies." Full stop. Everything else is peripherals clumsily tacked on because a bunch of people in i18 Beta were near-sighted enough to demand a story to go with their new powers.
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  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
    What, so the grenades are just specifically designed to calm Marauder down? And they're made by Cole's guys? Why? Idon't see him attacking his own guys or doing anything anti-Cole.
    A guy I knew didn't see his Rottweiler attacking him or doing anything anti-him, until it did.

    Hm. That's pretty lame. What's the general story behind the LAM anyway? What are we supposed to be doing nesides going in to beat up Marauder?

    It's a military facility, we're supposed to be shutting it down. I think.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
    LAM: i've runoads of these but because sLAMs are such rapid wham bang thank you mam affairs with no time for anything but spamming attacks and following the leader, I have no idea what we're actually supposed to be doing. Marauder has a drink of something and then goes mental is about all I got. No idea if there are any plot inconsistencies withthe LAM, then.
    If your facility is defended by a Gatorade commercial on crack, and a bunch of portals that can send in more goons to fight off attackers, why would you leave the means to counter these defenses just lying around the facility?
  20. Well, there is an arc called "The History of Statesman" where he drinks from the Well of the Furries....does that count? I can't remember the arc ID but it was pretty funny.
  21. It's been an approved use of MA even back in the days of Positron's anti-farming rant fallout. Challenge missions and basic stories have never been frowned on, only optimized min-maxed farms. You can tell which ones these are because there are about a thousand nearly identical copies.
  22. I also love it when there is a badge that fits my character perfectly. My goth Scrapper wears Vision of Despair, my Kin Corruptor wears Paragon of Vice, and I was pleasantly surprised when my Vigilante Claws Scrapper received Bloody Hands while running SSA #4.

    My favorite funny badge is In Therapy.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    No sillier than a number of other badges in the game. "Usurper", for instance, when you don't actually usurp Lord Recluse's position.
    Which is even sillier because in order to get Servant of Recluse at least one person on the team must have Usurper. The thing is, the other silly badges in the game aren't potentially politically charged. If something is likely to offend a bunch of people for no reason, you change that thing. There is a badge on top of City Hall, there is a badge called Patriot, so what did we lose when the badge was moved?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    I find that kind of ill will rather silly, myself. As I understand it, Paragon City is on the east coast of the U.S. - if it were set in France, I certainly wouldn't get upset over a 'Patriot' badge set next to France's flag.
    The game is set in the US, but that doesn't mean all of our heroes have to be American. If I were to make a Canadian-themed hero it would be silly to get the Patriot badge from standing next to an American flag.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Change slap to punch and you know how I felt.
    Actually I was being nice. There have been instances where MO runs I was on were blown by such mind-boggling stupidity that I wanted to reach through the screen, strangle someone, delete all their characters and get their account perma-banned.