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  1. I was feeling bored, so i grabbed screenshots of (almost) all my characters and plopped 'em together, collage-style. The "Heroes of Pagaron City" is my SG's name.. i was surprised it wasn't already taken. Anyway:



    From left: Zobitoid, GenericElectricChick, Great Experiment MK2, Pynx, Patty-Sue Ivanova, Krankar (rear), Balaka, Elo, and Disgruntled Ex

    (hmm.. maybe i should adjust everything to the left and make this my splash page for the game... /=) )
  2. Heh, nice.

    The WoW one, IMO, is a bit better, for a couple reasons, some of which are beyond your control: Moving mouths to make them look like they're actually singing... and it's obvious you did this yourself. It would have been nice if you recruited people to do certain emotes and choreograph it so that when the guys are all singing together they could have been actually pictured -together-.

    Just one advice for next time. Anyway, I liked it; Good Job =)
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I also submit! http://drunkfu.deviantart.com/art/Bl...vatar-80384453

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    Hahaha, that's great! It took me a second to figure out what he was kicking though.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    You people are such predictable softies =P

    If B.S. has any cajones, he'll man up to his mistakes on a daily basis by using this avatar:



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    GREAT Avatar. it would be even better if it showed the CWK, then faded to BS, with the text appearing over it.
    But regardless, that's still genius!

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    Yeah, on it's own, it doesn't make 100% sense, but i figured if B.S. was gonna be using it, that would kinda close the gap there.

    But i still just might do that =)
  5. You people are such predictable softies =P

    If B.S. has any cajones, he'll man up to his mistakes on a daily basis by using this avatar:


  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Just learned that Posi worked on Thief. I'm sure everyone else knew that, but I don't normally read developer bios. Seeing as Thief is simply one of the finest games ever conceived, and all who worked on it are abnormally sexy and of far greater than average intellect, I can now see why Co* has only improved and in massive amounts since Posi took over.


    [/ QUOTE ]


    Holy [BLEEP!]! I LOVE the Thief series! It explains a few things.. and i wondered why Matt's name always rang a bell...

    Though now i'm forced to wonder: Thief has probably one of the best fan-made-mod communities anywhere. I'm sure Pos- er, Matt realizes that giving players access to even dumbed-down development tools to make very basic things would only make for a better game overall. So, why hasn't it happened yet? Legal reasons? Or do they not want Co* to end up like Second Life?
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    So, what happens when you level from 1 to 2? You have fewer insp slots than there are inspirations. Does it just fill them randomly until you're full, or do the drops have an order of precedence? It would be nice to get a giant wakie at level 2!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No, it auto-hits you with them all at once, so you get awakened, broke free, full hp and end, and a buff to damage, accuracy, defense, and resistance. Ie, ALL the normal inspirations.

    Gonna be sweet, especially during Sewer runs!
  8. I've asked for a hollows revamp a few times... glad to see its getting SOMETHING done. If only because heroes have been there for years and nothing's improved.

    I wonder who the "new" enemy group is...
  9. Hmmm

    Mind some Constructive Crit? Because while I like the piece, some things are jumping out at me and i feel compelled to bring them up.

    1: Proportions. Maybe it's because i'm too used to seeing these characters in cartoons, or in comics by people who were payed to make everything "supersized", but would it kill you to maybe exaggerate a little bit here, or are you going for as realistic as possible? More to the point, everyone seems to have kinda stocky legs, particularly Green Lantern, Black Canary, and Speedy (which is funny, because....)

    Secondly, and related to point #1, everyone has the same body (well, for their gender). GL needn't be ripped... yeah, he has muscles, but how often does he use them? He shouldn't be as big as Batman, who's said to be the pinnacle of human achievement. Speedy should have larger arms, and perhaps thinner legs; Being an archer, he uses his arms all the time, after all. Superman should be bigger all around (unless you ascribe to the theory that he can't possibly build muscle without being exposed to kryptonite... which would kill him... though DC artists are usually encouraged to beef him up, so mweh). Wonder Woman could use a bigger bust... I'm sorry to sound perverted, but when DC goes out of their way to hire a guy like Adam Hughes (who's renowned for how he renders boobs) to do WW cover art, i think it's pretty much a given that she should have better-than-mere-mortal proportions.

    These are the types of things that I'd hope an artist of your caliber and success would consider... along with not giving everyone the same boot folds. I know that's the dumbest thing in the world to mention, but if there's a decently easy way to fix this, please do so. You're an amazing artist and i know you'd never purposely DRAW figures this way, so why would you take such shortcuts now?
  10. Wait, what? I thought we already HAD power customization. I can make my powers, and everyone else's, any color i want!


    Okay, so, i have too much fun playing with my monitor settings. =P
  11. ohz noes!

    Second page!

    Must... BUMP!
  12. ... You're missing "Clicky Claks" for "Clockwork"
  13. Wow... too tough. I'm trying to balance artistic ability with how creative and funny any given piece was....

    I'm going Juggertha and Turkey Lurkey. G.W. tops because i feel it was the best rendered of the bunch, while Babage was creative and amusing.

    The others were all good, also. However, they had a penchant of leaning too heavily on either humor OR good technique, without enough of the other.

    So yeah, them's my votes.
  14. This is the best thread in the history of ever ^_^
  15. I've run a crap laod of TFs.

    The only ones that ever dissolved were STFs cuz we couldn't make it past the four patron AVs.

    Though there was the one time i solo'd the Clockwork King at the end of Synapse. Still could have done so if the miss were set for 8, it just woulda taken a longer time.

    And in my experience, even PuGs stick together. The whole notion of needing rl friends or an SG to run tfs seems misguided.

    Then again, I play on virtue, where there's more, and better, players, it seems. =/
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, the plaque thing is a running joke between me and my husband every time we go anywhere.

    And HELL YEAH for the video contest! I am so hoping that this spurs people on to try their hands at vids.

    (Admittedly, for the record, I am so going to try and win that.)

    And thank you for the corrections to include my links!


    [/ QUOTE ]

    How do you plan to make a 30 second video when all of yours have over a minute of opening and ending credits? =P
  17. uuuhhmm

    dunno if anyone said it yet, but won't this make farming EASIER?!

    "Cool, i can solo missions meant for 5/6/7/8 people!"

    Controllers ftw.
  18. EmperorSteele

    Sexiest CoX Art?

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    This might get me in trouble, but sexy is as sexy does:


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    That is so hot! I love her legs.

    You're right, though. The amount of cleavage revealed might be a problem.

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    Do you think that might make it in the City Scoop, or would it be "too much"?

    Though I can't take credit for the work, of course.
  19. ... what, no "Win button"?


    Jk... /signed =)
  20. EmperorSteele

    Sexiest CoX Art?


    This might get me in trouble, but sexy is as sexy does:

  21. [ QUOTE ]
    I am totally wearing my mirror shoes and standing next to Patty-Sue.

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  22. For those not in the know, we have a small hint as to what the new V-day event will entail. If you do not wish to know, then read no further. As for the rest of you...

    Consensus is that there's going to be a wedding of some sort. As such, I have taken to making sure my characters are dressed appropriately for the event. Here's one I've done so far:


    (uhm, the scarf is supposed to be a sash... yeah... -._-. )

    What about the rest of you? I mean, if you plan on going/crashing, you better at least dress right!
  23. Aaawwww, that's so cuuuute ^_^

    ..waitasec, where's my wallet? HEY, where'd she go?! Thief, THIIEEEF!!