Shadow Manor - open RP (The Missing Pages)




lol 'RP

Former Member of Velocity PvP SG
w4r Maiden 50 arch/em Blaster
w4r Deralick 50 earth/kin Cont.
w4r D-res 50 ta/sonic Def
"PvE'ers in a PvP Committee... Thats a joke, right?"



((we have a fan base. *waves at w4rzOn3 with a smirk*))

Schayde had no sooner stepped through the door when she was captured by Egarim. He'd made not a sound when he approached her from behind. She was still fatigued from last night, so her normally acute senses hadn't even had a chance to warn her that danger was present.

She felt his vice-like grip around her throat and arms, the pressure of his hold making it difficult to breathe. Yet when she tried to claw at the arm around her throat, she did no damage to his ghost-like flesh....if he even had any to begin with.

She heard Draeko's voice and saw flashes of movement in her peripheral vision. Her captor even shifted slightly, but he'd moved so incredibly fast, there had been no opportunity for her to attempt escape......



Egarim smirked.

"So long, little dog."

Shayde felt herself become intangible.

Apparently, two intangible objects counted as solids to each other. Egarim started dragging Schayde over to the nearest wall...



Draeko ripped out of the water and slammed his coat into the floor stomping on it as a red barrier encircled the room. "You think I didn't think of this?" he laughed, "My misguided foe, I have been in this room a wile, and I have a lot of resources at my disposal."

He grinned evilly, the wall was a dimensional block, Axel was no mere thug, he was an anceint sorcerer who was stranded on earth with a group of elders from his planet before it blew to peices. Axel had signed up with Draeko to try and learn more of the planet, every aspect of it, even the underground.

Draeko chuckled, "looks like you are going to have to fight like a man, that is, if you have the balls." He motioned with his hands and chuckled as he cracked his knuckles.



The hatch to the room tore open and Ragin' James was there, the eyes of the skull on his chest glowing red and pumping out currents of radiating electricity. Seeing the other occupants fighting Egarim, he let out a roar and drew the pain inducing charges back into himself.

"Aw, it's on now!" he shouted and charged into the fray, barreling into Egarim with a hard, super-strength punch to the jaw.


Outside, a set of spotlights illuminated the landing pads.

"Sonova..." Daren cursed, "Somebody's still parked on both pads..."

He considered just blowing one vehicle or the other away. But that would cause them to owe somebody money, worse, a favor.


Power Breaker was about to follow Ragin' James. He felt that, since he had pretty much brought this down on the Brutal Warriors, he should have a hand in stopping it. WHen he was about to join in the pursuit, however, El D showed up...

"Look what I got Breaker..." El D said, as he pushed himself into the room and set Poe on the floor. "And if what ever it is that is in here tries anything, hes gonna be dead..." he finished, leveling his hand down at Poe, fire wriethed around the black cloth.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Cool!" Power Breaker cheered, "Dude! miragE is next door, follow that guy with the skull decorations... Bring him..."

He leaned in close to Poe.

"We settle this, [censored]. You can end this, or you can die. Simple choice."


Dale peered into the ring of fire and had only one reaction. He reached down to the dial on his belt and cranked it to 22.

That's right. Dale's speakers, dotted throughout his uniform, go to 22.


A wave of concussive acoustic force smashed through the room, devastating everything in its path. Simms dropped to the floor, exhausted, gasping for breath, and a ringing in his ears that made him dimly aware that his belt was out of power.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Egarim rolled his eyes.

He hated dealing with idiots.

Still, the barrier would keep the Brutal Warriors from entering the room. Draeko had just done him a small favor.

So Egarim decided to knock Schayde out while still phase shifted, and then show Draeko WHY you did not mess with pissed off technomantic figments.

Egarim gave Schayde a solid hit to the top of her head, hoping to knock her out...



(( [ QUOTE ]
WHILE INTANGIBLE. His only weakness was magics, which very people could use against him effectively. Most were techs through mutants. Some naturals used it, but not very effectively. Really, the only way to combat the true Noitpeced was to be a good ol' fashioned spell-caster.

[/ QUOTE ] the shield is magic , Axel is magic and it is one of the many gadgets he had made for Draeko ))

Draeko snickered as Egarim Rolled his eyes then snarled as he struck Schayde. "Go ahead there all mighty, show me how you -walk- through it," he laughed as he tapped his foot.



((Egarim isn't Noitpeced. He's only a figment. Egarim can be harmed by ANYTHING. Provided he doesn't phase shift at the last second. That's the snag. And he's not trying to get out, he just wants to make sure Schayde can't interfere while Egarim fights Draeko.))



Schayde tried to reach behind her head and claw at her captor's eyes. She even tried to ram the back of her head into his no avail.

She grunted in surprise and pain as the blow connected with the top of her head, jarring her teeth. Vaguely, she noticed the coppery taste of blood as her fangs pierced the inside of her lower lip. Then she was falling to the ground.......darkness........



Egarim dropped the unconcious Schayde to the ground.

He cracked his translucent knuckles.

"We Regret to Inform You..."

And then he flew into a RAGE.

Faster then Draeko could blink, Egarim's lightning reflexes kicked in and he was suddenly behind the beast. He reared back a hand and unleashed a devestating knockout blow...



(( I see I see, you see kids, drugs impare the mind! ))

Draeko grinned as Ragin attacked Egarim. He beckoned him over as he snapped his teeth. He snarled loudly as Schayde hit the floor, "I will save you as a trophy," he said in a low tone, all joking lost from his voice.

As the knock out blow hit im he dropped to one knee, but not fully hitting the ground. His eyes closed as he raked his leg across the ground, spinning a sweep with it as he turned to face his opponent, in his extreme rage and loss of chains his wounds already begining to heal.



Power Breaker looked down at Ragin' James, lying unconscious on the floor.

"What happened?" he asked Psycho13.

"He yelled something, tried to rush into the room, and bounced at the doorway."

"Must have been like anyone normal running into a brick wall," Matt concurred, "Feels like magic... Probably takes something special to break it down..."

"Great..." Power Breaker muttered, "This just got harder..."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



His opponent was already gone, the moment his knockout blow had hit his lightning reflexes had kicked in and he sped to the other side of the room.

He snapped his fingers, and a golden orb of energy materialized, and hurled itself at Draeko much like one throws a boulder.




The instant before Egarim shifted back into synch with normal space-time, the sword's blade struck out to impale him from the base of the spine to the center of his skull - or at least the comparable positions of the human body.

The cloak of darkness had hidden the weapon well, allowing him to sneak in before the barrier had flared up, not to mention concealing him from Egarim. Now even the Reaper's lightning reflexes wouldn't be fast enough to cut the shift before he became solid with a blade already inside him.

If there was some sort of mechanism that would crush or shove objects out of the way to prevent this...

They would be experiencing catastrophic failure...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Draeko grinned as he stepped into the next puddle on the ground. He had not just been sitting idle wile he watched over Schayde, he had listened to all of the preivous battles, there was no surpise at the speed or strenght or the orb.

He grinned evilly as he saw the sword dig into Egarim's back. Normally he would have been angered, wanting to fight alone, but not this time. This time all that was on his mind was ending this... thing.

He emerged from another puddle and grinned using his back foot to drag the liquid around him in a circle, he beckoned again.



An entire section of Egarim's torso flared and faded away, leaving the figure with barely a small section of torso left holding his entire body together. His lightning reflexes kicked in yet again, and he flared to a safe part of the room.

Egarim did something entirely differant now.

He make a complex symbol in the air...

And suddenly there was a huge Power Sink.

Energy was leached from each and every object in the room automatically. Draeko, the dark sword wielder, Schayde, the energy barrier...

all of it rushed into Egarim.

The two combatants facing Egarim suddenly felt extremely tired. Almost as if they had been hit with a barrage of sapper rays.

A field of golden energy suddenly came into being around him. Golden tendrils of energy lanced out in every direction like a lightning field. A few of them touched the bed-posts, which completely melted on contact. Energy leached from the very objects that came into contact with these lances and was slurped away.



The wolflike wielder just laughed at the attempted power sink, rushing after Egarim in his murky cloud.

If the Reaper wanted energy so badly, he could have it. A crimson aura once more enveloped the sword, the blade building up to hack Egarim.

Chances were he would just phase shift once more, but by now his actions were dead giveaways. The moment he phased back to attack, the blade would cleave up to disembowel what was left of him...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Draeko growled as the tendrills formed, going back into his puddles on the floor. He shook it off once he was walking through the reflective surfaces. A little fatigue wasn't stopping him now.

He appeared behind Egarim and raised his fist, preping a devistating attack as he watched the other wolf charge at him, He grinned and flashed his teeth.



((Hey, Power Sink is an auto-hit power. You never ATTEMPT it. You DO IT.))

And that's when Egarim simply lost it. He was supposed to be fighting one stupid wolf-man, not that plus a deranged psychotic floating darkness cloud sword thingie. His body was barely intact via a thread of translucent flesh that could have been used to wrap up a watch for a present. There was a hole in the left side of his face, both arms appeared to have tiny holes drilled through them, and his neck might as well have been non-existant. This blow was going to finish him.

Egarim absolutely refused to let things go so badly.

*Initiate setup. Begining Cycle. Cycle complete. Reality has been compromised. Power Surging now.*

The world literally exploded.

When the light faded away, Egarim was no longer there. In his place was a being of pure and completely unfiltered energy.

Egarim had done a Power Surge, overcharging his being to immense proportions.

The energy being didn't even try to shift through the sword or dodge it. He let it hit him.

"That almost itched." He said.

And now a super-strength blow was heading for a surprising target.

The sword itself.

Egarim was getting sick and tired of the scrap of metal impaling him. It had to go.



((Murky Cloud = great end drain resist. Sure, Eggy got a little, but the 'desired effect' kinda went up in smoke. ))

The blade had no time to come back up to disembowel, Egarim's blow thrashing it clean to the other side of the room, taking its wielder along with it.

Clattering against the wall near-vertically, the wolflike being brought the blade back up and to bear again - or was that the other way around?

"Heh, I underestimated you." the creature spat, clearly having been in some manner injured, "Didn't think you'd be smart enough for that, hah hah hah. What's wrong? Come a little closer..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




"Aww [censored] it..." El D said, lifting Poe up once more and flying to where he now herd the fighting come from. Then he pulled a small stone triangle with purple embems out of his belt.

"I was hoping I didnt need this..." he said, still moving to the room. "Kaite, can you hear me?" he asked the triangle.

"Yes, what do you need?" a voice said through the small stone object.

"Can you give me sonething to break down that?" El D said, reaching the door and pointing the stone at it.

"I'l try. A spell of this magnitude will take alot of energy, and will likely crumble the stone" the cabalist replied, as she began casting the spell from her haven in Croatoa.

A few seconds passed.

In this time, El D had set Poe down to the side.

"Didnt have time, gonna need to hold him here" he said.

"Finished, now get what ever it is thats in there" the voice said, right befor the stone crumbled into dust.

El D felt a energy wrap it self around his fists, and he lauched a huge overhanded attack at the door.
((Got school work to do, so I might not continue posting for the night. sorry, lol. If I break the door, just have El D attack Egarim with the magicked up fists and his sword until I post again. If not, have El D hit the door until someone/something opens it. Have fun without me! -El D ))

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Draeko put one claw into the back of Egarim's neck and tore it out violently through the right side of where his neck would be. He then took his other Claw and quickly japped it into the back of his head ripping it vertically through his body.



The man was Poe. This man was the reason every person on this boat was, or had previously, not been enjoying themselves during a time when they otherwise should be. This man had sent a Kronos-Class Titan against an unarmed helicopted, almost killed everyone on board this boat several times over, as well as absorbed Gabe's and Fel's souls, or some such mystical rot. And while Gabe wasn't sure he had a soul, most magical authorities assured him he had an equivalent, and he didn't want to lose it. This man, Poe, was simply too dangerous. Put him in hte security cell, and he would escape. No, Gabe had a better idea.

"A moment, 'Breaker. That man can bend technology to his will. When he recovers enough, he'll simply do this all over. And in your security cell, he'll simply have time to break out. Let's take him up on deck. Fel and I can drop him into a near-permanent stasis. He won't go anywhere."



Egarim turned lazilly to Draeko.

"Nice. You work on that a few more centuries, you might just get somewhere."

The energy being raised both his hands, brought them together, and then brought them down on Draeko's head in a brutal haymaker.



((It's a converted Derrick, Funstuff... D'ah well...))

Breaker wrapped his arm around Poe's neck and lifted him to his feet. Then, he dragged the body to the door.

"I got a better idea... miragE!" he yelled into the room, "Take a look at this!"

He brought Poe to view.

"Now, it's time to stop! You're outnumbered, outgunned, and no matter however which way you take it, you're outflanked! Now... If you don't stop, I snap this [censored]'s neck. I won't even think about, just-"

He kinked Poe's head dangerously to one side.


My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.