
Multimedia Genius 12-06-2011
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  1. I'll go ahead and nab a spot on that Synapse.

    Calico Black - Archery/Traps Corr. will be clowning around as the 'Court Jester'
  2. I don't really know how the Super Story Arcs couldn't be seen as an awesome VIP perk.

    Once we get more of them (and remember, we aren't stopping at the 7 for 'Who Will Die?') at the speed you can run these things, you can take a character who hasn't yet done any of them and get a month or so worth of Hero/Villain Merits in one day. Beyond that, even if your character has run all of these before, you can still run them on and off along with normal Tips to gain more H/V Merits than you normally would.

    An involving, evolving story-line where our characters interact with the game-world on a higher level than they have before, capped off with insane amounts of rewards? I'd buy that for 400 Points.

    But since I'm VIP, I don't have to
  3. I suppose I should clarify a bit. I didn't mean for the character to be mounted on a wolf, just that the power would function like Hover Board.

    As far as the actual in-game effects go, the character would just change into the wolf model (possibly with some sort of transforming animation, or just a quick burst of light ala when you become a Rikti Monkey with Secondary Mutation). Transforming into a wolf would work for a lot of various concepts: lycanthropes, alien shape shifters, spellcasters, mutants, lupine-serum inventing scientists, etc. You can work it in to any of the origins we have in-game.

    Riding the wolf...That wouldn't fit in the game world nearly as well, imo. The closest thing to a 'mount' travel power I could see easily working is various vehicles (cars, motorcycles, etc.). It's too fantasy-ish (yes, I know that isn't really a word) to mesh without feeling clunky and besides, there are other games that let you do that already.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville
    As long as it only does an extremely limited set of things, those things can be specially created by the animators. The problem is figuring out what's supposed to happen when a four legged dog tries to perform an Eagle's Claw, or eat a doughnut, or draw a set of dual blades, or juggle.
    Then just have it do that limited set of things. They've already got wolf/dog specific emotes/stances in-game (the standing/lying down/sitting/etc.) for these models. If you have to have an attack, just make a lunging bite animation.

    But you could keep things simple by not even bothering with attack animations, and making a 'Wolf Travel Power' that functions like Hover Board. You don't get to attack, your run-speed is greatly increased (jumping height/speed slightly less so), and (possibly) you gain access to a few select emotes that are only usable with that power active. All they'd need to make is a movement animation and a jump animation.

    I know a lot of folks who'd buy that even if it was just a travel power, and I'm one of them.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man
    Wolf: zomg! want nao. non-combat pet. combat pet. base pet. gimme. Why he no howl? (But don't make him a constant howler.)
    Is this an actual, honest to goodness wolf NPC, or just another Warwolf/Werewolf?
  6. If you could fuse Santa Claus and Mister Rogers, you might get close.

    Which means Cole has probably killed him already.
  7. I was surprised to find this name available, but was more than happy to snag it for what was (at the time) my Titan Weapons concept character. However, after seeing Street Justice in-game, and talking with some friends, well...

    Scrapperlock, the ex-Freakshow Street Justice/Electricity Scrapper was born. And yes, his bio is a slightly modified version of the paragonwiki definition
  8. Well, I've only got one cat person, but if you want to use him, feel free!

    Civvie costume, Combat suit (with backpack for all his traps/arrows/etc.), and Beach episode costume (his character concept is something of a spoof/homage to shonen manga, so I had to make one xD)
  9. El__D

    Paragon Rewards


    If you've got an issue with any of the items, or want to get a pre-'buy' look at them, Paragon Wiki has a list that explains what all the rewards in each tier do for your character/account. http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Paragon_Rewards

    Yes, the rewards are either auto, or are picked from your various email in-boxes (either Account-wide or Character-wide).

    And yes, you do need to completely fill out Tier 8 before being allowed to move on to Tier 9, though with the number of tokens you've said you have left, you should still be able to get some of the Tier 9 or Tier 9 VIP rewards.

    For the costume sets in Tier 9 VIP, each of the three unlocks gives you a specific package from the Celestial set. One is Head and Upper Body items, one is Lower Body and Back Details, and the last one is Weapon Skins and Auras. To have the entire Celestial set, you'd need all select all three VIP rewards.

    The arrows I'm not sure about. I think they just indicate that you are moving up the Rewards Tree, but they could do something else I don't know about.

    The Character-Only e-mail selections should have a number located in the main body of the reward message, which tells you how many times you can claim that specific power. For example, I have Windfall, and I can claim it 5 times. I can get it once on 5 different characters, or 5 times all on one character, or any other combo I happen to want.

    The Account-based selections are always there for each and every character you have, and ever will make. They're useable immediately once claimed (well, within in-game limitations. Can't change costumes without being at Icon/Trainer/etc.) and are permanent additions to that character that can't be used up (well, aside from the CC Tokens and Respecs).

    Hope this has helped some!

    - El D
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger
    <nods> Fparn.

    Can't wait for this! Brightened my day right up, hearing about it. Thanks, Devs!
  11. What a twist!

    Seriously, didn't expect this one o.o Maybe Cole isn't the huge jerkface we've been making him out to be.

    Also, Duray got Falcon Paunched.
  12. I'll second Kyo on this. I know I've got numerous tropperific characters that could work for this. Just need to decide which one to bring xD
  13. Once again I find myself sharing the overall opinion on the revamp's revamp as I did in the original revamp thread. Awesome redesign, Devs! Praise to the Art team for not only listening to player feedback, but working with it as well (not that they haven't before, but I think you get the point ).

    Can't wait to see the new CoT in-game!
  14. El__D

    Old CoV Trailers

    Arachnos Base Trailer

    Freakshow Trailer

    Always liked these trailers. Kinda wish they'd been longer, though. More awesome CGI fighting goodness.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DJKyo
    Pending being dragged off to yet another baseball game by my family, I'll be there with bells on.

    I still have a friend who needs a Layladoll. >:3
    He's my friend too, you know.

    And I think I'll be giving this a shot as well. Lets see if lightning can strike twice.
  16. Hadn't seen this posted yet, so figured I ought to put it up. Nickelodeon finally revealed the trailer for the up-coming Avatar: TLA sequel series at their Comic-Con panel. Watch and enjoy.

  17. What's in a name? Well, usually I look at character concept (their origin and background), powersets, and their personality to determine what name they go by. For example...

    Daniel Eldridge is my Fire/Fire Scrapper on Protector, and has been my main character (through various incarnations) since City of Heroes launched. As such, he's gone through quite a few different names, most of which I reference in his current background. However, when you're a giant, muscly demonguy (and more often than not are covered in flames), you can't really have a secret identity. So he just uses his normal name.

    Mercury Marvel is my Fire/Ice Blaster, also on Protector, and is a much more recent character. His entire concept revolves around the Golden Age comic book superheroes, and I wanted his name to reflect that: iconic, relates to his powers, and has a slightly cheesy nostalgic feel to it. He is as idealistic as it gets, and occasionally spouts off bits of dialogue styled after 50's and 60's comics. Mercury is, so far, my only true blue tights-and-cape wearing super, so I wanted to go all-out with it.

    Guildenstern is my Arachnos Bane/Huntsman, and as you've probably guessed, is also on Protector. His naming is rather simple, when you boil it down: he's more of a covert ops. character (so I wanted a codename, as opposed to the standard 'Operative [blank]' or 'Agent [blank]'), the character is originally from Denmark, and the Arachnos recruiting officer that brought him in had a thing for Shakespeare. And yes, he is more than aware of the history behind his name. Guild does not expect things to end well when his time is up.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha
    It's all Tier 9, but Tier 9 VIP is only available to those with a sub (I think thats right)
    Okay, I know I'll get this one right!

    The top Tier 9 stuff (which looks just just the Celestial Costume packs) looks like VIP only.

    <em waits for Snow_Globe to point out where he went wrong>
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha
    I'll have 57 months in three days (the 24th of July)

    So...how far in am I then?
    Well, using the formula...

    (57/4) + ((57/3)/4) = 14.25 + 4.75 = 19 + 4 (yearly) makes 23 Tokens

    So, at 57 months, you'd be in Tier 7.

    Edit: Apparently I misread some things x.x Apologies for the misinformation, Techbot, and thanks for the clarifications, Snow!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha
    Well, if I have, for example only, all the past vet rewards auto-picked, and a choice of one new one (1 token) when this goes live.

    Say there are three new things that I like the look of and am able to get. However, I can only get one. ALL my other points have been auto-applied. I would much rather NOT have the Greek Letters and Vanity pets (Never ever use them) and instead be able to pick the three things I would like.

    Now, I may be totally misunderstanding how the system works, which is more than likely given I can't get at the Ustream atm. However, if the above is true, whats the point in having 'Freedom' when all choice gets taken from you (as a vet making picks)
    From what I understand, pre-existing Vet Rewards do not count against the Reward Tokens you get when this goes live. Yes, the past Rewards are filled in already, but you don't use up any Tokens on them. As for how many Tokens you'll get, Positron has given us a formula for those wanting to find out now:

    (n/4)+((n/3)/4) = Reward Tokens

    n = The Month number on the highest Vet badge you have when this goes live. Plus, you get an additional bonus token for each year of time subscribed to the game in top of that. So, for example, take a two-year Vet:

    (24/4)+((24/3)/4) = 6 + 2 = 8, plus 2 extra from total subscription time makes 10 tokens to spend on new stuff, after keeping all the stuff you already got from the past two years.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha
    So, wait...New comers get to pick and mix what they get but...veterans DON'T?

    That seems...stupid? Very? What happened to that 'Caring most about our vets' spiel?

    I can instantly think of stuff I'd skip out on (Vanity pets and Greek letters) for something I actually USE.
    Veterans do get to pick what they want in the new system. You keep all of the old Vet rewards, and pick what you want of the new rewards. Why would you want to lose old rewards, even if you didn't use them, when you are getting the new stuff on top of it already? Hell, depending on the amount of tokens you have, you'll probably get all the new rewards in one swoop once this goes live.

    New players have to pick between the old stuff and the new stuff, and they don't have this instant 'get everything' drop when Issue 21 hits. They have to climb their way up the Reward Tree, while the Devs are basically taking the Vets and setting them up in the luxury tree-house at the top.

    Only thing we can't seem to do with this new Reward Tree is throw apples at the freeps as we watch them climb. Not that anyone would want to do that... <shiftyeyes>
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Positron
    Tier 9 VIP will feature rotating bonuses, new bonuses will come in and old ones will retire. So there WILL be future new content for the system. It's just that in this way the tree won't become infinitely huge and unwieldy.
    Infinitely huge and unwieldy? But what if I want my Brute to use the Tier 9 VIP Tree as a Titan Weapon? I want to bash free players with my CoH Hipster Tree, danggit! I was a vet before being a vet was cool!
  23. Gotta say, this new Rewards program? I was already happy about. These specifics? That much more awesome.

    But, as a point of clarification -

    This says you can start with up to 29 tokens. But by using this formula: N/3+((N/3)/4)=Reward Tokens, it says I should end up with 36 Reward tokens by the time this launches (87 month vet badge, if you want the variable).

    Does this mean that I will only get 29 tokens when this launches, instead of the full 36? Or is the 29 tokens the amount spent to start unlocking Tier 9, with 34 tokens needed to fully unlock Tier 9?

    Beyond that small wording issue, I see nothing but greatness in this ustream overview.

    Edit: Misread the VIP aspect of the Rewards. Modified post accordingly.
  24. Hiya Stale. Just double-checked these in-game, want to make sure everyone gets their prizes.

    @Vulpy is the global of Astral Prism

    @Delrune is the global of Mionas

    @Iron General 2 is the global of Doc Syphon

    @Shadow Flame is the global of Energy Freeze

    And oddly enough, @El D is the global of Mercury Marvel