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  1. Altitus is not a disease, it is the target.
  2. EU Freebie Friday baby!

    [Sorry, i couldnt resist!]
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    Even I can't agree with this. Khelds do not need more slots. We already have more than anyone else if we take the forms. We get more powers, too, which may spread the slots thinner, but that's necessary for balance. With more slots, khelds would quickly edge towards over powered.
    Which to be honest they need to get towards the over powered stage They're called epic ATs yet for the most part they just dont feel epic in any sense.
    Of course they're great once slotted, but hey im of the opinion that epic AT is supposed to mean epic and not "slot this right and you'll be amazing, mess up one or two however and you'll be average at best".

    Of course could just be my own opinion but its my opinion about the AT as a whole
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    This doesn't make any sense at all. And I'm saying this as someone with both a WS and a PB. And a PB at 50, at that.
    I tend to find that on a kheldian, i am very restricted in what powers to pick and how to slot them for set bonuses due to the fact that you have an increase in powers.

    It was a VERY painful experience levelling up my own Warshade to 50 and my tri-form PB to the mids. Singular or even bi-form? Quite easily done, however Tri-form? Not so much

    So does make sense How often do you hear people who play Kheldians say they have enough slots rather than not enough?
  5. Quote:
    Actually I was thinking that they meant bounty missions that we could pick up from something like a bounty contact or the radio/newspaper or something.

    While you may not like running around and fighting things on the street, others do and that's not a bad idea at all.
    Sadly with a bounty system like that, the rewards would have to be next to nothing as it would take a matter of minutes to mass kill X npcs?

    The only way that system would work [imo] is if a bounty system came up for a named boss that would spawn within the open world. For example "Outcast Leader Brick has been spotted on Cherry Hills, requesting all available heroes to assist in his capture".
    Of course the NPC would have to have the invasion/GM code so he is at least a challenge to all levels, but that would be something i could get behind.
  6. I've been saying this for a long time but the game does need a lot more zone events. Nothing major like an invasion, but small things such as the steel canyon fires or the Praetorian mini events.

    You could use the protest event that is in Nova Praetoria and turn the Atlas carpark into some form of this. Have the hellions destroying the cars/area and you have X time to defend the area.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Also, this. I think we can use a whole range of shorter boots that don't go up to the knee. More regular shoes like trainers, better sneakers, loafers and so forth, short boots and things like this. I'd really love to see a broader selection of this, because right now we're a city of knee-high boots.
    I agree with this one for both male and female parts. Currently not a lot of selection if you go for the skirt/shorts/tucked in options.
  8. Team 1 with a tank - Damz gets bored quickly as usually too easy then.

    Team 2 without a tank but with a brute - Damz enjoys trying to out-brute a brute on my scrapper.

    Team 3 without a tank or a brute - Oh its scrapper time! scrappy scrappy doooooo!

    I like having tanks/brutes on a team for the safety blanket they usually give, however i have a lot more fun without them. Does that make me tankerist?
  9. Nonononononononononononononononononononononononono nono.

    The only ones who should get extra slots are Kheldians, everybody else has more than enough slots already.
  10. Logged on this morning and neither issue 23 or this summer event was here yet Guess it was a dream after all last night!
  11. Those sunglasses . . . . what was he thinking? O_o
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post

    At what point is the market saturated?
    Just like most shops you get thugs hanging outside them too thinking they're all bad
  13. Quote:
    Teschnically, you can't actually leave now - you're a premium player for as long as the game lasts
    One of us! One of us! One of us!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
    It's unique and you can only put it into one power.
    Apart from energy blast, i think the majority of powersets only have 1/2 KB powers?

    I know im thinking about which cones/AoE powers i'll slot it in so i can use them again But seriously . . . .

    Is it here yet?
  15. Can see what you mean about the invention enhancements being locked out for free/premium players [up to a certain tier], but since IOs are such a huge part of the game then i think they had no choice but to either lock them out completely or just certain bits.

    For example maybe locking out any attuned/ATOs/purples but the rest are fair game? But i can see why they would chose not to have them available, especially since non VIP content really doesnt require a player to have IOs [ok no content requires them but the other stuff sure makes it easier! ].
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Positron View Post
    Sorry this wasn't clearer: Both movies are combined into ONE event. You must play through both to get credit for completing the event. Which one you start off with is random, however. You do not queue up for each movie individually.
    Will we be able to sell the IOs on the market after the event?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
    Not bad. I missed the part about the enhancements available on the Reward Table? Which set type were those?
    A universal damage set i heard. Overwhelming force or something i think?
  18. The pcgamer stream kept stopping for me so i headed over to the MMORPG one. New badges, new universal damage set and whole thing looks AMAZING!

    I admit i did laugh too seeing the Mecha outfit walking into the arena during the cutscene However judging from what i have seen so far, i must already put in a request that this isnt just a yearly event but is kept into the game.
    It looks like one of those things i would just pop in/out of randomly with friends and new alts all the time, so please keep it in!
  19. Thinking about it but has Statesman ever been actively involved in doing a heroic deed in the games timeline?

    Edit: This would mean after the first Rikti war obviously.
  20. The following was posted on CoH facebook page.

    In a world... where Summer Blockbuster Events are previewed via PCGamer's live stream, join Josh Augustine as he lives the movies in the City of Heroes Freedom Summer Event preview! Josh will be live streaming at the PC Gamer Twitch TV channel starting at 2:00 PM PDT/5:00 PM EDT/10:00 PM BST -
    Should be fun!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
    Statesman was the iconic figure of this game.

    He was hardly used by the writers following the split.

    So, no that's not just my opinion ... that was reality.

    You saw him as a douchey - others didn't, so that is your opinion.

    If he had no weaknesses, how come he's dead?
    To be fair in the game he was hardly used and always got shown as a character that couldnt be beaten. To have a character like that in a game is bad in my opinion, yours might be different but to me its a bad case to have.

    The only time in the whole history of the game that i remember Statesman having a part which made me like him was his death. Not because he died, but because it showed him as just another man under the pressure of being the hero of the world.

    However his whole attitude of not trusting others to gain greater power [like himself] did make me hate the character

    Finally there is one thing left to say, ingame i see very large majority of the people liking the story of the SSA however on the forum, its the other way around
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
    Yeah ... Let's take the game's most recognizable and marketable signature hero and kill him in a pretty pointless way - and then publicly come out and say that the character will remain dead.

    What other motive do you want to go for?
    That unlike the other superhero MMOs, every character in our game CAN die?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
    Seriously, there's really no excuse to not know...
    I cant read
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    faultline, striga, croatoa
    Sutter TF
    2 level 15 steel arcs
    Keith Nance, Jenny Adair
    Roy Cooling
    First Ward

    there is a lot of content in that range that did not ship with the game, some very new.
    Which is true, however the 30 - 49 range is VERY dry in new content. A revamped/new maria jenkins arc and i think thats been it in literally years for that range?
    Think thats what people mean though in that you go through all this cool new content from 1 - 30, but then after that what do you do? Cimerora only really has 2 short arcs and you could say the SSA's, but people do want proper storyarcs in the game for that level range.

    Edit: 30 - 45 has always been the slowest level range for myself personally. Not through content or anything, but the lack of fun things for my alt to do. Very hard to do arcs that are a few years old when just coming out of shiny