574 -
Depends how much money you want to spend.
You can throw in some cheap +Recharge sets (Doctored Wounds and Crushing Impact are quite affordable) and use Stupefy in Rise of the Phoenix. That's (with 5 CI/DW and Stupefy) 31.25% recharge for not too much inf.
If you want a LOT of extra recharge, or to try and softcap your defenses, be prepared to spend vast sums and do all kinds of weird slotting.
The problem I found with mine was... you're already a Fire/Fire Brute. What more do you really need? -
Quote:You get the reward the first time you do each one (so, eventually, seven "1st time" rewards) and then the repeatable one 1/week.Thank you very much for answering, Egos!
Re: the SSA - can each story arc be repeated for Incarnate salvage? I think once a week if I recall?
I guess I don't fully understand how the Incarnate purchasing system works (but that's a topic for another thread.)
If anybody has a good (easy to follow!) link to understand it, I'd appreciate that. (Think "Incarnates for Dummies")
Thanks again!
Sadly I don't have a really good Incarnate guide I've used. I just beat my head against it until I woke up with a lot of abilities crafted. It's mostly like IOs, but with more levels. You get generic components which you craft into specific components, which you then craft into powers. These generic components are either Shards (for the Alpha ability) or Threads (for everything higher). With enough generic components (and occasionally inf) you can build anything eventually. -
Quote:Grinding through trials is the fastest way, but you can somewhat slowly unlock the slots by buying Incarnate XP and bumping up Incarnate Shards. The Signature Story Arcs also give Incarnate salvage as rewards - doing each one once and picking the Threads option will (once all 7 are out there) give you 70 Threads, enough to build the first level of Destiny:Ageless (with 10 threads left over!).So how hard (or maybe time-consuming is a better word) to get something like Destiny:Ageless?
Is it just grinding through trials? I guess that's what I dislike the most...just wash/rinse/repeat until I'm about to barf up Rikti.
Lambda Sector, Minds of Mayhem, the Underground and the Keyes Reactor all give Incarnate XP towards Destiny, so you can get a fair portion of the way there just doing each of them once (assuming that you're on a server that runs a variety of trials and doesn't just grind BAF/Lambda).
You can't beat grinding Lambda for efficiency if you want to unlock Destiny as quickly as possible though. -
Quote:Those were alternate timelines, which are not entirely the same thing as alternate universes.There is a 'good' mirror universe where Arachnos never took over the Rogue Islands, but manticore was a sleeper agent of Recluse who went on to kill BaB before they both went underground in Africa
One were the Project Destiny breakout was failed...
And another where the outbreak epidemic was never stopped
Comic book physics, what can you do right? -
What's wrong with Cap'n Mako? Waterspout is unending hilarity and you get Hibernate too for when things go terribly wrong.
Quote:No, no. They just get sent to the Terminology Adjustment Facility (the lesser-known and much more pedantic version of the BAF).Pretty much, to quote Paragonwiki:
As with any scientific theorem, there are some who disagree, even within the Primal Earth scientific community. Beings who call those other Earths their home also tend to see their world as central. The Praetorian emperor, for example, often refers to Primal Earth simply as Statesmans World and any scientist trying to convince him otherwise would most likely find his employment terminated. -
Quote:"Zone meta-arcs" like they've been doing are always going to be terribly difficult to make compatible with villainy. Or, alternately, if they are, they're going to be incompatible with everything else.None of my villains really appreciated that feel.
I liked the story in First Ward. But it failed to offer me any motivation for why I was actually there and why I was supposed to care about any of it.
It's hardly an issue with First Ward specifically so much as the thrust of the content in general.
And First Ward was pretty awesome but if you aren't a Praetorian to begin with you don't really have a dog in the fight. So some people in another dimension are fighting each other? The 5th Column and the Council shoot it up on the street corners *every day* back in Paragon. And back there I can punch the fail out of both of them at once until they stop. -
Of course, part of the problem may be that the terminology is overloaded here. Villain in game means (given the things you engage in!) being willing to basically sacrifice everything in order to gain your objectives (which is to eat a power source larger than your head). If you had limits, you'd be a Rogue.
Quote:Just because you're evil is no reason to be impolite. Besides, if you're polite it's easier to bring people around to your way of thinking.However, even putting that aside, there are plenty of affably evil types out there.
Are the numbers in their report "smoothed" for the exchange rate? The dollar actually strengthened about 10% against the won between 6/30 and 9/30 (1069 to 1186).
It's hard to make sense of multinationals revenues when everyone's beating their currency with a stick. -
Quote:Yeah, you're never going to have themed minions or your own evil lair... unless you recruit a villain group and design their costumes and base for them. There's no way to actually carry out a villainous philosophy other than Arachnos' vague "conflict needs no reason, conflict is the reason".And that's been my largest source of disaffection with CoV over time; there's no real way to do it with the existing contact/mission structure, but it always feels as if, regardless of how high-level your character is, that you're still just a legbreaker for your contacts, not a villain in your own right.
It hardly even seems like there's room to be more of a punch-clock villain. I mean, sure, you've got to kill people when it's required for the job, but there's no reason to be a jerk to everyone, all the time. I've always felt vaguely bad that there's nothing villains will do for Thorn Slaves in Nerva or the people being Devoured in St. Martial, even if you stomp the spawns around them. Sure, rescuing people is for heroes, yadda yadda, but nobody deserves to be mind controlled or turned into a hideous monster unless I'm the one controlling them or it's my hideous monster.
But then I go on with whatever I was doing because, hey, people need killing. Those bills aren't going to pay themselves. -
Quote:More obvious than One More Day? No More Mutants is just the same press of the reset button, for pretty much the same reasons. If you want to have stories where mutants are a rare and persecuted minority, you can't exactly have a massive, growing population of mutants out there forcing the world to deal with their existence. It undermines the Perpetual Now that the mainstream comic universes seem to enjoy.Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the whole Disassembled thing way beyond what Wanda was shown to be capable of before? As in she used to just make someone trip on their own feet or make a gun misfire? I'm not much of an Avengers reader (more of a JLA guy) so I don't know for certain, but I believe that was one of the main criticisms against the story.
Also, that it was one of the most obvious and inelegant ways of undoing the previous writer's work in the industry that decade. Ahem.
Also, if you think mutants are allegories for various subculture groups, it has a wonderful scent of unintentional dark, dark irony. -
Quote:"Reality Warping" isn't a power! It's an excuse for sloppy writing! It's answering "But how does that work" by screaming "A wizard did it!", all the time, forever!Yup. As much power as Franklin Richards. They are both reality warpers.... arguably the strongest mutant power of all.
%&@# the "reality warping" power and every character and author that has ever used it, ever, in the entire history of the medium! #@$& them in the ear!
*is dragged off in a straight jacket* -
Quote:I think this thread would be a much better place if we all agreed with Mask of Many from last night and stopped making posts that imply that people are greedy or petulant. We definitely shouldn't follow the model of Mask of Many from a day ago. I mean, that comment was just completely out of line, as Mask of Many from last night points out.Saying "but it's mine and I don't want to share!" just seems greedy.
Quote:While obviously nobody in this thread has a good handle on exactly what the whole playerbase would prefer on the number issue, if a large number of paying customers were to think that way, then, yes, that, alone, would be sufficient reason not to implement that system.Now, some of you don't like the idea of no longer having a unique name, and that's understandable. You enjoy knowing that nobody else can have what you do.
The problem is that it's not a good reason to not implement the system.
I'm just sayin'.
I'm sure that NCSoft has a better understanding of wether this is seriously a customer retention/acquisition issue. I assume it's one of the things that comes up in the unsubscribe survey... -
Quote:Just think of the missed opportunity to have Logan as an awkward father figure, trying to explain that, you know, maybe a nice subtle black or blue might be a better color scheme if she wants to follow him around. And then, wackiness can ensue.But then, I knew I wasn't going to like the story from the beginning, simply from an interview with the writer. They were presenting him questions from the forums and one asked about the inclusion of Jubilee. This is pretty much what he said:
"Wolverine is the ultimate hunter. Why would he have some girl in a bright yellow trench coat running around with him?" -
Quote:There's still no excuse for the Lupine thing.Although some of the retcons mentioned were bad, Wolverine's occurred over years under a lot of different writers / artists / editorial teams over multiple titles - as a popular character, having the chance to stamp your name on the lore is understandable temptation that hasn't hurt the character's popularity at all.
"All of these people are fuzzy... they must be related! It's genius!" -
Quote:Yeah, at some point you have to admit that a customer probably isn't ever going to come back. I know a ton of people who only played to kill time before WoW came out, and now languish forever in the eternal toil of that game. They were "day 0" customers, so they're probably the precise people we're talking about when we grumble about someone hogging Captain ExactlyTheNameYouWanted or whatever.Most of the classic names that people are looking for are tied up by accounts that were created at launch or soon after most likely. I think that anyone's account that has been inactive for 5 years should lose their toon names regardless of level. At 4 years it should be any toon 35 or lower. Set a tiered system. If people do not want to lose the names of their toons they should keep their account active, plain and simple. When I used to play EQ if an account was inactive for more than 6 months their characters got wiped. This would be less heavy handed and fair to all.
Quote:A couple of years back I finally got fed up with retcons and closed my file at the local comic book place, going to a "I'll buy the trade paperback... well, probably not actually" policy.It turns out Wolverine now isn't a mutant, but rather a Lupine, a human looking species that evolved in parallel to humans but from wolves, not apes. And there are two tribes: one with blond hair, the other with dark hair, and they hate each other which is why Sabertooth hates Wolverine so much. They're not the only two, either other Lupine's include Wolfsbane, Feral, Wild Child and Thornn. So pretty much ever feral mutant isn't actually a mutant, but a wolf person. They're all being manipulated by an almost immortal elder Lupine called Romulus.
Hearing things like this convinces me that I made the correct decision.
Lupines? Really? Does Marvel Comics' mutant line exist for the sole purpose of convincing young, aspiring writers that, yes, they can in fact do better than people who are paid for it? -
Quote:This is the comic book genre we're talking about, though. Shouldn't we be looking for Captain Codfish?So.. by Like Codfish you meant actually Codfish, exactly?
Because that's not the normal useage of the term.
Barracuda is definitely like Codfish. But yes, I suppose it isn't exactly Codfish. Although I don't see what that has to do with anything, as the question was "An animal name" and while "Codfish" qualifies as an animal, not all animals are Codfish. If your argument hinges on the fact that no comic book made a character called "Codfish" before, then it's even more specious than previously believed, because it just went from uninformed to disingenuous. -
Quote:Well, once you realize that the experience they mean was probably the hours they put in playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance in the break room during lunch...What's most interesting is that this "experience gained from working on City of Heroes" doesn't actually seem to be showing anywhere in the actual game. What HAS shown up seems more akin to "experience gained from listening to City of Heroes forum rants and whines." Very much nothing else seems to have made the jump between games.
Quote:Yeah, I was kind of ambivalent when I first heard of the Other Game's intent to do this; it wasn't until I ran into it in play that I discovered how much I loathed the x@y format. I'd be hard pressed to pick a specific reason why it bugged me so much, but it certainly looks stupid.I tend to go through names quickly, since I've got alt-itis out the wazoo, but I still love the unique names. If I had to be Somebody@So-and-So, I don't know that I would stay. There aren't any superheroes in any stories named Somebody@So-and-So. Forcing my characters to use such a name would ruin the feel of the game, and make it feel more gimmicky than a bad sci-fi/horror film.
Quote:I've always mentally mapped Law/Chaos and Good/Evil to "do you think rules are inherently positive" and "are you a d*ck". Arachnos may have rules and structure, but most anyone who thinks that they can get away with it will cheerfully violate them right up until the point someone more powerful catches them.Chaotic doesn't necessarily mean disorganized, per se. It could be organized, but it'd be always in flux, very dynamic. Arachnos is organized, but chaotic. It's organized around the idea of four factions constantly vying for the upper hand, around the idea of "might makes right" and some kind of social darwinism, where infighting is encouraged to help "weed out the weak". It's organized in such a way as to maximize it's chaotic nature.