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  1. Dr_MechanoEU

    Moth Cathedral

    There was a yawn and a flap of wings as Edward rolled off the rafter he'd been sleeping on, landing in a crouched position. Dressed in his more casual attire of a white shirt and black trousers with orange flames up the side that went with his Demonic form.

    "What's all this noise about, some of us are trying to sleep and those rafters aren't the easiest place to get to sleep on..."

    He stood up slowly and stretched his wings with a grunt.
  2. hi, me again.

    Now I've got Quick Recovery 3 slotted with EndMod, should I threeslot Stamina with EndMod as well?
  3. hmm another question.

    Decided I'm taking Stamina (even if some people say I don't need it, I still have a feeling I do).

    Now most DM attacks seem to have a -acc component to them, do I bother slotting tohit debuffs (not now, only just hit level 14, yay finally..fly, no more raptor pack).

    The thought was slotting 2 acc, 2 tohit debuffs and 2 damage into them...is it worth it?

    Oh and opening up a whole can of worms here, from what I can figure, MoG is far to situational (which sucks really for a tier 9, not as much as having to die to use your tier 9 like DA, slightly less than that) for common use so I probably wont be taking it which frees up more power options (well 1 more).
  4. Well since I haven't got the 15 month reward yet (otherwise I would have used Demon wings) and the concept of the character is a Redeemed demon (don't ask very long RP-based story, he lost his right arm during the 2nd Rikti invasion and had it replaced) I use the Draconic wings, Black primary with a nice Red secondary gives them a very suitable demonic look.

    Here's a Pic

    As for slotting, well, I know I probably shouldn't slot stuff until 25 but i just feel odd with unused slots.
  5. Dr_MechanoEU

    Moth Cathedral

    He made sure that nobody was around to see, he couldn't let the people inside the Cathedral know. He closed his eyes as shadows gathered around him, black and red scaled wings unfolding from his back, his skin turning red, two red horns protruding from his forehead.

    "Now if the good lord can forgive such a wayward child as myself and let him be embraced into his grace once more, I assure you, you have no problem...Father Michael will help you, just as he helped me."
  6. Well so far (I haven't got hero builder) but I have (level 8).

    Fast healing (3 slotted health), Reconstruction (3 slotted health) and Quick Recovery (3 slotted Endmod).
    Dark Melee:
    Smite (1 slot damage)
    Shadow maul (1 slot damage)
    Air Superiority (1 slot Accuracy)

    Apart from slotting Smite and Shadowmaul with damage (and not accuracy which I now realise I should have done) Everything look alright so far? (I know I should put my next 2 slots in Reconstruction for Recharge reduction but I really am feeling the need for Accuracy in both Smite and Shadow maul)
  7. Dr_MechanoEU

    Moth Cathedral

    He smiled as he finished positioning the bibles, looking at the faceless man, slowly walking back over to him.

    "You asked if he would help you because of your appearance...come...follow me outside, if you need proof that he will listen to you and help you, then I can provide proof that God and by extension my mentor will help you...he helped me after all..."

    He beckoned Faceless to follow him to a quiet and secret corner outside of the cathedral.
  8. Dr_MechanoEU

    Moth Cathedral

    He gave a polite smile and a nod to the Reverend, politely and discreetly taking a seat, listening to this scarred man, "one cannot question the ways of the Lord, as often quoted they are mysterious, trust me trying to second guess an all knowing, all powerful deity who has plans for us all is something nobody should try, merely have faith that he has a plan for you and all will right itself in the end..."

    He looked around, "Reverend should I begin placing out the bibles for this evenings prayers?"

    ((eep...shows I should pay attention just that little bit more when posting...ignore that post then))
  9. Now I'm being told different things by different people ingame, some say take staminia, others say Quick recovery 3 slotted with EndMod is enough.

    Has anyone got any builds they can post or suggestions they can make to help me out?

    Oh and plan to use fly as a travel power (character got wings, gonna use em)
  10. Dr_MechanoEU

    Moth Cathedral

    He approached and smiled, "well here is something I did not expect to see...greetings Headbreaker and welcome to our humble cathedral, I assure you the Father will be along shortly."

    He was nolonger an old man but a youthful man in his twenties, clean shaven, white hair, glasses sitting on his nose. Dressed in a white T-shirt and white cargo pants, he had yet to don the white robe and gown he had hanging out the back.
  11. yay!

    Linked to it in the trivia part of my profile, thanks for putting it up
  12. Dr_MechanoEU

    Moth Cathedral

    He smiled and hugged the Priest, taking the offer of a hug from Sister Mary as well.

    "Thank you...the both of you...from now on I am Doctor Mechano no more...I am His sword and as such I will take on a new name, since I came to this place seeking redemption I shall become the Sword of Redemption...a blade as swift in forgiveness as well as in justice..."

    [Blackout, roll credits ]
  13. If your into the roleplaying the following locations are for you.

    Pocket D's: from 8pm till late (sometimes 3-4am is when the place is finally empty of RPers) main hangout for RP villains and many a hero.

    Galaxy Girl: from 9pm till about 11pm (but can go later, didn't finish RPing there myself tonight until about midnightish and there were still people hanging around). Obviously this one is heroes only.

    There are a few RPing SG's and VG's as well, so check them out in the 'roleplaying Supergroup' sticky in the Roleplaying section.

    Welcome to Union, the unofficial RP server
  14. Dr_MechanoEU

    Moth Cathedral

    He surfaced, however he remained in his demonic form, however rather than a face twisted and contorted in rage it was a calm, young face, his eyes wide open, water pooled off his black and red wings flowing down his back.

    He felt something, he felt that perhaps he had to earn his right to become human once more, that once he had done enough good deeds he would be allowed to shift into a form more pleasing to the human eye, for now he remained in his strange true form. However he still possed the one thing that he knew he would never be rid of, his mechanical arm, that remained.

    His clothes had changed to a pure white robe and gown, so white they almost seemed to shimmer in the darkness.
  15. Dr_MechanoEU

    Moth Cathedral

    He panted hard...his eyes slowly returning to normal but remaining in his demonic form, he looked up at the Priest, "please...continue..." he suddenly found himself stripped off his ability to shapeshift...stuck in his demonic form. He clenched his fists and squeezed his eyes so very tightly shut. He could feel the bloodied water still burning him, the sound of sizzling flesh reaching his ears.
  16. hah it's easy to entice people back...

    Once you defeat Hamidon you get a mini-hamidon as a non-combat pet to wobbly follow you around and grant a Hamidon gladiator badge...just for giggles.
  17. Dr_MechanoEU

    Moth Cathedral

    "Guide and strengthen us by the same Spirit, that we who are born again may serve you in faith and love, and grow into the full stature of your Son, Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit now and for ever."

    He shut his eyes tightly, his body shaking and quivering from the pain, he feared opening them for what he would see.
  18. Dr_MechanoEU

    Moth Cathedral

    "Heavenly Father, by the power of your Holy Spirit, you give to your faithful people new life in the water of baptism." He gritted his teeth whispers of the demon ravaging at his mind, the water turning into thick blood. He fought the urge to move out of the water, he must, for his own sake
  19. Dr_MechanoEU

    Moth Cathedral

    With slow heavy footsteps he made his way into the pool. As soon as he stepped within it he could feel the burning sensation, gritting his teeth and breathing deeply, clenching his chained fists tightly, he could hear sizzling flesh but he knew he had to ignore it, closing his eyes and biting down on his lip.
  20. Dr_MechanoEU

    Moth Cathedral

    He shook his head, "if I am to become a servant of Him I shall become His sword, to defend the weak when no other will defend them, to uphold His law in every path of my eternal life, if this is the price to pay to stop myself becoming a beast of murder and sin, then the price, no matter how heavy, must be paid. I never was a truly evil man you understand...it wasn't until now I realised what evil really was..."

    He looked upto the Priest, "begin, begin so that I may seek redemption through your teaching and his graces, begin so that I may seek to prove myself worthy of redemption come the day of judgement, eternal servitude is nothing compared to the eternal damnation I would face...please..begin..."
  21. Dr_MechanoEU

    Moth Cathedral

    He breathed a heavy sigh, the descision was difficult, "You know I never did read the bible..." he let out a soft chuckle, "I'm going to need some tutoring Father but...if this is to stop me becoming what I know I will become...then I guess it must be done."

    He paused a second.

    "There are...problems...though...I'm a known criminal, there are more than a few heroes that would like to see me arrested, how can I remain here without going back to Prison, I spent four years there...it's...not something I want to repeat if I don't have to..."

    He looked at the Priest, "I want to change, I really do, I want to use this curse for something greater than petty thefts...but what am I to do, stepping foot outside this cathedral in daylight is suicide...there's this heroine...she...she's gunning for me, even if I change, she'll still come for me.."
  22. Dr_MechanoEU

    Moth Cathedral

    he paused, "yes it was incredibly stupid...so your saying that I have to do the lord work until I die...which would very well be until the day of judgement, correct?"
  23. Dr_MechanoEU

    Moth Cathedral

    He smirked, "it seemed like such a good idea at the time..." he looked to the priest, "after becoming the Lycanthrope I found that I simply couldn't control my actions at times, I..I think I murdered four people, brutally, I though that perhaps it would be better to have an evil I could control, in place of a beast I could not, the power of a demon giving me control over the beast in me. what I hadn't bargained for was that while the beast is savage, it is pure in it's nature, only to hunt and to kill, the demon sees this and I hear whispers in my head, the beast wanting to kill and the demon seeking to have me lose what little self control I have and give in..."
  24. Dr_MechanoEU

    Moth Cathedral

    "for starters the Ashkentay Demon ascension rites were used, I didn't know what kind of demon I was going to be end up with, it was more a kind of pick and hope for something that isn't really, really nasty....I think I got off lightly being turned into an Incubus...there are much, much worse things that I could of been turned into alrighty..."

    He shook his head.

    "That's the problem...I am part of that demon, hence ascension, an ascension TO demonhood...rather than sharing a body with a demon...when I say beasts within...I mean that the part of me that is a demon keeps whispering in my head to get me to do dark and evil things I'd rather not go into with a lady present..."
  25. Dr_MechanoEU

    Moth Cathedral


    "Well to be precise it's two, an odd thing I know but my life is filled with odd occurances and misfortune. The first is an atypical beast, a Lycanthrope, that I had control of most of the time, there were times I would blackout and not remember what I had done, only to realise I was stained in blood..."

    He sighed, "the second I did to myself, the Ashkentay demon ascension rites, it would appear this demon part of me is an Incubus, I have been told by a friend of mine who happens to be a Succubus, though she has far far more control over her demon side than I do of mine...those are my beasts Father...is there anything you can do?"