The Baphomet's Dream...




An aura seemed to wash over Paragon City, the normal blue sky turning a dark blood red.

There was evil in the air, and every living thing sensed it.

Many heros gathered in the square of Atlas Park where Statesman and the other Surviving Eight were talking about what to do about this situation.

A massive column of fire shot up from the ground behind where all the heros gathered, and a large being, one over eight feet in height, walked out of its center. He had on a black suit of demonic looking armor, a long black cloke flowing out behind him. His face's lower half was covered in an assassins mask, the rest wreathed in flames, long black hair flowing down from two black horns the rose from his red skinned forhead.

"Soooooo....This is Paragon City......" he said, he deep, devil-like voice carrying to the farthest reaches of the gathering.

"Funny.....From what the Circle toled me, I was expecting.....More......" he said, still in his dark voice.

Then he walked forward, two huge swords of flame appering in his armored hands. They looked to be about five feet long (dual Greater Fire Sword)

Then, a litteral army of Behemoths arose from a wall of flame, a wall easily towering over even the War Walls that protected the city.

"We are you new Rulers...." the armored demon said "And your king shall be called......El D....." he finished, and with that, more and more Behemoths poured out of the Fire Wall, now charging at the supprised heros, intent on slaughtering every one of them.......

That was 5 years ago, the world is now dessolated, buildings lay scattered and destroyed, the land burned and charred beyond recognition.

Now any non-Circle associated groups, esspecialy heros and villians, live in secret hiding areas, occasioanly along with other groups of villians or heros....But they are planning a rebellion, and are trying to send the demons back the their homeworld, but something about this says it wont be as easy as the Rikti War.......

OK, this is my first RP GMing thing, so I only have a few starting rules.

1) No God modding

2) Only villian group seen free roaming is the CoT (mainly Behemoths, with some wizards scattered here and there)

3) No isntant world-wipe-em-all-out-weapons, they take time, and no just specificly one type of person killing ones either.

4) Vills and heros should band togother, demons ruling the Earth isnt somthing Arachnos or Freedom Phalanx wants.


PS This is a concept I had that if my main hero El D (lvl 40 fire/fire blaster) never got clear of the Baphomets hold on him, he would come and take over Earth, killing most of the people he would have known in his hero carrer and would rule the planet as the Baphomets Chosen Son.....

Have Fun!!!!

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



((OOC: Yay! Another RP! ))



Night Protector got off from the ground and walked over to the window. A few people to her left and right, she was one of the last heroes that survived El D's deadly attack. She, along with a couple of other heroes and civs, were stuck on the 35th floor of a beaten and semi destroyed tower near the atlas globe.

She looked out from the window, looking apon the death across the city. The sky was red, clouds exchanged for floating balls of fire. It hasn't rained within four of the five years El D has ruled over Paragon. The buildings were sinking into the ground, beaten and destroyed, while the statues of paragon's heroes smashed into pieces along the ground.

The light of the 24/7 sun reflected off her beaten matallic armor. The yellow firestripes down the sides of her amor scratched and dirty from years of war. Different parts of her armor were cut and severed. One example of this was Night's left arm. The armor had been completely removed up to just below the elbow, a result of a little more then a few fights with the behemoths in the city. She now had a fingerless glove in place of the armor, similar to what the gangs used to wear.

A small bandage on the left side of her face hid a scar from a more resent battle. It was small, but it would heal soon. Besides the maney scratches and marks on her armor, Night no longer wore a cape. This gave her mobility when traveling across the city. Her hair was also cut a little shorter then before, no longer in a clean ponytail. She still wore her tiara, showing that she would fight against the threat for as long as she needed.

Her eyes burned at the sight of the city. She turned to leave, returning to her former spot. The people around her hid in the corners, mothers holding their children, while fathers organized their weapons for battle. Maney of these people lost reason for living; continuing to, only for the hope of seeing their children grow up. Food was running short, forcing people to eat off of anything they found.

Night rested her head against the wall, thinking of how to plan her next move.



"Ahahaha..." El D demonicly laughed, sitting on his dark throne in a castle he had built over the ruins of Portal Corps in Peregrin Island.

"Who knew that you could take over a world with only a force as strong as 2 billion Behemoths, less than half of this putrid worlds origonal population" he continued.

El D only had one more beast to fight, the creature that the Earthlings called "The Hamidon".

This gelatinous creature was slowly loseing its war of survival.

El D respected this creature as it was the most formidable being on this planet, having been able to hold off his armies attacks for the 5 years of his rule.

But he knew that this creature wanted to rule Earth as much as he did, so he needed to destroy this Hamidon threat.

Or maybe he didnt.

He had a plan, on that he was very much doubtful of, but it was one that would incease his power by almost one-thousand fold.

"No...This creature must be killed!" he roared, leaping of his throne to stalk around his dark, shadowy castle.

"Or maybe it doesnt..." he muttered.

"I need to consult the mages about this..." he finished, and with that he stormed off towards the Mages Hall in his large castle, plans forming in his mind even Hamidon wouldnt have thought of.....

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector