Shadow Manor - open RP (The Missing Pages)




Seconds before hitting Draeko with his haymaker, Egarim halted the movement of his fists.

He didn't revert from his energy form however. He just stood perfectly still.

Although Egarim's eyes were not present in his energy form, it was obvious that his attention was focused on Breaker whole-heartedly.



((OOC: At this rate, I'll never be able to read at the same pace you all post this... >_<

That's where computer chips for brains come in handy! *Plugs into computer.*

Download: On.


-Burning Fang))



Draeko grinned evilly noticing the sudden halt as he flipped over the being and landed on his feet. "Ahh so we have a boyfriend do we?" he snickered as he pulled out Demon, a sinister grin on his face.



(( Falls out of his chair laughing ))



"Snap, crackle, and pop, that's right," Power Breaker increased the pressure slightly, "I won't even feel bad about doing it, either. Still... Sometimes, there's just things you don't have to do, and this is one of 'em... But... If you don't want to cut this [censored], I'm out of options. So... What'll it be?"

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



The energy being suddenly performed a soft pop.

The image of Egarim stood wearilly. You might be powerful as a god during an overload, but once its over, you're weaker then a child. Overcharging yourself with more energy then you actually have will do that once the crash hits.



Power Breaker nodded at Egarim. He knew exactly what he was going through.

"I'm willing to let you take this guy out of here... You willing to negotiate a surrender?"

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Draeko glanced back to Egarim as he slowly brought his gun to aim inbetween his eyes. Demon seemed to sing as it was pointed to Egarim, the gun wanting nothing more than another soul to add on its list.

Draeko's finger arched as he prepaired to pull the trigger, this thing was far too dangerous to just be left alone, and Draeko had no problem killing it.

"Stop," Jim's voice rang out as he joined the crowd. He looked at Draeko sternly, "your not going to kill him, not wile im here."

Draeko nodded slowly and holstered his gun. He owed Jim his respect, Even though Jim thought life was precious, Draeko would end life without a second thought. Draeko and Jim had crossed arguements on this subject before, and Draeko knew not to do it again.



"Sorry, man..." Power Breaker held firm his grip, "I got no deal with you. I'm not making an empty threat. This is a promise. I'm not taking any chances with these Husk Corp goons. If they keep [censored] around, I end him. No questions."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"You may have a problem executing that intent." the wolflike being told Power Breaker, sheathing the sword into the strap on its back again, "I'm afraid Husk Corporation doesn't deal well with only a 'no'..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




"I gathered," Breaker rolled his eyes at the shadow-wolf's comment, "They're not the only guys like that... Look, Erig... I'm not unreasonable. You can take this guy and go. Never come back. Leave us alone..."

He shook Poe around a little.

"And be sure to tell him that he stops bothering us, 'kay? I got a feeling he dragged you into this somehow... This doesn't concern you. You don't have to go through this... You don't have to be the one who tells Husk you could've saved his life, but didn't, too. Just walk, run, fly, whatever it is you do, with him in tow. Never come back. It's that easy."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"Why, that is what I had in mind the entire time." Said a pleasent voice from out in the hallway.

Standing there, smiling pleasently, was Egarim.

Or at least someone who looked a great deal like him.

"Good evening to you all, I am Noitpeced, personalized A.I. of Husk Corporation. It is a charm to meet all of you." He said, smiling widely. "You are correct in your assumptions. I was partially forced into this."

He explained this all while examining his holographic finger-nail and flicking away non-existant dust there.

"However, if I had actually invested my entire persona to your destruction, you would all have been dead long ago. Just look at the damage a mere figment of me caused."

He nodded at Egarim, who suddenly seemed to puff his chest with pride.

"But what can I say? I have nothing against you, and Poe has been acting real bratty as of late. So I fooled him, I only sent off Egarim there. Poe thinks that's actually me. How sad."

He smirked at this.

"So here's my deal. I absorb that figment, Poe goes back to Husk Corporation tower with me, I pay you in either cash or check for THRICE the total damage costs Poe and Egarim are responsible for, I time shear the base so that all the damage is automatically repaired and then I'm on my way."

He smiled easily at the group.

"Of course, there's no garuntee Poe won't come after you again. I have no official authority over him. But putting that aside, do we have a deal...?"



Draeko walked over and scooped up Schayde in his arms. He turned around and raised an eye to Noitpeced. His ears perked on high alert as he narrowed his eyes on the figure. "Why?" his voice wasn't hostile, yet still more wolfish than human as his muscles relaxed. "If you could destroy us all, and inevitably save Poe as it is, why strike a deal?" His eyes stayed narrow, despite the deal, he had learned not to trust Husk.



Power Breaker smiled.

"I'd drop him to shake your hand... But you'll understand if I'm a little wary."

A man in a red coat appeared behind Noitpeced. He looked like a cross between the Crow and Dante... Straight down to the wicked looking broadsword in his hand with a small black bird sigil near the base of the blade.

"Sounds like a good plan," Draven Erickson agreed, "You mind telling your little nimrod there to leave people out of his plans who've got nothing to [censored] do with him? You might be planning to rewrite the damage here, but you'll understand if we tear this place apart when you're done and rebuild it so we can be sure we're safe. We're running a business here, too, and we'd like to be able to assure our clients that they won't wind up dead because Edgar Allen Reject figures he owes us one! And I can assure you! We're gonna be taking a few extra steps to further enhance our defences on ALL fronts, whether they're mystical, technological, or what-have-you in nature."

He pointed the sword at Poe.

"And if we catch him here again... We're throwing him over the edge with his head shoved into a very uncomfortable place, and I'm throwing the L.o.D. switch."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



((Yeah, uh, Grey? I only just put together 'derrick' and 'oil-rig-thingy-that-totally-doesn't-move-or-get-called-a-boat. Shut up . In other news, the moral dilema compounds!))

Gabe was floored. Thrice all damages done to the derrick. Generous, but it would mean Poe going free, to potentially do whatever the heck he wanted. No. That wouldn't do. Gabe couldn't accept a bribe. He spoke up. "I, er... don't really feel the need to speak for everyone present, but I happen to have a card in my wallet detailing how I swore to Uphold Justice, Fight The Good Fight, and Be A Nice Person To Stupid People. I can't take a bribe like this, and I really don't see a need to, as the government will spring for most of the repairs anyways. Villains did cause the damage. No, I think we'll be taking Poe back with us, where we can stick him in a nice power-proof cell, and he can think about how he was such a bad person. And, I think you should leave now. Some folks here have had a devil of a time beating up your very likeness. I, myself, haven't had the pleasure, but -Would'ja look at that!- we're outside, and large shards of falling ice are hazardous to anyone's health. Even a programs."



Noitpeced yawned.

"Threatening Poe there is futile. He can't truely die. Kill him and he'll be time sheared back to Husk Corporation Tower in the Dimension of Mists, good as new. Possibly even stronger. And I can tell him plenty of things, but that doesn't mean he has to listen. I am but a humble A.I. created to serve. Whatever your beef is with Poe, I have no idea what it is. He just stormed in a few days ago and told me to make Schayde's and her friend's lives a misery. If you want to know why he's out to get you, ask him. Or Lord Diov."

Noitpeced spoke those last two words with a tone of reverence.

"But back to the point. Do we have a deal or not? You can take it and do whatever you'd like afterwards, or you can say no and I can kill you all, ressurect you, and kill you again just to make sure, before tossing your remains into a dimensional furnace."

Noitpeced's eyes narrowed slightly as he said this, although his stance and demeanor changed none, and his smile remained. It was strange one could maintain such a casual state while delivering death threats.



Draeko laughed, "well mr. Humble A.I., you still have yet to answer my question, why all the trouble if you could just do all of that in the first place?" His eyes narrowed.



-Deleted in favor of posting later-

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"Because he's got a few very special conditions to meet before he can do anything like that." a chuckle came from the wolflike figure, "Ya see, Noit isn't unlike me. We're both only allowed to do so much. Breaker, remember how I said I couldn't let you pass earlier?"

The behing laughed lightly again, "Well, that's because I couldn't. But if you somehow got past me and got away, I would just have to follow. That 'somehow', however, was a loophole for my own judgment to exploit..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Draeko grinned evilly, "I figured," he chuckled, "I figured yours was an organization similar to mine, in some way." His eyes lightened as he grinned, "business rules the world eh?" he laughed as there was still a small tone of seriousness in his wolfish voice.



"The reason I havn't just killed you is because I am a naturally passive being. I detest violence, but, unfortunately, I was made with a very short temper. That doesn't mean I cannot negotiate however."

He conjured a holographic goblet filled with black ooze and took a few swigs from it.

"As for imprisoning Poe...He has no criminal records. You wouldn't get anything of him. And if you tried, we could land you in court where Husk Corporation could tear you to shreds with lawyers from alternate dimensions. You don't want that."

He took another swig.

"And if you kill him..."

He let that hang in the air for a moment.

"You call down the wrath of Lord Diov himself. I don't see what my Lord sees in this pyromaniacal worm, but point being, you'll all suffer for quite a long time before you are obliterated. And don't think you'll die then. Oh no, Death will be much too good for you. Eradicating you ENTIRELY from existance is really the only thing that would do then."

Another swig.

"Now look, I am begining to grow impatient. Again, I was made with a short temper. Deal or no deal?"



"Can we trust his word, then?" Power Breaker grumbled.

Draven shrugged.

"I got a Hero card like that, too, buddy. We've had a few... talks... With Freedom Corps in the past. They've told us in no uncertain terms that they won't be supporting us. This sounds like a good deal. I agree so long as it's legit... And I'm an authority on this facility... I can't speak for our guests... But if you can fix these things up with a wave of your hand like you're God or something, the Brutal Warriors Order agrees to your terms."

He gestured to Power Breaker.

"But it's him and his crew you're gonna have to convince to get your friend back."

Noitpeced gave his speech.

"Well guys?" Power Breaker sighed, "What's the verdict?"

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Draeko snickered. He looked down to Schayde in his arms but couldn't help but grin as she lay out cold. Had it been different circumstances he would have told the A.I. what he could do with his deal and where he could put it. Even if it ment certain eradication, Draeko was not one to listen to threats.

He looked to Jim as the cyborg gave him a slight nod. He looked back up to the A.I. then to the others around him. He nodded slowly saying nothing, it had been a tiring set of days and he was ready for some sleep.



Noitpeced eyeballed Power Breaker.

"Well now." He said in even tones.

"How about..."

He thought for a moment.

Then his smile slowly grew even wider.

"Schayde the Shadow's house. How would you like it if I rebuilt it perfectly for her? It would be exactly the same as if Poe had never been there. Hell, I'll even make sure all the insects and specks of dust that were there before will be there again."

He took another gulp from his goblet.

"And not only that...But..."

He leaned in close and performed a mock whisper.

"We hear she's been having trouble with a certain Rafe Bloodmoon. A few rifts here, a nice hole poked through a head there, BOOM! We can alter history in such a way that Rafe was never even born, but Schayde still was. Or we can just kill him or imprison him or sue him or all three, and do any number of nasty and unpleasent things to him. Keep in mind...Husk Corporation. We're the largest official dimensional corp. in all of existance. If you can't think it, we can still do it."

Another swig.

"Matter of fact, we could do personal favors for all of you! We could erase criminal records, deposite a sizable chunk of cash into your accounts, maybe do nasty things to people you hate...Anything, really. What do you say?"



“Christy, I’m going to go find out what is going on. If you come with, stay behind me.” He gave her a look of concern.

Slowly Steel Sorrow staggered from the medical facility, intending to see just what was going on. He came upon the group, all of them very on edge. The White Wolf who carried Schayde in his arms <Who he have a concerned questioning look>. The large man whom had fought the robot with him had some poor fellow tossed in a headlock<Who he only assumed was the topic of the conversation by the way he was being regarded with glares and gestures>.

There were also several other people, some he recognized from the encounter in Steel Canyon. Others he was seeing for the first time, all standing there, ready to bolt at the drop of a pin. Steel Sorrow propped himself up against a wall and watched the situation play out, not sure if he had the strength to fight, or even if he knew who to fight… But, he could always sort that out later.