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  1. As said before my only complaint this week was that the offerings were frankly subpar in my opinion.

    I'd also consider this the first week where they've failed on their goal of 'a new thing for the market every week'. IO sets are not new, they're rehased content. I would have happily bought the Panther travel power (though my tinfoil hattedness says it got held back since a lot of people complained about the devs spamming the four legged rig).
  2. Well it looks like the thrilling IO sets are this week.

    Woooo IO sets, hopefully I can contain the excitement for that...

    Nice one Devs, probably THE most boring weekly release so far.

    Hell atleast the Panther Travel Power would have been something...

    Seriously, marketting, I give you a big fat
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    Respectable to me is 300+ dps, which is probably higher than most other people consider to be respectable.
    Yeah...that is way high standard, considering 300+ DPS is hard for most Brute sets to achieve even IO'd out.
  4. Well with the downtime I'm suspecting it might actually be something good but...

    ...am prepared to be disappointed though.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post

    (Just because I haven't used it for a while.)
    Ok...that made me laugh...what movie is that from?
  6. It'll usually be about two hours hopefully but possibly four.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by blueruckus View Post
    Liger/Lion didn't go live till around almost 0500 PST last week.
    Well that lets me hold out some hope but apparently the IOs are new so not holding my breath on something uber-exciting today.

    Still another 4 hours will let us see or 7 if we're waiting for people to get into the office.
  8. Well that's a big old meh all round then.


    <insert miffed annoyance about how Staff fighting could have come out>

    Also as mentioned below, the Panther travel power would have atleast added some pizzaz to the store...instead it's a bunch of IOs and the Liger or Lion pet available seperately...that hits a level of meh not really seen before.
  9. Just wondering since yesterday was Easter Monday that nobody would be in the office to 'flip the switch' so to speak to activate whatever is new at midnight (EST) Monday as is often the case with the Pargon Market.

    Just checked and couldn't see anything new apart from the Liger and Lion being sold seperately and three IO sets for purchase but then I don't think those are actually new.

    If it isn't I'm assuming we'll just have to wait for people to get in at the morning (which puts it around 4pm GMT).

    Either that or because we Brits have now switched over from GMT to BST, I'll wait another hour.
  10. I imagine people have watched this already but...

    Picked up volumes 1-3 of Excel Saga on DVD from a charity shop (ordered 4-6 second hand from Amazon after watching them, annoying 4 and 6 turned up and 5 is yet to be delivered).

    Now neither myself nor my friend have ever laughed quite so hard in a good long while, the dubbing is excellent and we really loved the weird randomness of it all but with atleast some plot.

    Infact it got quite annoying because we can't simply skip volume 5 and watch 6 because the show seems to actually pick up more of a plot around episode 14.

    But yeah if you haven't seen it and you have a tolerance for the weird I'd say go for it.
  11. They are not Closed Betas.

    You do not virtually agree to an NDA when you access the VIP Beta Server.

    So quit your moaning. Yeesh.

    Edit: Or see above for a better attempt at what I was saying.
  12. Dr_MechanoEU

    Psychic Melee

    Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
    Actually, with the new absorb mechanic, I'm almost certain there's a new defense set in the works.
    Is anyone else wondering if MoG is going to see a change since instead of 'Deflected' coming up the attack reads 'Absorbed'.

    Would make sense of Regen that with MoG instead of just being completely invulnerable you absorb all the power of the attacks thus regaining a lot of health.
  13. There was another set alongside the Water control and Psi Melee.

    Looks to be some kind of Shapeshifting nature based powerset with Prowler From (Stalker style) and Hunter form (Scrapper style) which, judging by the description, use the new popup tray tech along with a few other powers using the same colouration as those two powers, suggesting a set is indeed in the works or possibly a new AT.

    Just head onto Beta and type [Prowler form] to check it out.
  14. That was pretty much the point I was getting at.

    Ogre tanks are self-aware landships (that use nuclear weapons like they were candy admittedly), surely it would be far easier to develop the brains of the robot and stick it in a tank than to make a humanoid robot which would suffer all the problems humanoid robots suffer...like difficulty with uneven terrain whilst moving at a speed higher than a snail.

    Sure there are robots out there like Big Dog but they're designed pretty much as pack mules to carry heavy gear across terrain.

    Sure if they've got the humanoid robot down then they can deploy them in places said tank robot can't go but I think we're quite a bit off of that...a lot further off than say robo-tank.
  15. Surely something like this:

    Would be easier to design than a humanoid robot to crew a tank.
  16. Damnit...now the song is stuck in my head!

    Damn you and all your kind!

    But yeah I'd love me a bit of the old zeerust, something to bright things up with all the doom and gloom we're getting what with Heroes being killed and Praetoria being blown up.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
    Any chance of a transcription of this?
    No transcription but here is the general gist of what was said:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    They just announced in the MMORPG chat stream that the Hybrid slot powers will be toggles.

    The Assault tree allows for stacking damage buffs.

    The Melee tree allows for a regen, defense and/or resistance buff for all enemies within a radius (much like Rise to the Challenge). I can't remember if they mentioned status protection at all in the chat, but I know it was in the overview write-up.

    The Control tree allows for a choice between bonus damage to mezzed foes (ala Containment) or bonus damage to enemies as they approach death (ala Scourge).

    The Support tree is "all the Leadership powers rolled into one," and there's supposedly an option to add +Special in the tree somewhere.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    I *try* not to... oh. You're not talking about me. I think. Okay.


    IIRC, in the comics, Praetoria is a RUIN when our heroes go traipsing over there. Maybe this is how it reaches said state?

    Also will point out the Praetoria in the comics is from before the Praetoria retcon of Going Rogue.

    At that point, yes Praetoria was a complete ruin until it all got retconned into shiney city.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
    'We' is not the term I use, really. I accept everything that happens, right then and there, as canon. When it hits live, it's canon. I just have a decent suspension of disbelief when it comes to Statesman still being present in content, because that's just how an MMO works. So... yeah. You do it your way, I do it my way.

    If it's live, it's canon. End of story.
    By We I was not refering to all RPers but Union RPers.
  20. Now apparently the Trial had now ending cutscene (probably not implemented yet).

    All they need to do is show people climbing out of the rubble and one of the signature heroes along with whats left of the Resistance agreeing to help rebuild Praetoria.

    There..Praetoria is still there it's just being rebuilt.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
    Are you nuts? These are the same RPers who have to ignore incarnate content and powers because 'WE DO NOT LIKE IT SO WE HAVE NOT INCARNATE POWERS!'. Granted this isn't a BAD idea, but roleplayers in CoX will refuse to adapt. And have in the past. Pretty sure a lot of 'canonical' stuff is thrown out the window.
    Now we don't ignore the Incarnate trials...we just explain away the Incarnate abilities as something else, some use the old school Incarnate lore (you are an Incarnate of a God or concept) or for tech/science based characters they've given themselves upgrades, there's quite a few ways of explaining Incarnate powers without using the frankly poor Incarnate lore that was introduced.

    So no..we don't ignore them completely.

    I'm assuming we'll just do like we're currently doing with Statesman until Issue 23, the Apex Taskforce and the Admiral Sutter taskforce...that is until the zone changes are applied then it is considered non-canon (Skyway and Kings Row haven't been blown up etc.)
  22. Night Watcher isn't a proxy account.

    Night Watcher, Myself, Cactus Brawler, CBeet and a few others are all on Skype.

    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    This is not the case.

    I would strongly recommend that you not put a lot of stock in rumors. Wait for official confirmation from a Red Name or for an official article, such as an Issue overview or an Intrepid Informer article. I promise, there is much more information to come.
    We means this from an RP perspective not from a game mechanic perspective.

    According to what we're hearing Praetoria is reduced to a lifeless wasteland thanks to Cole.
  23. Hybrid grants people "New powers based on the core archetypes of City of Heroes".

    Which has got me thinking, does that mean we're getting to pick inherents?

    Assault is a choice of either Fury, Crits, Defiance or Scourge with the tier 4 giving a choice of two (Crits and Fury or Defiance and Scourge?).

    Control Tree a choice of Containment or Domination.

    Support Tree is the only one I'm not sure on.

    It's doubtful but got me thinking.
  24. Yay finally new incarnate slot!

    Bugger...which one will I choose!

    Well Tanker will be Assault since she's already +damage Alpha...

    Ill/Rad...controls, support or damage...not sure!
  25. In response to both Electric Knight and Arcanaville.

    Yes it's not just the fact that they "released Beast mastery first" that upset people which is what you seem to be driving at.

    It's the fact that Beast mastery was not only incredibly buggy it was also underpreforming after the same people that you say play closed beta said it was, you know, those people that without we'd be "stuck in the dark ages".

    It's a fact they were willing to push a set which was in an unfinished state out onto live than a set that had been sitting finished since the end of January, that just doesn't make any sense to me at all. If anything the release schedule should have been reversed.