
Multimedia Genius 12-06-2011
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  1. ((lol, thanks, but I think you mean "werewolves, not warewolves"))

    "Was just asking" Velkon replied "By the way, shouldnt we get some introductions done here first? Its not like I can read your names off of a Arachnos computer screen is it?" he said, in a jokingly sarcastic manner.

    "My name is Velkon" he said to the group "And if your wanting to cook that rex, your gonna need a BIG fire" he finished. At that he lept up into the boughs of one of the surrounding trees, and slashed off a large branch, one that easily measuerd 4 feet long, and tossed on to a clear spot on the forest floor.

    He then lept down and began cutting the wood into more managable pieces, trimming off all the excess leaves and twigs, and setting them in a nice triagular stack beside him.

    "Mmmm...Thats gonna be some good eaten' " Velkon said enthusiacticly, lowering his mask down to his neck in the process, smiling like befor, this time with his large, gleaming canine-like teeth exposed. Then he continued on his work, waiting for a reply.
  2. Velkon slowly stood up, now flexing his newly fixed right arm.

    "I was thinking that this creature wouldn't be as smart as it was" he growled, staring intently, down at the new comer, his eyes narrowing into golden slits.

    "But I do thank you" Velkon said, relaxing from his tense overlook of the hero. At that he breifly, but forcefuly clapped the hero on the shoulder, a gesture of respect that almost never occured between Velkon or anyone. Then, he turned back to the fight to see the large creature staggering backwords.

    "This just keeps getting better" he said, then ran off to one side, activating his vanishing camoflauge. He leapt over to be behind the beast, the he crouched down, and lept almost at a compleat 75 degree angle to land on top of the beast's head.

    "Time for REVENGE!!" he yelled at the beast, deacivating his camouflauge and slamming home his fixed right arm, claws imbedding deep into the creature's skull. As the rex pitched forward, he jumped off to land just infront of where the saurian toppeled over onto the ground. Then he looked around to the group infront of him.

    "Soo....Who's arrow was that?" he asked, a large grin showing even under his mask, his eyes alight with the excitement of the kill.
    The shoulder clap would feel like getting hit on the shoulder moderetly hard with a frying pan.

    Also, think the secen where Legolas kills the giant elephant in Return of the King for when Vel kills the rex
  3. "Ahh...It seems I have some back-up" Velkon growled to himself, seeing the missles and the arrow arching towards the saurian. Velkon didn't even wait for the missles, which likely would have defeated the beast, to hit. Rather he leapt ahead of them, right at the beasts massivly jawed head. He raised his right arm in the jump, sending it slicing in for a slash that could have cut bones in-half. But this creature wasn't going to be denied a meal. It opened it's maw of teeth.....And Velkon's right arm went right inside.

    At first he didn't even register that it had happened, then the pain hit him. It was like having your arm inside a 5-foot blender, that was slowly turning with jagged, rusted edges. Had this happened to any other person, they migth have blacked out from the pure intensity of the pain, but Velkon wasn't ordiary. He ripped the air apart with a roar that seemed to defen all of the noise in the surrounding area. The cells in his body then began to regenerate, the pain continualy subsiding, as he raised his left arm, srtiking with what strength he had left at the dinosaur's face, trying to gouge it's eyes out.

    Then he herd the approaching missles. Then he looked down, just in time to see the arrow hit the saurian in the chest, and explode.

    Velkon was launched back from the creature, again almost blacking out from the impact with the ground. Then he looked over at his right arm. It was a mangled mess of bone, muscle, and tendon, with some teeth from the creature still embedded in it.

    "Great, that is gonna hurt tommorrow" he said, and finding that he now didn't have the strength to move, called out to the group he had left. "Hey! If any of you guys have some sort of healing things, they would be much appriciated assistance!"

    Then he just looked up at the canopy of the trees above him, waiting for an answer or aid.
  4. (I know, I thought that where Prodiguy and Burning_Fang were, but then I saw they were in the Forest, so I changed my post. I've been observing them, and if they get back soon were gonna have an awsome dinosaur fight!)
  5. "Gggrrah! I'm tierd of waiting!" Velkon growled, but low enough so that he did not disturb the group below him. Then, he lept off the tree, deactivating his camouflauge as he did so. He hit the ground with a resounding thud, going into a quick crouch to absorb the impact of the drop, and smoothly straightned into a standing pose.

    "Do any of you know where the Hell this place Is?! he said, growling each word in his throat.

    Only then did he notice his mistake.

    He had not gone that far off from the large saurian creature he had left when he first came into the forest.

    "Aww Shi-" he started to say, but was cut off by a gigantic roar, comming exactly from where the dinosaur was.

    "I might need some help in taking care of that" he said to the group, and then a ran off in the direction of the T-Rex. "Just Follow Me!" he yelled back to them.

    "This is gonna be one Hell of a Fight" he growled to himself.
  6. Now seeing that the wolf had his attention caught between himself and the human women, he blew on the wistle once more, and lowered himself down to the floor.

    "Come, wolf" he called to the Warwolf.

    Then, looking over to where the human woman was, he called out.

    "It seems that I have a new friend, a large one at that" he said loudly, letting his vioce carry over to the human. "But, I shall not force you into an alliance, as I know that that is your own choice. Should you join with me though, we can find a way out of all this, and hopefuly back to our homes. I await your reply..." he said, once again letting his voice carry across the hall.
  7. The smell of gunpoweder, and some strange smell that seemed familiar were the only hints El D got as to the oncoming fire.

    He reacted on reflexes alone, leaping on one side as the bullet went flying, thinking that he had avoided it. Then he noticed a large indentation on his armor, with a small red object lodged in the middle.

    "Hmm, a round specificly designed to fight demons, I believe the Circle used things like this when I was tortured by them for thousands of years, whill I was also watching Earth develope to where it is now, from the Dinosaurs to the Hyper-Thecnology of today" he thought.

    "Well, if this is how our new friend wants to play, so be it" he said aloud. Then, he shouldered his axe onto his back, and opend a small portal of flame above where his armor had been mamed. The indention, and the magic bullet were gone, leaving his armor looking just as it had before. He then lowered his field of vision to include the spectrum of heat...

    "I see you" he called out to the now easily indentifyable figure of a human at the end of the entrance hall. With that he raised one arm, and started to raise a ring of flames around the figure. "But you cant see me" he finished, as he flew up to the shadows of the transparent ceiling of the ice castle.

    "This just keeps getting better" El D thought, as he considered the implications of this new player in this game of life and death.

    Then he considered another possablilty.

    "Human girl!" he called out from the shadows "I realize you may not trust me, but we both seem to be trapped in this place. Perhaps we can forge and alliance between us, and we could use the wolf-creature for the advantages he would bring."

    Then he waited for the woman's reply.
  8. Bringing in a new character, also El D isnt going any where

    Velkon, the 6'7'' 264 lb. warrior of the shadows dragged the carcass of a newly killed Mamba Fang back to his den, which was a fairly large place, being undernieth the mile-long ruins of Mercy Island.

    "Heh, at least I have food for the night" he said, in his deep vioce, almost growling every sylable in the words. "I'll have to-" his vioce cut off suddenly, upond seeing a group Arachnos Enforces nosing around in his home.

    "FEINDS!!!" he roared at them "Do You KNOW Whos Lair You Tresspass In?!?!"

    Needless to say, the group of four Enforcers were extreamly taken aback by this new commers ferocity.

    "We are Enforcers of Lord Recluse, here to capture any people resistng the-" the closest gaurd started to say, but Velkon cut him off, yelling "I Care NOT Who You Work For, Only That You Have Invaded My HOME!!!"

    At that, long, serrated blades of an unknown black metal slid out from Velkon's wrists, then he just vanished from sight....

    "Whered he go-" one of the guards started to say, but he was stopped short, one set of dark blades piercing his neck. When the stabbed garud dropped, Velkon was seen standing in his place. The other gaurds started fiering their rifes at him, but to no avail. The blasts just seemed to singe his skin, then instantly heal, by some unseen means. The second guard went down, his abdomen ripped open. The third guard narrowly missed a full decapitation, his helm now sheared in to a twisted black mass, his skull obviously crushed inside. The last guard, upon seeing this, started to run for the entrence to the clawed warriors den, and he almost made it, but fell to the side at the last moment, a large, semetricly sided shuriken-like object, as black as Velkons claws, protruding from his back.

    "Now" Velkon said, his vioce much calmer "Back to my meal". He was just walking back to his now-discarded snake when he vanished. Were any of the soldiers still alive, they would have thought he just disappered like he did befor, but no attack would have come, for he was now in a small gery room, with a prtal in the center, giving him a vision of a large forset through its mirror like depths.

    Seeing it as his only way out of this new, strange room, he lept through it, and instantly back away from a large, towering form, almost 3-stories in hight. The form seemed to be saurian, like that of a T-Rex.

    "This dimension has some surprises" Velkon muttered, still moving back word, wanting no fight with this behemoth of a lizard, and activated his vanishing ability. He turned, and ran off a disctance to the left. He saw a group of beings arguing in the distance.

    "Lets see what these people know about this place" he said to himself, and, after a running start, tensed his leg muscles and leaped, covering the entier distance between himself and the group, and landing on the side of a large tree, 20 feet above where the group was talking. He jammed the claws of one of his arms into the tree.

    "I hope these guys hurry and let loose some information soon" Velkon thought to himself "I really don't like waiting..."

    Velkon is my claw/regen stlaker, at the moment hes lvl 5, but Im giving him the powers he would have at a higher level, but he wont have any patron powers. Also, he is like a half-werewolf, so what is shown if his upper body is covered in thick, ligthish grey fur. The lower half of his face is coverd by a assassin mask, but he can (and probably will) remove it for certin things, showing that he has razor-sharp teeth. His eyes are a dull gold, but they shine when he looks into a light source. He also has a long mane of straight, lightish grey hair to match his fur.
  9. Also my relitivly new stalker, Velkon, would have "Metallica - Of Wolf and Man " scince hes supposed to be a werewolfish character
  10. "Ooohh, this guy is a tricky one" El D said, seeing the hugh hunk of marble floor flying at him. He reformed his fire sword into raw flames on his palm and blasted it towards the imporvised boulder hurling through the air at him.(Blaze basicly) The intensely strong ball of heat connected with the boulder, breaking off much of its mass, but leaving a siezable chunk still flying at El D. He now just doddged the smaller boulder, and went down for a skidding touch down on the floor of the palace.

    "Hmm...This place looks even better from the inside" he said out loud. "Also, I think I've got something that might change the mind of this wolf" he said, reaching into a portal and pulling though a.....Council Warwolf Wistle. His body flashed with flame once more, when it subsided his face lost all traces of the white and black markings, his skin now holding a very dark red tint, with a mask covering the lower part of his face, and the upper half obscured in flames.(assassin mask and entire fiery face aura) He brought the wistle up, and, dispite wearing a mask, blew clearly though the wistle.

    "That should attract this beast's attention" El D thought

    Then he smelled a familiar scent, at least on familiar to him. Gunpowder. He had easily recognized it because, while back on the Baphomet's homeworld, the closest things to "cadles" there were was large, black couldrons that gave off a smell very much like gunpowder. He realized that more people beyond himself and the wolf were in here, and they obviously had technology, and enough brains to know how to use it....
  11. (Lord Recluse looking through the fridge durring a meeting with BS, GW, and Mako)

    Recluse: HEY!? Who ate the last container of Orange Sherbert?!


    BS:Not Me!!

    (They all look to Mako, who is trying to not act nervious)

    Mako: Don't look at ME....Ghost Widow ate it!

    GW: Did Not!

    Mako: Did Too!

    BS: Quiet!

    Recluse: Thanks Black Scorpion. Now Mako, Ghost Widow is incopreal, so she doesnt need to eat, and Black Scopion cant because the ice cream screws with his armor functions. And I KNOW I didnt eat it because I was out on a campeign to conquer the Fiji Islands!!!

    Mako: (starts crying)

  12. Hearing the large wolf creature growing in his directon, El D stopped, considering his next move.

    "Hmm..This wolf doesn't seem to like me much..." he said, watching it go in through the doors of the magnificant Ice Castle.

    "I might wanna see if I can find a new way in, but..." he said, letting the last word hang ominously in the air "That would take all the fun away" he continued, half laughing as he said this.

    At that, his face and armor suddenly changed in a flash of heat-intense fire, his face appering to have been painted white, with large, spiked black triangles over his evil, glowing red eyes. His armor now held the flames, as though they were a blazing shield, a shield that could incinerate flesh, bone, ice, and metal with a just a touch.

    "From now on, we are enimies...You and I.... " he said, his voice sounding much more demonic.

    He then pulled out his large silver axe with his left arm, its three feet of length coverd in runic designs. He then raised his right arm, in a seemingly symbiolic pose (think Moment of Glory), then, igniting his hand, brought it down like he was playing the axe as a guitar. At that, rock music thundered out like an aura from him. He raised his still burning hand from beside him, and sent a large ball of flame that was set to explode outward into the castle after the wolf (Fire Ball). He followed that blast of flame, rocketing forward conjuring a blade of flame in his right hand, and hoping that this wolf knew what he was in for.


    My image is the face of my new costume, btw, and he will soon be made into a seperate Villian entity on Gaurdian server, but he will still keep a place on my hero. Also, I'm not saying that Fenris can not hit me. He CAN...and probably will, but he WILL take a bit of burns and singes in the process
  13. I like to think that my main hero, El D (lvl 40 fire/fire blaster, soon to be fire/fire/fire ) would have this

    And my Thugs/Poison MM, Deadly Poisoner, would have this


    Gaurdian Server RULES!!!!!
  14. El D slowed his flight, seeing a large form plowing on through the snow.

    "Hmm...Looks kindof like a Council Warwolf" He said "But this one seems a but larger than normal. I wonder if its that new project that people have been spreading rumors about, that the Coucil have develpoed a new type of wolf-man..."

    El D stopped his flight instantly, thinking that there might be a Council traning ground near, but instantly dismissed that notion.

    "If I dont know where I am, than the Council shouldnt know where this place is, ither" he mumbled to himself

    Then he continued his flight, but much slowly, thinking that this wolf-creature might be on to something, and thought that trying to communicate with the once-soldier wolf might help him in finding some large battle, or just a place with a bit of food.

    "Animals do have better senses than humans, and probably some demons, so this guy, I'l call him Cujo...No, thats stupid, how about Fenris? Yeah, Fenris, just like that old Norse legend. Man, it must have sucked to be T'yr, getting your hand bitten off and all that. Fenris it is!" El D said.

    Then he continued on his way, confident that meeting with this Wolf-man would turn out to be a good thing. And dreading what would happen if it didnt....
  15. El D, the heroic half demon had just settled down to a nice slice of "Extra-Large" Pizza, with all the toppings.

    Being over eight feet tall, with a weight tipping the scales at 532 pounds (and that with-out a full suit of armor) Has some difficulties, like finding a varity of food that wont cost over three hunderd dollers a meal.

    "Man, after a day like that...I'm gonna need a bit of rest..." he said, in his deep, semi-harmonic, semi-demonic voice.

    But, just as he was about to bit into the pizza slice, he vanished. To a onlooker, it would seem as if he ciesed to exist, with the pizza slice falling uncerimoniously to the floor.

    "Great" El D thought "The Circle have finally captured me..."

    But, upon seeing the grey room he was in, with the strange portal in its center, he thought a little differently....

    "Well, I may still not know where I am, and I'm still hungry, but the only way out seems to go through that portal" he said to himself.

    And with that, he leaped into the portal

    Where he immerged was a strange land indeed, it was one of ice, strong freezing winds, and frozen ground in every direction.

    "Dang, some one forgot to pay the heating bill" thought El D

    At that, he heard a deep, heavy howl, seeming comming from somewhere southwest of him.

    "Oh crap.." El D muttered "Wolves....Why does it have to be wolves?"

    Then he activated a residual portal, to a pocket inside of the Dimension of Fire, the place the Behemoths and their lord, the Baphomet call home. El D reached in and, his face now wreathed in flames, dull-green eyes shimmering with fire, his body was covered in a strong, black as night armor that glinted in the refracting light from the ice, with a large, billowing black cloke.

    "This is gonna be on hellofa trip..." El D said out loud, as he summoned a fire sword in his right hand and checked his large, silver axe with his left. The axe, which he called "Zombie Killer" had served him decently well agaisnt the Banished Pantheon when they successfuly summoned Adamaster on to Earth.

    "Well, lets see what all the howlin' is about" and El D rocketed off, flying in that direction, a yellow-orange wake of energy burning the snow from the ground.

    Had he looked back, he would have seen the snow reforming nearly instantly on the ground. There was more to this world than El D realized...


    My main, El D (lvl 40 fire/fire blaster) has a strong back story with the CoT, with his "half-demoness" coming almost directly from the Baphomets home dimesion.

    Gaurdian Server RULES!!!!!
  16. A billowing column of fire and heat shot up from the hard, metal floor on one side of the ready room. A large form, easily one topping 8 feet stood, rooted in the columns center. The flames died away, but curiously, the metal floor wasn't burned or marred in anyway.

    "I'd like to be involved in this "event"." said a deep, semi-harmonic/semi-demonic vioce. As the being said this, he walked forward to the receptionist and handed her his Hero I.D. card. He had on a full suit of black armor, with a long dark cloke flowing behind him.

    "I'd like to join the fighting as soon as possable, if I may." he said "Also, if you wouldnt mind playing this at my entrence please..."

    At this he tossed the receptionist a cd with strange red glowing symbols written on it.

    He took the offerd clipbord with the Coliseum sheet on it, and in a matter of seconds all of the information was filled, with the same strange, glowing-red symbols that leeked a small ammount of residual heat.

    At that, the large, black armored, fire wielding half-demon they call El D walked over so he could get a good view of the fight currently going. His smile would have been seen if it wasn't coverd by an assassin mask, his dull-green eyes shined with flame as he anticipated the fighting.

    "Its time to Rock" he said to himself, as he continued thinking of the battles ahead....


    Gaurdian Server

    El D lvl 40 Fire/Fire Blaster

    Some Alts
    Deadly Poisoner lvl 19 Thug/Poison Mastermind
    Inferno of Doom lvl 13 Fire/Fire Tanker
    Vyndicator lvl 8 Egery/Electric Brute