
Multimedia Genius 12-06-2011
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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    " i'm..i'm rami"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Nice name, you ok?" the tall demon asked.

    Then he heard foot steps behind, and turned to see the charging man go flying off to hit the wall.

    El D looked over to the man who had fired the blast, and nodded in thanks.

    For some reason, the tall demon thought he now recognized that man awsell, but he didnt press the matter. Insted, he turned back to Rami, still waiting for her answer.
  2. I've read your guide, and I plan to use it on my main when he reaches level fifty, which will hopfuly be early this summer.

    But I have one question....

    In the powers you didnt slot IO's for, wouldnt HO's be best to use if you had them?

    Just wondering if the build would be even better with those slotted.

    But still...

    Fricking Awsome guide!!!!

    -El D
  3. ((I'm having SOL testing this week, so I'll probably not get alot of free time. I'll check in when I can, and post when I'm able. Keep the bar scene going! ))
  4. El__D

    Free Drawings!

    ok, I have SOL testing comming up this week, and will probably not get alot of free time. I'l get the drawing done and up when I can, but it'l probably be on Friday or later befor they all get in.
  5. "No problem," El D said, as he took the womans out stretched hand and helped her up.

    By now, the ring of flames has dissapated, as the demon didnt have his full concintration on keeping it in existance anyway.

    He also seemed to have momentarily forgotten about the man he had trapped, meaning a suprise attack would probably go unnoticed.

    "My names El D," the tall demon said, "Whats yours?"
  6. El__D

    Free Drawings!

    Larissa Rasputin (second costume, the scanner killed the shading I had put on the suit cant even see it on the screen.... )

    Green Regis

    done with the first group, Igniitus, your next, and we still have two more spots open for drawings.
  7. El__D

    Free Drawings!

    Ok, scanning in Paragon Wonder now.

    I used the left most picture from your screen shot, Speedy.

    pic will be up in a few minutes

    It's Paragon Wonder!

    The scanner chewed on the picture abit, but it came out better than most drawings I scan in.

    Eventualy I'l do a re coloring of it in MS Paint.
  8. El__D

    Free Drawings!

    begining to draw now.
  9. El__D

    Free Drawings!

    OK. I'm kinda bord at the moment, so I'm willing to take the first three character screenies that get posted and draw them!

    One character per person untill permission is otherwise given

    With that, I'l be waiting (/e clipbord)
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Slightly dazed she fell to her knees,staring blindly into the distance as if she wondered what in the nine hells had happened to her.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    El D had seen what happened.

    He looked at the man in question, and trapped the offender in a ring of flame, giving the man a look that said "I'l deal with you later".

    The tall demon walked across the bar to where the woman was.

    "Are you alright?" he asked, holding out an arm to help her up.
  11. El D placed his hand on the side of the cage.

    The metal quickly started to glow, sending off an intense heat.

    *This should be fun..." El D thought, as he rectracted his hand, pulling the heat away from the metal and returning it to normal.

    "Anyone up for a challage?" the tall demon asked, as he turned to view all of the people in the bar.
  12. ((wow, I missed alot of posts....But that happens when your gone for a weak, lol))

    El D looked at all the patrons in the bar, seeing vast differences among the many people in the bar.

    "Roids huh? For that guy," the tall demon said, jerking his thumb towards Pain Killah, "I'd have to guess it was something stronger. Supadine is possable, but hes not a troll..." El D said.

    Then he noticed the mans....lack....of intillect....

    *At least, he doesnt look like a troll...* the tall demon thought, as he stood up and moved to the cage.

    As he walked over, he noticed he still dwarfed the other patrons in the bar(except Razi ofcourse), being that he stood around 8' 8''.

    The demon looked through the metal wire of the cage, at all the objects littered inside.

    "You've got a regular mini Arena in here..." he muttered.
  13. The tall mans eyes widned slightly at the *strange* entrance of the electricly charged man. Then he lifted his glass and drained it, and looked over at the man in red armor.

    Some how, the guy in red armor seemed familiar to the tall man.

    "You seem...familiar," the tall man said, turning to face the newcomer, "but my mind seems...flat...at the moment...my names El D..." he said, still thinking on how he knew or thought he knew, the man in red armor.
  14. A song came over on the jukebox...

    And if anyone had been looking towards the door, they would see small whisps of flame curling up under the frame, the whisps seeming to disppere without causing any damage.

    The flames aburptly stopped, as the door was pusched open.

    A tall figure, one over eight and a half feet, walked in through the door.

    He had obsidian horns raising up from underneith long, stark white hair. His eyes were unusual, dull green rings around bright green pupils. His smile showed moderatly pointed teeth, with matching pointed ears. His skin was a dusky, tan color, his chest covered with a black shirt and matching black pants, seperated with a black leather belt wrapped around red cloth. Black wraps covered his forearms and long, deep red cloak swayed behind him as he strod over to the bar.

    He sat down one place away from a large grey man, and simply looked ahead to see what was in stock. He never could really tell the difference between one beer compaired to the next.

    He looked over to the, reletivly tall, human barkeep.

    "I'l take the strongest beer you got in the biggest glass you got, my friend," he said, as he layed out a 50 on the counter, "and keep em comming!" he finished, his deep voice holding a jovil tone.
  15. *Recluse walks into the Arachnos base, and sits down next to Ghost Widow, Black Scorpion and Mako*

    Recluse: "Heroes are sooo overpowered!! Its not fair!!!"

    Ghost Widow: "How do you mean?"

    Recluse: "Today in RV, Statesman beat me to death with my own lifebar..."

    Black Scorpion: "Damn.........the forumns were right......."

    Mako: "7H3Y N3\/3R L13!!!" *runs off in a crazy fasion, and hits Sirocco on his way out*


    Recluse: "We really need to get rid of him..."

    *Ghost Widow and Black Scorpion nod in agreement, while Sirocco walks up*

    Sirocco: "Hey, whats up with Mako?"

    Recluse/Ghost Widow/Black Scorpion: "You dont wanna know..."
  16. "Aww [censored] it..." El D said, lifting Poe up once more and flying to where he now herd the fighting come from. Then he pulled a small stone triangle with purple embems out of his belt.

    "I was hoping I didnt need this..." he said, still moving to the room. "Kaite, can you hear me?" he asked the triangle.

    "Yes, what do you need?" a voice said through the small stone object.

    "Can you give me sonething to break down that?" El D said, reaching the door and pointing the stone at it.

    "I'l try. A spell of this magnitude will take alot of energy, and will likely crumble the stone" the cabalist replied, as she began casting the spell from her haven in Croatoa.

    A few seconds passed.

    In this time, El D had set Poe down to the side.

    "Didnt have time, gonna need to hold him here" he said.

    "Finished, now get what ever it is thats in there" the voice said, right befor the stone crumbled into dust.

    El D felt a energy wrap it self around his fists, and he lauched a huge overhanded attack at the door.
    ((Got school work to do, so I might not continue posting for the night. sorry, lol. If I break the door, just have El D attack Egarim with the magicked up fists and his sword until I post again. If not, have El D hit the door until someone/something opens it. Have fun without me! -El D ))
  17. I was looking for more pics to use for various incantations for the undead axe vet power to use, when I stumbled uppon this


    Click on the axe with the glowing blue runes that has vallydweller.com below it.

    Guess where you go.

    Right into the RP I used the picture in! (last post on page 46 if you wanna check it out)

    This astounded me when I saw it, but I also thought, how many people has this happened to befor?

    Please post your reactions/links!

    -El D
    PS- If figured that scince the link delt with the RP part of the boards, I'd post it here. If thats incorrect, il move it to a better section.
  18. El D looked up, his eyes seemingly finding it hard to concintrate on the extravigant, reflective red armor that Experiment wore.

    Then he noticed his reaction, and comments on Night.

    El D looked down, and saw her, the effects of the soul storm comming into reality.

    "Night! Night, whats happening!" he yelled, but to no avail.

    She was out, and looked to be out of luck soon awsell.

    He looked down at her, his face a contortion of greif and anger.

    He knew he could do anything about what was happening, but that didnt mean he wouldnt hate himself for not stopping it, either.
  19. lol yeah, but its not too bad. Ive crossed about 3 miles of land in about 5 minutes of running, and you can pay to ride a horse to major cities or places you've been that have Stables, very convienint
  20. I've been playing The Lord of the Rings Beta over spring break, and I have to say, the stuff looks awsome with the graphics on high or above, just take a look! (note: these are all on the max graphic setting)

    Me in the Elf Lands

    Me in the Dwarf Lands

    Another Dwarf Lands screenie this place is a view from a goblin camp in the mountains

    Practicing Weapons Skills in Elf Lands

    Hope you guys liked em! I'l be exploring new places soon, but feel free to PM me if theres a place you really wanna see!

    Edit: Im on the Elindilmer server
  21. El D looked over at the new arrival, noting his quick change of mood.

    "Nothing really, well I did just get out of a fight with that guy," he said, jerking his thumb toward Fenris, "but other than that, nothings going on..." he said, looking back to Experiment.

    "My name is El D, whats yours?" he asked, wondering just how many new people hed meet in this forset area of Flat World.
  22. Velkon stealthly moved around, trying to find a weakspot in Recluses defenses, but when ever he saw one, the insane Lord would move, blocking off that venue of attack.

    "Damn You!" Velkon yelled, as he launched himself from his hiding position to attack Reculse.

    Reculse managed to dodge most of the attack, but Velkons claws still left long gashs down one side of his helmet.

    Then he responded by fireing off a energized pucnh at Velkon's head, which he ducked under.

    Velkon then attacked again, sending his clawed arm up, trying to hit under the face-guard of Recluse's helmet.

    The Lord just leaded back, and lauched another energized punch at Velkon.


    El D continued to try and move in a safe manor, not wanting to PO Fenris.

    He looked down at the sleeping heroes/villians, and he noticed someone familiar.


    He walked slowly and carefuly over to the downed woman.

    "I guess I'l have to wait til she gets up before I get any info about this place..." he said, as he sat down next to Night, wondering if and when she and the others would awaken.
  23. ((pokeity poke, get movin peoplez! ))
  24. El D had been flying through the grassland for awhile, when his police scanner went off.

    "What the Hell...," he said, pulling the scanner out of his belt and popping up the holo-screen, "what do you know, theres another scanner here....says its in that direction...." he finished, as he rocketed off in the direction the scanner had shown him.

    He had flown for a few mintues what he appered in what he guessed was a very large forest-like place.

    He pulled the scanner's holo-screen up again.

    He was getting close to who ever had the other PPD device.

    30 yards.

    20 yards.

    10 yards.

    5 yards.

    El D appered in a clearing, his scanner saying that he was right on top of who ever had the other band.

    He looked up from his device's screen.

    "Okay, anyon-" his voice cut off suddenly, as he noticed that the large wolf he had fought in the ice castle was standing in the clearing ahead of him.

    "Ohh s***...Not you again..." he said, dropping to the ground into what he hoped was the most unoffensive posture he had ever been in, putting the band back on his belt in the process.


    Velkon's claws were just about to hit home, when Recluse spun around, his fist sending Velkon smashing into a computer consoul on one side of the room.

    "You thought you could surpirse Me?! I am blessed by The Well of the Furies, you can possably surpirse Me!" Lord Recluse shouted at Velkon, laughing evily as the clawed stalker rose up from the ground and moved into a fighting posture.

    "You cant possably beat Me! I am an Incarnate! The only other person who could come close to hurting me is Statesman, and hes miles and miles away in Paragon City!" Lord Recluse said, his words slightly cringed by madness.

    "Well just have to put all of that to the test, now wont we?" Velkon smerked, as he went invizable again, disappering from Recluse's vision.