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  1. Remember people, Issue publications are almost never on Thursdays, I think they did publish an issue on Thursday once and something went so horribly wrong everybody ended up having to work the weekend to fix it.

    Originally Posted by enderbean View Post
    The summer event start date was confirmed as 7/10.
    Damn it...why do you people do the dates backwards (UK use day then month, not month then day) I read that as the 7th of October and was like "well summers waaay over by then..."
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Toy View Post
    Those are very good points. I read one time that something similar happened with Frost Fire, before he was added to the game. The person explain the situation and he/she could keep-up the name.

    Every responsible GM will be more than glad to us if we report ourselves and they will do all they can to resolve our worries. Even you re-name him, it was cool you could keep him for a good amount of time.

    Heh funny thing apparently, one of the people on Union how use to play had a character named Lady Grey, apparently when they introduced Lady Grey they had to ask her if it was ok to use the name.
  3. One of the major problems, which as been said a lot, about the other Superman movies is that while they can play Superman, they can't play Clark Kent.

    Now the Clark side is probably, IMO, the most key part of the character because that will be the part the audience will relate to. Christopher Reeves Clark, while a bit foppish and clumsy, was a likeable guy. Not only was he acted really well (seriously, I've said it enough times but the scene where he's talking to himself, trying to picture himself telling Louis the he is Superman is downright amazing), he was written really well, he was the everyman.

    Now Superman Returns played down the Clark Kent side to almost nothing, along with a pretty ropey plot stolen from the Superman TV series of the 90s and the lack of a decent villain it meant that Superman just wasn't as relateable.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    I mentioned WoW because it's the most well known current use of Orcs. The ACTUAL legal battle was over the inclusion of orcs in Dungeons and Dragons, in the late 70's. They where made to remove "Hobbit" because that was an original creation, but could keep orc, because Tolkien had dug up an actual but disused name for a similar creature. But the outcome was, orcs could be used by anyone.

    An example might be if you called your character [something] Goblin. So long as the costume wasn't too similar to a comic book character (or movie version), you should be fine.

    But remember, it's the GMs decision, not a legal one. If the GM decides Green Orc isn't permissible, then it isn't permissible, even though it's legally fine.

    I have an alt called Chiroptera Lass, who might get genericed if I played her more, but more because of the costume than the name.
    Heh strangely Games Workshop also had a legal battle with the Tolkien estate a long time ago due to the very same reason, they were using the term Hobbit, they ended up changing the name to Halfling, which I think is a generic catchall term that anybody can use.
  5. Yeah especially if you took out the "Two words for you part."

    All I could picture was this robot crushing ninjas with a cold monotone "Damage Enhancements," over and over again, as if the thing is gaining power with every foe it defeats.
  6. Yes but even Granite and Rooted can be overcome with Teleport.
  7. Yup the Heavy in those examples are not low on damage, they're low on mobility. The TF2 Heavy has to walk in order to fire whereas every other class except the sniper has ridiculous mobility. The Sniper is also the mortal enemy of the Heavy, able to pick off their support (the much needed Medic) and themselves at long distance where their Minigun does not excell.

    With World of Tanks the Heavy tanks have the problem that they're really, REALLY slow, especially the heaviest hitter, the Maus, however it has an exploitable weakness (as do all the tanks) in that the treads can be busted or worse get behind them and completely take out their engine block, leaving them sitting ducks for Artillery barrages.

    In this game, with travel powers out the wazoo, mobility really can't be used as balance.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post
    Would the song from Robot Unicorn Attack count? I don't know if that song was around before the game (I'm guessing it was), but any current popularity it has is due to the game.
    Yup...the songs been around since...I think late 80s or early 90s.

    It's Always by Erasure, it was quite popular here in the UK at the time.
  9. Yup it's basically ye olde Hover + Teleport combo...which is what pretty much everyone takes when taking Teleport anyway.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    New in Issue 24 - Dragon's Teeth MM
    Here's the thing though.

    If they design it for player use, then they can easily switch it to NPC use in an MM set.

    Tier 1: Skeleton Warrior.
    Non-upgraded: Hack, Phalanx Fighting.
    1st upgrade: Slice, Grant Cover.
    2nd upgrade: Parry, Deflection.

    Tier 2: Skeleton Archer.
    Non-upgraded: Aimed Shot, Entangling Arrow.
    1st upgrade: Fistful of Arrows, Ice Arrow.
    2nd upgrade: Explosive Arrow, Acid Arrow.

    Tier 3: Skeleton Mage.
    non-upgraded: Fireblast, Thermal Shield.
    1st upgrade: Fireball, Plasma Shield.
    2nd upgrade: Blaze, Melt Armour.
  11. Can we have a full proper skeleton set?

    I don't mean the Skeleton mask but something like these guys:
  12. I, Cladius is pretty much a who's who of classically trained British actors.

    Of course it's got BRAIN BLESSED in it, who famously says "IS THERE ANYONE IN ROME WHO HASN'T SLEPT WITH MY DAUGHTER?!" (though he was merely talking slightly louder, nobody has heard Brain Blessed shout...when he does...the world will end).

    Also speaking of which, Timothy Dalton (who played James Bond) turns up in Flash Gordon (alongside Brian Blessed, and Richard O'Brien) as Prince Baron, didn't notice this until I rewatched it recently.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ice_Ember View Post
    there is only one IO made that was too powerful for the powers it was slotted in. Instead of fixing the IO, the devs removed the entire IO type from being slotted into the powers that use it a specific way.

    Key game show music....

    That IO was Triumphant Insult : Chance to Disorient. That one IO changed changed taunt auras to no longer accept IO sets. It is by far the most powerful IO ever made.
    Actually that's not true.

    Remember there was a proc IO (think it was lady Grey) that could 1 shot even Hamidon due to a misplaced decimal point it was doing so much damage the combat log produced it as a mathmatical equation.
  14. Actually thinking the IO will be nice for Assault rifle since M30 Grenade is one of the few Radial Knockback (where it knocks everyone away from the target, rather than the player) which means even normal means of mitgating knockback aren't useful and slotting the IO will makes the power much less annoying.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
    It raises concern for the future of the game when you see things flopping like the Praetorian zones did.
    To be fair the devs kind of have a history with this, one part is the 'relentless march for new shiney!' that seems to be the mandate and the other half seems to be completely underestimating their players.

    PvP, Bases, City of Villains, Mission Architect, Praetoria, the five big failures of City of Heroes, the common theme with them all...they all need major content and overhauls in order to make them more appealing BUT the devs now completely lack the time due to the new 'new shiney!' approach to go back and actually spend some time working on these things.

    PvP is..well...god awful in CoH, it needs a good, long, hard look over. Issue 13 was meant to be the start of the PvP revamp and....well there has been nothing since.

    Bases is an interesting one because it's not so much they don't want to do something with them, it's the fact they downright just plain can't. They have no freaking clue how the coding for bases works and instead are limited to tentively poking it with a stick and hoping they don't break the entire game if they change something seemingly remotely minor.

    City of Villains needs basically a complete overhaul to get away from the 'Arachnos Lackey' storyline and the completely drab and depressing zones, that's another expansion packs worth of content right there.

    Mission Architect...well..we all know how this one panned out, now left abandoned and broken by the Devs. The rating system is crap, it's filled with dross that's just plain broken and unplayable, the filter on words is frankly freaking ridiculously restrictive to the point of nonsense (if you type Thorium the word is censored because it contains the word Thor). It needs to be gutted, the rating system completely reworked and...you know...actual attentioned paid to it by someone.

    Praetoria, sure First Ward and Night Ward will be atleast decent because you can take characters from outside Praetoria into them but the normal 1-20 range. Firstly the entire point of Praetoria, taking Brutes heroside, blasters villainside etc. was completely destroyed by the new tutorial. Secondly it's in a level range that you blow through in a team or can be a real damn slog if your solo especially fighting the increased difficulty of the Praetorian enemies who are blatently designed for high level play and the metric ****ton of ambushes that the missions throw at you.

    There's just too much work to correct the mistakes of the past, the AE buildings themselves now seem to stand as a testament of Dev folly.
  16. I think the other thing that spurred the "out of Spite" (which I was a believer in for quite some time) was the fact they weren't just stripping Statesman out of the game where it was important, they were completely removing him even when it made no sense for him to be removed.

    He was being taken out of the Hero's Hero arc when that arc takes place long before the SSA, hell it even takes place before a Hero's Epic and yet he was being stripped out of that, it made no logicial sense.

    The fact that any badge even remotely mentioning him was being changed, even when it made no sense (I still need to confirm if the cape above City Hall now mentioned Hero 1 instead of Statesman...whose cape it damn well is).

    The fact the login screen was being changed from Statesman to 'latest dev favorite character and enemy' and the fact the forums are being changed to completely remove Statesman.

    Despite words to the contrary (the devs said that Statesman would remain on all the promotional material) he was basically becoming an Unperson, being whitewashed from the history of the game, scrubbed clean of any and all traces.

    Now it isn't spite but the devs seemed to have learned nothing from the problems that arose with the very same tactics that were used to wipe out the 5th Column from the game, it was shoddy work then and it was shoddy work now.

    Thankfully the devs saw sense and now haven't quite so throughly wiped him from the game, the Statesman's Pal badge remains, which is atleast a vestige of a time past.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VKhaun View Post
    The thing that amazes me is how people pick up on the buzz words I always laugh at and say will NEVER catch on. To see 'The CW' typed out is almost as jarring as when people were saying stuff was 'Upin' (oo-pin).
    It's especially jarring for me since I have no idea what CW stands for in this context.

    In the context I know it CW refers to Chaos Warrior when talking about Blood Bowl teams.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    People complained that Beast Mastery was ready and the studio was delaying it for arbitrary reasons.
    Actually Sam that was Staff fighting, Beast Mastery, by extent, was really not ready for prime time (had a lot of major kinks that needed working out), Staff fighting, by comparrison was ready to go and had been for at least a month at that point, instead the buggy set was rushed to release because they "thought people would complain about the imbalance towards melee sets" and not the fact the Beast Mastery was as buggy as all hell while a completed set was sitting on test.

    Judging from the comments made by Zwillinger, even the devs admit this was a huge mistake, should have released Staff first and worked more on Beast Mastery.

    Eh I like new stuff but I actually think it's not just us that may burn out on the Paragon Marketing thing.

    Remember when it was fresh and new, how much new stuff got pumped out? We got a crapton of costume sets, Powersets etc.

    Now every two or three weeks out of the month are mostly IO sets (wooo /sarcasm) and sales, the Devs themselves seem to have have burnt out on the Paragon Market under the pressure of trying to release something new every week.

    Fair play to them really, there's only so much backlog you can bring forward, yes there is still the Panther travel power that has been sitting on test for about two months but I get the feeling that's not being released because people complained (and rightfully so) that the devs have really spammed stuff to do with the four legged rig in the past few months.
  19. Yes Venture, of course it is...
  20. As I've said before, my own personal theory was that all the content in Going Rogue was designed to be level 50 content which got retrofitted to be 1-20 because at the time the 'meh' of low level legacy content was apparently losing them subscribers.

    The other problem they had was that they set up Praetoria as a land of moral ambiguity and then once the iTrials came along, seemingly stuck for ideas, they went "nope, evil all along...lulz!" which basically undoes all the work put into the starting content and the mythos of Praetoria.
  21. Hmm got to say pretty much agree with the theory behind that article.

    Despite them saying "Oh Freedom was planned since before we released Going Rogue" I'm not inclinded to believe that, sure tinfoil hat and all but eh...sorry on this occasion, I think I'm justified in not believing that line.
  22. Well for all the hints they been doing they might as well now.

    Tentacles and roaring coming from outside the sonic barrier, the posters, the whole damn UG trial.

    If only to once and for all put a cap on Praetoria and go "Yup, you've defeated all the big bads there, you're done, now we get to move on from that and do something else."

    As much as I've grown to detest the new writing atleast it would be proper closure for Praetoria.

    I see Hamidon as the True Final Boss (you know, that one which is only accessible after you've completed the game, is sort of related to the story and always much harder than the final boss) of Praetoria plus I actually want to see what an evolved Hamidon would look like.
  23. What would be cool and...probably a bit too much work is if it had a Slot Machine interface, you pull the handle, the wheels spin and it spits out whatever comes up.

    Yeah bit too much work for a once a week thing...
  24. Actually Sam it isn't just that they stopped practicing magic the words used are "They have killed their Gods."

    As in they've either destroyed said divine being ala Discworld and Planescape, where mass belief is the greatest power a God can have, without said belief the Gods simply become Small Gods, no more powerful than a mere man, left to wander the world until they are forgotten and eventually fade into nothing.

    Or they literally killed their own versions of Mot, Emereeth etc. with technology.