Shadow Manor - open RP (The Missing Pages)




Draeko's eyes narrowed again as he looked to the A.I. he couldn't help but nottice his effort to get the deal. He snarled at the mention of Rafe.

"I am fine with the deal, but you leave Rafe to me, that is -my- dog, I am going to deal with him." His eyes flared brightly at the end of his words, the sheer hatred he had for Rafe making him tense, if the wolf was infront of him at that moment, he would have left the rig in pieces.

"The rebuilding of the house would be nice though," he grinned slightly as his tone lightened.



"I'd rather get confirmation from the gentleman currently holding my charge." Noitpeced responded to Draeko in a polite voice. "As the fine being with the sword over there stated ago, I must obey certain rules."



((Not tossed over his shoulder. It's a standing headlock, with Poe being used as a "human shield."))

"I don't ask for more than I'm owed," Power Breaker replied to Noitpeced, "So I don't want anything from you than a good night left alone. My record, my problems... I'll deal with them. I made my bed on that one."

He looked to his unconscious friend.

Schayde. Just yesterday she mixed drinks for him. Today... He was willing to lay down his life for her. He didn't even know why.


"The rest... Talk to her. It's not my place to make deals for other people. I think she'll say no... But I've been wrong before. You want your boss's kid? Take him, as far as I'm concerned. But you still gotta convince the rest of these guys, and I'm NOT letting go until we have a satisfactory verdict."

Poe gurgled.

"Oh no..." he relaxed hsi grip a little and shook the body a little, "You're not dying on me, moron. I'm not letting it happen. I got a good check on your pulse rate... I can keep you like this till you starve or get dehydrated... I don't think it's gonna come to that."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"My opinion's never anything else but slice and dice." the wolflike being chuckled, "But that's just the way I was made. Also I'm kinda under orders not to gut people unless they're, you know, trying to kill others and that sorta crud. Since Poe's just hanging there right's really up to you guys..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Draeko nodded supressing his frustration, not being the boss was something he wasn't used to, "but of coarse."



"Well then, I'll just go and wake her up if you don't mind..." Noitpeced commentec cheerfully.

He pointed a finger at Schayde.

A thin beam of green light shot forth and hit Schayde. It spread from the impact, smoothening all over her body in a green aura. The beam was composed of Stimulant tranos. (Smaller versions of Nanites, if you can believe it.) The stuff had enough potency to wake the dead, it should have made Schayde wake up in a heart-beat feeling better then she had in a good long time. The stimulant was a natural mood amplifier, and protected from most forms of mental trauma and physical fatiegue.



((So... We gotta wait for Crimson.))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



(( yeah im out for the night anyway, got a big day of barking at mail men and the such... hehe be back when I can ))



(Post Edited, Guess i should pay more attention ))



((OOC: This is insane. I should have started posting when the darn page count said three. Page 21... I’ve Read eleven pages of fifteen posts each in three hours, so that's... Sixteen and a half pages for you. Even with those 'speeds' it would take at least two weeks for me to catch up to your posting. And that’s probably not counting weekends.

I need to go to sleep right now anyways. And chances are, when I wake up tomorrow, I'm going to regret posting this. I just can't keep up. I have to work in the mornings of Mondays, two shifts on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and back to one shift on Thursdays. Plus I'm off for three days this weekend starting Thursday after work.

My brain just my get fried soon. *Grabs some Aspirin.*

-Burning Fang

OOC EDIT: I swear, it was two days ago that the page count I see said 54. Now it's 61. ))



((Eh? I'm still at 46. Curiosity, though. Are we gonna tkae this guy on his offer or no? 'Cause while I really don't think the Fiend would like that, Crey has a nasty habit of doing similar things, and you can't do much about that. Still, I'd like a head's up before hand, so I can prepare myself, and all that.))



"Look, I've told you... I need to find this woman, my mark, *points to the picture* and I need you to contact this Schayde lady to help me..." As he said it his mind ran over the past few conversations... slowly the tumblers fell into place. "Are... you telling me that this is Schayde?" *he pauses playing mental connect the dots from over the past day or so* "If this is her... then you must tell me how she is connected to my ***** of a mother." He said rather forcefully, hie eyes filled briefly with what might have ben concern.



((I'm not sure what we're gonna do, Funstuff. It's up to Crimsonwolf at this point. I would think she'd take the offer... but how far she's willing to take it, or even if she will, in fact, take it... I have no idea. This game has had some nasty twists and turns (thanks, Diov), and nothing would really surprise me at this point. We just gotta roll with what we get.))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.