
Multimedia Genius 12-06-2011
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  1. "The mission has just started and it's already a damned escort..." Dorian grumbled as he walked towards the portal apparently leading to Alharzed's compound.

    "Well, at least this should be interesting" the tall man muttered to himself as he stepped through the portal and headed towards Horowitz. Dorian intended to calm the Jager down long enough for the group to get back to the Ouroboros facility, and hopefully allow for another assault with an actual plan.
  2. "I agree with the Jagerkin, the book needs to be destroyed."

    Dorian looked around at the collective of heroes and villains, his gaze staying on Jack for a few seconds longer than most.

    "Also, if the book is as powerful as the claims make it, I doubt the Alharzed will be foolish. The book wouldn't allow him to be."
  3. Seraphimel stood off to the side of the meeting area, arms crossed above his chest. So far, two plans had been suggested, although no one seemed to have made any commitments to either of them (excluding their proprietors), and Dorian wasn't about to change that.

    The tall, devilish man kept silent, and waited for more ideas to be laid out.
  4. Dorian looked around the floating platform, noting the arrivals as they appeared through the portal. For a moment, however, his gaze lingered on Noble.

    *Is that...Frost? But he looks differ-*

    [ QUOTE ]
    "Noble Intent."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *Ah, I guess not. Woulda been nice to see another 'Bodyguard' here though* Dorian thought to himself, wondering if he would ever end up meeting the others again.

    Then Dorian went back to watching the arrivals, and noted that the villains out numbered the heroes, and that they had the Arachnos Patrons with them. He hoped Michael had a good way to counter any offense from the Arachnos side, because with the gathering that was here now, the Heroes would need the assistance.
  5. "Well, I see its time to finally get things underway"

    Dorian Caine, known more commonly as the hero Seraphimel, got up from his seat and began walking to the back of the container towards the Ouroboros portal.

    There were some fairly obvious physical features that gave Dorian a more 'devilish' appearance than others. Red skin, black horns, glowing orange eyes, and a mane of white hair to name a few. Also, the fact that he was just a few inches shy of being nine feet tall added to the 'Non-Human' factor.

    Dorian stopped for a moment, and considered asking Michael about the attack plans, but figured most of his questions would get answered after everyone had assembled in the MendersÂ’ Headquarters. So, he took a few more steps forward onto the Ouroboros portal, and vanished in a flash of golden light.
  6. Aww, sad to hear that your going, Ghostman. Always liked your art, especially Fight Club (although that may be biased, since I'm in that one )

    As for your epic group piece, I submit Seraphimel, my Fire/Fire Scrapper, for consideration.
  7. El__D


    [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That is.....It's...

    That is just friggin awesome.

    Thanks Tricky!
  8. El__D


    Well, if slots for artz are still open, I'd like to submit Seraphimel for consideration.
  9. El__D


    Bah, just missed the five limit.

    Well, you got some great costumes to work with. And awesome sketches, Tricky (still cant believe you do those in 15 minutes....)
  10. Wow.

    Going by his origin story, I managed to make El a nice chronological list of Trops that fit him pretty well.

    Big event leads to certain situations which causes change, resulting in power being gained (and the defeat of adversaries). This leads to receving a title, which follows up with his current position while also giving reason for his seeking of personal history.

    Others would be aspects of heritage, posture, battle tactics, and occasional hostile temperament.

    Also, I'll second the amount of time this site takes up. I spent the last 40 minutes or so just looking around at all the tropes, trying to think of all the characters they might apply too.
  11. Can you dig it?

    Also, Tights + Straight Boot option = Pseudo Bell bottoms
  12. "...And where I come from, and we say things alot, I have NEVER heard anyone say that..."


    [ QUOTE ]
    Wow, the voice-acting for Diacon was really good, definitely reminded me of a comic book villain. Excellent job.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Seconded, sweet voice for Diacon.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    This event will take place as soon as the servers are up, we scheduled the event before the production team, but they take precedent.

    Cya soon on test!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sweet, thanks for the heads up Ex

    Also, 1st first post after a Redname
  14. Well, it took me long enough, but I made a Timm of El D using that thing.

    I'm pretty sure I also got a free lesson in Portuguese from all the time I spent redoing things to make the costume look right
  15. Just re-read the story...again....

    And I know this has been said before, but you freaking deserve it, Blue:


    Also, if there is ever a petition or something to make this into Co* canon, you've got my /sign for it.
  16. Yes, but now you see the light, don't you Grey?

    Keep up with the awesomeness, ziggy!
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    "How's this? Do I look like the picture in the article now?"

    Next picture!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Note to self: Earth controllers have apparently gained powers over asphalt"

    Next! x.x
  18. My Entry

    The Mechanical Wizard

    Looking forward to others' costume creations!
  19. I don't have a true 'break out character' as of yet, but if there can be a 'reverse breakout character', El fits the bill. I've intended him to be my main character for a long time, but I always make new characters that RPing with just seems more fun. Hopefully El's new back story (if I ever finally decide how it's going to go down) will bring me back to wanting to use him in RPs.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    This story is pure win. Keep writing, I want to see what happens!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    QFT - Grumblethump is one awesome Goodly Ogre
  21. El__D

    The Trinity

    That is 12 different shades of Awesome
  22. * Carnage
    * Classic Spidey
    * Thor
    * Beta Ray Bill
    * Ghost Rider
    * Gambit
  23. *Tosses in hat*

    The massive, dragon-like creature roared in defiance at the beings gathered outside of his cave. They had disturbed his slumber, and he would make them pay for that. The creature was truly gigantic, nearly 10 feet tall, and had an armor plating of dull bronze/orange scales coating it's heavily muscled humanoid form. Huge wings rose up from it's shoulder blades, easily looking to hold a span of at least 30 feet or more if fully stretched out. The creature's blood red eyes glared hatred at the group gathered before him from his almost Tyrannosaurus-like head. Steel chains were wrapped around the monster's arms, and they clinked and clanked as the dragon-creature clenched and opened it's clawed hands. The only clothing the creature wore was a brown kilt-like garment over ragged black pants, both looking to be made out of some type of tattered and worn animal hide. The monster roared once more, bent down and ripped a colossal chunk of rock from the ground below it's taloned feet. The soldiers surrounding the cave entrance saw what looked like a malicious, horrid smile (if the creature's barring of it's razor-shape teeth constituted a smile), right before the rock smashed into their ranks, decimating nearly 1/3rd of the group. The remaining soldiers opened fire onto the hulking creature while it simply charged right into them, using it's chain-wreathed fists to smash the men into oblivion.

    Fraenir had awoken.