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  1. Dr_MechanoEU

    Tsoo Katana

    It is...it's available as an unlockable option for the Broadsword powerset with Weapons customisation, it requires the Tracer badge (defeat 200 Tsoo Sorcerers) to unlock it.

    The reason it's in broadsword is because the Tsoo still use the Broadsword animations like Katana originally did.
  2. Isn't the entire SS set balanced around Rage though? Without Rage the damage isn't all that great considering it's all Smashing damage and that's one of the most commonly resisted forms of damage along with Lethal among both NPCs and Players in PvP it's only with Rage that the damage boost really makes up for being resisted.

    Even with RttC being knocked off every time I hit the WP/SS tanker with KO Blow, I couldn't do enough damage on my Invuln/SS to overcome the Regen anyway but this is a fight between Tankers and perhaps not applicable to Brutes.

    SS is good, WP is good, together they make a godlike combination use them with any other sets and they're still merely good.
  3. you know what's nice...actually reading through this topic fully and then realising I'd actually teamed with some of you on my Rad/Sonic (Ghostly Pirate)...

    Hopefully I wasn't too crappy of a defender...
  4. Dr_MechanoEU

    Ask A Ben


    A question.

    Who would win in a fight, Jesus or Ghandi (please keep in mind that Jesus isn't allowed to bring God into it but to balance out the fact Ghandi knows Kung-fu, Jesus is armed with a pair of first century spanish fighting clogs and a muffin).

    If this question with obvious Religious AND Political ramifications is something you'd rather not delve into then another question.

    Who would win in a fight, you or Stasisesque?..you are both armed with Muffins...
  5. Got my Rad/sonic defender from 1-28, not as far as some people got but hey, I think I did well for myself (also loving Rad/Sonic combination...I feel like a blaster with less chance of faceplanting).
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    And for the argument that Hero 1 is alive and we don't need to pay respect to his memory anymore, that information is not available to the public, according to game lore that info is protected at a clearance above the Omega Clearance you need to learn that the Rikti were human, so there is absolutely no way a level one hero should even be aware that the Honoree could have been human, never mind Hero 1.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah but any villains who have happened along are going to care about such things, infact most villains would love to tarnish the name of Hero 1 just to screw with peoples heads and show that even their treasured heroes aren't beyond being controlled into villainy.

    Well those kind of villains which would do that kind of thing anyway (not the Axe crazy ones).
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    I honestly don't remember seeing ANY auras on mayhem NPCs, pre-level 30 or not.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Some of the Safeguard mission villains do have auras available to them, even the low level bracket ones. For some reason I keep running into Pyra who has the chance to turn up at level 10-14 in the Kings Row safeguard mission and she's quite clearly got a fiery aura even with her Flame shield off.
  8. *points to his post above*

    Some of the level 5 Mayhem Heroes have capes...what about those guys?

    Surely I could grab a cape off of them as a villain?
  9. Isn't the lowest Hero encountered (with or without cape) at level 5 (Mayhem bank mission)?!
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    If the vets rewards are to truly be an incentive then the pool system (with an extended pool of rewards to pick from) makes far more sense.

    Let Sexy J run wild and create 20 new costume pieces/sets - not everyone need like each one, but the fashion pixies (who get incentivised by new clothing) can pick a new costume every 3 months...

    What about the prestige sprints? Could a similar pack be done for other powers? Could they do packs of prestige flight/jump or even just prestige brawls? Nothing differently-powered, but a little gfx pizzazz for those that get incentivised by that...

    Heck - do 6 different non-combat pets as 6 possible rewards (guessing that 6 out at once for a single character wouldn't strain clients more than a MMs henchmen).

    Plenty of ideas you could do with little in-game effect, that I'd hope wouldn't take too much resource to do, but could act as incentives to different people depending upon their individual tastes.

    That's the key - individual tastes mean that some people will look at their upcoming rewards and find nothing that appeals to them. That's why the scheme doesn't really work as an incentive scheme IMO, but also why I don't think it's really meant to.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually that would be an awesome idea in my opinion, not everybody wants everything (alright some do but then it's tough unless they've been subscribed long enough to get everything) and it allows the individual to really pick and choose something they really want which makes them happier and thus will probably stick with the game longer since it's giving them things they want.

    Hell get Jay off of the paid for costume packs (when he's finished the latest one) and get him to do something like this for a change, reckon it would add a lot of zing to the Veteran Rewards where currently, apart from the first 18 months, it's mostly hit and miss with quite a few misses...
  11. But they wouldn't keep subscribed because they would think it would be too damn far away to actually foresee themselves getting it in the future, they would more than likely see it as something too far off in such a time frame.

    Edit: People are fairly impatient creatures, waiting six months for something, sure, waiting even a year for it, sure but if they have to wait, lets say four years for something, it may as well not exist to them.
  12. Think of it from the other side of the coin PRAF.

    The rewards where they are, aren't exactly going to encourage people to keep subscribed either...say a newbie really wants that boxing outfit choice and sees that it's now 39 months away...he's probably going to go 'Screw that, what's the point, I'm not sure I'm even going to be playing this game in 39 months'.

    Tada...same effect, different system.

    Edit: Lets be honest PRAF, do you see the game still running five years from now? Yes Everquest is still going but it really is bare-bones numbers, a new person joining isn't sure if they game will still be around in five years time to collect their five year reward.
  13. Also I believe all the reason that, bar the Greek alphabet letter chest detail reward (which I think is naff...you opinon may vary) it gets the new players hooked, which is why everything up until the 18 month period, excluding the above example, is pretty nice stuff...after 18 months the devs know you'll probably be sticking around for the long haul.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Good grief, I hate to even think how much moaning and account canceling if they had added trenchcoats and then made players wait four years forthem!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    With the pick from a pool option you don't have to wait 4 years for trenchcoats, you can pick them at 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 15 months, 18 months and so on...

    At 12 months, 24 months, 33 months, 36 months and so on you get your choice of perma-temp powers be it the non-combat pets, Sands of Mu/Ghost Slaying Axe etc.

    Basically it's up to the player when they get which reward they want.

    The problem with the vet reward tokens has already been mentioned, once the player has all the good rewards it reduces the time subscribed but then sticking to the current system doesn't help either...people wouldn't be willing to wait for 39 months if they really wanted the boxing outfit, it isn't something they see getting so it might as well not exist to them.
  15. I'm hoping Robbie that they do call it a day at the five year mark, then go "right...we're switching it all around, instead of a set reward every 3 months, you get a reward of your choice at each 3 month mark out of certain pool..." as you said.

    where we have a costume reward now, that time on your account would reward from the costume pool (so at three months you can pick wings instead of trenchcoats for example) when we have a power choice reward you get to pick from the power pool (Base teleport, Sands of Mu/Ghostslaying Axe, Nemesis Staff/Black Wand, non-combat pets, buff pets etc.)

    That way each person can tailor their vet rewards personally to them and then everybody wins IMO.
  16. Personal opinion, they're going to call it a day at the five year mark, since it gives new players a light at the end of the tunnel and the vets have all this wonderful stuff anyway...but that's just my opinion and the magical 8 ball says I'm probably wrong.

    They've had a lot of options open, one which wouldn't miff people off would be another perma-temp power choice, this time one from the Mayhem weapons raid sidemission (come on...you know you want a permenant Rock power for when the situation calls for it) but perhaps that would make begining vet characters too powerful, still would be a nifty option.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Entire world? pft, lets see them try and take over wales! We have dragons!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You do realise that in the 'City of' universe that's probably true...the Dragon on the welsh flag is actually a gigantic ancient mystical guardian that turns up whenever wales is threatened by non-human invasion, was probably the only thing that kept the Rikti out of Wales (especially since England is mentioned but never Scotland (the Rikti were just too damn scared to even try) or Wales).

    Anyway...yeah since the big reveal about Hero-1 I don't think his memory really should be honored anymore, the truth needs to come out about what happened to this hero!
  18. I'd be all for it...I'm sure I could wrangle some kind of explanation for it but it'd take me a while and I'd need my thinking grenades...
  19. For a moment there was surprise on Edwards face as he took the bullet to the chest with a grunt, the second caused him to the head caused him to slump to the ground, a thought passing through his mind before the blackness consumed him.

    "Never trust a vigilante..."

    With that everything went dark before he hit the ground.
  20. Edward had made his way into Paragon upon hearing of Infinitron's arrest, he wasn't about to let another hero like himself go to prison, he wasn't going to let someone who had the right idea rot in a cell. Edward motioned for his family to take up their positions on the incoming armoured transport and the requisite Police cars infront and behind...a rather silly move.

    Edward nodded his head, sending the signal for the attack to commence, rocket fire streaming from a rooftop of a Kings Row building to cause the first car to burst into flames, the front of it anyway. Edward was not going to kill Police officers...he had other plans for them.

    A second stream of rockets piled into the car at the rear, trapping the armoured police prison transport in the middle.

    Edward flared his wings and landed beside the prison transport, with a tap of a button a forcefield blinked into life, shoving back anything not rooted to the spot or weighing more than several men away from him.

    The Police officers who had clambered out their cars to open fire found themselves flung and pinned against their own vehicles or nearby walls. Edward focused his power and used a focused forcebolt blast to smash the armoured prison transport doors open.

    "Infinitron, freedom awaits you..."
  21. Dr_MechanoEU


    Another good way to level faster than mission grinding is by taking part in a task force.

    Depending on your side you can do either the Lord Recluse Strike Force (LRSF done on my 50 MM but can be done at 45+ just make sure to bring plenty of buffers/debuffers with you) or the Statesman Taskforce (Tanked the STF on my 47 Invuln/SS tanker, again make sure you have some good buffers/debuffers with you, was SK'd up to 49 and discovered that 6 purple inspirations is all it takes to keep Lord Recluse from hitting, so a tray full lasts you a good three/four minutes in which time the rest of the team should have atleast taken down the massive damage boosting red tower).

    For either side you have the Lady Grey Task force or the Imperious Task force, both offer good XP (ITF normally gives me 1 level per run when boosted to 49, with a decent team it can take you 2 hours or less).

    So you can do all of the endgame stuff at 46 including Hamidon if anyone on Union ever decides to have at the big green blob...
  22. Edward chuckled to himself, "hmm cunning...very well Infinitron...looks like it's me taking a risky venture into Paragon then..."
  23. Edward wandered down and smiled, "I know you're here Infinitron, you can drop the light show...after all that's what invisibilty is...a bending of light..."

    Edward had come as his normal old man self instead of his demonic form...he felt it represented him better.
  24. ((teleport is...but the Orange glow = Oroborous portal which isn't impossible))