186 -
Well, that's a start.
Now, will you please lower the recharge rates on the insanely long recharge powers that were balanced based on perma-Hasten? All 9th tier powers like MoG, Unstoppable, and so on were specifically balanced with perma-Hasten in mind. Now that you can no longer get anywhere near perma-Hasten, please lower them to a reasonable level.
Further, you should also revisit powers like RA, nukes, AM, Conserve Power, and others with similarly long recharge times. And most of all, reevaluate every controller AoE hold, since they were severely nerfed in I5 accounting for perma-Hasten as well...AND had there durations cut in half too. Unless those powers get their recharges cut and durations extended they will be basically pointless to take. You won't be able to enhance their durations long enough to make them very useful nor will you be able to get their recharge low enough to be used very often (even if they were worth using). -
My group did not get any SO Enhancement Reward for completeing even though my Enhancement tray was empty. All we received was a Badge, Positron's Ally. Very uncool. Very unhappy. Was a big fan of the game. My expectation of the SO enhancement and not receiving has currently spoiled the game. Boo hoo
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow...this is an old thread revived. Anyway, if you didn't get a reward then you must have been 16th level or higher. And if that's the case then you weren't getting any XPs either. The first few TFs are currently bugged right now. When they introduced the auto-exemplar feature recently that allows anyone to do TFs lower-level than them, some of them were sort of bugged so that people who were the highest level permitted for the TF got exemplared to their same level as if they were above the TF. That means no XPs and no reward.
They are fixing this in Issue five, but along with that fix comes a reduction to the allowable level. For example, Positron has always been 10-16th level without exemplaring, but now it will be 10-15th level. Anyone 16 or higher will be auto-exemplared down to 15. If you start it at 15 and level to 16 during the TF then you will be immediately auto-exempared back down to 15 and stop getting XPs and rewards.
There was a post from a dev (Positron maybe?) which indicated that they may fix it so that you can get the SO reward at the end even when exemplared. We'll see. -
...I want to stress that you actually can end up being buffed over 500% with Defiance. (500% is the max buff for Blasters) This actually does nothing except protect you from damage debuffs...
[/ QUOTE ]
So, if I'm understanding this correctly...that means if you have an attack slotted with SOs then Defiance does little more than hitting Build Up plus Aim, and a damage inspiration or two...even if you're almost dead and at the +500% tier.
This means that Defiance isn't nearly as good as it "sounds" once you have an attack fully slotted with SOs. Before level 22 when SOs become available, yes, Defiance could be a great buff, but after you have SOs it isn't doing half what it "claims" to do. If you are using the typical 1 ACC/5 Dam slotting then Defiance provides marginal additional benefit at 10% health and no additional benefit below that. With five SOs you are near 300%, which means that you won't get benefit from the 320% or 500% tiers, unless you are under a damage debuff.
In that case, Criticals are much better because they provide true double-damage, whereas Defiance NEVER will provide double damage once you have SOs.
I was under the impression that Defiance could get you over the cap. Obviously I was wrong...so Defiance just got a LOT worse in my eyes. -
The numbers look better for an Ice Tanker above level 34. It still doesn't do much for an Ice tanker starting at the lower levels. For one no DO's or SO's should be in the calcualtions for them until they can get them...
I think one of the things not being looked at is where each of these solutions fall in while leveling up your Ice Tanker...Ice Tankers still need a little more help on their early game for surviving.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is exactly my concern, too. For example, before you can get DOs, the best you can have is ~22% defense (6-slotted with +3 TOs) to Smash/Lethal only. With DOs it is ~27%. The 1% or so you can get from Wet Ice is virtually pointless to mention. Against everything but Smash/Lethal, your defense will be effectively zero before 18th level.
Further, a +1 boss (something which you will encounter quite frequently unless you do all of your missions solo on Heroic) has about a 71% chance to hit you. That means bosses will hit you about 50% of the time when using Smashing/Lethal and about 70% of the time when using anything else. If Chilling Embrace gives a -25% damage debuff, they are within melee range, and they are attacking with Smash/Lethal, that is equivalent to bosses hitting you every single swing for about 40% damage. If they aren't in melee range then it's like them hitting every time and doing over 50% damage. If it's an attack other than Smashing/Lethal then it is even higher...significantly higher. What's worse is even minions would hit you better than 25-50% of the time, for 80%-110% damage. And remember...all that is assuming your armor is 6-slotted with +3 defense enhancements. Of course the attack rate will also be reduced a bit due to the -recharge in Chilling Embrace, but it still looks pretty dismal without resorting to picking and slotting multiple power pool defense powers--assuming you can handle the endurance hit, which isn't likely before Stamina or EA.
Seems to me that before SOs (possibly even all the way to the 30s when you have slotted EA), an Ice Tanker will be little more than a liability on any team without one or more of the right kind of defender.
Overall, I haven't minded the I5 changes much...but I think Ice is still getting the short end of the stick so far.
My solution? Add some permanent, automatic Defense to Permafrost. That would make it a power worth taking, and if it were high enough then that might finally even things out a bit starting at 8th level. -
... a free respec have both been annouced for Issue 5.
[/ QUOTE ]
Cool. Another respec my characters won't need.
Just curious, do you have a link to a redname saying this?
[/ QUOTE ]
Sure do!
CuppaJo quoting Statesman after she deleted his post in one of the 143, 678 Hami threads!
[/ QUOTE ]
Please note, however, that the post to which EvilGeko so kindly provided a link does NOT technically say that a respec will be given for Issue 5.
It says: "Yes, players will get respecs (probably after I5).... "
That's similar, but not exactly the same thing, and it is certainly not definite as to the time frame. I think it is likely that a free respec will come around the time of Issue 5, but we haven't been given an official "announcement" that is will. I think it will all depend on the extent of the changes they make to blasters (and possible to controllers and defenders). -
Don't get me wrong...I don't actually believe that it has anything to do with pirates, it has just always sounded very piratey to me. Besides, I can't think of any justification for pirates being an epic archtype in City of Heroes anyway. City of Villains, certainly.
I don't know why, but "Blood of the Black Stream" has always sounded very "piratey" to me...as in "Aaaargh, we be the Blood of the Black Stream, Matey!"
Shiver me timbers. -
Just to clarify this for everyone (because I was confused by it a little at first, so I'm sure others are too)...this method doesn't affect City or Heroes or your keyboard in any way at all.
A "Plain English" Explanation of How This Works
This method creates a text file over and over again every second, containing a different phrase each time. You are telling City of Heroes to cause your character to say whatever that file contains whenever you press a certain key. Because the contents of that file are different every second, your character will say something different each time you press the key.
The Long Version:
1. You are using a common command in City or Heroes to bind a key that tells the game to load a bind file whenever you press that key. So, you could make a plain ol' run of the mill bind like this: /bind F1 "bind_load_file C:\target.txt.
Your "target.txt" file would contain something like this: F1 "local Hey, big nose!$$bind_load_file c:\target.txt" So, each time you pressed F1, your character would say "Hey, big nose!" and then City of Heroes would load "targets.txt" and replace the F1 bind with the new F1 bind contained in that file. But, because the contents of that file never change, it is basically just creating the same F1 bind over and over again each time you press F1.
2. All this batch file method does is rewrite that text file on your computer over and over every second. It doesn't do anything to City of Heroes or your keyboard. So, you are going about playing the game normally, but in the background this batch file is basically creating one text file over and over again with slightly different contents each time. It isn't interacting with the game or doing anything else--all it does is create a text file.
It's contents are slightly different each time because that crazy computer lingo is essentially telling the computer to do this: "Hey, once every second, create a text file for me called 'target.txt' and in that text file put this line 'F1 local %%i$$bind_load_file c:\target.txt'. But, don't make it exactly the same every time. Instead of actually putting '%%i' in there when you create the file, please grab the next line of text from this other file called 'phrases.txt' and substitute it for the '%%i' part.
3. Nothing in City of Heroes has changed. It still loads "target.txt" whenever you press F1. But, the contents of that file are different every second because the batch file keeps recreating it. Consequently, your character says something different every time.
Dwimble -
for /f "delims=zzz" %%i in (phrases.txt) do (echo v "local %%i$$bind_load_file C:\kb\target.txt">target.txt)&&sleep 1&&echo %%i
[/ QUOTE ]
So this would technically make it so when you pushed v, you'd say a line, yes?
[/ QUOTE ]
Correct. But, you first have to make sure that you have bound "v" in the game to "bind_load_file C:\kb\target.txt".
See my next post for a better explanation of it all...
Dwimble -
Here's something I just posted elsewhere in response to a Confuse XP question. I made an Excel sheet that calculates it all, and maybe I'll beef it up so that you can enter mob HPs and HPs dealt instead of just percentages. If I do that then I'll try to post it somewhere for anyone who's interested in it. I don't know if I'll have the time for it though.
Here's a chart showing the XP reward for damage dealt by the controller when using confused mobs.
Experience Rewards for Confuse
1%..............99%............2.88%..........96.12% ............3.88%
5%..............95%...........12.39%..........82.61% ..........17.39%
10%............90%...........20.77%..........69.23%.. ........30.77%
15%............85%...........26.38%..........58.62%.. ........41.38%
20%............80%...........30.00%..........50.00%.. ........50.00%
25%............75%...........32.14%..........42.86%.. ........57.14%
30%............70%...........33.16%..........36.84%.. ........63.16%
35%............65%...........33.29%..........31.71%.. ........68.29%
40%............60%...........32.73%..........27.27%.. ........72.73%
45%............55%...........31.60%..........23.40%.. ........76.60%
50%............50%...........30.00%..........20.00%.. ........80.00%
55%............45%...........28.02%..........16.98%.. ........83.02%
60%............40%...........25.71%..........14.29%.. ........85.71%
65%............35%...........23.14%..........11.86%.. ........88.14%
70%............30%...........20.32%............9.68%. .........90.32%
75%............25%...........17.31%............7.69%. .........92.31%
80%............20%...........14.12%............5.88%. .........94.12%
85%............15%...........10.77%............4.23%. .........95.77%
90%............10%............7.30%............2.70%. .........97.30%
95%.............5%.............3.70%............1.30% ..........98.70%
99%.............1%.............0.75%............0.25% ..........99.75%
From the chart you can see that you get the most "work" out of the confused mobs when you do one third damage. That is when you get the highest "bonus" XPs (i.e. the most XPs credit for damage you didn't do). One third damage gets you two thirds of the XPs. That's when you're getting the best work-to-XPs ratio.
I can understand the limitation forcing you to share damage in order to get XPs...to prevent exploits. However, I'd still like to see the percentages increased a little more. Leveling a mind controller can be very slow when compared to the other controllers, who get 100% of their pets' XPs. My gravity controller constantly gets XPs for mobs I never touch...or even see for that matter. Still, Confuse has a definite "fun factor" that's hard to beat.
Dwimble -
Excellent work, ImmortalNite. I wonder if your base numbers for Fly and Swift might be off though. Not the conclusions, just the base. Since Fly and Swift both gradually increase as you level, that could throw things off some when calculating percentages and increases.
For example, a LONG time ago Geko posted about Super Speed, Sprint, and Swift. I distinctly remember him saying that Sprint increased your speed by 50% (and your numbers match that perfectly). He also said that Swift increased it by 25%. It could have been 20% (the post was a very long time ago) but I'm almost positive it was 25%, and I am absolutely positive that he said it increases a little bit each level until it caps at 30-something percent. Assuming you were using a high-level character for your tests, that seems to be confirmed as well since your tests show Swift as 33% over "walk".
The only thing I'm really curious about is, does the natural increase of Fly and Swift increase the base, or does it simply get treated as a buff to the base like adding enhancements to them? That could make a difference in determining what an SO does to them. For example, does Fly have a 33 mph base at 50th level with SOs increasing that by 20% each? Or, does it really have something like a 25 mph base with SOs increasing it by 33% each, and then have the extra "natural" level-based increased tacked on at the end, like adding another SO to it?
I'm curious to find out what Fly is at 14th level and Swift at 6th level, and then see what the numbers would look like then.
Again, excellent work!
Dwimble -
Missions are not subject to the range restriction. The death timer remains active even in missions.
[/ QUOTE ]
Nowhere has it been said that the death timer will still apply to missions. Statesman's very first post in this thread doesn't specifically say that missions are exempt from the death timer, but that is the very clear implication because he contrasts the paragraph where he says the range restriction don't apply to missions with the paragraph where he spells out all of the restrictions. He just failed to mention the death timer...probably accidentally because he didn't anticipate so many people taking the stance that if he didn't specifically spell out every little tiny detail then he can't possible have meant it.
Here's what he said:
If a player is in a zone, did NO damage in a combat and has dead for more than a minute, he receives no XP. If a player is more than 300 ft. away (an increase of 100 ft.) from the mob when its defeated and did NO damage, he receives no XP. Otherwise, the player receives his full share of XP.
If players are on a mission map, they always receive their full shares. Theres no distance limitation. Teams can split up in maps players can be separated by elevators everyone receives their XP.
[/ QUOTE ]
Now, it is possible that he didn't mention the death timer in the paragraph about missions because that will still apply (though I doubt it), but he most certainly did not SAY that it will still apply to missions. I think the implication is that NONE of these restrictions apply to missions.
We'll just have to wait for him to clarify it or put it up on test before any of us can know for sure.
Dwimble -
That would be horrifically restrictive. Two 41s and a 44 couldn't team together without getting a 4th person that was level 44-45, even though MANY 41s could contribute quite effectively on a team with a 44.
Dwimble -
Oh wait they can still do nothing stand at tram friend ports them to mission location go inside stand at door
read book while getting xp does nothing and gains level
So what did the person risk
[/ QUOTE ]
As I said in my message that you quoted..."Obviously they wanted to implement it in missions too, but there were way too many unintended negative side effects associated with it, so they've changed it to not apply to missions."
The devs wanted to use the change to stop that specific no risk, do nothing, type of powerleveling in missions too...but applying it to missions was way too invasive. Like I said, I think the current version is still too heavy-handed. But, let's also not pretend that the change was EVER meant to stop all powerleveling...it is only meant to hinder one small and popular type of it.
Dwimble -
With an attack fully slotted with SOs the increase from Rage is only around 30%.
[/ QUOTE ]
Where are you getting this number? Even with all +3 SO damage enhancers in a power, that would bring you to roughly 228% extra damage, leaving you with 72% more you could enhance it with Rage. If you mean Rage would increase the increase (boy, that looks weird) by 30% (30% of 228 is 68.4), then yeah, but that's not what we're talking about.
[/ QUOTE ]
I imagine she was talking about the total increase to your damage, not to your base. And that's not a weird way to put it, just not the typical way people talk about it. Further, she actually underestimated it. Because if you have your attacks fully slotted with SOs then Rage only adds about 22-27% to your total damage, not 30%.
In other words, if your attack does 100 damage unslotted, then it would do about 300 damage 6 slotted with white SOs. Rage would add 80 more damage, which is about a 27% increase. If it was slotted with +3 SOs, then it would do 328 damage and Rage would add 72 damage because you would hit the cap. That's a 22% increase to your total damage. It's definitely significant, but not a massive improvement on a heavily slotted attack.
The more SOs you have slotted, the less improvement it gives when expressing the improvement as a percentage of total damage. So, if you have no Damage SOs slotted then Rage increase your damage by 80%. If you have 6 +3 SOs then Rage increases it by 22% of the total.
Edited: Heh, Jade Dragon beat me to it.
Dwimble -
The devs have never said (as far as I know) that they are against "powerleveling" per se. What they don't like, and regularly implement measures to prevent, are the types that are exploits or border on exploits that allow people to level by doing absolutely nothing (such as waiting at the train while someone else gains XPs for you).
The only types of powerleveling that I've seen the devs try to do anything about are those that gain huge amounts of XPs in very limited amounts of time, and usually involve little or no actions by the person gaining the XPs. The infamous "glowie mission", the Fruit missions, Wolf herding (to some degree), and so on. This change does the same thing...it is designed to hinder people from getting XPs for doing nothing. Obviously they wanted to implement it in missions too, but there were way too many unintended negative side effects associated with it, so they've changed it to not apply to missions. I think the current version of it is still a bit too heavy-handed, but it is much better than the first version.
If all the devs meant to hinder was gaining XPs fast, then they'd have never introduced the mission slider. I'm now having to keep a few of my characters permanently in debt because I level too fast on Invincible, but that's the setting that is the most fun for me.
I don't know their motivations for this stuff, but it's obviously not just about gaining levels fast, it's about gaining them fast when doing little or nothing and/or gaining them REALLY fast--way out of proportion to the designed "norm".
Dwimble -
Yes the time limit on death appiles I have 4 post on this now I tested it two days ago and have not seen any changes posted by statesman. You have one minute even on a mission.
Like I said the controllers and defenders (support classes) always get the short end of the stick on stupid rules like this.
[/ QUOTE ]
None of the XP changes apply to missions.
The changes discussed in this thread aren't on Test yet. Test still has the first iteration of the XP changes from the 29th. Here's what Statesman said in the first post of this thread: "...Well be putting the distance and mission map changes up on the Training Room soon (week or so) to see how it plays out." He said that three days ago. The changes to distance and exemption from missions aren't on test yet.
Dwimble -
From my tests on the test server.
a lvl 50 scrapper (myself) got 305 feet away from a lvl 48 tanker.
I received ZERO experience for his arrests.
This was in the Install Pychic dampers on the Pychic Babbage mission. Which is as we all know, and outdoor instanced mission.
We bugged it as we beleive anywhere in the zone we should have been getting shared XP.
IF I would have been a support class and not able to do attacks as I would have been buffing/debuffing/healing whatever. Then I would be getting no XP for being on that mission.
[/ QUOTE ]
The new changes aren't on Test yet. Test still has the first iteration of the XP changes from the 29th. Here's what Statesman said in the first post of this thread: "...Well be putting the distance and mission map changes up on the Training Room soon (week or so) to see how it plays out."
Dwimble -
...This change is being implemented to target a small group and will have consequences far reaching beyond its intent...
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, that's my only real problem with it. It has too much collateral damage associated with it. If they are set on implementing this, than I'd like to see them at least add another layer to it.
Maybe something like an XP cap when you're out of range, so you only get half XPs or XPs for +1s or +2s regardless of the level the mob that was defeated. Or, the XPs you get could be based on the people defeating it rather than your level. So if you are out of range and the team beats something that is +6 to you but only +1 to them, then you only get XPs for a +1. Something like that would have much less severe side effects, but it still might have problems. That's just something off the top of my head. -
Yes Dwimble and if this didn't affect all of our gameplay then people wouldn't not be against this sort of change. However, any change that affects everyone should not be implemented to effect change that would only cosmetically fix a problem.
Its not JUST power levellers that sit at the trams, anyone who wants to go afk will sit there as well...
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, I never said it was a good idea or that I agreed with it...I was merely explaining the changes because many people still don't understand them.
Also, it isn't meant to stop people from sitting at the tram chatting or AFK. It's meant to stop people from getting XPs while sitting at the Tram chatting or AFK. And, as I said in my post, the unfortunate side effect is that it will also affect others from time to time who are not engaging in the behavior it is designed to hinder...and that's not good. That's why I hope the devs will continue to consider it and come up with a more elegant solution. Even if they implement this version of it in I4, I hope they'll make changes to it later.
Dwimble -
I do not see low-level heroes parked near the train or other "safe" area more than once every couple of days. And I play 2-4 hours every day, at least. Unless this mass parking of PL toons occurs only during off peak hours, in which case I fail to see it as a justification...
[/ QUOTE ]
I agree that the whole "lag" argument isn't much of an issue, if at all. It used to be a problem awhile back, but that was some time ago. The auto-log timer curbed a lot of that, in my opinion. Whether or not those AFK people were being PLed, who knows? Regardless, I did immediately notice less AFK people at the trains, and less Tram lag...and that state has continued.
Now, I see far more people being PLed in stores and at zone lines than I ever see at the Trams. I think it's very common, but I never notice any lag from it because it's never more than two or three people.
Dwimble -
Okay, for some reason many people are having a hard time understanding the details of this change, and many are assuming that it is meant to stop powerleveling. So, here's a combination of some stuff I posted earlier. Maybe that will help clear it up for some of you...
1. Missions are now completely exempt from all of these rules. None of them apply to missions, including Outdoor Missions (i.e. "Board Train" missions). Mission haven't changed at all in regards to XP division and eligibility.
2. When in normal zones (i.e. City and Hazard Zones) you must have done damage (actual hit points damage) to the mob OR be within 300 feet of the it when it is defeated in order to get any XPs for it.
3. If you are killed (i.e. "defeated"), and have been dead for more than one minute, you will not get any XPs for the mob, regardless of your distance from it, UNLESS you did damage to it before you were defeated.
4. All of the previous rules still apply to "Defeat X" missions, but only for the purpose of XP distribution. Even if you get no XPs from a defeated mob, you will still get credit toward the mission as long as at least ONE PERSON on your team was within 200 feet of it when it was defeated.
5. Everything in #4 also applies to Badges awarded for defeating X number of villains.
If you are on a team of three but the other two are out of range when you defeat something, you will get the same XPs that you always have. It will not be increased as if you were solo...the other two just won't get any. This is necessary, because if XPs were calculated based upon who's in range, that would create a brand new powerleveling expliot. Teammate #1 sidekicks Teammate #2. Teammate #3 fights a mob. Teammate #1 backs away so that he is still within sidekick range of #2 but NOT within range of the mob being fought. XPs would then be divided by #2 and #3 as if they were the only ones on the team. That would give the sidekick more XPs than he would have gotten if the change had never been made. Increased XPs could also introduce a new form of "griefing" or "kill stealing" from your own team. Run ahead of them and fight something so that you could get more XPs than you would have if you'd stuck by them. However, I think the powerleveling exploit is probably the main reason why they are leaving it as it is.
Unfortunately, all of this has the side effect of causing people who for one reason or another like to divide up and fight, sharing their XPs across the zone, to no longer be able to play that way. Even though they aren't engaging in the targeted form of powerleveling, they will still be affected by this change. Maybe the devs will eventually figure out a more elegant solution to that limitation.
This change is not about making XP division more realistic or immersive, nor is it meant to stop powerleveling in general. It is directed at only one very narrow but visible form of powerleveling that many people FREQUENTLY complain about on the forums and in-game. It has one clear purpose, which it will succeed at to some degree. It is meant purely to hinder those who wish to gain XPs while standing at the tram, in the store, at the zone line, and so on while their team runs around the zone fighting things. That is the only form of powerleveling it is directed at, and the only one it will hinder. Those exact same people can still PL the same character in the same zone, but now he will have to follow along with the group, always staying within 300' of the mobs being defeated. If they want to use the standing-in-one-spot-soaking-up-XPs technique that this hinders, they will have to move it to a mission.
It has a very narrow purpose, but it will probably be pretty good at accomplishing it. The only "workarounds" I can see are herding things to the tram, store, etc. OR getting the player to /follow you while Phase Shifted. But of course the former would probably get people in trouble and the latter would require the person to be at least 20th level and have Phase Shift (actually probably higher because PS uses so much endurance), and he still wouldn't be standing idle at the tram.
This is sort of like some cities that pass an ordinance to get panhandlers or bums off the streets. It doesn't solve the homeless problem or stop panhandling, but it DOES stop people from having to see it. And, ultimately, it appears that's what most people want. They just don't want to have to SEE the powerlevelers...regardless of whether or not they continue to exist.
Think of it as the Paragon City Beautification Project.
Dwimble -
Wount stop pling at all - no impact what so ever.
[/ QUOTE ]
Exactly my point. They're ripping the game apart and for nothing. It's just bringing the rest of us down.
[/ QUOTE ]
It's not meant to stop powerleveling...only one very narrow but visible form of powerleveling that many people FREQUENTLY complain about on the forums and in-game.
This earlier post explains what it is intended to hinder.
This is sort of like some cities that pass an ordinance to get panhandlers or bums off the streets. It doesn't solve the homeless problem or stop panhandling, but it DOES stop people from having to see it. And, ultimately, it appears that's what most people want. They just don't want to have to SEE the powerlevelers...regardless of whether or not they continue to exist.
Think of it as the Paragon City Beautification Project.
Dwimble -
How does this stop PLing?...
[/ QUOTE ]
It's not meant to stop powerleveling in general. It has one clear purpose, which it will succeed at to some degree. It is meant purely to hinder those who wish to gain XPs while standing at the tram, in the store, at the zone line, and so on while their team runs around the zone fighting things. That is the only form of powerleveling it is directed at, and the only one it will hinder. Those exact same people can still PL the same character in the same zone, but now they will have to follow along with the group, always staying within 300' of the mobs being defeated.
It has a very narrow purpose, but it will probably be pretty good at accomplishing it. The only "workarounds" I can see are herding things to the tram, store, etc. OR getting the player to /follow you while Phase Shifted. But of course the latter would require the person to be at least 20th level and have Phase Shift (actually probably higher because PS uses so much endurance), and he still wouldn't be standing idle at the tram.
Dwimble -
I actually wasn't directing that at you, I just chose you to reply to because I'm lazy.
[/ QUOTE ]
LOL...teach me O Great Lord Couch Potato!