Seeking a challenge...




So after doing my first drawing I have been working more and more. Proportions; figures; shades; etc. Would anyone like me to draw their in-game character? Now I will be up front and tell you I know LITTLE and am skilled even LESS when it comes to characters who are fully robotic. :-( Haven't got the knack of that one.

So if you would like to help an aspiring artist I would like to draw something other than what I give myself. It will be black and white. Sorry, still working on getting a scanner or graphire board. Look forward to hearing who might be interested.



always welcome to take a stab at whiteperegrine but only if he inspires ya in some way. (link in sig) could grab any number of folks here who would be willing to offer up themselves to be a model. ~

primary and secondary....depends on version. currently on Liberty he is a Kinetic/Psi/Fly. the big to remember is that his wings are a psychic manifestation and thus clear...

...the sword is truth...




I'm willing to help!

Let me rummage on Photobucket for a second, I'll dig up some screenies of my Viking character. BRB!

Ulfvarr front

Ulfvarr with Axe

Ulfvarr side

Powers - Axe melee, Ice defense, and Flight (when I eventually get him to level 14 )

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



I should have asked this earlier!! Also please post your characters powers (both primary/secondary/travel) please.

Thank you!



*freezes thread*



I am always interested in seeing how other people's take on my namesake Teldon. He is just like me. If I had red hair and had muscles and was not a wimp and got tats and if I had a beard.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



Thank you for the reference to all the posts! I have found a fwe drawings that deffinately made me double take to character design. Will have something here soon. *chuckles*



I should have asked this earlier!! Also please post your characters powers (both primary/secondary/travel) please.

Thank you!

[/ QUOTE ]

D'oh Teldon MA/Invul Scrapper Superjump

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon