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  1. Yeah, the problem with random rolls, as always, is that there's only a small handfull of recipes that are worth anything significant, and everything else is junk with very little "in the middle" (IE, worth more than their vendor price but not a big seller). Now, I still do random rolls because I like the thrill of the gamble and hoping i get something big... and also my characters are currently outfited the way I want them so neither enhancements or their value mean much to me. I just like getting "the big prize".

    However, if you're trying to make money, it's not the best way to go. Yeah, you can always roll a miracle, a numina, and 2 LotG procs... but you can also end up with 4 Crap of the Hunters. I kid you not that happened to me once. ;_;
  2. I know from goofing around in the costume creator that the only Signature Character we can really faithfully recreate is Sister Psyche.

    However, I'm thinking you wanted the faceplate for your own character. Tough luck there, sorry =/
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    Mesmerize does not appear anywhere that Confuse isn't available. If you can't handle the mob waking up, Confuse it first. Viola, no loss of "the control you're already supposed to have" at all. If you want the extra damage you wouldn't care about the mob waking up since presumably you're trying to do more damage which would wake them up anyway. The problem with Reactive and (specifically) Mesmerize is between the keyboard and chair.
    Mesmerize can be used to sleep AVs in a clutch.

    Confuse has to be stacked 20 times.

    Just sayin'.

    Like for me, I make sure my enemies are held first, so the DoT wouldn't matter in most situations. However, there are some circumstances where an AV is coming at ya and the team isn't ready for it. With a click of one button, they're harmless.

    But what's this, oh no, the damage proc goes off and now i can't sleep them for like 10 seconds!

    This is the entire reason I took the debuff-side and why I refuse to go Very Rare. I don't want to give up my AV-sleeping ability, the ability which makes Mesmerize itself one of the most powerful abilities in the game, IMO.
  4. Haha, It's okay, it happens =)

    And hey, a fellow Buffalonian, reprezent!
  5. They need to put something in that little white circle. A smiley face, maybe? =)

    Nah, seriously, I'm thinking a crossed-out Tyrant helmet... No... Damn, i dunno, it's an ugly badge. w/e...
  6. Aah, Mind/Kin is a great, though busy, combo.

    First, I'll link you up with my guide. I haven't updated it in a while, though 95% of it is still accurate:


    Though I'll ask a few things: What ATs have you played before? What controller combinations? I ask because Mind/Kin plays a bit more like a Corruptor with Mez than anything else. You use AoEs to lock down a mob, debuff them, buff yourself, then go in killing with your 4 attacks.

    Some controller sets let you sit back and watch the action. Some buff/debuff sets let you do the same. Both Mind and Kin are the opposite and require a lot of attention. If you like that style of play, then you'll love Mind/Kin. if, however, that sounds like too much, you might wanna go Illu/Kin or Mind/Rad, or something else to take some of the pressure off.

    So read the guide, and come back with any other questions you may have =)
  7. If i use Stealth, plus the celerity +Stealth proc in Run, would that give me enough stealth to bypass enemies the same way Invisibility does? I picked invis over stealth because i wasn't happy with the movement penalty, but invis has this "only affecting self" thing which makes it a pain. Also, I have a Kin and Ninja Run, so the -speed from Stealth isn't an issue anymore.

    I looked in mids, and the Stealth+proc combo seems to give me more stealth range, but does Invis have any other advantage? I see that it has more +Def, but that doesn't help if i'm under attack and i need to fight back. I see also that it has -Threat, whereas Stealth doesn't.

    So I guess my question becomes this: is the -threat enough of a mitigating factor to justify Invis over Stealth + Proc? Or will enemies see me the moment i bump into them?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    A simpler solution would be: if you want your enemy to fall asleep, stop lighting them on fire.

    I mean, i guess it kinda sucks... Mesmerize is a key power and now you're forced to trade-off between a little more damage or the control you're already supposed to have. This kind of trade-off doesn't seem to exist with any other power types, so maybe the devs SHOULD look into it? I dunno.
  9. You could try running a few TFs, and do a bunch of random rolls in the 35-39 range. You'll have a chance at LoTG and Kinetic Combat recipes which are worth several million a piece and will help you save up the money for the purples.

    Do some I-Raids and select Super inspirations as your reward and sell those off. The Ultimate ones (+1 level shift for 90 seconds) are going for a pretty penny.

    In short, find ways to make money and go after them =)
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Solo_One View Post
    yes it causes agro and it should, its a separate confuse that gets cast. for example if a mind dom in domination confuses a target and the proc fires only the dom's target will get the dom-boosted confuse while the proc's target will get a lower mag, lower duration agro-causing confuse. its not a bug, its by design.
    Except confuse effects don't do damage or debuff, and therefor should NOT cause agro. It's the primary strength of confuse powers, that they won't notify the bosses in a mob that you're standing 60 feet away.
  11. it -shouldn't-, AFAIK, but it might currently be bugged. I haven't noticed anything weird myself lately, but I'll keep an eye out.

    PS, was the enemy who spotted you one of the few who ignore stealth? That may have been part of the issue.
  12. Zortel: You make a lot of good points. Obviously, the end-game content wasn't designed with your interests in mind, and that kinda sucks. Especially since it has rewards you want. Though I'd like to point out a couple things and respond to them directly:

    Making character costumes and concepts (Which is why I'd love more character slots, an increase from 36 to 48 would be great.)
    With the server list merged, you now have 36 slots available on SEVERAL other severs. Now, i realize you're several hours ahead of the US, but you can still play on Virtue and Freedom and expect a small number of people to still be on, especially on weekends. If you're willing to stay up past midnight, you'll have plenty of folks to hang with.

    The odd TF with friends every so often (I love Hess and Katie Hannon, and cannot stand the Statesman or Khan TF's)
    What, may I ask, is wrong with STF/KTF? I'm starting to get the feeling that you don't like it when the enemies are tougher than a normal character can handle in normal circumstances. And, in the interest of civility, I'm forced to concede that's not a terrible thing. I'm guessing you couldn't complete these TFs the first time(s) you ran them, so you get a negative emotional response to the mere idea. Go on a speed-run with some power-gamers sometime and watch them melt the patrons and Recluse, it'll be extremely gratifying =) (Assuming you can keep up and don't get squished by minions)

    And friends have their own lives to get on with. I have friends with children, friends with babies, friends with obligations and the works. On an ITF, we can wait if someone's kid needs feeding or they need baths or to be put to bed. It's much harder to do that on a timed trial. Or even if someone needs the phone or gets called away.
    The vast majority of people I play with block up their time better (for instance, they don't agree to go on a TF when they know they have to give their kids a bath in a half-hour). In fact, the Incarnate trials have timers to MAKE them short so that busy people can do them and get on with their lives. Also, if one person goes AFK in a trial, it's not going to hamper the league's success. And then that person is always free to try later. So while your reasoning isn't invalid, it's not fully valid, either.

    Hopefully the Devs will concede on the non-incarnate aura bits (The I-armor should stay gated, IMO). No development team wants to make a chunk of content only for half the user-base to ignore it, so that's why they gated these particular carrots.

    PS, for graphics, have you tried lowering your resolution and 3d-scaling? I find that works better than the other settings.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    Like all social "sciences" the field is rife with shoddy workmanship and junk science.
    Shoddy workmanship? Like that entire website that hasn't been updated in 6 years? You're using THAT to support your argument? Really?

    C'Mon Venture, you can do better than that. Also, facts don't stop being facts just because you don't believe in them.
  14. ...How many friends do you play with? You seriously telling me you can't find 12 people on your server that you're on good terms with to run a raid or two?

    Also, what DO you find fun? Beating up bad guys? I'm sure that's the same thing you do in the trials. I'm not seeing the disconnect =(
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gideon View Post
    That's Ma'am. Or "Zortel, Queen of the Universe" to you

    The issue has started to become the fact that the devs said there would be other paths to getting the incarnate level stuff rather than just the trials (but slower.) What's happening is that more and more stuff is being shuffled out of THAt path, and into the "must do trials" path. Which is a problem.
    You do realize that issues/features are planned out a loooong time in advance, right? If someone requests something TODAY, it won't make it into the game for at -least- a year.

    So the devs made some raids. They are currently working on more raids. When the raids came out a few months ago, people asked for a solo path. Suddenly, the devs had 2 choices: ignore those pleads, or pull off half their programing/scripting/art/fx team to make solo content and not only slow down the raids from coming out, but the solo content is going to come along slower anyways.

    Look, Endgame/large group content is something CoH has never had in abundance. People asked and asked and asked, and when compared to the 1000-pound gorilla, people would be like "Play THAT game, CoH doesn't have an endgame". And this whole incarnate/endgame system has been Positron's pet-project for a while now. And you want them to stop? Pffft, good luck with that.

    I'm sure they WILL have some solo-way of gaining the new shinies, but it won't be for a while.

    oh, and btw: expect any "solo" incarnate content to be harder than the storyarc that unlocks Alpha... you know, the one with Trapdoor that no one seems to be able to beat by themselves anyway? (I can, i'm just making fun of everyone else) And then, when you come back to complain that it isn't easy enough, I'll have to reach through my monitor and... knock it over and hopefully not break it =(
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    I trust psychology, as a field, slightly less than I would trust, say, a three-dollar bill.
    Uh, why? Do you think all psychologists are lying when they say that most people will respond in a similar way when given a certain stimulus? You don't believe that? You wouldn't run away from a falling building? You wouldn't get a negative emotional response if someone punched you? You wouldn't feel jilted if you were somehow slighted, which by the way is exactly what you're doing now? Cuz Psychology backs all that up and offers possible reasons for why we feel the way we do about things. Unless you're Autistic or have Aspergers or something.

    And then you go on to ignore the rest of his post, which actually brings up a few good points. The reasoning behind leveling curves in MMOs is to give people a feeling of accomplishment and keep them playing longer. That's psychology.
  17. ...

    People. These are REWARDS. You have to WORK for them. Next thing some of you will be asking for is being able to roll level 50s out of the gate...

    ...and don't say no one would, because that very idea's been posted in the suggestions forum several times.

    And look, i know this game's best feature is the ability to make a character look however you want at level 1, but is making you PLAY THE GAME too big a hassle for a SMALL HANDFUL of new options? I mean cripes, if playing in a GROUP in an MMO is too big a price to pay for your creative outlet, just learn to draw or something instead.

    Happy birthday, yo!
  19. Well, the Devs INTEND for these things to be rare.

    For instance, i don't know if you know this, but if you do 5 tip missions a day, and an alignment mission every 2 days, you can build up A-Merits (As long as you're strictly a hero or villain). You can trade A-merits for purple recipes. However, you need a MONTHS WORTH of a-merits to get one. So if the fastest the devs want people getting purples is roughly once a month, the high market prices are somewhat justified.

    After all, I'm not going to spend a month getting something, then only sell it for less than I can make by steamrolling a TF.

    If the Devs stick by that formula, expect Purples to go for about 30-120 Empy Merits (which would be 1-3 trials a day). They might consider going lower than that, HOWEVER, it would completely negate A-Merits as a way of attaining these goods.

    When people say they want "more ways", the Devs respond, but the devs also want people to keep playing the game. They're not going to make these things easy to get. As it stands, we'll now have 3 ways to get these: Farming (Which the devs are okay with, but they don't like exploiters), running solo missions (to get a-merits, though a purp could always drop from a goon you fight, too!) and now people who like doing trials. The only other option would be being able to trade in Normal Merits, which the Devs have seemed reluctant to do.

    I guess they could always up the drop rate a tiny bit... I play roughly ever-other day, and usually do a TF or a trial or do some street-sweeping. I've probably defeated dozens of thousands of foes, yet I haven't seen a drop in months. Now, random is random and there's never any guarantee of anything, but at this rate, if i WERE looking for purples, i'd be highly frustrated by now.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    As the others have said, it is a power redemption place holder. It never affected your badge count. And no, you can't earn it again on the same character.
    That's what I was hoping to hear, thanks guys!
  21. Sooo i dun goofed. I traded in this badge for a Notice of the Well, which i got 4 shards for when i converted THAT. Any way I can get that badge back if i do Morty Kal's SF again, or am I doomed to never get that badge back?

    Cuz 4 shards for a badge = not a good deal.
  22. Don't hold down the space bar? I mean, just tap it, maybe?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
    It has certainly been discussed ever since the doppleganger tech was introduced. I suspect that it would take time to implement that would be better spent on something that affects more than one powerset for one archtype.

    It is probably possible, but may not be an effective use of Developer time. It would be fun, though. I would love it on my, er, 4 Illusion Controllers at level 50.
    Wasn't that the original concept behind PA, but they didn't have the tech back then?
  24. This in from Black scorpion: You may now set your character to ignore +Movement buffs =O

    So you'll still get the +end from SB, but not the +run. Everyone wins!
  25. EmperorSteele

    I'll be damned

    Originally Posted by Cyclone_Jack View Post
    "The new pet choices are Arachnos, Carnival of Shadows, Cimeroran, , Longbow, Nemesis, Phantoms, Polar Lights, Robotic Drones, Rularuu, Rikti, Storm Elementals, and Vanguard."

    1.) Rularuu Pets. Beyond Awesome.
    2.) Storm Elemental Pets. Awesome.
    3.) What was/is supposed to be between Cimeroran and Longbow?
    Well, the list is in alphabetical order. And the criters would have to spawn at level 50. I was hoping for Cabal, but that wouldn't fit. Council? Freaks? Circle of Thorns? Clockwork (psychic)?

    Ah well.

    WTH are Polar lights, though? Just random globs of energy? That's pretty neat. And YAY, Phantoms, finally i can make my Mind/Kin the Illu/mind hybrid i always imagined her as!