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  1. I really want a 1950's sci-fi booster pack. Spacesuits, bubble helmets, ray guns rocket packs, a Texas belt buckle, etc. Just like characters from comics like FEAR Agent and movies like Forbidden Planet.

  2. I've written a new story- "EverWar- Zombies" (#485176). It is a 3 mission arc and I would love feedback. Thanks.
  3. Now I know why I see such high prices for things. You made more in two hours than I've made in 6 months. I guess I prefer to play than just craft and farm.
  4. yes, the story is weak. And it really isn't an arc, yet. It's more an experiment- I wanted to get a wide variety of bad guys thrown into one place and have interesting and varied battles no matter what level you are. That succeeded. The weapons and artifacts are more for you to run around and hit the various patrols and fight more (EverWar!). The theme, if anything, was more, more, more.

    Now that I can make what I want to happen with the gangs (and better XP for custom critters), it is on to better stories. I've played several of the guest writer ones, and they are impressive. Mine won't be that good, but hopefully fun because of an EverWar spin. EverWar will be the core of a 'franchise' of arcs, if you will.

    ps- I really like the sunken city map, but it is large, especially when you find there is a second island in the north yet to explore.
  5. First of all- great feedback. Thanks for taking the time to post some useful and actionable comments.

    More XP!!
    XP bumped up to at least 80% for all customs (making them harder, as well).- mostly 90-100%.
    Less NPC dialog
    Cut out half of the patrol dialog to reduce chatter.
    Misc Changes
    There are a couple of regular AV's so I can't change the XP (but should be high anyway)
    Only one doppel-demon now
  6. Try out EverWar- id 482053.

    What is it? A group of the worst bad guys (tuned to your level) all thrown together and fighting it out. Roving hordes of zombies, ancient romans, robots, and martians. A giant monster and bosses/arch-villains galor.

    This ain't your daddy's farm.
  7. The arc is 426147.
    You have been asked to investigate the crash of an alien spaceship...
    2 parts to arc.
    Bring a team and be ready for several custom villains, and some you know.
  8. Why can't I search for missions from my iphone or droid? Why can't I find a good one and easily share to a friend's phone? There is no available API to the mission architect search system, except for in-game.

    Now if I could only share my characters photo through the same app... throw in some hero stats for bragging...now we're talking
  9. I don't really want a clue as a souvenir. How about an action photo from the actual battle as a souvenir? A screenshot would be cool, but while I can take one myself, the game does not make it easy to do this and use it.
  10. This is getting interesting. I like the breakpoint idea, but we are just guessing what resolution people are running at. Do CoH have statistics on user config they share? I should have resolution in the list of things to capture. I'm happy with lower resolution (1024 x 768) but high frame rate for my system. Assuming 1680 x 1050 may not be good. Raw data is needed on what people really have. Maybe using the analyzer used for generating troubleshooting dumps is the way to go and just shoot it into a database.

    I'm surprised NCSoft is collecting this data. Steam has tools for doing this- they know exactly what their users run as a whole.
  11. You are right, but the value of the basic data is people could someone with similar system who may be getting better performance or it could let them know the performance to expect and shoot for. They could ask more detailed questions as they come up.

    Dumping all the right data would require a true database and way to upload into it. I'm certainly not adverse to that, but who's building it?
  12. I have a good frame rate, or so I think. Hopefully this little 'database' will help others get a better frame rate and understand what equipment to buy. to see your frame rate in game, type /showfps 1

    Please post replies to this with following data (my system is shown):

    intel core i3 530

    windows 7 64-bit


    Graphics Card
    Radeon 4770

    Frame Rate (fps)

    Ultra Mode (yes or no)

    It's assumed you are using the latest drivers
  13. Ready for your enjoyment. Kill all Martians.
  14. I'd like to get notified if someone/team is playing one of my arcs. An in-game message or even an email would be fine. Furthermore, I'd like to observe them playing it. Invisible, no interference. Other games allow observing from others players points of view. It is good for learning and real good for testing. Might even be entertaining, if I've done a good job.

    Arcs for feedback/in progress:

    Crash - 423561
    Devolution - 421156
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hellguard View Post
    Might want to post Arc ID numbers to help people find your arcs more easily. I don't know that "Devolution" would appear too much in a search, but I would imagine there might be lots of arcs with the word "Crash" in their titles.
    Great tip- thanks!
    Devolution- 421156
    Crash - 423561
  16. I have some new missions and am looking for feedback on them. They are Devolution and Crash. They have story, dialog, custom characters, and you don't just wander around beating the same villain over and over. If you are looking for something with a little depth, check them out.

    You may want a team- that is one serious weakness of MA. No way to tell in advance how hard or easy a mission is.
  17. That would be awesome if people did that. Weed out the idiots faster.
  18. I think you could clear out many stories from MA by tightening the rules for publishing. Stories that have one bad guy who you have to kill 60 times are a waste of time, and there are many of these. How about some new rules? Don't allow publishing if there is:
    1. no dialog (make many fields required)
    2. only one bad guy who is cloned all over
    3. no story- how about minimum field lengths vice just maximum for text about story and missions? More text fields required?
    4. only one element like 'kill everything'- require multiple elements- kill, guard, collect, patrol etc.

    Of course, some would just type in 'xxdhufriuhiurebef' and call it their story so you would need to have the software check for real words to stop that.

    MS is great and there are plenty of people making much better missions that what you face in the main game. Let's make it even better by separating the wheat from the chaff.
  19. Voice recognition on the recorded audio can manage keeping people to the script, if there is a business case for it at all. Sounds like most people just don't like the idea. Will be interesting.

    On an aside, having audio team chat would be cool (ala Team Fortress).
  20. I've read the threads- people don't want cheesy voice actors reading the dialog. But what about the players creating the voice acting? And the players voting on it? Every hear of YouTube? It could work.

    Now you might find people with real talent (and for free!). Maybe you entice with some free gameplay credit if they get a lot of their dialog chosen.

    I'm bored to hell with saving civilians that say thank you the same three ways. I'd rather burn them up. Screams would be nice.

    As for audio, of course you should get more and again, have people submit it and the community vote for it. Imagine the diversity and richness of such a scheme. There would be enough content that everyone would find something they liked.

    And it they didn't, then they turn off the voice. Don't pick the new music. The end.