95 -
Here ya go Jones.
I can't find the other theater with the stone blocks and big head entrance like you have in your cnference room but here is the one with cabinets.
Theater 1
Theater 2
Theater 3
Theater 4
Theater 5
This was before I figured out the floor height adjustments so you should be able to make a whole more as far as details. -
I like the shooting range idea Cap. I think I'll make one of those one of these days. Tx for the idea.
Nice job.
I just found out the other day how tricky it can be to work under items that have already been floated. Had some trees floated, and clicked on one while stacking desks under it for a different level...... arrrrrggghhh!
*unstack the desks*
*raise up the floor*
*restack the desks*
*refloat the $#@#%!! tree*
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From what I understand, if you had moved the floating tree that you accidentally grabbed to the doorway where it cannot be placed and drop it there, it should go back to the spot where it was initially floated.
I haven't had a chance to try it out because I've been busy raising up a new character, but that is what I've read.
Good luck!
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If this hasn't been pointed out yet. If you accidentally grab an item you do not wish to move, simply hit the esc key and it will unselect the item and place it back to where it came from. The same goes with if you are buying an item and change your mind. You can simply hit esc and pretend it never happened =)
So as long as you have not clicked to place, ESC is your best friend. -
OK the room is not done yet but the fireplace is done so I wanted to share this with ya. I'll post the rest of the pics when I finish with the base.
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wow. So what did you have to do to get it to look that way? What random levels and stacking did you have to do to achieve that look? Its really amazing.
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Those are just red bookcases. I used the square stone plinth to hide the fire source and also for the mantle. I just ofset it a little bit to make give it more of a mantle look.
You just have to vary the floor height in order to get the shelves to stack without gaps.
Hmm maybe I should make a stacking guide. I use an excel spreadsheet to do my planning for me so I have no idea how to even make that show up here. Maybe someone else should instead is a better idea!!! Amygdala is good at stacking. I vote for her =)
Anyways. Giving it the no gap look was the part that took the longest to design. Then there was the part that it looks plan and boring so I had to find a way to decorate it a bit.
I'm currently flooring the fireplace and meditation area now It should be done soon.
I like the room lighting choice Big Y. It gives it a nice warm look. -
Looking good Yang. Looooooking gooood!
hehehe tx everyone.
I've been at it since Monday. I dont see it getting done this week but it's fun =)
Sure you can come over and visit Amygdala. I'm on Infinity red side. Tigra and Mook both have access to the base so if I am not around and they are just ask them to send you a VG invite. -
Base Deco > XP
You can get XP whenever. I too have your problem. But comments like you are doing a great job and that looks awesome is going to get you hooked more.
So... without any delays. Your base is looking great Alannon! Show us more!
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Indeed. The last pic actually reminded me how much I'd really like effects like mist or flames or whatnot added as a style or texture for rooms. I have a garden-type room I've been messing with for literally years now that I think would look quite awesome with a working-all-the-time-water-effect and mist.
Ahh, dreams . . .
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I think we will have to hire controllers/defenders/corruptors to just hang around and sit at our bases just for the aura effects. Or they can be on a pager where we page them to go to their designated base positions before we enter our bases =)
We can pay them with candy canes! hehehehehe -
Hey Amygdala, I got the fireplace to have that "fireplace look" using the torches. It's currently floating at exactly the half way point of the lowest floor and top height.
I'm decorating a 4x5 room so I wont be doing the bottom rest of the fireplace deco till I get all the upper deco of the whole room. But it actually looks decent.
Feel free to swing by and check out the deco. It probably wont be done soon but you can see the sections get done. -
Those are nice Nallek. I actually like the cabinets better because they are higher. They are more like regular tables instead of tatami tables.
Base Deco > XP
You can get XP whenever. I too have your problem. But comments like you are doing a great job and that looks awesome is going to get you hooked more.
So... without any delays. Your base is looking great Alannon! Show us more! -
One advice I want to give everyone is 5 tiers is the highest It seems to go with tall shelves. I haven't figured out a way to go more than 5 tiers all around. You can say 5.5 but I dont consider .5 a tier. For calculation purposes, with 5 tiers that leaves you with a 4 ft gap below your lowest stack and a 4 ft gap above the highest. You can also simple make it so no gap on top and an 8 ft gap at the bottom. Bottom gaps is where the floor height becomes.
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Im confused. If theres an 8-foot gap at the bottom, and the book shelves are 8 feet tall, cant you just put another shelf underneath and have no gap?
Id like to have taller book stacks in my SGs library (part of a telepad room). The floors in the base are almost all uniformly at the lowest level. Id like to keep it this way there too.
[/ QUOTE ]You can not float anything on height 4 or 8. That also happens to be the middle and top level up from the bottom. So to make something appear on level 4 or 8 you actually have to place the item on the actual floor. Then the floor cannot be lowered or raised since it has an item on it.
The reason the rest works is because you can lower floor height as long as no item is actually in contact with it. So if you put a desk then float the item then the remove the desk, the item no longers has contact to the floor.
So the lowest part of your 5 tier will be seating at level 4 or 8 ,which are floor levels. That's why you can't stack anything else under it.
So you actually can't have a multi tiered tall shelves stacking that starts at the lowest floor level since the the next level has to sit on the top floor level. At least that's my problem. So if anyone figures out how to make level 4 and 8 a stacking area without the use of the floor itself you might have to settle for raising the floor level 1 up to make the multi tiered stacks.
I was originally going to remodel the library with 6 tiers but I ran into that level 4 and 8 problem so back to only 5 tiers =(
On the other hand Amygdala's fireplace really inspired me so I am actually busy with trying to figure out how to get a fireplace look. The library will be in the back burner till I get that one done or until the Friday (demolition day) since I told Tigra I would wait a few days so peeps can come visit it.
I do find it causing the most lag in the base during base edit =)
*goes to check on other desk for different desk height then runs back to the spreadsheets* -
Is there some way at all to use floating/magic desks to stack bookshelves? I mean one seemingly directly on top of another, with no gaps and/or overlap? Since the bookshelves are not of a height easily divisible by desk units, it's problemmatic. I've seen a couple pictures like this one that seem to show that it has been done, but I've never been able to make it work for me.
Is this possible? and if so, how is it done?
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Everyone is right on so far. Playing with the floor height is the key. Stacking the shelves with no gap is pretty time consuming but what's really going to kill you is if you decide to make it a multi floor unit with stairs. The stairs are all 4ft in height and that will require you to build 4 additional "levels".
Just have lots and lots of patiences and take your time. Plan out the different levels first. Figure out what level floor height you need for what level and so on. Dont be like me and stack on the fly. I was just fooling around when I tried that monster but persistence got the best of me and I couldn't stop stacking so it became like so.
One advice I want to give everyone is 5 tiers is the highest It seems to go with tall shelves. I haven't figured out a way to go more than 5 tiers all around. You can say 5.5 but I dont consider .5 a tier. For calculation purposes, with 5 tiers that leaves you with a 4 ft gap below your lowest stack and a 4 ft gap above the highest. You can also simple make it so no gap on top and an 8 ft gap at the bottom. Bottom gaps is where the floor height becomes. I like giving it that 4 ft gap above to give it that ceiling look and add in some wall lights and deco. The problem is I don't know how to float anything at a 4ft or 8 ft height. That's what limits it to 5 tiers.
You can also go with 5 tiers if you use the red bookcases but that requires twice as much floor manipulation. It also makes the room very very dark with the dark wood. The good thing about the red ones is that if you are planning on putting flooring and stairs you do have to make that many floor manipulations to start with.
You can also use the red cases as flooring but that will reduce how many tiers you can have and it will put a 4 ft gap between your shelves. It does look nice and solid though =)
As long as you are not planning on making stairs it makes it much easier and you can easily do 5 tiers. By easily I do mean Oooh Emm Gee what did I just get myself into!
Have fun and plan it out! I've talk with some peeps and they say graph paper is their friend. So whichever works for ya =)
Just remember that the floors and ceilings are 4 foot in height while the desk are only 3. From bottom floor to ceiling you can stack up to 16 shelves =)
I was happy with stacking 10 high but I blame it all on Mook when he came to visit and ask a question that I just had to find out.
On a side note. If you do get deep into stacking and want to stack high... GET FLY! or Hover with slots. I can't even begin to tell you how frustrated I was trying to stack with a toon with no fly after I spend 30+ hours stacking with a toon who has one. -
Very cozy HumorMan! and a great start Heraclea. We need more bonus prestige so you/we can make more base deco =)
I'm still having a hard time trying to make the "look" go. I've been at it for over a week on and off doing layering designs but so far they all involved losing 1 whole 1x1 on a room. I am close to finishing another version without the lose of too much space. Lets hope that one will work out.
The only good thing not being able to come up with a fireplace idea I am content with is that that is 1 more day I dont have to demolish the library and the whole base.
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That is kind of how I felt while I was creating mine. I love the idea, but it's tough to get the right items together to make it look realistic. Still, I thought it was worth a shot.Especially since Magic Desks entered my life...
If you can, post some of your ideas EEEKK. Even if they don't work 100% I'd be interested to see them.
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Hi Amygdala =) I would love to post some ideas so we can contemplate them together but I'm doing most of my stacking in my head and on a spreadsheet/graph. No real stacking in the base yet since it takes too long. I've been experiencing a lot of lag while editing the base due to the massive amounts of decorative items.
I did make the best room. I'ts my Imagination Room. It's full of wonderful things. Elephants statues, Castle under seige by ogres, and many many more. I just make fun of anyone who visits and says it's just an empty room =) hehehe -
The Entrance Corridor, looking North
Pardon me, but what exactly is that statue I see way in the back? Is it a defensive item?
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It's a "Mystic Advisor". control auxiliary item. It's not in the same room as the Axis so not really doing anything but looking pretty.
I looked up craftable base items on Paragonwiki after I saw someone else post pics of the gargoyle pain fields.
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LOL! I always learn something from you B.
*gets ready to surf Paragonwiki for pics*
I've been silly enough to craft stuff just so I can see what they look like. -
I figure I should point out this possibility for the fire, even if it would significantly complicate the building of the fireplace. It's only useful if you're already planing on having the fireplace on a second floor because the floor torches themselves are precisely two floor sections tall. Although that does make it easy to figure out where to put the blank arcane supergroup tile (the emblem in th 4th row, 9th column doesn't display).
Since I don't currently have a room where I plan on having a second story or a fireplace, I didn't want to put in the time to build the surroundings for that, but the flames look nice apparently resting on that stone square.
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Hmmm interesting look. I was thinking of a 2 story work room, so perhaps I'll use that idea there.
(Also, I really like the mantle you used, Flashback.)
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Yeah the torches are nice for a fire source. I'm still having a hard time trying to make the "look" go. I've been at it for over a week on and off doing layering designs but so far they all involved losing 1 whole 1x1 on a room. I am close to finishing another version without the lose of too much space. Lets hope that one will work out.
The only good thing not being able to come up with a fireplace idea I am content with is that that is 1 more day I dont have to demolish the library and the whole base. -
Great Pics B!
Knight the statue is an arcane control item you can craft from the tables. -
OOOoooo a fire place! I've had a whole in one of my rooms. I couldn't figure out what I could fit in there. Thank you soooooo much for the idea =)
*runs off to get some firewood* -
Well done Mirai. I like that you have lots of plants =)
Good work Conker. The whole arcane base look is nice!
EEEKK... can I come see that in game? Daaaaaang that is awesome.
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Thank you everyone for the nice comments =)
I started that Monday night and put in about 4-7 hours a day till Friday. 30+ hours cause it was a lot of trying to figure out what will fit. Then there was the part that I couldn't go down the steps so I had to rework and path to make it taller to accomodate toons walking up and down without hitting their heads on the upper level of the stairs.
Yes Tigra you can come and chill and run around it if ye like. In fact anyone else who might want to run around can come too. I have another SG that I can invite everyone and it's coalition to that SG for base tours.
The rest of the base will be going through an over haul since I like the new stacking concept better with no gaps inbetween. It takes a whole lot more time but it's worth it me thinks =)
That base is on Infinity red side.