16 -
Could make a void costume, I think you can get pretty close to the npc's costume.
Soon (tm) hmm.. the 25th on friday.
To me it depends when I-16 comes out, seeing as North American servers will have double xp after iit comes out.
I enjoyed reading the first part, I agree with Kyo though, only write something if you enjoy doing so.
*Goes to kitchen to make some*
See whatcha made me do? -
Gunna try to login now........*crosses fingers, grabs a 4-leaf clover, throws salt over shoulder*
I too have just tried to login and have this problem, was fine earlier today... Would have thought freedom would be a problem, not Protector.
I hope they fix the problem soon.. -
I remember i got lucky a while back and got a lvl 39 LoTG for 1infamy hehe, i sold it back for 100mill
You have got to be kidding me, I hope your joking....*runs to go check*
Well if it was short notice we can only assume it was important. Btw can I have a cookie too?
Maybe you will get lucky I16, be a rainbow rock
Hey, this maybe a stupid question, but what is the quickest way to rake in some influence/infamy? Trying to make it to the BC.
[/ QUOTE ] I was wondering the same thing lolz -
I used to PvP around abit for fun, but going into the zones such as siren's and RV I feel that only certain power sets will survive when leaving the base. Maybe it's just me, but I think to PvP you shouldn't *Need* to buy IO's. They should help, but not determine if you are able to pvp or not.
Just sharing my thoughts. -
Is that why i cant login or is my connection that bad today?
* Supergroup Name: Dusk of Revenge
* Leader & recruiters: Luke Champton is lead, any member can invite you.
Method of Contact: in-game email to Luke Champton
Rules: SG mode always untill lvl 30 then its optional, and have at least a little bit of experiance with the game. We will try and teach you the baics if needed, but we also want you to figuire somestuff out as you go. A costume set the SG uses may be soon to come, no promises there. -
SG name- Autaran
No website
No chat channel
Recruiters- Any member
Method of cantact- in game email or a simple tell
It's a new SG looking for members, we have a working base that could be improved, tell me what u want in our base in i will see what i can do im looking to make all members happy with the SG.