
Multimedia Genius 12-06-2011
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  1. (( [ QUOTE ]
    And I really wish people would stop yanking Poe away as I'm trying to bludgeon him. Godmode or not, he's got a beating coming

    [/ QUOTE ]


    I've already beaten Poe down in one RP (a sword through the chest will do that ) But the guys you for sure DON'T wanna face are Xabu and Noitpeced. I hate both of them like 9000 times more than I hate Poe.

    And I reallyreallyreallyREALLY hate Poe))

    Fraenir walked over to where Poe seemed to have reformed at, and looked up at DJ Zero.

    The big dragon-man planned on asking the good DJ what he planned on doing with Poe, and if he would return Khel to them any time soon.

    But then DJ Zero didn't seem to be there anymore.

    But Poe was, and the shimmering barrier between the offending once-waiter and the rest of the club had fallen with Zero's disappearance.

    "Now, about getting Khel back..." Fraenir rumbled, as he reached out with his empty left arm and grabbed the back of Poe's neck.

    "Think carefully, or you'll never think again"
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    well, there were like two people that promissed me something about two years ago and then they just vanished.

    and I'm sorry to say that I've been keeping a group a people waiting for some micros for a couple months now...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That first part is teh suck.

    But about the micros, they is teh awesome. And they is teh free too (which is like icing on the cake)

    Free + Awesome = Willingness to wait
  3. Fraenir opened his massive wings when he saw Poe set off the gas trap. He flexed them as far back and they would go, then snapped them down, blowing most of the gas from the trap away.

    This didn't mean the gas hadn't had an affect on the big dragon man, or that he had succeeded in removing all of it from the area. In fact, it had caused a very unique reaction when it hit Fraenir.

    "Try harder" he grumbled, trying to hide the fact that the gas had half blinded him as he swung the maul across the space where he guessed Poe to be.
  4. Fraenir quickly lept across the sets of tables near the bar, landing (luckily) just a foot behind Poe. And at this close of a vicinity, Fraenir recognized Poe's scent fairly quickly.

    The large dragon-man hefted his right arm up, and a massive, spear handled maul of stone formed in his grip. Then he let the maul arch down to crash on the floor of the D, to the right of Poe.

    "Yes. Where is Khel?" he said, his voice suddenly becoming very inhuman in it's deepness and rumbling like the echo of an avalanche.
  5. Fraenir popped the donut into his mouth (and it was gone an instant later) and he walked over to where Energon X was talking to a large man who had spikes rising out of his shoulders.

    "You know that waiter?" he rumbled.

    ((I'm assuming Breaker has his normal suit on, I'll edit if not))
  6. Fraenir walked over to where Ink and Energon X were standing, arriving in time to just catch Inky's comment.

    "I was begging to wonder where she had gotten off to, myself..." Fraenir grumbled, "Do you think the waiter had anything to do with this?"

    ((Sorry for the absence, I'll definitely start keeping a better watch in here))
  7. This is awesome.

    Post part two soon... Plez?
  8. El__D

    Some of my art

    Man....You picked a bad place to put this....

    *waits for flames from people expecting art*
  9. "So, where are these 'Arenas'?" Fraenir asked, "And who is fighting with who?"
  10. "D..D...R? What does that mean?" Fraenir asked, once again wondering what yet another strange new thing was.

    "Is it some sort of monster we must fight?"


    ((I know it's just a snippit, but I can't stay tonight, Chemistry quiz tomorrow, ugh. But! I'll be back tomorrow afternoon
    Also, can ANYONE possibly beat The Fire and the Flames on DDR? It's gotta be like a 20 feet difficulty))
  11. "Oh...Well, the paper isn't that much of a bother...." Fraenir said, grinning wide showing his many, dagger-like teeth.

    Then he looked down at Inky, then at the candy bar in his hand, then back at Inky again.

    "You may have it if you want it" Fraenir said, holding the half candy bar down for her to take.

    Then he looked back up at Energon X.

    "Arena?," the big dragon-man said, still looking at E X, "I could be up for a challenge..."

    ((I might be able to post a little more tonight, not certain at the moment, but if not, I'll for sure be able to keep posting tomorrow after school))
  12. Fraenir caught the bar of chocolate in his hand, handling the small candy carefully to not squish it. He lifted the bar up, peering at the paper covering and aluminum foil.

    *What is this covering?*

    Then Fraenir decided he wouldn't worry about it any longer, and took a small bite of the candy bar, wrapper and all. Fraenir seemed to make a slight grumbling sound, his way of showing contemplation about something.

    Then, after a few snaps of his teeth, the piece candy and wrapper was gone.

    "I like the sweet part, but what is the paper for?" he rumbled, once again looking at the candy bar, or the half that was left of it.
  13. I'm willing to help!

    Let me rummage on Photobucket for a second, I'll dig up some screenies of my Viking character. BRB!

    Ulfvarr front

    Ulfvarr with Axe

    Ulfvarr side

    Powers - Axe melee, Ice defense, and Flight (when I eventually get him to level 14 )
  14. ((....33 posts.....I now hate high school....))

    A buzzing sound alerted El D to the ringing comm. link on his belt. He reached down, and unclipped the device from its holder, putting it up against his ear.

    "Yeah...Thorns mystic, you say?....Fine, on my way" the tall demon man said, pulling the device away from his ear and clipping it back to his belt.

    "Breaker, the PPD needs some assistance in dealing with a escaped Circle mystic in Peregrine, I gotta jet" he said, the buzz of his PPD teleporter growing as it activated.

    "Drop me a line any time you wanna bust up some Husk Corp. or just hang in the D," he continued, the teleporter device buzz getting even louder, "Later!" El D said, waving his hand as the device pulsed out a bluish aura.

    And when the aura faded, El D had ported away.


    "Who is 'Jawz'? And what omen in this?" Fraenir rumbled as he walked up behind Inky, looking down at her and the flase floating Tiki mask.

    "Does this thing trouble you?" Fraenir growled, his eyes popping with small charges of red electricity as he now glared at the Tiki mask.
  15. El D stayed at the table, semi listening to Breaker and Kip's conversation, while he also looked at all the new supers around the club.


    Fraenir winced slightly when Khel mentioned her lost wings and the red spikes on her shoulders.

    *I've never always had my wings, either....* he thought, then he looked back to Inky as she mentioned her height.

    "You look short to me" Fraenir said jokingly as he crouched down, still a good few inches higher than the small plant girl.

    Then he looked over at E-X.

    "Whats chocolate? Is it like donuts?"
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Inky grinned. "They're comm'n 'n this p'ticlyer dimensh'n," she said. "Y' c'n find donut store'z all ov'r th' place. There's a real good one 'n Faultline."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Hmmm...I'll need to visit this..."Faultline" place, then" Fraenir said, looking down at the grinning Inky.

    Then the big dragon-man got a sense of...anger, coming from Kheldragon.

    "You Ok?" he asked, his face holding a sense of compassion towards Khel. Or at least what some people might consider compassion, as his monstrous visage didn't manage emotions very well.

    ((At this, I gotta logg. Returning to high school tomorrow. Don't get too far with out me! ))
  17. Fraenir bent down, and took the second half of the offered donut.

    Then, after probing one end of the spongy baked good with his tongue, he popped the thing into his mouth.

    Two chomps of serrated, dagger-like teeth later, the donut half was gone.

    "I've never had anything like that before....Where did you get it?" Fraenir asked Ink, looked down at her as if she knew the secret to finding a great treasure of some kind.
  18. "I don't think I ever toled you my name.....It's Fraenir" the big dragon-man said, looking from Kheldragon to Ink as she emerged from hiding.

    "Donut?" Fraenir questioned, as if it were something he'd never heard of.
  19. --Uncharted Area of the Shadow Shard--

    Lord Recluse: Ok Black Scorpion, the Mu Agents have teleported us into unknown territory, now activate your guidance chip and lead the way to home.

    Black Scorpion: Ummm...That way.... *points to the left*

    Lord Recluse: Grandville, Black Scorpion. Our base of operations.

    Black Scorpion: Ohh...That way *points to the right* No wait...It's over there... *points passed Lord Recluse*

    Lord Recluse: How could you not know?! The scientists just got you a new guidance system!!

    Black Scorpion: Oh, I left that at the Base

    Lord Recluse: Left what at the Base?

    Black Scorpion: The guidey-chippey-thingy

    Lord Recluse *angry*: Why would you leave that at the Base?!?!!

    Black Scorpion: To make room for the cupcake! *takes cup cake out of hidden compartment and eats it*


    --Grandville Base--

    Lord Recluse: Guess who made waffles! *walks out with a plate of waffles*

    Ghost Widow: I'm not going to eat that-

    Lord Recluse: AHHHAAHHHH!!!AHHHH!!!!!!AAHHHHH!!AHHH-

    Ghost Window: Enough! *eats a piece of waffle* Hey, these arn't bad...Whats in 'em?

    Lord Recluse: There Waffle in 'em!

    *Lord Recluse brings out more waffles*

    Ghost Widow: No more waffles Recluse

    Lord Recluse: AhhhHHaaaha!!

    Ghost Widow: No, really, I'm starting to feel sick....

    Lord Recluse: AHhhhAHAHAHaaaHHHAAA!!! *hits Ghost Widow in the head with a waffle* AAHhhHHHAHAAH!!!

    Ghost Widow: Fine! I'll eat just one more piece

    Lord Recluse: *sets another plate of wallfes infront of Ghost Widow* These gots peanuts and soap in 'em!

    Ghost Widow: *looks at Recluse, then waffles, then Recluse again* We gotta stop letting him watch the Food Network....
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    "You think maybe the boss his associate warned us about never had any kids, so that's why he spoils the little maniac rotten? Or is it just complete apathy for the universe that drives them? How the Hell can anybody be so antisocial?"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "I think he's bat [censored] insane is what he is," El D said, "And being antisocial only adds to it"


    ((Fraenir is kinda sticking with Khell at the moment, so I'll wait for her to get caught up))
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    "DEE!" he shouted, "Yo, man! Come on over here!"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Hey Breaker!" El D shouted, looking over at where Breaker was seated.

    And when he turned back, Poe was gone.

    "Hey..." El D growled irritably as he moved over to where Breaker was sitting, and where Poe had walked to.

    He didn't get there in time to catch the words between Poe or Breaker, and Poe didn't seem to want to stop anytime soon.

    "I think he's still mad at me because I stabbed him and tossed him around your Base for a while" El D said to Breaker, hoping he had said it just loud enough for Poe to hear.


    Fraenir watched as Poe just walked passed all the people in the gathering and headed towards the elevator.

    Then he turned to E-X.

    "Ammends" he said, responding to the man's apology.

    "I get the feeling this isn't the last time I'll meet that waiter..." the big dragon-man grumbled., turning his head back to Poe as the man continued walking out of Pocket D.
  22. ((Finally! A way down!!))

    Well, Fraenir had been jumping at Poe.

    Now there was someone else in the way.

    With one great pull of his wing muscles, Fraenir halted his jump, and ended up landing in between (although slightly off to one side) from Khel and the newest arrival.

    "Next time I might not halt my flight" the big dragon-man rumbled at the new figure, looking down at the man as he stared at the waiter.

    Portal Corp, Peregrine Island

    Bzzt Bzzt

    The tall man looked down as the comm. link on his belt sounded. He reached down, plucked up the small device, and held it to his pointed ear.

    "Trouble at the D, huh....Fine, I'm on my way..." he said into the device before clipping it back on to his belt.
    Pocket D, Blue Side

    The elevator doors opened, and the tall man stepped forth.

    And he was tall. Over eight and a half feet tall.

    He was wearing a black suit with red designs. Gold plated metal formed shoulder guards, bracers, and the metal of his belt. He had twin obsidian horns that curved up from a long mane of white hair. His deep red skin influenced the idea of a demonic heritage, and his burning orange eyes only strengthened that assumption.

    A long black cloak wisped behind him as he walked forward towards the ever growing gathering.

    And when he saw who they had cornered, he just smiled.


    El D had arrived.

    ((OK, no more posting till Grey and Briggs catch up))
  23. (([ QUOTE ]
    You have won an internets. Where would you like it delivered to?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Well, I've won one internets, why not go for two? ))
  24. ((Fraenir has been stuck jumping at Poe for about...15 posts (counting OOC and RP) so he's basically pulling on of those Matrix Stop Time jumps right about now ))