
Multimedia Genius 12-06-2011
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  1. El__D

    odd bug

    thats a pretty cool bug, and if you report it, you might get the Bug Hunter badge!

    Dang I want that badge sooo much!

    -El D
  2. Velkon had been running through the base for about 10 minutes, all the way constantly looking for Lord Recluses personal quarters.

    Then he found them.

    He opened the door easy enough, as claws like his make some of the best lockpicks.

    Which really ment he just slashed up the lock until the door opened.

    Inside the room stoode Recluse, but he seemed to be concintrating on something.

    He had a red crystal in his hand.

    *Thats the Gem of Sarafina!" Velkon noted, as he overherd Recluses mad rambleings.

    The Lord seemed to have been concirned that the other partons were going to take the gem away from him.

    That why he had them all killed.

    And the fact that he was insane didnt help that much.

    Velkon just slowly creeped up behind the occipied mad man, and prepaired a strike that would take down a bull elepaht.

    One that should take Recluse in the neck, compleatly severing his spinal column.

    *Prepair to die, Recluse* he thought, as he finished rasing he arm, and started to send the strike down.
  3. "Arrgghhhaaaa!!!" Velkon yelled, as he ran into the third group of Arachnos soldiers in the base.

    He had been shot a good number of times, but his healing took care of that.

    And his claws took care of the shooters.

    After that group had fallen, he noticed a large computer consoul over to one side of the room.

    He walked over, and typed in an access code.

    "No....This cant be....." he muttered under his breath...

    The computer said that Lord Recluse had killed off all of the other patrons, his mind having snapped from some reason or another.

    All Velkon cared about was that he had killed Ghost Widow.

    He brought his fist up befor his face, and his claws shot out as he moved his arm down, smashing his entier forarm into the consoul keypad.

    "Recluse....Your going down..." he said, as he activated his camo and sped off into the base, looking for Recluse's personal wing of the facility.
  4. El D sensed that something was amiss just as a huge wall of ice rose up from the ground, blocking him from the other two beings in the castel.

    A chute opened below him, but he simply flew above it.

    "Seems like I'l be seeing you later!" El D yelled at the human woman, then blasted out of the door way.

    He heard a low howl, he guessed from the wolf, but he didnt push it farther.

    He really didnt want to fight him again.

    But when he continued flying, his sceenery changed to that of a rolling grassland.

    "Well, atleast the temperature is better..." he said, as he continued flying, his eyes scaning for any signs of life.

    Little did he know, the very same wolf was in the same grassland, but far back from where El D had entered.

    Seems like his wish that a fight wouldnt reoccur might not come true...
    Edit: Yay! I can post as El D again!!! W00T!!!
  5. Velkon had been in the cloud only a few seconds, and had just started to try and eviscerate the Avatar, where ever it was, when the coulds powers hit him.

    In that instance, his vision blacked out, only to return a few seconds later.

    But he wasnt in the cloud any longer.

    He was inside what appered to be an Arachnos base.

    The very same one he had escaped all those years ago.

    "NOOO!!!" he roared in fury, as he began to slash at the surrounding equipment, ripping the technology to pieces.

    As if senseing the destruction, 3 Arachnos Riflemen stepped out through a set of elevator doors, and began to fire in Velknos diretion.

    He just charged right at them, intent on killing them any way possable.

    Back in the Flat World, Velkon's body plummeted to the ground, smashing ontop of the land mine, setting off the explosion, thus rocketing Velkon over to slam into a tree with backbreaking force.

    But when he fell to the ground this time, he made no movements, didnt even make a sound, or attemp to get up and fight.

    Thats because he was already fighting, at least he thought he was.

    He was fighting his worst fear.

    Arachnos Base 1-5-Alpha, the base that had mutated him to what he was now...
  6. "How am I gonna hol-" Velkon started to ask, but Night had lept off, swinging through the trees, persumabley looking for the group's invisible friend.

    Then Velkon looked up, seeing a large dark cloud forming.

    "Where ever that thing is gonna be, I'm betting my money that its in there" he said, as he started to walk(still invisible) into the clearing below the storm.

    He didnt even notice that land mine that was under his feet, but by luck he didnt trip it.

    "Aww Hell, only got prolly one chance at this...." he said, crouching down to super charge his leap.

    "So here Goes!" he siad loudly, leaping straight up, shooting through the air like a bullet.

    He rasied his arms to strike, and prayed that he could hit the thing.

    His camo shut off just as he neared where the cloud was.

    "Damnit!" he shouted, but it was too late to worry.

    He was to the cloud.

    His leap still carrying him forwards, he began to slash at the air, hoping to hit the Avatar.
  7. *Oh, he wants to add tricks to this competition, does he?* El D thought, as he watched the wolf man toss the glass up, catching & drinking its fallen contents, then recovering the glass before it broke.

    [ QUOTE ]
    "your up"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Alright..." El D said, pulling a quarter out and placing it on his left hand to flip it.

    "I think I'l bet that it lands face up..." he said, flipping the coin up and snapping his fingers in the process, causing the cion to ignite in flames.

    He quickly drained his glass, his eyes watching the coins descent.

    Then, just as the quarter was nearing the bar table, El D whipped his now empty glass out and around, catching the still fiery coin inside.

    Then he flipped the glass around in his hand towards the contest pile, sending the coin flying towards the betting cash.

    But just before the coin hit the money, the flames dissapated, leaving the coin to land face up in the two $50s.

    "Next" he said, grinning and looking down towards the rock troll man down the bar.
  8. Virtue is also a good RP server, and it(from what I've come to understand) has a higher population than the other servers(not Freedom though)

    I've never played on Pinniacle, just Guardian, and now moving to Virtue for future endevors.

    Which ever server choice you make, hope you have a good time playing and RPing til you just cant RP no more!

    -El D
  9. "The winner will get the money" El D said, walking up to the bar and taking a seat to the right of the wolf man, placing a 50 of his own on the table, "And this..." he said, a golden amulet containg a large ruby in the center appearing in his hand with a flash of flame.

    He move to set the amulet on the table, but hesitated.

    "You'll get this on one exception...." he said, smiling at Schayde as he now put the amulet where the money was, "Only if you give the amulet to her" he finished, still looking towards Scayde.

    Then he brought the flaming pitcher up and drained the last of its contents in a swift gulp. The flames dissapated, nothing left to float on, as El D raised his glass.

    A waitress came to exchange it for a smaller one, but El D declined, then looked over the the wolf at his left.

    "Proportions gotta be equal, ya know?" he said jokingly to the wolf, laughing slightly as he considered the oncomming compitetion.
  10. As the waitress passed him the drink, El D's thoughts moved on to the other two men now seated at the bar.

    One of them obviously seemed to know the demoness, the other looked like hed never seen her before.

    From their interactions(Breaker & Schayde), he learned that the woman's name was Schayde.

    Then his attention snapped back to the mobster troll. He had just becaome a hulking form of rocks, similar to some creations the Devouring Earth, and he also ordered the drink that the werewolf had.

    Than the rock-troll started to boast about the Family, a Furioso Family to be precise. He made a mental note of the troll mobster, labeling him a potental threat.

    Then he said that the Furioso were monitoring the area.

    El D highly thought that statement to be full of hot air, considering DJ Zero wouldnt allow harm to occur in the D, especialy at the level the troll talked about.

    He still went on his guard though.

    In his years in Paragon City, he had learned that even a boast could be trouble.

    At that he brought the pitcher up, and took a long drink, draining almost a third of the container in the process. The drink sent a flame down his throat and into his limbs, and the mix held a taste he didnt recognize, but it was damn good.

    Then he got an idea.

    It was probably a stupid idea, but it would look neat.

    He brought the pitcher up in a toast to Schayde, and sent a small ammount of his power to the liquid, causing the top most ammount to flare up in flames.

    But curiously, the flames didnt burn the pitcher, or evaporate the drink, it just was there on top of the drink, seeming to float.

    He looked to Schayde, a large grin on his face as he brought the drink back down for another drought, the flames rolling over his face and moving down into the container as the liquids level went down.

    *Yes...Tonight is goning to be interesting....* he thought, wondering just how "interesting" it would be....
  11. Velkon herd Night's call for cover, and as he was landing once again on the ground, heard her footsteps a few yards away from him.

    Activating his camo, he leapt almost compleatly horizontaly, landing about a foot away from where Night was hidden.

    His claws raked out from his wrist joints, making a slight metallic scraping sound as they did so.

    "You called?" he asked, smiling in a miscavious grin even though Night probably couldnt see it.

    She was up to something, he knew, and it probably involved hurting that big light thing.

    He REALLY wanted to help do that.

    Then he just crouched down, waiting for Night to explain her plan, thinking about the best way to hurt the large thing that had attacked them...
    Edit: Sorry for the wait, been busy with tests and such... By the way, wheres Twisting Nether? El D(and Fenris probably aswell) are getting lonly there. I needs conformantion of an alliance!!
  12. The elevator doors hero-side opened, revealing a very tall and imposing figure, well over eight feet tall, with a deep red cape that looked to be even longer that he was. Of course the capes' length was shortened, as it was wrapped over both of his strong shoulders, showing a lone, black medallion on his neck, moving up to a black mask covered the lower half of his face. He had obsidian colored horns forming over long, stark white hair with dark ends. The upper part of his arms were sheathed in a black metal, the lower halves covered in black wraps of fabric. On his shoulders he wore massive black plates, each holding stylized designs that were exact copies of each other. At the moment he wore a black, sleeveless shirt over his torso, to hide numerous scorch-like scars on his back. His legs were shielded by a dark armor with red patterns, his armored boots matching the coloring exactly.

    He had a dusky skin tone, like one who lived their life in the sun, and had dark green eyes with bright green pupils, thin rings of flame running around the irises.

    He walked with the aura of one who had been through Hell and a good few other places most don’t ever want to go. His stride easily carried him up the steps to the bar, his long gate taking three steps at a time with out any strain.

    He herd a yell, and looked back in time to see a young costumed man fall from the bar above, landing heavily into the floor below. *Rookie…..* he thought, images of his first few days in Paragon City flashing into his mind.

    Then he was back to the present, as he saw a man suddenly shift into something like a Council Warwolf. *No…This guy is the real thing…* he thought, watching as the demoness-like bartender handed him a drink that seemed much stronger than the usual servings. He continued looking on as the wolf man drained the entire glass, the elixir seemingly sending a jolt down the creature’s body.

    Then his attention was on the demoness. *Seems like I’ve found someone in common here…* he thought, wondering if she was somehow connected with the Realms of Demon Fire that he had seemingly originated from. *Nah….* he thought, as he pushed that possibility out of his mind. At that he pulled down his face mask, exposing his mouth, most straight white teeth, but incisors and a few other teeth slightly pointed, giving an even more enchanting look to his already mystic-like appearance.

    He was now at the bar, bending his frame to allow temporary access between the wolf man and a suited up toll mobster, being careful to not hit his head on the low overhanging lights.

    “When you find a moment, I’ll take a pitcher of what ever you just served the wolf man there” he said, nodding towards the werewolf on his right “mixed with vodka, if you wouldn’t mind” he finished, a kind smile showing on his face, his words deep but friendly. He knew the crowds could get rough in the D on some nights, and he wasn’t about to push people around, especially when they’re working as hard as she was.

    Then he moved back, sitting on the median between two sets of both seats where he could still see the bar from between the guys he had dubbed *Troll Pachino* and *Steppenwolf*. He crossed his arms over his chest, his head now slightly bobbing to the beat of the heavy music of the club.

    *Lets just see how tonight goes…* he thought, as he continued listening to the music.
    costume in cool pose thingy (act like hes got a black shirt on though)
  13. I just made a new costume for my main, and if you have time I wouldnt mind a sketch





  14. Gahh!

    /e toggles on superspeed so he can follow Showe more easily

    And thats a cool pic you got, Showe, props to the artist!
  15. I might as well join the bandwagon thats bound to start rollin' along here....

    I'd also like to get some pics of my chars, but my post got absolutly 0% of the art-love on it.....

    At the moment I do have a sketch comming from Isutiri of my main, which I think will be quite good considering Isu's high skill in Art-fu, and eventually, I'l post some of my own art....

    But this is beside the point....

    Just following Showe in the line for artists!

    /e toggles follow on Showe

    -El D
  16. Well, Serengeti Lord, you have some serious talent there....

    So, scince my personal post for art seems to havent gotten any love yet...Could you sign me up for a piece? I know the list is long, and with me it'l be longer, but I'd would love to see what youd do with El D!

    El D close

    El D front

    El D right

    El D left

    El D the Overlord of Flames

    You could just draw my last screenie if you wanted, or could make another awsome one like you did for the others, in any case, I'd be very grateful!
    El D - lvl 42 Mutation Fire/Fire/Fire blaster on Guardian server
    Edit: ARRGGHHHH!!!! I JUST saw your closing comment in your last post after I made mine, dang!

    Well, if you ever get time from all of the other pieces, I'd still be up for one, but its fine if not
  17. /e blinks

    Dang, when you typed up the "Fenris breaking the vualt door" part in The World Is Flat RP, I have to say, this is almost exactly the image that came to my mind.....

    Awsome job, dude! Keep it up!

    - From That guy with the Council Whistle that you didnt listen to
  18. Fixed the politness from the post name and my pics post

    Sorry bout that
  19. O.K.!

    I would like to ask for a drawing my main char, El D! (please)

    No holds on who does it, just wanting some drawing of my character!

    These pics arnt the best, and I'l try to get better ones, but your welcome to try with these!

    El D close

    El D front

    El D back

    El D left

    El D right

    El D flames
  20. Edit : Origonal post deleated by El_D
  21. El__D

    New Art!

    Dang, no love, and such good art!

    You got some cool pieces there Rockstar!

    but the Ocean Blue dude kinda reminds me of Reptile from Mortal Kombat on a Silver Surfer bord
  22. Actualy scrathc my last question, I figured it out, heres

    My El D Mega
  23. Hey! Quake, I gotta say, you do some wonders in art!

    Mega good...No, good not...good enought.....TOTALLY FRIGGING SWEET ART!!!!!


    I have to say though, after looking at all of your pics, I think Ultimate Thors Assassin and Replete are my 2 favorite out of them all (for the moment)

    Sooo....If post a screenie of my blaster, El D, do you think I can get a sketch?


    just wondering, how do I post links to the pictures like you did?(with just the picture on a white background) I cant seem to figure it out...
  24. *I dont know how im gonna help with this, but what the Hell* Velkon thought, as he lept up, prepairing to slash at the Avatar's arms.

    Then he saw Night flying right for the arms as well.

    *Seems we had the same idea* Velkon thought, then he saw the Avatar's other arm come crashing in towards Night.

    Velkon roared out in rage that this split-personalitied thing would dare attack one of his allies. He immediatly stopped attacking, and fell to the ground, where he lept up again, intent on catching Night should the arm contact with her, even going so far as to break her fall should he need to.

    The arms was closing in.

    *Move, Night, Move!* he thought, as he was moving up towards her, and the Avatar's arm crashing down towards him.
  25. Velkon had escaped his cell, and was now heading into the cafiteria of the jail.

    His camo disactivated as he walked in and he sensed that he wouldnt get it back any time soon.

    But no one noticed him, as he hid behind a large group of people.

    He was startled as one of the group said "Not used to talking. dont like it" but he calmed when he noticed they werent talking about him.

    "What are you guys in here for?" he asked the group, in his deep, growling voice.

    Then he just waited for some answers.

    ((sorry bout using the camo, forogt bout powers, but hel not use it til he gets it back))