Shadow Manor - open RP




Schayde’s slight form materialized as her body was thrown forcefully against a rough, stone wall. The impact was so violent it jarred the very foundation, causing bits of grey plaster and stone to rain upon her from above. Her concentration wavered as she wiped at the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand. The sight of her own blood staining her translucent skin with a crimson smear further ignited her anger. She blinked rapidly, trying to clear her vision and get her attacker back in her sights. A pair of amber eyes narrowed at her in the darkness, hatred swirling in their depths like liquid fire. She prepared to melt into the shadows once more, but her assailant anticipated her thoughts. A feral growl echoed throughout the cavernous mansion, its few, lit torches casting silhouettes that performed a macabre dance to the music of bloodshed.

With preternatural speed, her assailant was upon her. Large, clawed hands pinned her arms above her head in a vice like grip, lifting her 5’9 frame off the ground so that she was eye level with the 7 foot tall beast. She turned her face away as her captor snarled, baring lethal canines so close to her face, she could feel the whiskers on his muzzle brushing her cheek.

Anger seethed deep in her gut at being held captive by one she has come to loathe. She turned her glare upon the beast, staring into the eyes of a very angry werewolf. Her chin lifted slightly in a display of defiance and her brow furrowed as she spoke through clenched teeth, her light, Romanian accent razor sharp with impatience.

“Release me Rafe. I get it, you’re pissed.”

The werewolf snarled, his pearlescent fangs creating a startling contrast against the midnight shade of his fur. The fur was an even greater contrast when compared to the tall, muscular, dark haired man that had stood before her not twenty minutes ago.

Rafe BloodMoon, was not only devastatingly handsome, he was independently wealthy, for reasons unknown. Schayde had her suspicions. There were few explanations for vast wealth on Mercy Island, none of them good. Not only was the man wealthy and well connected, he had also been her lover for the past year. Tonight marked the death of what had been an intense but deadly relationship between the werewolf and the demoness – a coupling that nay-sayers had doomed from the very beginning. Now Schayde found herself wishing she had given heed to those warnings. She had come here tonight to end the relationship once and for all. She had several reasons for wanting out; the fact that his pack held no respect for her as his mate, the lies, the mental and physical abuse, his inability to keep out of the beds of the female werewolves in his pack. She had no patience for tyrannical, unfaithful men, no matter how pretty the package.

Things had gone down hill very quickly, escalating into physical blows after Rafe slapped her the first time. Things only got worse and eventually, he had shifted into wolf form as his rage intensified. Now in a position she wanted desperately to free herself from, she struggled against his grip, but to no avail. His body kept her legs and torso pinned to the wall, his bulk seeming to grow heavier upon her chest with each passing second. Schayde gasped, struggling to breathe beneath the suffocating weight.

“Dammit Rafe…..I mean it…..get…the hell…off me.”

Rafe smirked, which in his current form, looked more like a snarl. Pleased with her discomfort, but having no real desire to kill her, he eased some of his weight off her, allowing her to breathe a bit easier but making escape impossible.

“Why would I want to do that?” he asked, each word edged with a slight growl due to his lupine form. “So you can plant another round house in the side of my skull?” The last part was said with a great deal of annoyance in his tone. He didn’t like it when she defended herself. It proved that he had not yet broken her spirit, something he would just have to work harder at. He detested disobedience from his woman.

Schayde laughed weakly, the sound echoing down the vast corridors of the mansion. Flames in a nearby fire place sputtered briefly then flared back to life. Rafe’s eyes narrowed at her, knowing she was attempting to use her Demon magic to escape his hold on her. He knew if given the chance, she’d vaporize into the shadows, making her impossible to capture again.

“It’s your own damn fault I had to knock you on your [censored]. Maybe you shouldn’t have tried to tear my throat out.”

Rafe growled in angry denial at her accusation and shook her slightly. However, werewolves often forget their own strength. Schayde’s head bounced against the rough stone wall at her back. Her vision swam with the impact and she moaned softly as her head lolled to the side. Blood continued to trickle from the cut on her lip, but it was the oozing gash on her side that had cost her the most blood.

Struggling to maintain consciousness, she tried to summon the strength to taunt him over the fact that she had inflicted at least some damage upon him, despite his obvious advantages. If she could just hold on a little longer…..maybe find an opportunity to de-materialize…..escape…..but she was so tired…..

“Something wasn’t right….” the knowledge seeped its way through the haze clouding Rafe’s mind. Sensing that Schayde’s injuries were more serious than he originally thought, his fury melted into genuine concern. He hadn’t meant for things to take such a violent turn. It all happened so quickly, and when the beast takes over, rational thought is the last thing on his mind. Easing his body away from hers, he lowered her to the ground, shifting back into human form. Schayde lay before him, her broken body wracked with searing spasms of agony. He took note of the pallor of her skin. Normally, her complexion was a creamy white, but now it had turned a terrifying shade of grey. He had no way of knowing how much blood she’d lost, but he could smell it and knew it had to be more than what was safe, even for a Demon.

“God…Schayde..” he rasped, “How did we let things come this far…” his voice trailed off as her lashes fluttered against her cheeks. He reached out to touch her face but she jerked her head away. Perspiration dotted her forehead from the effort and her skin was clammy to the touch. She was going into shock. She leveled her gaze on him beneath lowered lashes, the affection she once felt for him replaced by pure, undisguisable disgust. Mustering what strength she had left, she managed to rasp through her damaged vocal cords.

“You… let it come this far. This……will not be forgotten. I will not….rest….”

Rafe looked as though he was about to argue and Schayde knew she must act quickly, for her strength was fading fast. Taking advantage of the opportunity, she rolled away from him, her slender form melting into the shadows as she did so. Rafe moved to grab for her but it was too late, she was shadows and darkness now. He stood slowly, knowing it would be pointless to go after her. Though he could sense her presence moving through the mansion toward escape, he could not pin point her location.

Feeling the burden of reality come crashing down upon him, he strode to the balcony and stared with unseeing eyes at the landscape before him. The full moon rode high in the sky, casting its reflection upon the restless sea below. He remained there for several moments, listening to the lonely silence within the walls of his mansion. Only when he could no longer sense Schayde’s presence, did he launch himself from the balcony, changing form in mid air. His massive claws ripped up chunks of damp earth as he hit the ground running.

He needed to hunt. He needed the thrill of battle to exorcise the memories of tonight, of the past year. Despite his violent nature, inability to control his rage, and desire to dominate her completely, he had cared for her. Now she was gone from his life, a fact he was not pleased about. He was even less pleased with the fact that her reasons for leaving him were completely justifiable. There had been many times where he had not been gentle with her emotionally or physically. Someone was going to suffer the consequences of his misdeeds tonight, and he didn’t particularly care who. One thing was certain: He would bide his time, he would find her, and he would bring her back, willingly or not. The sounds of his rage carried on the wind as he melted into the night.


Kings Row – 8 months later……Present Day.

Schayde ducked her head so that half her face remained hidden behind a curtain of red hair as she locked the door to her estate and headed toward the Gish. She walked freely through the streets of Kings Row, her attire allowing her to blend in with the people on the street. So long as she wore her hair down, it would cover the small tattoo behind her left ear; the mark many villainous mercenaries were branded with after serving time in one of the Prisons near Mercy Island. Memories of her last visit to the Islands assailed her but she shook them off quickly. She had to hurry, or she would be late….

Five minutes later she sauntered through the doors of Pocket D, loud techno music pulsing through the joint. The vibrations of the music were so strong she could feel them through the soles of her stiletto boots. She surveyed the area, looking for the tell tale red and blue neon glow marking the boundaries between the Hero and Villain sides of the club. With a determined stride, she straightened her shoulders and made her way to the Hero side, climbing the stairs to the bar on the upper-most level. She paused at the top of the landing for only a moment, taking in the sight of a rather diverse crowd. Heroes and Villains a-like both costumed and in civilian attire, mingled at the bar and on the dance floor. The low thrum of conversation served to help calm her nerves.

The sound of a meaty fist connecting with flesh and the clatter of overturned bar stools brought her out of her private thoughts. In the far corner, a fight had broken out between a rather large thug and a much smaller fellow in brightly colored spandex. The big guy had thrown the first punch, but it was the smaller guy who had the upper hand. With his speed and agility, it wasn’t long before the little guy had the larger fellow sprawled unconscious across a table. Two burly bouncers came into her line of sight and she watched as one of them questioned the victor while the other hefted the thug over his shoulder and tossed him out into the street. Schayde shook her head smiling slightly and approached the bar.

As she came into view, Chilly, the bartender glared at her. “Bout time you showed up woman. Git back here, you got work to do.”

Schayde offered what she hoped was a pleasant smile and nodded as she took her position behind the bar. She wiped her clammy hands on a towel and picked up a bottle of Bacardi. She twirled the bottle in her palm, flipped it upside down, and balanced it on the tip of her finger. This gained her applause from several bystanders, many of which had already indulged them selves a great deal. She continued to entertain as she served her first few orders. She gritted her teeth and smiled as she catered to a gaudily dressed man who’d had the nerve to reach over the bar and slap her leather clad behind. Yup, this was going to be an interesting job indeed.

((Feel free to join in, lets see what kinds of adventures this leads to))

((Schayde the Shadow – Stalker on virtue server – Tall and slender with well proportioned curves, she has shoulder length hair, almost burgundy in color. At first glance, she appears to possess Demon-like qualities; gently sloping horns like that of a ram, crimson eyes that display alternating shades of red when her moods change. But then one looks beyond obvious features they notice the vampire-like quality of her ears, the delicate yet deadly point of her fangs, the fact that she does drink blood on occasion (but for enjoyment or healing not necessity), and her ability to tolerate only minor amounts of sunlight before suffering from a death-like paralysis. She is the eldest of 5 children, having 4 brothers, each of them having a different father. Her mother is Human, but an ambitious one at that. Myserae chooses her men based on power and their rank, and she has shamelessly used her children as bargaining chips to get what she wants. She also refuses to tell Schayde anything about her father, preventing her from making sense of where her mixed qualities come from. As you can tell from the prologue, she has a history with Rafe Bloodmoon, and a violent one at that.

Schayde – Scrapper on virtue server – for rp purposes, this character is the same person as the one listed above. They are identical in appearance. This allows for “Schayde” to be in both hero and villain locations in the game, validating any scenes where the villainess appears in places where she normally would not be able to (i.e. Kings Row). This also enables her to live in Shadow Manor, a small estate (sg base on hero side) on the outskirts of Kings Row. At present, Shadow Manor consists of my hero characters, some of which will make appearances in this storyline, and 1 friend, but more are certainly welcome to join the ranks. RP is strongly preferred in members and there is no requirement for how often members need to play to join.))




Crimson Wolf. This is very well written, and very detailed, and I praise you on your ability to write an interesting story, and your grasp of standard RP format.

However, we really can't do anything unless we have more information. Where is the setting? Any places we can/can't go? Are we restricted to certain things? In short, what are the RULES of this RP? What are we supposed to do?))



((LordDiov, thank you kindly for your compliments To answer your questions, there aren't really many rules to this RP, as I don't want to place alot of restrictions on people's creativity. I do ask a few, minor things:

1. Try to meet Schayde or any one of the future characters I introduce in game so that we can interact, even if briefly or sporadically. I feel this will give our board rp a level of realism if we've become accquainted or at least crossed paths in game. I can receive tells from both hero and villain on both Schayde characters. Schayde can often be spotted at her part time bartending job in Pocket D. She is rotated between bars, primarily which ever one has the most customers and activity surrounding it.))

2.) You are not limited to specific locations. Nor does Schayde restrict herself to just Pocket D. Both the hero and villain versions of schayde are willing to join forces with others to kick some butt or just rp out a storyline. Both toons are still low lvl as they are newer toons that I created for a fresh start.

3.) If you wish to visit the actual Shadow Manor for a storyline, let me know and Schayde can team with you so you can access the base and see the inside of the Manor. The Manor is a small estate she purchased. The front of the estate is a night club with a bar and dance floor, as she hopes to have her own club one day. The rear of the estate is the living area. It even has guest rooms in case patrons at her club drink too much to drive home :P If you decide to join the SG you are welcome to, alts or mains, no restrictions there.

4.) Rafe BloodMoon is a villain character and a true tyrant. He enjoys picking fights, antagonizing other males (the whole alpha male syndrome) and he does enjoy the ladies, though he does not commit himself to one in particular. He too, is a new character so bear with me on lvl restrictions. He is known to pick a fight and wind up in the arena at pocket D. If facing a higher lvl opponent, for now, the fighters usually get in a few hits here and there but rp out most of the fight, since he'd get splattered across the floor very quickly in a full blown fight lmao

5.) please don't kill rafe off in your rp, as he is to be a long standing bad guy with many rivals (at least i hope he has many rivals)

Other than that, enjoy where the rp may lead you I can't wait to see what others contribute!



THHZZZ, a loud buzzing sound came from Draeko's pocket as he sat on the park bench. With a grin spreading on his face Draeko stood up and nonchalantly picked up his phone. "yeah?", he answered as a raspy voice came to his ears. The voice scratched against his hearing like nails on a chalkboard, "Wolf, I have a job, you got time". Draeko looked around him and tipped his hat down slightly, "yeah what we have on our hands?" The voice had a small chuckle to it, making its scratchyness less barable, "Council my friend, they seemed to have aggrivated Crey and they have a high price on the this Vicktor fella". Draeko nodded, "Info, and Time". The voice grinned behind the phone, "1..2...and 3, I trust you will have this done soon white wolf? I have promises to keep you know". "Right, and done, Ill bring back his badge", Draeko said wile looking at the newly sent numbers on his phone. With a small click the line was ended and Draeko reached into his coat griping his black barretta as he slid is phone into his pocket.

He walked through the park and down the streets of Steel Canyon trying to blend in with the common crowd the best he could, making sure no one followed him. As he approached the hidden door of the council he pulled out his barretta he so lovingly named Demon. He approached cautiously, the guards were discussing the usual how long they had been with council and their various awards and medals.

Draeko walked up briskly and made his move, grabbing the taller guard from behind wraping his arm around his collar bone. As the shorter guard drew his gun Draeko put Demon to the back of the held guard's neck firing through him and into the other. As they both fell silently Draeko pocketed their acess cards and swiped one through the keypad of the door and walked in slowly.

As he entered the hallway he could hear the bustle and chatter of all the men in the base, it was small and underpopulated, but still the odds were against him. Draeko ducked behind a box of supplys in the corner as he cracked his neck. His eyes immidiately started to narrow as his bones could be heard cracking and stretching, his suit falling off him as he shook it off. His nose suddently shooting from his face and becoming a snout as he hunched over in the corner letting his ears elongate and his fingers form claws. Finally a thick coat of ivory fur covered him as his body grew to tightly fit the chains and leather pants he wore under his suit.

Draeko stood up and licked his chops cracking his newly formed knuckles. A soldier walked past the box and Draeko swiftly grabbed his helmet slamming it against the wall and shattering it to pieces leaving the soldier out cold on the floor. He picked up the soldier's communicator and listened in, pinpointing where he target was after listening to barked commands.

He made his way down the corridors to the room where his target was accessing the Council computer system. Draeko walked through the hallways with no caution, a mixture of joy and anger burned in his eyes as he dispatched every soldier in his path.

Draeko made his way to Victor and snarled loudly, "Victor, the white wolf has come for you!" Victor jumped as he spun from his console. "Is that so... well white wolf, it is time to get a new rug for my floor," he managed to mutter scowling under his helmet. Draeko charged him firing the last of his clip as Victor jumped behind the machinery. Draeko threw down his gun jumping in the air over the varied humming machines looking down at Victor with a wickid grin. Victor fired three rounds and rolled out of the way as they sank into Draeko's shoulder and ribs. Draeko hit the floor hard letting out a snarl and keeping his gaze on Victor. Victor laughed and lined up his sights to take another set of shots. Draeko crouched low to the floor and zigzagged his way to Victor, sparks flying off the ground as he dragged his claws against the metal. With a swift slice it was over, Victor had been ended, covering Draeko in his blood.

Draeko stood up and rolled his shoulders then pulled out a cigar from his back pocket. "It was a pleasure Victor, but it looks like your time is up," he chuckled as he pulled out a small silver wolf-engraved lighter. Draeko set the cigar in his mouth and clawed off the end, lighting it with the lighter's blue flame. He walked back over to his folded clothes left over by the box and pulled out his phone.

He traveled back to Victor and took pictures with his phone after picking up his disguarded gun. With a quick set of key tones he sent the pictures back to his contact who responded with a money figure on his phone. Draeko nodded and exited the base taking a long drags off his cigar.

Draeko cracked his neck and changed back into his human-like form putting his suit back on and holstering his gun. He looked to the sky as the full moon was out and decided to grab a few drinks at Pocket D. He made his way to the club and grinned as he entered, seeming to tap his toes to the loud music.

Draeko walked up the stairs to the top of the hero side and leaned against the bar sitting sloppily on the nearby stool. He glanced up at the horned bartender with the red eyes and grinned, "I'll take a gin and tonic, heavy lime."



The crowd in the bar grew larger by the hour and the room grew stifling. A thin haze of cigarette smoke hovered above the bar, swirling its way toward the neon lights in the ceiling. Schayde served drinks non stop, some familiar, others unlike anything she’d ever seen or smelled before. She hadn’t had a break since arriving, and the other waitress behind the bar was no help at all. She cast a glare in the girl’s direction, rolling her eyes as the bimbo flapped her arms. Schayde bit her lip to hide a smirk, thinking the girl’s dancing looked a lot like a version of the chicken dance on crack.

Schayde had her back to the bar for only a moment, when a deep, resonating male voice rose over the steady techno beat vibrating throughout the club.

"I'll take a gin and tonic, heavy lime."

[/ QUOTE ]

She turned at the request, instantly struck by the notion that the voice fit the man. He was sitting on one of the stools, one elbow resting on the bar as he flicked cigar ashes into an empty beer can. She guessed that he would be well over six feet tall. His build was beyond athletic, but far from heavy. He looked as though he might be able to bench press an eighteen wheeler. Broad shouldered with well muscled biceps, he wore a white, tailored suit that hugged his body like a fitted glove. His manner of dress was impeccable, right down to his cufflinks. Her gaze traveled upward, noting the silver wolf crest embossed on his jacket. Neatly cropped, blond hair was visible beneath a white fedora, which rode low over his eyes. It obscured her view of his face, save for a rather wolfish smile, which at the moment, was directed at her.

She glanced at him from the corner of her eye as she mixed his drink and pressed three lime wedges onto the rim of the glass. He dwarfed those around him, but he did not seem bothered by the fact that he stood out. He seemed completely at home perched on that bar stool. Of course, she had no way of knowing that despite his apparent ease, he was highly aware of his surroundings….religiously so.

“Bartender…..bartender!” a shrill, impatient voice called to her from the other end of the bar. She lifted her gaze to the antsy customer, signaling that she would be with them in a moment.

Setting the gin and tonic in front of the mysterious stranger, she offered a slight smile. “Heavy enough for ya?” she indicated toward the limes. “Let me know if I can get’cha anything else….” Her voice trailed off as she moved farther down the bar to wait on her other customers.



Leaning against the wall of the Hero-side bar in Pocket D, the villain Ogrebone chugged down more Superadine by the minute. He was oddly well dressed for the spawn of the Hollows - wearing a black suit with a crimson spade on the breast pocket, signifying his alliance with the Furioso Family. His rusty hair was styled into spikes, and dark glasses hid his eyes.

He dropped a bottle of 'Dyne, it shattering upon contact with the floor as he reached to answer his cellphone. "If that's you, don't bother me Orlando. I'm having fun." he said, his voice low and gruff.

"Well, when you're free, you'll need to come down by the hideout. Got something for you." he heard from his cell, quickly followed by being hung up on. Ogre put his cellphone away, and noticed he was out of Superadine.

He smashed the case with his foot, reducing it to dust. Walking over to the bar, he shoved aside a man on a stool, sitting himself down. The man he shoved aside snarled at him. "Think that's intimidating, do ya? Those tights of yours are terrifying, lemme tell ya." Ogre joked. The tiny hero sent a bolt of lightning at him, which didn't seem to phase Ogre at all, save the burnt spot on his shoulder. "If it weren't for those bouncers, I'd kill you. This suit is expensive, you know."

"You're supposed to be so tough? You don't look so strong. Your skin is green and you're wearing a mobster-style suit. I bet you don't pack much of a punch. Me and my friends beat up tons of Trolls every day!" the hero taunted.

"Oh, that's it." Ogre growled, getting up and throwing the stool aside, pumping Superadine energy to his fists to generate a red glow, and hardening his skin to stone. He lifted the punk up at the shoulders, and threw him off the balcony. "Loser."

He turned back to the bar and leaned against it. Noticing the demon-like bartender who didn't seem to be busy at the moment, he caught her attention. "I'll take anything. No time to be picky, I need to be somewhere."



Draeko tiped his hat down slightly after watching the show infront of him. He took a long drag of his cigar and tilted his head back blowing a ring of smoke into the ceiling. He laughed and looked back to the bartender with a small grin.

For some odd reason he didn't feel the need to keep tense around her. Her horns and red hair complimented her eyes gracefull movements in the dim light. As she moved across the bar Draeko caught her scent and a large grin came across his face.

She smelled like nothing he had ever experienced before it gave him slight goose bumps as he inhaled again this time more deeply than the first. He caught himself before he made it obvious to the others around him and chuckled to himself shaking his head.

Draeko rolled his shoulders back in his seat and twirled his cigar in between his fingers before taking another long drag. The loud techno had forced him to tap his finger on the bar in rythm with the beat, almost hypnotically he followed, his puffs of smoke seeming to mimic his fingers. He picked up his glass and downed it in one gulp still holding his grin and looking around. He felt the pockets of his jacket as he looked around the room, it was a habbit, he was hardly ever safe to sit around.

Many people looked for Draeko, on either side of the spectrum, he had done things for the islands and Paragon, money was money to him.

He grinned as he felt the hard outline of "Angel" and "Demon" in his coat and he returned his gaze to the bartender. He tapped on the bar and cracked his neck "Bartender, I'll take a drink that will kill a man," he said with a large smirk on his face. He loosened his tie slightly and tiped his hat to the green man across the bar.



Rafe sat behind his desk in his study, wide shoulders framed by the carved back of his chair. He glanced at his reflection in the computer monitor, scowling slightly, which only made his mood grow darker. He really needed to stop brooding about the place. He had a….business to run, and an elusive ex-lover to find.

Raking a hand through his short, black hair, he shuffled through a stack of maps and reports, sifting for any bit of information that could be considered useful. A sound of utter frustration escaped him as file after file revealed practically nothing. He shoved the papers aside and rose to his feet, pacing before the open window.

Eight damn months had passed and still there had been no sign of her. Not a single one of his spies had seen so much as a fleeting glimpse on the street. His gaze slid to the portrait above the fireplace. Schayde’s crimson eyes looked back at him, her porcelain features forever wrought in canvas and paint.

Rafe clenched his fists, crossing his arms over his chest as he forced himself to tear his gaze away from the painting. His bitterness over her leaving him had not faded. No one left Rafe BloodMoon until he deemed fit. His determination to bring her back was not out of undying love or anything remotely romantic. He simply wanted her to suffer. He took comfort in knowing that when he found her, he’d play a very big part in her torment.

A shadow fell across the marble floor behind Rafe. He stiffened momentarily as cold, delicate hands rested upon his back. A soft figure pressed against him, arms moving possessively around his waist. “I wonder….” a female voice purred in his ear, “what it would take to remove the scowl from you face.”

Rafe’s shoulders relaxed as he grasped the wrists about his waist and freed him self of the woman’s embrace. “Daciana, I don’t have time for your games.” he muttered impatiently. “Don’t you have….teenager things you could be doing, instead of wasting my valuable time?”

Daciana scowled slightly at his mocking tone, her chin rising stubbornly. “I am not a child Rafe; there is no need to speak to me as if I were.” She turned her head toward the window angrily, the silken curtain of her black hair whispering against her shoulders and obscuring his view of her face.

Rafe lifted his gaze to her once more, “I’m well aware of that fact already…” his words trailed off as he allowed himself a moment to really look at her. She was of average height, slender build, with well proportioned curves and black hair that fell to her waist in shimmering layers. She dressed rather scantily for her age, but this was not uncommon in his werewolf Clan. Aside from those minor traits, her similarities to the average teenage girl came to an abrupt end.

Daciana Feralis, the daughter of the late Dimitri Feralis, was what some might deem an abomination. Her father had been a Werewolf, and was in fact the leader of this clan before Rafe had challenged him for the position…..and defeated him. Her mother was a Demon that had been enslaved by the Feralis Clan. Her beauty drew Dimitri to her like a moth to a flame, so he took her, against her will, as his child bride. She was 106 years old at the time. In the realm of humanity, that is roughly equivalent to 16 years of age. Daciana was conceived, bringing forth the Feralis Clan’s first half-breed progeny. To this day, the Clan studies her, testing her abilities and powers. If Dimitri were alive today, he would be proud of his wicked daughter.

“Still obsessing over HER”, Daciana glowered at the painting above the mantle, jealousy biting at her. “Why don’t you just give up…..take a new mate?” she smiled suggestively as she sashayed over to his chair and leaned into him.

He waved her away with a dismissive hand. “As I said, I don’t have time for your foolishness today Daciana. Now leave me be, I have work to do!” His tone had taken an edge that she was all too familiar with. She was torn between staying to needle him further, or depart to save herself from his wrath. Both were somewhat pleasurable to experience….except one usually left her bleeding on the floor.

“Very well,” she cooed in his ear before slinking away and out the door. As soon as the chamber closed behind her, her expression hardened and the seductive air about her turned to a palpable hatred toward Schayde, so thick, she thought she would choke on it. It angered her that Rafe was still so determined to bring her back. Daciana had succeeded in seducing him after Schayde’s disappearance. True, she was 17, and not nearly as experienced as the much older woman. But she had managed to get her hooks in him, and that was all that mattered for now. That Demoness was the one thing standing in the way of Daciana’s plans. It was time for her to remove the obstacle…..


Schayde ducked as a glass bottle shattered on the wall above her head, spraying warm beer everywhere. The crowd was getting rowdier, and she’d overheard whispers about superadine. Apparently there was a guy in the club that could really hook a person up. Just then, a blood curdling scream came from one end of the bar as an unfortunate hero was thrown over the balcony. She shook her head, using a handful of napkins to soak up some of the beer from her chest and arms. No one said this job wouldn’t be dangerous or easy, and it was a hell of a lot more exciting than pushing papers in some office. She would just have to learn to take the good with the bad.

Her thoughts were interrupted and her sad attempts to clean herself off came to a halt when she heard,

"I'll take anything. No time to be picky, I need to be somewhere."

[/ QUOTE ]

She looked up, nodding at the troll’s request, noting the faint red glow fading from around his hands. “A superadine junky,” she thought to herself as she poured him a double shot of Jose Quervo. “This ought to bring him down from his high a bit faster”. She skewered a lime slice with a miniature plastic sword and dropped it in the glass. “Bottoms up” she said, sliding the glass across the bar.

It was then, that she noticed the crimson spade crest upon his jacket. She turned away quickly, acting as though she’d been summoned by another customer. That spade meant he was affiliated in some way with the Furioso family, and she knew that Rafe did…business…with them on a regular basis. She let her hair fall forward on one side to obscure her face a bit, and prayed that he had not recognized her.

A handful of customers later, the troll still had not said anything to indicate that he knew who she was, so she breathed a bit easier. She glanced down the bar, checking glasses and noticed the blond man remained where she’d last seen him. He seemed a bit more relaxed than earlier, but then again, a drink or two will do that for just about anyone. The man grinned, once more conjuring an image of a wolf in her imagination. “A white wolf…” she thought absently.

Schayde caught a glimpse of him tapping on the bar to get her attention.

"Bartender, I'll take a drink that will kill a man," he said with a large smirk on his face. He loosened his tie slightly and tipped his hat to the green man across the bar.

[/ QUOTE ]

She walked over to where he sat, trying to suppress a smirk. “Kill a man you say?” she said, her Romanian accent drawing out her words just a bit. She paused, tapping her chin as if thinking very deeply on the task at hand. “I think I have just the thing….” She proceeded to rummage behind the bar, selecting six different bottles of alcohol. All of them were un-labeled; the only thing marking their differences was that each bottle cap was a different color. These were Schayde’s special stash, used for mixing her signature creations. Only she knew what types of alcohol were in them, and she would take the secret to her grave. She was after all, opening her own club….eventually.

She proceeded to pour a little from each bottle into a tall glass, the contents of each one matching the color of its cap. As she poured, murmurs rose around her, for several customers had noticed that the liquids did not blend into one murky substance. Instead, they swirled and curled around each other in a riotous display of colors. She held the glass up, eye level to the man she’d secretly dubbed “the white wolf”.

“I give you….the Man Killer”, she announced with a flourish, setting the man’s drink before him. In truth, she’d just invented it, and he had inspired it, so it seemed fitting to name it in his honor, so to speak. If only he knew just how swiftly it would knock him on his rear.

“It’s a good thing you’re already sitting….” She said with a wink as she turned to a lovely, red-haired woman whom had just ordered a glass of wine.



Randall Grey and Power Breaker appeared in the VIP section of Pocket D at the same time. They did a mild double take when they noticed each other, but didn't really react as most would typically expect of a Rogue Isles "villain" and a Pragon City hero.

"Heads or tails," Randy asked his counterpart.


The large, heavyset tanker flipped a fifty cent coin in the air and caught it when it came to his eye level. Slapping it on his wrist he turned to the brute.

"Still want to keep Tails?"

"Yeah, yeah..."

Randy showed him the coin with its head facing up. Shortly thereafter, they had made their way to the hero-side balcony bar. The tanker arched his eyebrow at the demoness tending, but Power Breaker settled right onto a stool and ordered.

"A shot and a brew, Schayde, and keep 'em coming."

"You ever stop quoting movies?" Randy chuckled as he took a stool next to the rogue.

"Only when they don't fit the situation. Schayde here knows my favorite drink, the good Captain... I'm surprised you haven't met her, yet..."

"I don't come here that often."

"Oh yeah..."

When the bartender brought the drink, Randy made his order.

"Just a brew, thanks."

"Whoah! What's makin' you so careful all of a sudden?" Power Breaker laughed, "Am I hittin' ya' too hard in the arena lately?"

"Nah, just... Personal things are getting better is all... I don't feel the need to drink as much anymore, y'know?"

"I guess..." the big brute turned to Schayde with a mild grin, "What do you think, Shady? You think the big bad tanker's gettin' soft in his old age?"

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Draeko grinned as he took the glass and held it up to the dim neon lights. He twirled it around and watched how the liquid made small spirals and coils inside the glass. "This looks like some kind of poisen.... I like it," he laughed as he brought the glass back to his nose.

He took a long wiff off the top of the glass and shivered. He put out his cigar on the bottom of his shoe and put it into the empy beer can he had been using as an ashtray. "Well If it does manage to put me on the floor, than I will have to come back more," he grinned as he tiped his hat up making his face fully visable. He had a small black tatoo around his right eye and another, It looked like a slender ladder, slowly getting narrower and narrower as it reached the top. At the very bottom was a small hook shape, the tatoo seemed to be deeply embeded into his skin and almost scar-like.

He took off his hat and set it on the bar raising the glass to his lips slowly. As the drink reached his lips he felt it burn his tongue, the fumes going into his throat and stinging his nose. He set down the drink and grinned widely, he was a bit of a drinker and afterall a large man, it was hard to find a drink that had enough punch to knock him down.

He looked around briefly as he took off his coat and laid it where his hat was on the bar, exposing hundreds of intricate tattooes. They were symbols and figures, the most predominant a Large, red dragon coiling around his chest. Still following the room with his eyes he recognized no one, and didn't smell any of the police new gun and flack jacket smell. He turned to the bartender again, her comforting scent and her luring voice dropping him off his guard.

With a glint in his icey blue eyes he ripped into his wolf form. In a time of five seconds he had gone from a calm man in a suit into a large Ivory wolf held tight by chains and leather pants. He grinned widely as the crowd around him hushed for a second to see what had happened.

He turned to them and gave a slight nod then laughed "what, never seen a wolf before?" The crowd all seemed to shrug him off as turned back to his drink on the bar. He turned to Schayde and grinned, "sorry but in order to drink a something that will kill a man, I might have to be something a little more."

He picked up the glass again snarled his teeth at the fumes. His tattered ears went down exposing their full length as he swalled, his adams apple dropping slightly.

He held the glass to his lips and opened his mouth wide slowly pouring. As the drink poured down his throat it burned like fire, his esophagus screaming at every drop. He began to tilt the glass higher and higher sending the liquid plumiting down his mouth as his snout began to wrinkle with his lips curling. He slammed the glass on the bar and grinned licking his chops and coughing slightly.

"Now that, was a drink," he muttered panting slightly under his breath, the fur on his back seeming to stand on end. He chuckled loudly and slouched back into his stool before catching himself and shifting his weight to balance on it. He smirked and leaned on the bar slightly, It was going to be a fun night.



The elevator doors hero-side opened, revealing a very tall and imposing figure, well over eight feet tall, with a deep red cape that looked to be even longer that he was. Of course the capes' length was shortened, as it was wrapped over both of his strong shoulders, showing a lone, black medallion on his neck, moving up to a black mask covered the lower half of his face. He had obsidian colored horns forming over long, stark white hair with dark ends. The upper part of his arms were sheathed in a black metal, the lower halves covered in black wraps of fabric. On his shoulders he wore massive black plates, each holding stylized designs that were exact copies of each other. At the moment he wore a black, sleeveless shirt over his torso, to hide numerous scorch-like scars on his back. His legs were shielded by a dark armor with red patterns, his armored boots matching the coloring exactly.

He had a dusky skin tone, like one who lived their life in the sun, and had dark green eyes with bright green pupils, thin rings of flame running around the irises.

He walked with the aura of one who had been through Hell and a good few other places most don’t ever want to go. His stride easily carried him up the steps to the bar, his long gate taking three steps at a time with out any strain.

He herd a yell, and looked back in time to see a young costumed man fall from the bar above, landing heavily into the floor below. *Rookie…..* he thought, images of his first few days in Paragon City flashing into his mind.

Then he was back to the present, as he saw a man suddenly shift into something like a Council Warwolf. *No…This guy is the real thing…* he thought, watching as the demoness-like bartender handed him a drink that seemed much stronger than the usual servings. He continued looking on as the wolf man drained the entire glass, the elixir seemingly sending a jolt down the creature’s body.

Then his attention was on the demoness. *Seems like I’ve found someone in common here…* he thought, wondering if she was somehow connected with the Realms of Demon Fire that he had seemingly originated from. *Nah….* he thought, as he pushed that possibility out of his mind. At that he pulled down his face mask, exposing his mouth, most straight white teeth, but incisors and a few other teeth slightly pointed, giving an even more enchanting look to his already mystic-like appearance.

He was now at the bar, bending his frame to allow temporary access between the wolf man and a suited up toll mobster, being careful to not hit his head on the low overhanging lights.

“When you find a moment, I’ll take a pitcher of what ever you just served the wolf man there” he said, nodding towards the werewolf on his right “mixed with vodka, if you wouldn’t mind” he finished, a kind smile showing on his face, his words deep but friendly. He knew the crowds could get rough in the D on some nights, and he wasn’t about to push people around, especially when they’re working as hard as she was.

Then he moved back, sitting on the median between two sets of both seats where he could still see the bar from between the guys he had dubbed *Troll Pachino* and *Steppenwolf*. He crossed his arms over his chest, his head now slightly bobbing to the beat of the heavy music of the club.

*Lets just see how tonight goes…* he thought, as he continued listening to the music.
costume in cool pose thingy (act like hes got a black shirt on though)

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Ogre's gaze shifted to the Werewolf. "Huh. Interesting." he turned back to the bartender. "In that case, I'll take one of those things," he said, before gulping down the previous drink. "I think I can handle it!" he cried, shapeshifting into a hulking rock beast, similar to those of the Devouring Earth. His voice was now even lower and echoed within his body. "Especially like this. And if it does kill me, I need an excuse from work." Ogre beat his chest, followed by a low, long roar. He was obviously trying to show off to the Werewolf. "How's about a little contest, Wolf? Whoever can gulp down the most of these Man Killer things before passing out - or dying, wins. Anybody wanna place bets? Winnings will contribute to the inevitable rise of power of the Furioso Family, et cetera et cetera."

He caught the crowd's attention by slamming a granite foot on the floor. "And if anybody here makes a move against me for WHATEVER reason, the Furioso Family's monitoring the whole area, and'll take you down. Tough luck."

Just a moment after, he glanced at Schayde quickly. "Let's hope she doesn't suspect anything. I'll get a bonus if I bring her in for Orlando, even if I don't really want to." he thought, imagining the money he'd be rewarded with. His boss, Orlando Furioso had recently got a tip from somebody who wanted her out of the picture for whatever reason.



Schayde kept the man in white in her peripheral vision after serving him the “Man Killer, suddenly wishing she knew his name. She didn’t want to ask because it would seem like she was hitting on him…and she didn’t want to scare off a potential regular on her first night. She was anxious to see how he reacted to the drink, for it was the first “man killer” ever served. She smiled inwardly, and then spoke to the woman who had ordered the wine.

“Good evening Rose,” Schayde smiled as she set a glass of red wine before the beautiful woman standing opposite her. Rose was a regular at the club. Though it was Schayde’s first night on the job, she had spent quite a bit of time hanging out in Pocket D. She’d just taken care not to get noticed by most people.

“Oh, thank you dear,” Rose replied in her soft-spoken tone as she lifted the glass with slender fingers, swirling its contents. Schayde nodded and made small talk with her for a few moments.

Rose was a rare beauty, her lustrous hair a shade of midnight unlike anything Schayde had seen before. She was a heady mixture of sharp wit and soft-spoken charm, which made her one of Schayde’s favorite regulars. She carried herself with dignity and grace; Schayde admired that. When a woman looks the way Rose does, she winds up fending off all manner of male attention. In many cases, Schayde wouldn’t blame her for hauling off and beating the tar out of some of the cads that hit on her. But Rose was a master at deflecting unwanted advances, sometimes before they even got a chance to bring on the cheesy pickup lines! She was never rude, and always softened any let down with a polite smile or kind word. Schayde was curious to know more about the young woman. For example, why did the intricate ring on her finger often cause a shadow to pass over her pretty face? She just hadn’t worked up the nerve to ask. Something told her the conversation would be best shared over drinks between friends rather than between bartender and customer. Sometimes a woman can just sense these things.

It was easy to lose track of time while idly chatting with Rose. Schayde had just topped off the woman’s wine glass when she heard an all-too-familiar request.

"A shot and a brew, Schayde, and keep 'em coming."

[/ QUOTE ]

She turned toward the voice, bestowing a smile upon its owner; Power Breaker, yet another regular she’d met before starting her job. She’d affectionately dubbed him “Breaker” after a rowdy night of shots and darts. He hadn’t meant to, but he’d thrown a dart so hard it had shattered the board! Sometimes the big guy just seemed to forget his own strength.

Tonight he was keeping company with a Tanker she’d never seen before. She reached beneath the bar for a bottle of Captain Morgan and a clean shot glass. After pouring the amber liquid, she placed it before him, as well as a frothy beer. She smiled and winked as she watched him toss back the first shot. As soon as he’d set the glass down, she had refilled it, knowing he’d request another once his beer was finished.

“Won another coin-toss I see.” She said as she gestured toward the large Tanker beside him with a tilt of her head. On a number of occasions, Schayde had seen him tossing a coin to determine which bar he would hang out in. She made eye contact with the stranger as she waited for his order. His request was just a beer, which earned him some good-natured ribbing from Power Breaker. His response made Breaker chuckle. He turned to Schayde with a mild grin.

"What do you think, Shady? You think the big bad tanker's gettin' soft in his old age?"

[/ QUOTE ]

Schayde laughed softly, shaking her head. “Darlin’, I’m not touchin’ that one. I’ve seen the size of his boot, and I’m not fond of the thought of having it surgically removed from my rear.” She winked at the pair and started to move toward the other end of the bar. “Let me know if you need anything else fellas.”

Schayde’s gaze fell upon the man in white again; noting that he’d removed his hat and jacket, but had not yet consumed his drink. Her gaze traveled over the well-muscled expanse of his elaborately tattooed chest. It took a great deal of effort to keep her expression neutral. It wouldn’t do to let the entire bar see her swoon over blond hair and muscles, especially not with Breaker sitting a few feet away. She’d never hear the end of it then!

“Ah, making the paramedic’s job easier for when you keel over eh?” she chuckled, leaning her hip against the bar. He didn’t reply. He just inhaled deeply, his eyes glowing like blue flames. Schayde’s mouth fell open slightly when in a matter of seconds, the man before her transformed into an honest to darkness white wolf! The crowd’s reaction was slightly less impressed than hers. She’d seen Lycans change form, but it was nothing like what she’d just witnessed. Lycans were ….messy. What this man had done….her mind was still trying to wrap around it….

She watched with a raised brow as he proceeded to practically pour the drink down his throat. She could smell the alcohol fumes from where she stood and her eyes watered a bit. She jumped, startled when he slammed the glass onto the counter. He seemed no worse for wear….at first…..but she smirked at him when he sat back down and nearly lost his balance. He didn’t know it…..but he’d be feeling the full effects in about…….5 minutes. Schayde looked at her watch and chuckled.

”Huh. Interesting. In that case, I’ll take one of those things.”

[/ QUOTE ]

Schayde turned at the request. “Ahh, I’m in a hurry, Jose….” She murmured softly, recognizing the troll from earlier. Her stomach fluttered a bit nervously each time he looked at her, terrified that he’d recall seeing her at Rafe’s mansion at some point. It wouldn’t be safe for her anymore, if Rafe knew she was here. Nodding, she mixed Ogre his “man killer” while he got the crowd riled up, suggesting they make it a contest between himself and the wolfman, bets and all. Either the troll was really brave, really cocky, or just plain crazy. At any rate, he was going to earn himself a healthy hangover by tomorrow morning.

Schayde placed the troll’s drink before him, as well as another for the white wolf. At that moment, an extremely tall figure loomed over the bar. Schayde’s gaze traveled upward until she was forced to tilt her head back in order to look the person in the eye. A deeply tanned Demon loomed over her. All she could do was stare for a moment, unable to believe how many fascinating beings had decided to pick tonight, of all nights, to hang out at the “D”.

”When you find a moment, I’ll take a pitcher of what ever you just served the wolf man there……mixed with vodka, if you don’t mind.”

[/ QUOTE ]

The Demon smiled at her, almost as if he were being sympathetic. Schayde opened her mouth to protest, thinking that it might not be wise to consume such a large serving of this new drink. But then she realized just how large the Demon was…..not only that, but if he was anything like her, he probably wouldn’t feel the effects of the alcohol anyway. Schayde grinned inwardly. She drank purely for the social enjoyment of the act. She’d won many a drinking contest because her challengers weren’t aware of her inability to become intoxicated. So she returned his smile, flashing her own delicately pointed Demon fangs.

By the time she’d finished mixing his pitcher, he’d made himself comfortable between two booths. She couldn’t leave her place behind the bar while on duty, so she had one of the mini-skirt-clad-waitresses deliver the Demon’s drink. She glanced over at him, nodding when they briefly made eye contact. He was watching the Troll and Wolf with an expression she couldn’t quite interpret. It wasn’t an all-together “bad” look that he bestowed upon them. But it sill made her nerves flutter.

Yes, tonight was getting very, very interesting………………………….



As the waitress passed him the drink, El D's thoughts moved on to the other two men now seated at the bar.

One of them obviously seemed to know the demoness, the other looked like hed never seen her before.

From their interactions(Breaker & Schayde), he learned that the woman's name was Schayde.

Then his attention snapped back to the mobster troll. He had just becaome a hulking form of rocks, similar to some creations the Devouring Earth, and he also ordered the drink that the werewolf had.

Than the rock-troll started to boast about the Family, a Furioso Family to be precise. He made a mental note of the troll mobster, labeling him a potental threat.

Then he said that the Furioso were monitoring the area.

El D highly thought that statement to be full of hot air, considering DJ Zero wouldnt allow harm to occur in the D, especialy at the level the troll talked about.

He still went on his guard though.

In his years in Paragon City, he had learned that even a boast could be trouble.

At that he brought the pitcher up, and took a long drink, draining almost a third of the container in the process. The drink sent a flame down his throat and into his limbs, and the mix held a taste he didnt recognize, but it was damn good.

Then he got an idea.

It was probably a stupid idea, but it would look neat.

He brought the pitcher up in a toast to Schayde, and sent a small ammount of his power to the liquid, causing the top most ammount to flare up in flames.

But curiously, the flames didnt burn the pitcher, or evaporate the drink, it just was there on top of the drink, seeming to float.

He looked to Schayde, a large grin on his face as he brought the drink back down for another drought, the flames rolling over his face and moving down into the container as the liquids level went down.

*Yes...Tonight is goning to be interesting....* he thought, wondering just how "interesting" it would be....

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Ogre beat his chest, followed by a low, long roar. He was obviously trying to show off to the Werewolf. "How's about a little contest, Wolf? Whoever can gulp down the most of these Man Killer things before passing out - or dying, wins. Anybody wanna place bets? Winnings will contribute to the inevitable rise of power of the Furioso Family, et cetera et cetera."

[/ QUOTE ]

Draeko turned to the man and eyed him over with a slight smirk, "Furioso you say?" An evil grin came across his face as his pupils narrowed to pin pricks. He slid a 50 on the bar and grinned slyly at Schayde as she gave him another drink.

He nodded slowly to Orge and pulled out a tightly wrapped cigar from his back pocket shifting his weight as he twirled it around his fingers. "Alright, a drinking contest it is... but the real question is, what do we win?" he chuckled placing the cigar in his lip and reaching into another pocket.

He pulled out a small lighter, it shined in the neon glow of the lights as if it were just polished, gleaming silver. He flipped the lighter open and ran his thumb over a wolf engraving as if it were braille to a blind man. With a slight slide of his index finger he sliced the end off the cigar like a knife through butter, grinning as the waist hit the floor. He held the lighter up to his cigar and with a spark ignited a bright blue flame.

Smoke filled the air around him as it twirled and spiraled up from the cigar. The red glow of the cigar matching the intenisty of his own eyes as he flicked close the lighter. He glanced at the others around him, his ears alert and picking up on everything in the bar. Shifting his eyes swiftly between them he looked back to the man in stone. He took a long drag and blew a smoke ring into the air picking up his glass and holding it up ready to begin.



"The winner will get the money" El D said, walking up to the bar and taking a seat to the right of the wolf man, placing a 50 of his own on the table, "And this..." he said, a golden amulet containg a large ruby in the center appearing in his hand with a flash of flame.

He move to set the amulet on the table, but hesitated.

"You'll get this on one exception...." he said, smiling at Schayde as he now put the amulet where the money was, "Only if you give the amulet to her" he finished, still looking towards Scayde.

Then he brought the flaming pitcher up and drained the last of its contents in a swift gulp. The flames dissapated, nothing left to float on, as El D raised his glass.

A waitress came to exchange it for a smaller one, but El D declined, then looked over the the wolf at his left.

"Proportions gotta be equal, ya know?" he said jokingly to the wolf, laughing slightly as he considered the oncomming compitetion.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



“Darlin’, I’m not touchin’ that one. I’ve seen the size of his boot, and I’m not fond of the thought of having it surgically removed from my rear.”

[/ QUOTE ]

As Schayde turned to the other customers, Power Breaker turned back to Grey.

"Ha-HA!" he gave a hard poke into the tanker's ribs, "Look-it that! I've got spikes pokin' outta me, and you're the one she's afraid of!"

He paused for a few seconds as he took a swig from his beer, "That's actually kind of depressing..."

"I don't know who I beat up," Randy smiled, pleased with himself, "But it must've been bad."

"You're rampant ugliness helps."

"That it does."

"So, what're we gonna do tonight? A couple rounds in the Arena?"

"Sure," Randy shrugged, "It's been a while since I put dents in your face."

"Hey, you got off lucky, and I was holding back. This time, I'm going all King's Row on you. You're gonna learn how a real man fights."

"King's Row fighting? So you're gonna shoot me with a cheap pistol a couple times, try to stick me with a knife, then run screaming like a little girl?"

Power Breaker gritted his teeth and shooka little with anger, "Damn Skulls... They're ruinin' the rep of the Row! I remember when you had to be a Family man to even think of bringin' your business in there! Now, it's all wizards, punks and toys..."

"Yeah..." Randy swigged some more of his beer, "It's a damn shame. Almost makes me wish you could get some amnesty to help cleean the place out..."

"Nah, let your newbies handle it. I've got bigger problems to deal with. Standard wager?"

"I brought one of Sheldon's newest toys. He calls it a Kinetic Bomb... Slows the target and gives your hits some added boost. Also helps your fatigue dwindle fast. Doesn't really hurt them, but you should see how slow it makes them. It also affects a group, as opposed to just one."

"Cool," Power Breaker held up a floppy disk, "I got some info on Arachnos cells in Paragon. They belong to Mako, G.W. and the Scorpion, but nothing on Scirocco."

"That tell you what it tells me?"

"Yeah," Power Breaker palmed the disk and took the black box Randy handed him, "They're on to me. Or at least, Scirocco is."

"How long you gonna keep feeding me information like this?"

"As long as I can," Harris sighed, "Those bastards'll keep feeding me crap cells, then offer me something juicy. Paragon's heavy hitters will step up, then it'll be a trap."

"Cliche," Randy muttered behind his beer.

"Yeah... Maybe next time I'll bring some new toy I ripped off the Brickers, eh?"

"Ooh, can ya make it one of those jetpacks I keep hearing about? They sound awesome!"

"I'll think about it. Schayde! Hey hun, I need you to hold onto these things..."

Power Breaker handed her the disk and the wooden black box.

"Just keep 'em under the bar until Ran or me get back for 'em. Oh, and can I get a quick shot real quick? Make one for him, too, but make it Turkey."

Randy nodded at the request.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"The winner will get the money" El D said, walking up to the bar and taking a seat to the right of the wolf man, placing a 50 of his own on the table, "And this..." he said, a golden amulet containg a large ruby in the center appearing in his hand with a flash of flame.

[/ QUOTE ]
"Fair enough," he said, reverting to his human form and placing a 50 on the counter like the other two had done. He then dialed his boss' number on his cellphone.


"Orlando? Yeah, I'll be a little while. And keep that spy on his toes, this might get messy." the next part of the call was whispered, so one would need very acute hearing to understand it. "And I found the target."

"You did? Good, because that's what I was wanting to talk to you about. I'll get somebody to distract DJ'll know it when you see it." he hung up.

"Now that that's done," Ogre said, replacing his cell. He then reverted to his rock form. "Alright, here goes!" he snatched the glass from the counter and downed it, the liquid flowing through his body, coated in heavy granite. His mouth and throat burned, and a tingling sensation burst throughout his body. He coughed. "Mmm. Not bad. Not bad at all."



Draeko chuckled and took another drag of his cigar. "Alright, well I'll start this one off with a bit of style," he grinned evilly. He cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders watching Ogre down his drink with a competative smirk.

He picked up his glass and set it on his snout trying not to snicker at himself. He glass balanced uneasily on his nose swaying slightly from side to side with his breathing. Draeko grinned and muttered trying not to make harsh movements, "watch 'n' learn."

With a swift jerk of his head and a snap of his jaws he sent the glass flying into the air twirling, the momentum keeping the drink hugging the glass. Draeko watched the glass twirl in the air with widened eyes as he opened his mouth wide, held his cigar in his hand, and waited.

The drink poured out of the glass mid rotation down Draeko's throat as he leaned over to catch the glass seconds before it shattered on the ground. He twirled the glass in his hand and set it on the bar straightening himself on the stool and shaking himself as if he were wet. He grinned widely and let out a low howl, "candy water," he laughed as his throat began to burn. He cast an eye to El D, "your up," he said still holding a competative grin and starting to feel the hard hit of the first drink.



*Oh, he wants to add tricks to this competition, does he?* El D thought, as he watched the wolf man toss the glass up, catching & drinking its fallen contents, then recovering the glass before it broke.

"your up"

[/ QUOTE ]

"Alright..." El D said, pulling a quarter out and placing it on his left hand to flip it.

"I think I'l bet that it lands face up..." he said, flipping the coin up and snapping his fingers in the process, causing the cion to ignite in flames.

He quickly drained his glass, his eyes watching the coins descent.

Then, just as the quarter was nearing the bar table, El D whipped his now empty glass out and around, catching the still fiery coin inside.

Then he flipped the glass around in his hand towards the contest pile, sending the coin flying towards the betting cash.

But just before the coin hit the money, the flames dissapated, leaving the coin to land face up in the two $50s.

"Next" he said, grinning and looking down towards the rock troll man down the bar.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector