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  1. Soooo, what, did the Shadow Shard sign a nuclear arms ban treaty with Primal Earth?
  2. While I do not have any characters who can join this SG, I'd still love to help make this happen by donating bits of inf here and there. Gonna keep tabs on this thread...
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr. Aeon View Post
    Any discussion on whether or not something should or shouldn't have been suggested can be talked about in-game in the arena.
    I lol'd at this =)
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
    Not a thread jack in any shape, form or fashion. Being that they left it open (while most Official Announcements are locked posts) denotes that this is a discussion thread meant to discuss Dr. Aeon's announcement. Not just to nod at it and smile.
    Emphasis mine.

    Complaining about general AE problems IS a thread-jack in a thread about a contest. There is some overlap, but honestly, what does it bring to the proceedings?

    "Hey guys, let's have a contest..."



    Yeah, kind of a non-sequitur.
  5. What do you mean, "make a story arc"? Since when have we had the capacity to-

    OH, wait, i forgot that AE can be used for more than just farming! In that case, i'll throw my hat in, too!
  6. I'm not giving away my secrets >=O
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    I'm sure Emperor Steele can explain it to you.

    *flings rubber bands* shush you!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
    Anyone above level 24 can do a respec trial provided that they have around 1.5h to spare just about any evening or afternoon. I cannot fathom a single way of life where you don't have that much leisure time. If you do, but don't want to work to get your respec like everyone else does, no sympathy from me. Under level 24 you shouldn't even need respecs. You have a second build for that.
    No they can't. If they already did all three, you can't get a respec as a reward again. And I've seen a small handful of posters who claim that they can only play at odd hours for short periods of time where getting enough people together and having that sort of time isn't tenable. But on a whole, you'd think plenty of people would have access to respecs in one form or another...

    So, why are there over 170 bids for respec recipes?
  9. Heh, that's what it was sounding like, from what some of these people have been saying.

    My beef isn't with higher prices or even flippers, but everyone's flippant attitude that the flippers somehow make everything better for everyone. The flippers are only helping themselves. And while others may see some benefits, it's not like the flippers had those other people in mind when they went about flipping.

    ..I'm starting to sound like a smurf >_>
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Misaligned View Post
    What did I learn from that? To be careful when placing bids. I also learned to bid like this:


    You know why? It makes me 99% less likely to add an extra number to my bids. I did that looooooooooong before I made enough inf to buy you, your children, and your dog.

    That is not a "trick" only marketeers use. Tons of people do this. You'd know this - unless of course you are too inept to watch the sales on a piece of common salvage? How many do you see go out for an even number? Maybe 2%? Hell, I'll give you 10%. So in your words, anything without an even bid is being purchased by a flipper? So what... the flippers are buying 90% of the stuff from... flippers? Makes perfect sense to me that with a population of 50k people playing that the vast majority of transactions are now conducted by flippers.
    Actually, you overestimate people's abilities. That IS a trick only marketers use, by virtue of the fact that if someone is doing that, they deserve the title, for better or worse.

    And why do you people keep bringing up salvage? I'm not SAYING ANYTHING about salvage. But for the record, I just looked, and about 90% of the sales i saw were for an even number. So, don't mind me if i doubt your observational and intellectual abilities. I did notice that high-priced items had a higher chance of having an un-even bid number, but for the most part, the majority of bids ended in 0's.

    Now, to address something else for you, because you're really not getting this:
    People don't bid creep. They just don't. They're sheep. They don't do it. They just don't. Seeing a patern here. Hell - people like me count on that fact. Listing my enhancement at 11mil when they're selling for 20 to ensure mine sells first. I'm counting on the sheep to just blindly bid what the last person bid - and they do. I'm now up to 18 of the same enhancement sold. All listed for 15.3 mil. 16 have sold for 20 mil... cause that's what the last 5 said they sold at!
    Just because YOU don't bid-creep doesn't mean other people don't. But you're right, they do liek to bid what the last few people did. However, in an instance where they can SEE one just sold for 151511515 or whatever, don't you think they would have tried a bid closer to that before going up to 175M? Also, you've contradicted yourself. First you say "Tons" of people are smart enough to bid uneven amounts, but now you're calling them sheep? make up your mind!

    Second - WTF are you smoking?! Paid more than they wanted to pay... well DUH! I want everything for free. Reality sucks though, so I get over it.
    So, are you countering this position or not? Hard to tell.

    Third - WTF are you smoking?! If they "didn't want to pay that much for it" why on God's green Earth did they continue to bid... for something that can be earned for exactly 0 inf!!! 0!!! Not millions. Not even thousands. 0!!! Respec trials take no more than 45 min with a horrible team. But they continued to bid on an item that isn't even "required". They continued to bid and somehow got suckered by a flipper, and not some random dude who said "holy #$^&! Look at that! I can sell my respec recipe for 170 million!!!" No no... it must be evil flippers.
    Some people have already done all three trials and used all their vetspecs. And with the announcement of free fitness coming our way, plenty of people want to get their builds in order or at least have an extra respec handy before the tsunami hits. And while you're right in that there could be a few extra people putting in respecs for sale at a high price, what, pray-tell, do you think someone is doing making multiple bids of 151etcetcetc for? Or are you going to tell me that over a hundred different people are making bids at that price point? Are you that dense to pick a fight that you're going to start trolling with an illogical conclusion such as that?

    Forth - WTF are you smoking? Using Respec Recipes to make your point? Could you maybe use a costume piece? Its actually LESS useless than a Respec Recipe.
    Respec recipes have more perceived value, plus who in their right mind would flip vendor trash? WTD are YOU smoking?

    Here's the dirty little secret you seem to have missed on Respec recipes - you know who buys the vast majority of these? Rich people. Rich people who are doing one of the following:

    a) Stripping a toon to send the enhancements to another toon
    b) Stripping enhancements off of a toon because they want to sell those enhancements to people like you
    c) Stripping their toon to delete it to make something new.

    There is almost no other reason to use a respec recipe. You can do a trial and get one any time you'd like. The recipes are there for the people who want to respec over and over and over to remove enhancements.
    No, it's for vets who've finished the respec trials a long time ago and used all their vetspecs and freespecs, too. It happens, especially since every other issue introduces new power changes. Or are you going to tell me that getting inherent health and stamina (that you'll have to respec into if you already selected them as pool powers) isn't going to have ANY effect on anyone's builds? While true we'll get a freespec with the next issue, some people need to respec more than once to properly move enhancements around, and unless someone has Mids open on another screen, people are bound to make slotting goofs and will need to 'spec all over again.

    Honestly, I just wish those things took their very own salvage. I might actually invest the time and energy into dominating that. I mean if someone feels that 45 min of their time is worth 180 mil... wth do you think they'd be willing to pay for the rare salvage to make it?! Now that would be sweet!
    Not everyone can do a respec trial, but aside from that, yeah, that'd be something fun to see, heh.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by seebs View Post
    It's providing someone who wants it more a chance to get it at all, rather than coming to the market and finding none available.
    Except as others have noted, market supply is in a constant state of flux, especially on items like salvage. If there's none today there'll be plenty tomorrow. Heck, if there's none now there'll be some in an hour. You're proposing a scenario where something sells out and is never relisted. Also, if everyone got what they wanted, there'd be no one left to want it, thus demand would go down. True, there'll always be more demand, but there'll always be more supply to accommodate it, also.

    This is how you manage scarcity -- you raise prices until demand drops enough to match supply. That has the additional effect of creating an incentive for people to try to raise supply. If I see that prices on something are temporarily high, I might go take a stack out of a salvage rack and list them... Increasing supply and lowering prices.
    No, you manage scarcity by providing more and making sure everyone gets what they desire at a price they are amenable to! True, this doesn't work in the real world as there are physical limits to how much of something can be physically created and shipped, but in-game, we have ~50,000 players doing missions and getting drops. I dunno how many actively participate in the market, but it's gotta be enough to get everyone what they want... that is if sellers were more willing to be altruistic instead of greedy...

    No, the person who wanted it enough to pay 175M benefitted, because if someone else had bought it and used it, there wouldn't have been one availabel.
    Not if he could have had it for 150 Million, or less. I don't call paying more than he would have had to without the flipper's interference "benefiting".

    You seem to live in a world in which people named after dolphins have a magical ability to percieve what the current asking prices for something are, and in which you are able to perceive exactly which sales correspond to which specific instances of a given item.
    All I'm doing is observing a trend. I see a sale for 151,115,151, i KNOW that's a marketer's trick, buying and listing for non-even amounts. And then there's 4 sales a short time later for much higher? Didn't those other 4 people see the bidding history and try the same amount? They probably did. And they probably bid-crept until they reached a number that was much higher than what they wanted to pay but that finally paid off. Which means 2 things: At the time 151,115,151 won the bid, there were NO HIGHER BIDS, strange for an item with close to 100 bids on it. But then the next 4 people had to bid at least 175M, even though there's 20 more on the market?

    That item's being flipped, plain and simple. Most of the active bids are ones for ~151, and all the active "for sale" items are hovering around 175M. I can't see any other alternative. And for you guys to pretend this helps other people get what they want is, quite frankly, goofy.

    Also, you're now being contradictory, because if someone else might have bid a bit more, then that person would have won, and the person who wanted it for 151M would have lost anyway.
    Except that didn't happen, now did it? No, the 151M sale actually happened, with the next 4 being much, much higher. Now YOU'RE starting with the unsubstantiated "what ifs". Call me out on it, fine, but don't use 'em yourself.

    Seriously, your entire argument here is, quite frankly, droolingly incoherent. It doesn't even make sense. It doesn't even begin to make sense. With the exception of one or two database techs at ncsoft, no one in the world could possibly have the information you'd need to substantiate these claims, and the claims themselves are such as to inspire the reader to wonder whether you shouldn't be cutting back a bit on the lead content in your diet.
    But lead is nummy =(

    But that's beside the point. No, see, it takes observation. Of actual data, available to all. The last 5 bids, frequency of sales, fluctuations in prices, number for sale, number bidding (the later two being shockingly stable. Gee, if people are buying all these recipes, where are the new ones coming from if it's supposedly so rare?) You're almost trying to claim that flipping doesn't exist. At least that's what it sounds like. All I'm saying is that flipping keeps items out of the hands of people who want them for cheaper. How's that not make sense, especially since everyone else has admitted that "flipping raises the price floor"?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post

    A flipper is someone who doesn't change the number for sale, only the price point. Can we agree on that, EmperorSteele? They buy something and put it back up for resale immediately.
    Sure... they raise it out of the range of the people who have the most complaints against the market already. They prevent the market from working for people who want things quickly and cheaply.

    Right now there are something like 50,000 accounts, maybe a few more, and right now- 10 AM Saturday- there are 20 individual respec recipes for sale.

    Doesn't sound to me like "sell them to the people who want them" would make much of a dent in demand, does it?
    You're missing the fact that there's over 180 bids, and that the price has climbed from 120 million since last week to a peek of 180 million now. Last 5 as of this post:

    ~151M (all today)

    Why can't everyone get it for 151? Because some silly person bought it and relisted it for 175M. The flipper prevented someone else from getting that particular, specific recipe at that lower price. How's that doing the market any good? The only person befitting is the flipper. Even the original seller got shafted, because someone else might have bid a bit more instead of the bare minimum.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lohenien View Post
    Stop being lazy and earn more influence or just stop whining. You are not entitled to under costed prices because the market is not a store. You could alternately attempt to understand how pricing and patience works but that is probably impossible.
    And who said i was being lazy or whining? My net worth in-game is close to 3 billion inf, so i can afford things, however I'm simply confused by the idea that people here posit that buying stuff and selling it for more keeps prices down. It seems to rely on "stabilizing supply" which "stabilizes prices", but the fact is if people who wanted to use stuff could get it for the price that a flipper or manipulator got it at, then no one would have to pay more than that cost, thus there'd be no further demand, thus the costs would be stable, and lower.

    Now, Goat came in with an example I can sort of understand: badgers who unintentionally screw with market prices trying to get their badges. However, to assume that badgers are the sole cause of item destruction, and as a result price inflation due to lack of supply, would be laughable.

    And i noticed that so far everyone's been discussing salvage. What about RESPEC RECIPES? Y'know, those things Smurphy made zillions of inf on by flipping? Or Purples? Maybe prices wouldn't be so high if everyone who wanted to equip them could have bought them by now, but were denied when someone else bought and re-listed.

    On the theme of the thread, i'd make all items "locked" on the -second- character to own it. So you could have something drop and sell it, but the character who bought it or had it given to them couldn't get rid of it, short of destroying it. There'd probably end up being some hoarding (oooh, what if i need this eventually?!) but i doubt that'd do any more to raise prices than what flippers and manipulators do already.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pitho View Post
    You want an idea of what salvage prices would look like without flippers?

    Circuit boards. This is a fairly common salvage, and is USUALLY cheap, but every so often the supply gets bought out and they sell for like 100k+. It's not worth the slots for anyone to flip for an extended period of time, but they're useful enough that they get bought out and deal with horrible price spikes. Also even during these price spikes you still see people occasionally buying them for like 500 or 1k or a few k.

    That's what say, alchemical silver would look like EVERY DAY without flippers on it. Wild constant price spikes.

    Basically, what the goat just said.
    I still don't see how buying something for X, then selling it for 2X, keeps prices DOWN. You've just DOUBLED the ASKING price.

    Now, that won't stop people from bidding high. But it DOES stop people from having to bid above 2X just to get what they want if they only wanted it for X.

    Also, regarding supply, bidding low on something and getting it is taking supply out of the market. You just deprived someone else of getting the item for that price who intended to use it. Then you relist it out of their price range. How is that keeping prices low?
  15. Yeah, and Levitate is almost twice as powerful, damage-wise. Same stats otherwise. Since the animation is just some swirlie effects around your character's head, i don't think it matters much that you're not rooted for the entire time.

    I think the reason for the damage disparity is that Grav also has propel as its heavy-hitting damage power. I dunno *shrug*
  16. Here's what flipping does: Prevents people from buying low immediately.

    Therefore, flipping = bad. =)

    To put it another way, let's say you went to the grocery store for a can of soup. No prices are listed, but you talk to some store staff and they tell you the cans tend to go for 3-5 dollars a piece. Perplexed at not being able to get a straight answer, you grab a can anyway and go up to the cash register, where someone else is buying the same can of soup. You overhear that they got the can for a buck. Sweet, you'll only have to spend a dollar! So you get up to purchase your soup, and the person says "ten bucks".

    "What?!" you say "But the person ahead of me got it for one dollar!"

    "True, but they waited in line for 2 hours and bought it when we had a 10 second sale going on."

    "Well okay, that's stupid... but the other store staff i talked to said it's be only 3 to 5 dollars, not ten!"

    "That's the average price, true, but that SPECIFIC can costs 10 dollars. If you want a cheaper one, you'll have to wait around for a cheaper one to become available!"

    "Well why're the cans of soup different prices?!"

    "Because people stand in line for hours waiting for our ten-second sale, buy up all the cheap cans, then re-sell them back to the store!"

    etc etc. I realize this does not accurately reflect a multi-seller market, but that's the perspective of someone who wants to buy something. They go to wentworths (the store) to get their can of soup, and are stimied because they can't pay what THEY WANT to pay for something (or even the last sales price) because someone else bought the last cheap one and re-listed in for twice the price.

    Now they CAN place a bid and wait, but i guarantee prices would be much lower across the board if flippers wene't taking the supply and MARKING IT UP out of the prospective buyer's price range. It's too bad we can't stop everyone from flipping or manipulating the market for a week or two, I'd love to see the effect.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smoking Baby View Post
    Do you guys walk into a store, inspect an item, and then go complain to the floor manager that the price for the mug you want is too high?


    Then why do it here?

    This is silly. If you don't want it then don't buy it.
    We're complaining because this sets a BAD PRECEDENT. They're taking content out of free issues (or taking devs away from working on those free issues) to create purchaseable packs which, until now have been worth the extra cash.

    Time was, an issue would give us new systems, new missions, new costumes, new emotes, new powers, etc...

    Last few issues have been a couple missions and that's about it. Most of the new costumes and emotes we've gotten have been from booster packs. Now they have a pack that's $1 per emote.

    I hate slippery slope arguments on principle, but what's next? A one-emote pack for 5 bucks? A pack that charges $1 per costume item? The next issue being delayed several months and being extraordinarily shallow and empty because they're stripping as much out of it as possible to make more boosters?

    Where does it end? And if they're gonna start over-charging us for everything we used to get for free, can we at least go free-2-play so i can spend my sub money on the extras?
  18. EmperorSteele


    So i put some high-priced items up a couple weeks ago for a little below the going rate. High enough to not get low-balled, but low enough that if people continued bidding at their current rate, i'd eventually sell what I wanted to.

    But now prices have been PLUMMETING. One of the items sold for one FORTIETH it's going value from when i put it up!

    Now i have plenty more market slots, so i'm not feeling any urgency towards taking these down, but dang, this really stinks!

    Sorry, just felt like venting =)
  19. So i was wrong about the pack being more than just emotes?

    Wow. Way to fail, marketing team.

    Any chance that, by the end of the week, we can see how many suc- er, people bought the pack? I'd really, REALLY like to know how sales of an all emote pack compare to the fully-fleshed out packs.

    I honestly hope sales are abysmal so that emotes get put back into free issues where they belong, or packed with other purchasable goodies at the very least. I'd hate, hate, HATE to see new issues be only 2 misisons and 1 costume, while you guys are selling off everything else that should have been in a given issue in an over-priced* booster.

    *: Note, prices of boosters to date have been fair, but this? 1 buck per emote? Not cool. Also not cool is how progressively "lighter" each free issue has been. Granted, they're free, and we ARE a bit spoiled, but suddenly a free issue doesn't seem worthwhile when i have to buy 2 booster packs worth of stuff just to get everything i would have gotten a few years ago for free =/

    To put it another way, if someone hasn't bought ANY booster packs, they're missing out on over a DOZEN costume sets, 6 powers (which vary from okay to VERY handy), and now almost 30 emotes? Meanwhile you guys launched a free issue that amounted to one new TF per side, another that had barely more than 2 mission arcs per side, and now a paid expansion that only covers 20 levels?

    Now, I'm not angry, but I am suddenly becoming concerned with NCSoft's/Paragon Studios' marketing practices. You guys have been putting an emphasis on quality over quantity, and while I beleive that's a good thing overall, looking at the numbers, i have to say i wish things would balance out a bit better so that people who rely only on free content (aside from their subscription fee) didn't find themselves at a huge disadvantage. I feel bad telling people when they see me ninja-running or wearing the fancy mage cape that they'd have to shell out an extra 10 bucks if they wanted those things, too. They feel jilted, almost cheated. Extras are nice but at what point is enough enough?
  20. Happy birthday, oh giver of squishy boobie hugs!
  21. Why do you wanna know?

    It's typically the same few people at hami raids... ship raids can be just about anyone willing to lead. "Public" CoP raids have been getting lead by the Angry Angels, though there are a few others.
  22. Enemies NEVER run from me.

    I feel decidedly less awesome. I'm gonna go cry now =(
  23. You're a kin, huh?

    Pick up Repel and knock the baddies into the corner, make sure they can't move/attack.

    That's about the best inherant defense you're going to get from Kin/. Otherwise, you're relying on insps =(
  24. Yeah, as long as you're cognizant that Empathy isn't JUST about reactive healing, you'll be fine playing it at any level. Fortitude can be on 3 people at a stretch if you keep up on it, the Regen/Recovery auras will ensure that your team doesn't NEED healing or that they need to stop and rest, and Adrenaline Boost can turn any one character into a one-toon army. It's a GREAT set that's played badly more often than not, but when played well lives up to outside expectations of "we need heal0rz!" (even though you might not actually be healing anybody ;-) )

    FF is just a great set all around, and while many people these days are obsessed with getting their character's personal defenses to the "Soft cap", you have a multitude of status protection and enemy control powers that do more to keep your team safe than a mere mathematically-imposed "only 5% chance to get hit".

    So keep playing, keep having fun, and ignore the nay-sayers =)
  25. Well, if you want a "blaster" like choice, go Mind Control. You have in it 3 ST attacks and a Cone AoE attack, most of which double as Mezzes (a sleep, a Knock-up power, a hold, and a fear), and ocne you have decent recharge, they chain together very well.

    Remember that no matter which primary you choose, you won't do good damage UNLESS a target is already Slept, Held, Disoriented or Immobilized. The controller inherent, "Containment", adds double damage to your attacks, and what's great is it ignores the damage cap, ED, etc, because your damage isn't simply doubled; what happens is that you do your damage, and then the damage occurs *again* a split second later. And if you're already at the damage cap (400%), which is achievable if you're using, say, a Kin, you can quickly kill just about anything.

    As for pools, well, it depends on whether or not you need them. A Rad or Kin or even an Emp, properly slotted, can get away without going after Stamina (they all have +end or +recovery powers). A Kin doesn't need a travel power because they have access to Siphon Speed and Inertial reduction (a self/PBAoE +jump power). A Illusionist doesn't need Stealth.

    If you want, I recommend getting Mids Hero Builder, or use an online build-planner (Both available at the Titan Network here: http://www.cohplanner.com/ ) so you can see what all the power for the primaries and secondaries are like and see what piques your interest.

    Have fun!