
Multimedia Genius 12-06-2011
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  1. *Okay, now for those spines....* Velkon thought as he slowly rose into a crouching position, his healing compleat for the moment.

    He raised his hand up to the spine above his left bicep, and after getting a solid grip on it, ripped it out. Velkon grolwed loudly in pain, but seemed fine after a few seconds, the area where the spine was looking fully healed.

    Now, for the other one.

    Velkon gritted his teeth, got a vice-like grip on the spine, and pulled it out. His vision blacked for a second, but then he recovered, his chest now showing almost no damage whatsoever.

    "Time for that white ghosty thing to die..." Velkon said, as he acitavted his camo, his body shifting out of the field of vision.
  2. Velkon herd 2.0's remarks about his "heroics".

    It hadnt occured to him that 2.0 might have been trying to help them, he just acknowlaged it as an attack.

    *Heh, I got stabbed for what? Not looking before I leap?* he thought.

    *No, I got stabbed because I didnt want Night to be hurt* he reasoned

    Now he had two mental notes to thank people.

    #1) He hadnt responded to Night


    #2) He had reacted to soon on 2.0

    "I just dont have a handle on things today, do I?" he mumbled softly, his vioce still weak from the hits from the spines.

    Then he just concintrated on healing.

    He was almost ready to remove those spines....
  3. The triage bacon was indeed working, but at a slow pace.

    Velkon could feel himself slowly reawakening, but only in his mind, as his body was still to recover befor he could move.

    It was almost as if he was watching his body repair itself.

    He still sensed that the powerful presance was there, and it was advancing towards the group. Velkon could also sense that Night was ok, and that warmed his thoughts that she hadnt been harmed.

    He willed his body to heal faster, as he wanted to help the group, well, not really for 2.0, as he still thought he had attacked himself and Night, but help them none the less.

    He would save his confrontation with 2.0 for after the fight.

    His body seemed to acknowlage a deeper, healing reserve, healing him to almost fighting status/real conciousness, but he still needed to get the spines out.

    He could feel them pumping some type of toxin into his body, but it had little effect. The sensation of the poison was enough to want them removed, though.

    If you had looked closely at Velkon's face, you would have seen him smiling slightly, and his eyelids flicker in their acceptance of oncoming awakeness.

    Then his eyes slowly opened, seeing Proto holding a blaster at one side of some barrier they were behind, no doubt to protect them from the presance.

    Then, after about 25 more seconds, Velkon started to slowly prop himslef up, letting his body stay near the small healing device on the ground.

    "Thanks...." he growled weakly. "I'l be good in a bit..." he said, as he continued to let his healing abilities and the device work over him, prepairing himself for the oncomming battle.
  4. "Ahahaha..." El D demonicly laughed, sitting on his dark throne in a castle he had built over the ruins of Portal Corps in Peregrin Island.

    "Who knew that you could take over a world with only a force as strong as 2 billion Behemoths, less than half of this putrid worlds origonal population" he continued.

    El D only had one more beast to fight, the creature that the Earthlings called "The Hamidon".

    This gelatinous creature was slowly loseing its war of survival.

    El D respected this creature as it was the most formidable being on this planet, having been able to hold off his armies attacks for the 5 years of his rule.

    But he knew that this creature wanted to rule Earth as much as he did, so he needed to destroy this Hamidon threat.

    Or maybe he didnt.

    He had a plan, on that he was very much doubtful of, but it was one that would incease his power by almost one-thousand fold.

    "No...This creature must be killed!" he roared, leaping of his throne to stalk around his dark, shadowy castle.

    "Or maybe it doesnt..." he muttered.

    "I need to consult the mages about this..." he finished, and with that he stormed off towards the Mages Hall in his large castle, plans forming in his mind even Hamidon wouldnt have thought of.....
  5. Seeing Night move to his aid, Velkon now was VERY sure that he needed to apologize for not responding eralier, but now was not the time.

    "Thanks" he said, as she helped him to his feet.

    Then he noticed that 2.0 had sent two things flying at himself and Night. They looked painful, but to him, they would be only inconviences, but to Night....

    "Betrayer!" he yelled at 2.0, as he pushed Night out of the way, aligning himself unluckaly so that the spines would hit him instead of wrap around him.

    The first one pierced right above his left bicep, the second going into the right side of his chest, bairly missing his heart.

    *No worry I can reco-* Velkon was thinking, but as the second spine impacted his chest, he thought a little differently, actually he thought nothing, as his recovery cells hadnt ben prepaired for such a hit, so Velkon went down, and didnt get up.

    He had lost consciousness.

    His cells were working over time, almost as hard as when the rex had almost bitten his arm off, but two injuries like that, and soo close together, Velkon's cells alone might not beable to heal him.

    So there he lay, two spines protruding from his body, his life-force increasing, only to slip away in greater quantities.

    His body couldnt hold this up for long....
  6. *This is the second time you've underestiemated your opponants today, and now your stu-* Velkons thoughts were cut off as he went slamming into the ground.

    He lay still for just a moment, and then pushed himself up.

    "Okay, where ar-" his voice cut off.

    He no longer smelled the psypath, but he sensed something else.

    Something that was much more powerful....
  7. Velkon growled slightly, sensing the presance in his mind.

    Then it started to talk to him.

    *Hah! Fool psypath!* he thought, hoping that she would here his thoughts if she could send hers into his mind.

    *I have been around Fortunadas and Widows far too long to be minipulated so easliy, and when they tried that, the quickly learned better* he thought.

    Then he looked about the grounds, only moving his eyes as to not alert the others, and seeing no one, he sniffed the air testingly.

    *Bingo* he thought

    Then he lept up into the air, seeing the "psypath", as he called them, in a tree above the group.

    *Ooo, your in trouble now* he thought, still confident she could hear his minds words.

    Then he started to descend, as he did soo he algned his fall to hit the psypath.

    Then he sent out his claws.

    *Dont move* he thought, in the most sarcastic way he could think.

    He just kept getting closer to her, and ripping out her throat.
    PS: Velkon "was" once mind controled by the Widows and such in Arachnos, but he found a way to recognize when that happened, and he eviscarated any one who tried to enter his mind, especialy when they tried to control him again
  8. Velkon sat, more accuratly kneeled, in his cell, his arms in metal locks specialy desinged for him, but the locks wernt perfict.

    "Hey, Freak! You hungry?" Velkon's "Personal" guard taunted, chuckling heavily, as if he thought it the funniest joke on Earth.

    "Hardly, for the garbage you bastards serve" Velkon asnwered, barring his large, pointed teeth at the guard. The guard, named Collins, ran over and smashed Velkon on the side of his jaw with a night-stick.

    Velkon just looked at the man, his dark golden eyes staring hatered out from a wolfish, grey skinned, yet still human-like face.

    The guard flinched back, seemingly scared from what he saw on the half-werewolf's visage. He raised his stick again, as if to strick once more, but Velkon didnt move an inch.

    He couldnt really if you thought about it...

    But the guard, Mr.Collins, backed off, storming out of Velkon's cell, slamming the door, sending a intensly loud clang to ring down the halls of the Zig.

    "Damn, no food, again..." Velkon muttered "Well....At least I'l be out of here soon..." he finished, half laughing, as the arm-manacles slid off his fore-arms, the locks having been broken from the inside out.

    "And this place doesnt know what their in for..." he said, his body seeming to fall out of the field of vision.

    The Hunter was about to start Killing Season, and it wouldnt be pretty.....
  9. "Ahhh, your awake, and healed no less!" El D exclaimed, his deep voice ringing with happyness at a live saved. "I was getting a little concirned that you wouldnt make it." he finished. "You can call me El D" he said, turing to face the woman "I hope you arnt burned, I tryed to heal most of that.." he said, giving a look down to his slightly burned arm. "That'l go away in a few hours" he finished.

    Then he herd it. The sound of a missle being launched.

    "Aww S***!" El D shouted, turning to face back to the street, just as the missle hit him in the chest dead on, rocking the building and sending him back to land near the now awakend woman, fully revealing his dark red skin, demon like ears, and three scar marks over his left eye. The sunglasses he wore we now gone, along with the ear buds, lost in the darkness of the room.

    "Hey!" he shouted out the door at the Sky Radier in the skiff that had shot at him "Those were a gift, new from Icon!" he finished, and he stood up. He concintrated for a moment, and his eyes, now glowing red, were given a harsh edge.

    "You'r gonna wish you didnt do that..." he growled at the skiff Radier, and he launched a large beam of heat-energy from his right arm (one handed blazing bolt). The blast sheared right through the skiffs right thruster, sending it crashing to the ground, where more Raiders were comming out from under cover.

    "Oooo...You brought friends..." he said, and he launched himself forward, and as he was flying, he sent a fire ball set up to explode outward right into the middle of the oncomming Raiders.

    Then the fire ball hit the group, El D laughing as the Raiders flew in different directions, almost all of them burning or on fire.

    Then three Jump Bots landed in the street infront of him.

    "El D, you are wanted by a Commander of the Sky Raiders and-" the middle bot started to say.

    "Blah,blah, blah..." El D said "Let him fight me if he wants to kill me so bad, not just send goony robots to do his work for him..."

    But then he noticed that these bots were advanced. Much more that the ones normaly patroling this sector of the city. They were Perigirin Island advanced....

    "Aww, Crap..." El D said "Hey! Travis! Mind sparking up some electricity to help me with these bots in a minute?" he asked, as he flew back into the building, shoving one of the large crates into the door to block the oncomming barrage of weapon fire.

    The robots didnt care that the box was blocking the target, just that thats were that target was, and the began to open fire at the door jamb, shooting large holes in the crate.

    "That thing wont hold long..." El D muttered. And then he looked around, seeing the shirtless man. "Hey, hope you wouldnt mind helpin me out as well, hmm?" El D asked, and then the Raider bots were through the door.

    "Time to Party!" El D said, as he launched another exploding ball of flame out from his hand.

    The fight in the Warehouse had just begun.....
  10. El D silently argeed with the young hero, who still handnt mentioned his name. Quickly he lifted the two survivng Longbow, one over each shoulder, and entered the door, stooping a bit to allow easy entry.

    Then he stood in the door frame, after laying the Longbow gently on the ground. He got the vibe that their may be some thugs looking for credit to a hero kill, with the bomb going off, it must have alerted a surprising number of "questionable" people.

    "You still havent toled me your name..." he said, looking behind to the young man.

    Then he pulled ear buds out of his coat collar, putting them in his demon-like ears, sounding out booming music in his ears, but he could still hear the world around him.

    He started ever soo slightly bobbing his head to the music, still watching for signs of trouble.

    He thought the herd something resembling a jet engine, but paid it no mind. Then he herd a soft, but unmistakable sound that came from a Sky Raiders portal device.

    "We got trouble..." he said cooly, as he walked out a bit from the door frame, now standing on the sidewalk just infront of the door. His head still slightly bobbed with the music, and he still looked for trouble, seemingly as if he never noticed the Sky Raider's portal or the Sky Skiff engine exaust....

    He was just waiting for them to attack........

    PS: El D is a blaster, but he does have a good bit of melee moves, so even in that range your not too safe
  11. El D heard the Hellion hit the ground, but payed it no mind. He knew the guy was in pain, most likely dead, and he rose to regaurd the young man.

    "You think so?" he asked in a sarcastic tone, as he finished rasing to his eight foot five inch height. "Keep the damn scanner, I don't need it any more" he said, then he took the small card out of a pocket in his coat.

    "hmmm...." he muttered "Have you ever seen a card like this?" he asked, his sarcastic tone gone. "The guy that gave it to me said it concerned the fate of Paragon City, and probably has something to do with the Abdul guy who took over Russia...."

    With that he handed the young man the card, and turned back to the falled woman.

    "What do they call you, boy?" he asked the young man, as he also waited for a reply about that card.

    Then he want back to watching for any signs of life from the young heroine....
  12. An aura seemed to wash over Paragon City, the normal blue sky turning a dark blood red.

    There was evil in the air, and every living thing sensed it.

    Many heros gathered in the square of Atlas Park where Statesman and the other Surviving Eight were talking about what to do about this situation.

    A massive column of fire shot up from the ground behind where all the heros gathered, and a large being, one over eight feet in height, walked out of its center. He had on a black suit of demonic looking armor, a long black cloke flowing out behind him. His face's lower half was covered in an assassins mask, the rest wreathed in flames, long black hair flowing down from two black horns the rose from his red skinned forhead.

    "Soooooo....This is Paragon City......" he said, he deep, devil-like voice carrying to the farthest reaches of the gathering.

    "Funny.....From what the Circle toled me, I was expecting.....More......" he said, still in his dark voice.

    Then he walked forward, two huge swords of flame appering in his armored hands. They looked to be about five feet long (dual Greater Fire Sword)

    Then, a litteral army of Behemoths arose from a wall of flame, a wall easily towering over even the War Walls that protected the city.

    "We are you new Rulers...." the armored demon said "And your king shall be called......El D....." he finished, and with that, more and more Behemoths poured out of the Fire Wall, now charging at the supprised heros, intent on slaughtering every one of them.......

    That was 5 years ago, the world is now dessolated, buildings lay scattered and destroyed, the land burned and charred beyond recognition.

    Now any non-Circle associated groups, esspecialy heros and villians, live in secret hiding areas, occasioanly along with other groups of villians or heros....But they are planning a rebellion, and are trying to send the demons back the their homeworld, but something about this says it wont be as easy as the Rikti War.......

    OK, this is my first RP GMing thing, so I only have a few starting rules.

    1) No God modding

    2) Only villian group seen free roaming is the CoT (mainly Behemoths, with some wizards scattered here and there)

    3) No isntant world-wipe-em-all-out-weapons, they take time, and no just specificly one type of person killing ones either.

    4) Vills and heros should band togother, demons ruling the Earth isnt somthing Arachnos or Freedom Phalanx wants.


    PS This is a concept I had that if my main hero El D (lvl 40 fire/fire blaster) never got clear of the Baphomets hold on him, he would come and take over Earth, killing most of the people he would have known in his hero carrer and would rule the planet as the Baphomets Chosen Son.....

    Have Fun!!!!
  13. El D was thinking about the card he had accepted from the "Mr. White" character in the pizza-parlor. He was once again patrolling the streets of Faultline.

    He now wore his street gear, a large, black V-Cut trenchcoat with the sleeves ripped short, a black T-shirt under it with a red coiled snake in the center, long black baggy pants with black motorcycle boots on. His face was no longer wreathed in flames, but instead he wore a black pair of govonment style sunglasses, his now white hair in a long ponytail behind him. He still wore his assassins mask, but with the addition of a golden chain around his neck.

    He saw some Longbow ahead of him, one of them crouching over what appered to be a bomb, when he sensed a heat comming from the device.

    Its going to explode, he realized, and he quickly sped forward, a orange-yellow flame wake following him.

    Then the bomb went off, a large blast covering his field of vision.

    "Damn, I'm too Late!" El D shouted, as he finaly stoped his fast movment forward, the cusion of friction-abosrbing flames covering his feet dissapating as he reached the sceen of the explosion.

    "You, get some of those civvies outta here!" he shouted at the young, shirtless man standing over a woman in a black costume. "I'll take care of her!" he yelled, and quickly flew over to the downed woman. He knew that the Longbow were dead, they couldn't survive an explosion like that, but a hero could survive one, but only just survive.

    "Damn, serious burns, and lots of shrapnel, well, I can relive the burns.." he said, and he place his hand on to one of the woman's arms.

    Then he concintrated. He formed a portal for the burns to pass though, transfering most of them through his body into the Plane of Fire.

    Almost all of the burns were healed from the young woman, and only a few minor marks on the arm El D had used to "heal" her.

    "I can't do s*** for the shrapnel...But the Longbow must have a healing device..." he said to himself, and he ran over to where the Longbow lay, and took a small, square device off of one of the fallen men's belts.

    Then he quickly ran back to the woman, and hastly dialed in the healing freqiency, and a green light waved out from one end of the metal square to cover the woman.

    "I hope this works..." El D thought, as the green wave finaly stopped emmenating from the device. "Here!" he shouted at the young man, tossing a Police Scanner he unbuckled from his own belt, at the young man. "Call in for some assistance!" he finished.

    Then he went back to watching over the young woman, hoping that she would awake soon.....And dreading what would happen if she didn't......
  14. El D stood tall among the folks of the rebuilt Faultline, in fact, he stood over 2 feet taller than most normal humans. Having demon blood does that to you. He looked across the few blocks he could see, his face wreathed in flames, his burning eyes scanning for any sign of trouble.

    Then he saw some thugs, Skulls he guessed, walk into a small pizza-parlor across the street.

    "I'd better keep a watch on those guys..." he said, his deep voice comming from under an assassins mask. At that he flew slowly across the street, looking in at the thugs through the window. They still hadnt noticed him, when the first thug pulled a gun out on the clerk.

    "Time to earn a living" he said, and he rocketed forward, shoving aside the doors and starteling the patrons inside the resturant.

    "What th--" the gun-thug started to say, but uppon looking at the tall half-demon standing infront of him, he stopped short. One of his friends pulled a gun from his jacket, and shot at El D.

    He just laughed as the bullet disinigrated befor it even thouched his dark armor. Now, El D stalked forward, a long, black cloak whisping out behind him. He grabbed the nearest two thugs, the two with guns, each by their shirt collars, and hoisted them up, a good 5 feet off the ground, their heads almost touching the ceiling. The last thug, El D just looked at, and he was surrounded in a ring of flames.

    "Both of you, get out, and don't ever bother comming Back!!!" he roared at the two thugs he held, throwing them out of the doors of the building, and sending them to hit that outer wall of the buildings back across the street.

    That last thug he got rid of be lifting him up, and disposing of in a garbage can in the front of the parlor.

    When he walked back in, he looked up just in time to see an announcment on the tv hanging above the bar. It said that some Abdul character had taken over Russia earlier in the morning.

    "Christ" El D muttered "Who is going to stop that madman..." he finished. Then he thought about that statement.

    "Duh, I am a hero, and I live in a city populatied by nearly 3 thousand or more others with powers. We sure as Hell can stop this guy..." he thought "Its not like he has some doomsday weapon or somthing......At least, I hope he doesnt...."

    At that, El D sat down at the bar, and ordered a medium (which is a personal size for him) pizza, with all the toppings.

    If anything came up, he worry about it when it did.....


    Bruce Cambell RULES!!! Evil Dead Is Teh BOMB!!!!!
  15. In the few seconds it had taken Velkon to run off to the new grey tower, and run back, he realized something.

    He had been called for, and he hadn't said anything.

    "S***!" Velkon said, incoherantly, a deep growl basicly forming word. Then he was back with the group. He heard Proto asking something about "bands".

    He put that notion out of his mind, then made a point to apologize to Night for not responding, but first....He had some information to tell.....

    "Hey guys! I think you should hear about this!" he said, and then he toled them of the grey tower, and the strange "forest-ending".

    Velkon is a nice guy, and tries not to be dismissive, espesialy around people he considers allies, so thats why hes making a bit deal of it
  16. "I was just about to get something to eat" Velkon said "When I come to find that Arachnos soldiers had invaded my home, but they were promptly delt with..." he finished. Then, having eaten everything on the leaf-plate, he rolled the plant into a tube and bolted that down, his large, pointed teeth making quick work of the foliage/food serving device.

    Velkon then stood up.

    "I figure I'll look to see if we can get a direction out of here" he said, and lept up to the upper most boughs of the nearest tree, which happened to be the highest for a while. This allowed him a good view of the surrounding area, and when he looked where he guessed North was, he saw a strange thing. It was almost as if the forest was just ending at one point, streched across a deciently small radius. Seeing this, he lept down.

    "Theres something strange about the forest over there" he said, pointing in the direction he had been looking at. "I'm gonna go check it out."

    At that, he ran the short distance to the forest's end, and seeing nothing more unusual about it, continued walking.

    Where he emerged was a flat area of grey stone, with a immensly tall grey tower in the middle.

    "I better tell the others about this..." he said, letting his voice trail off, and he ran back to the group, and spread the word of his find.
  17. The entrance of the strange being had awoken El D from his black-out, and rather uncomfortobly at that. Like having your thoughts ripped appart, then assembled back together.

    "Sheesh....Who ever was just in here, they added to my already quite large headache" he said, slowly pushing himself up off the floor. Then he noticed Qucikshot, and Fenris above him. He looked up, seeing the Council insagnia Quickshot had.

    "You are a well prepaired person, arn't you?" El D asked, his voice still weak, but it sounded a little better. He the fully proped himself up into a sitting position.

    "By all rights I should be out, and dying, but I felt some type of being in the back of my mind. It felt cold. VERY cold. Warheart must have felt it too, as he wanted to get away from it. He gave some strength to my body. Thats one of the only good things about having him around. Sharing a body means if I get destroyed, we both are trapped back on the Plane of Fire....And the Gods know that I don't wanna go back there."

    Then he felt around the back of his head, where the crack was on his skull.

    "Damn, you sure did a good job of throwing me into the wall" he said, looking up at Fenris. "Warheart's residual strength is already being retracted" El D said, his voice now sounding as weak as it had before. "Thats the bad end of the stick" he laughed.

    "Well, are we allies?" he asked, looking between Quickshot and Fenris.

    His strength was again almost failing, as it had before. Once again, his time seemed to be running out....
  18. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Man, after hearing Superbeast, I sure can see why you picked it. I can TOTALLY see Fenris beating the HELL outta people while this song is playing.

    Also, I found a song that I think fits Warheart pretty well, Drop the Bombshell by Powerman 5000. Also, for Warheart, the song I posted earlier, Warheart by Childern of Bordem (I think). Bombshell could also be a cool song for another brtue I'm planning, Phantom Driver, hel be tech ss/fire and eventually scopion patron powers. The 21st Centruy Killing Machine part is where I see him the most.
  19. El D just sat in his room at Portal Corps., filling out cards to every single hero he had met durring his time in Paragon City.....And when you've been in Paragon City scince the 1950's, that can be a LOT of heros......

    "Theres another one..." he muttered "I HATE Valentines Day mainly for this reason....Every year I get more and more people I have to write cards for, and I know that it will never stop..."

    He just laughed at the last notion and started to once again fill out cards, a pile of over 2 thousand left to still be done....


    "Whattssss iss thisss?!" a Momba Fang hissed at the new commer, a fairly large (for his human kind) being.

    "I'm here to borrow something..." the new commer growled, long black claws sliding out from his wrists. "Your Life!" he yelled at the snake-man, and he ran forward, ripping open the Snake's jaw with his right set of claws, almost pulling its lower jaw off in the process.

    "Here we go...." he said, after physicaly climbing up the side of Ghost Widows tower. He dropped the carcass of the Snake on the flat piece of foyer in front of the door. He buzzed the comm. pad beside the door, and lept off the side of the tower, falling into the mists that had setteled below.

    A Fortunada opened the door, and upond seeing the Snake, called for Ghost Widow at once.

    The snake had a large heart-shape carved into its chest, with the words "Happy V-Day, from Velkon" carved below it.

    "Another one of these...He keeps sending them every year..." Ghost Widow sighed. "Put it in for our reaserch on the Snakes anatomy, and see if you can't find this Velkon character...' she said to the Fortunada, and with that she walked back into the tower, counting how many times this had happened scince Velkon had first seen her.

    "Too many times..." she said, and then she dirifted off further into her tower.

    My stalker, Velkon had a crush on GW scince he saw here when he was created by Arachnos, but scince he has switched dimensions, he dosent yet realize that this GW doesnt seem to like the Snake gift very much...Or does she?
  20. Warheart let out a deep breath, as he rose from where he had hit the wall.

    "I seem to have walked right into that one" he said, streaching his arms out above his head. "You'r gonna wish you never had-" Warheart's voice cut off suddenly.

    "NOOOO!!!!" he roared in fury. "NOT NOW!!!!!" he screamed, his voice revibrating off the walls of the ice palace.

    A large piller of flame erupted around his body, lasting only a few seconds, and when it dissapated his skin was once again dark red, his armor now in its origonal form, but it seemed battered, the flames that masked his face were thin, and transparnet.

    "Heh, thanks for ruffing him up a bit" El D said, his deep vioce sounding weaker than it had before. "But you didnt have to go to such extreams" he laughed, choughing up dust from the fall in the process.

    "I'm in no condition to fight now" he said, splaying his arms wide "That fall and slam into the wall may have only inconvieneced Warheart while he we out, but when we traded places again, not all of the injuries left me" he finished.

    At that he went down to a half kneeling position. "Hell, for the moment, I cant even seem to stand" El D said "But I will tell you this....For fighting off my other side and helping me regain control, I shall count you both as allies" he said, his voice sounding of pure sincarity. "Do what you will, help me or leave me, I'll be out for a few unless you got something that will keep me going" he said, then he blacked out, falling to the floor, showing a fairly large crack on the back of his skull, his long black hair parting just enough to see it.

    His time was running out.....

    I figured scince El D is a blaster, he wouldnt react very well to those injruies. Also, when he first changed, he didn't just give over control as he seemed to, but rather Warheart took over in a burst of power. They are part of the same being, kinda like the Rulaaru-god dudes, and they share that same body untill El D eventually casts out Warheart when he later becomes a Peace Bringer, but Warheart comes back to fight both the current El D and PB El D, hungry for battle.

    Also, I was wondering, what song fits Velkon better?
    Of Wolf and Man by Metallica


    Wolf Moon by Type O Negative (sorry, couldn't find it anywhere else, the video is cool if you watch it, amd song starts slow but gets better )


    Also, where you going in South Africa, Fenris? I have a relative that just got back from Uganda a week ago. He made it sound cool, but let me tell you, make sure youve got all the passports and stuff that you need, cuz it can take a while to get back with out them. :P
  21. "Arrhhggg!!!" Warheart shouted, now falling down towords the floor, with the large wolf clamped onto his shoulder. "You'r gonna become a problem, arnt ya" he growled at the wolf, then he wraped his arms around the wolf's chest, crushing with all of his might. Then, he started once again to turn, slowly in midair, and sent a massive ammount of electrical energy, enough to overload the strongest Juicer Freak, coursing into Fenris. He finaly compleated his slow rotation, the wolf's back once again facing the ground.

    "You'r not getting away from this..." he growled, and he threw all of his weight, ammounting to about 873 pounds, downwards.

    "Think of this as The Power Slam to HELL!!!" Warheart shouted, as they came crahsing into the solid, icey floor of the castle, creating a crater that spanned the entier width of the marble floor, the ends even spiking up 7 feet on the walls on either side. A huge cloud of dust shot up, obscuring all from view.

    But a red, energy electrical aura could still be seen.

    Warheart still breathed, and was still sentiant, even after such a HUGE fall.

    "Lets see you get up from that..." he muttered to the wolf, and with that, Warheart started to rise out of the crater, staring straight at Quickshot.


    I'm assuming that Fenris' weight is a Heck of ALOT (read your bio, thought it was cool, but cant remeber the weight) and with Warheart's combined weight, plus falling down from where they were, would be about I'm guessing over 3 thousand pounds of force going into the ground. Cool right?
  22. Warheart laughed, seeing how "effective" his axe had been.

    "Well, I see a solution to these bullets" he thought to himself, as he neared his colision with the wolf. He started to turn slightly, to build momentum, and as he just colided with Fenris, grappeling the strong claws of the beast (and realizing that this creature had the strength of a giant in the process) with his metal covered arms, he compleated his movment, facing the wolf now in the path of the bullets.

    "You may or may not be hurt by those" he said, indicating the bullets "But the impact with the ground might do something". At that he stomped down onto the wolf's chest with his metal greaves, and released his hold on the creature's arms. This almost reversed his angle, and also sent him off to one side of the building.

    "Catch!" he shouted, his eyes looking behind Fenris to the gun-carring woman.

    Then he was on his way to the ground aswell, already a good 10 feet from where Fenris was heading, and the distance was just getting greater.


    "If he builds gadgets at all like that" Velkon said, indicating Experiment's healing nod/Longbow Comm. "I'd take one."

    Then he leaned over so that only Night could here him.

    "But I can also heal what ever damage I get if it DOES explode" he whispered . Then he got up and walked over to where the food/leaf plates were. He picked up two and started over towards Proto and Burning, giving them their food, then he returned to help pass out more of the food.

    Just after the food was passed out (Velkon noticed he had gotten the biggest piece), and he had just resumed his seat near the fire, Velkons wolf-like ears twitched at a small and far off sound.

    A sound like a distant howling noise, his ears just picking it out from the other noises of the forest.

    "Meh..What ever it is, its far away at the moment" he thought, and took a large bite of the cooked rex meat, almost taking 1/4th of the large helping he had.

    "Should it come up again, I'll say something" he thought, compleating his thoughts for now, and moved to take another bite of food.

    That howl was Fenris, it had happened a while ago, i know, but the echo took a while Heres to a werewolf vs werewolf fight soon!!!!
  23. "Heh, I'm not really worried about annoyance, and I'm not really a villian" Velkon said. "I'm more of a lost cause. You see, I was created to fight Statesman and the others, but in the Praetorian dimension. I was sent here to kill this world's Statesman by my origonal world's States, Tyrant. He had captured my after my comm. system went out and I lost contact with Arachnos, who were my creators. I have just recently figured out the flips that changing dimesions brought to me, and I hope to eventually help Statesman and the others, but untill then, I'm trapped on the Rouge Isles. By no means do I wish to commit to helping Arachnos at all, I kill their enforcers where ever I see them. I only do what I need to for survival, untill I can escape."

    Then he stacked the wood he had cut into a cone-like shape, and, sending one blade out of either arm, slid them together to create a spark, igniting the large mass of fire wood.
  24. El__D

    City of Secrets

    El D: "I was actually going to become a villian before comming into Paragon City, but then I found out that Arachnos dosen't cover dental plans."

    -awkward silence-

    "What? If your jaw gets smashed by some Tanker with Energy Melee, you'r gonna need a damn-good dentist"

    -Massive Laughs from Audience, but some in the back dont laugh-

    El D mutters "Must remeber to kill those guys..."
  25. "Ohh [censored]" El D thought "I just could have been hoping that would have worked"

    "Ahh, it seems my statement was a bit presumptusous" El D said "Well...I may not be able to take both of you on at once, but...." the last word hung in the air ominously.

    "I know someone who might be able to" he said, once again his vioce loosing its harmonic tones, sounding much darker.

    At that a massive red bolt of energy streaked down, smashing the ceiling of the ice castle, and compleatly envoloping El D. When the lightning bolt dissapated, there stood the armored figure, but his face was once again white, with black triangles, his eyes narrowed, glowing an demoic red energy.

    "Now you see my true other side!" El D shouted at them. "No longer am I held back by my good-side, I have broken free!"

    Then, his armor in covered by a "net" of electricity, it now seemed to send out a dull yellow glow.

    "My good-side is fighting to regain control, so you'd better hope that you last long enough to see him, as he may reliquish from fighting" he said "By the way, you can call me Warheart"

    At that the demon brought his axe off his shoulder, and after charging it with some of his energy, send it in a spinning arch straight at the Warwolf. Then he lept into the air, poised to land right where Fenris was.

    "Lets see what you do now!" Warheart laughed malicoiusly, hurtling right for the wolf, with his axe some distance ahead of him, still spinning onward, a whirlwind of blade and searing red energy.

    Silently he thought "If you move wolfie, that axe will shear your new friend right in half....And if you don't that axe will hit you then I will come down and crush your skull into the ground, then I'll kill your friend...."

    Warheart is the "actual" form of El D's other side, hes a Super Strength/ Electric brute, Gaurdian server, Warheart the Demon