Two Words - Damage Enhancements




I was messing around in the AE Editor having my villain boss quote Nietzche. When I got to the Dialog for NPC defeats Player I ran out of good quotes. The Boss I was using was a stock NPC so I figured no one would ever lose to him. So I typed in "Two Words - Damage Enhancements" as his catchphrase.

I am using my Ninja MM to test balance. I don't want things to weak or to tough. So I get to the final boss and set up my Ninja team. They all rush in and this Boss goes beserk and flattens them. What I didnt realize was every time a henchmen is defeated you get the catchphrase.

So this NPC boss yells "Two Words - Damage Enhancements" and starts heading for me. I summon up more Ninjas. This Boss flattens one and "Two Words - Damage Enhancements". He flattens all my good henchmen and I decide to run. Now he is chasing after me yelling "Two Words - Damage Enhancements" as he flattens more Ninjas.

Now I have this crazed robot chasing me yelling "Two Words - Damage Enhancements" flattening every Ninja that tries to stop him. I am running for my life and Angry Robot chases me out the front door yelling "Two Words - Damage Enhancements" all the way.

I found that amusing for some reason and wanted to share it. Some day I want to see Lord Nemesis chasing some badge hunter all the way to the tram yelling "Two Words - Damage Enhancements".



Yeah especially if you took out the "Two words for you part."

All I could picture was this robot crushing ninjas with a cold monotone "Damage Enhancements," over and over again, as if the thing is gaining power with every foe it defeats.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Hahaha... some of the best moments come from facing an overwhelming enemy... especially an AE NPC with some original twists.

I started typing up one of my favorite experiences in this game that involved a team wipe against an AE Elite Boss I created within the first week or two of the AE, but... It'll take too long and maybe I shouldn't hijack your thread for it, haha.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Yeah especially if you took out the "Two words for you part."

All I could picture was this robot crushing ninjas with a cold monotone "Damage Enhancements," over and over again, as if the thing is gaining power with every foe it defeats.
Sweet idea! Going to make the change in AE. The boss I am using is the unstable Mek Man so it will work great.