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  1. Actually just a quick question.

    When was Liefield active?

    Because while Beastyle was in Pocket D on Virtue I made the joke about "wanting lots of pouches and ridiculously big guns".

    Sure we all laughed at the time but...oh dear...I may have done something horrible...truly horrible...did what I said cause some horrible nightmarish seed of an idea to grow within the mind of Beastyle?

    If it's a Liefield inspired pack...you are within all reason to blame me and beat me with sticks of varying degrees of size.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
    /e ZZTOP

    nuff said.
    Yes I want the big ZZtop style leopard skin print cowboy hat, the option for leopard skin print on any and all jackets and the /e ZZTOP.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
    *Overly mushy praise of our community with words like Best and Epic.
    *inserted amusing image to show how much agrees with poster*

    (yeah I included an actual image, so what, want to fight about it?)
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grae Knight View Post
    pfft, 80s are nothing. Try living through the crappy 70s! One word, Disco.
    But I like Disco AND 80's synth-pop.

    I also like Slayer, Motorhead, Iron Maiden and Metallica.

    I'm a conflicted individual.

    Also sorry but 90's has worse music than the 70's and 80's, atleast it had character...even if a lot of it sounded the same...just like 90's music.

    Shut up I'm trying to make a point!

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dante View Post
    Wow, humour's clearly become a serious business around these parts for some folk.
    Apparently so.

    I do disagree with the sentiment of, "Stop complaining, you've complained enough, it's boring."

    Sorry but if people do have legitimate complaints and when people like Arcanville have complaints about the current rewards, there's something to atleast be heard for those complaints, especially from Arcanville because she tends to be the most level headed and fair when it comes to these things, unlike some of us (*cough*me*cough*) who tend to be driven more by emotions and thus are far more biased.

    Plus you've kind of shot yourself in the foot.

    If you'd not posted and simply let the thread go, it would have done what Steelclaw lists usually do, everybody would have gone 'Lol' 'Funny' etc. and after a couple of days it would have slid into obscurity down the topics list. By complaining about it your making sure that this 'moaning and [censored]' is kept near the top of the list.

    So perhaps you are right, that people should stop complaining, in this case it probably would have helped your cause...

    That and, unlike Silver, who did an alternate take because she disagreed with Steelclaw, which was both humorous and provided counterpoints to each of Steelclaw's points, you just came in and went "Waaaahhhh dis shizzle is so unfunny it causes a black hole of unfunny!' which just makes you look like a moaning, miserable sod (to the level of Venture, who I swear is mostly just trolling these days) instead of, you know, saying that you simply disagree with the points being made and providing counterpoints.

    Heck I LIKE the Trials but having 1 Incarnate character and looking at the rewards I'm going "none of that apart from 1 aura is something I want..." which completely nullifys the purpose of adding those rewards, they're designed to get people like me, who only have 1 character Incarnating and who have all tier 4 slots (including Alpha) to run the trials again.

    For me the purpose of those rewards has failed utterly. I'm use to grinding crap, infact I've been through grinds that are a lot worse than anything the Incarnate system has (try killing Goblins, lots of them for eight hours solid every day for three days to earn yourself a hat and non-combat pet...yeah THAT was a grind) but I see the rewards that they're using neither fit the theme of being an Incarnate (aside from Ascenscion armour, which does fit) nor look like they should be gated behind Incarnate content.
  6. Or it could just be your being a bit of a miserable sod.

    Ever consider that?
  7. not as bad as it was.

    However you're looking at, I believe 36 trials to afford everything with Empyrean merits.

    If you run 3 trials a day, it's 12 days, so make sure that you succeed in all three trials since one failure of any of the trials (likely with the new anti-matter one for the first couple of weeks) will set you back an additional day.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
    Ironically, gating the pieces at 50 and behind the merit unlocks pretty much guarantees that I'll never use them which seems more of a disservice to their creators than allowing me to use them at level one.
    Which is what I pointed out when it was first announced. A few people will use the costume pieces...most people will not...you're going to get people standing around in Atlas park being show offs sure but when you're new, 50 seems like a long way off.

    Surely you want people running around with these outfits in low level zones with low level characters purely on the fact that if a new player sees them in that outfit it'll be more of a bonus to them than just seeing it on a level 50.

    For example my Archery/Energy blaster could really use the Ascension (no aura) shoulders and boots, it's WoWtastic armour and she's a night elf archer (don't ask, was a bet). However she can't use them because she is low level, not only does that not enthrall me with the costume piece but also I'll probably end up deleting the character.

    I have ONE incarnate character and the Ascension armour doesn't fit her either, she already has an Incarnate costume. There are some characters it really fits like Bass_Ackwards Valkyrie character, it looks awesome on her:

    Now I have none of my level 50's that can use it. They're all very much set in their identity and with that, their outfits.

    So far, out of the endgame auras, I've found use for one, Slime, which will go with my Gelatinous cube in humanoid shape character really well. That's it.

    I can afford that off the bat with the Empyrean merits I have saved up...and once again have no reason to run any of the trials, I'm not a big badge hunter so the new badges for the new trial aren't going to pull me in, I'm tier 4 on everything but the Destiny slot, I honestly have no reason beyond that one aura to run the trials.
  9. Thanks for the update Zwi!

    Good to see that quite a few of the problems are confirmed fixed on one of the dev builds.
  10. I think that's probably the biggest bugbear you're seeing from people.

    The Ascension armour...fine..that can be Incarnate, it is worthy of being a reward for gaining Incarnatedom, to show off to people that 'I can haz Incarnate!' to put it in Lolcat terms. I'll still think the level 50 restriction is stupid BUT I can live with that quite easily.

    Everything else..the basic emotes (really...the ability to swoon or collapse is common to all people..not just the super powered demi-gods), the auras (why would you need to be an Incarnate to ooze slime?), the costume change emotes (alright...I'll admit the Nuke costume Change IS badass but the others...eh...) and the Chest symbols (yes because you need to be an Incarnate to paint two guns on your chest...) are all REALLY non-incarnatey stuff, they're very basic stuff.

    As I said before, it really like they just pulled whatever they had laying around the office in terms of pieces, probably for an 'in the works' mini-booster (like the Origin or Party park) and instead dumped it into the Incarnate system. They clearly weren't built from the ground up like the Ascension armour was.

    Actually, that's probably it, they were pushed for time, they'd mentioned a 'new and exciting rewards' for running the Trials and realised they had one set of armour....and that was it but they want to keep people grinding the trials...and well the rest was mentioned above.

    Ditch them from the Incarnate rewards system, keep the Ascension Armour in there for now, either make them freely available as an update OR sell them as they were obviously originally intended to be, as a booster pack.

    Alright the amount of stuff if you include all the auras, the costume emotes, the emotes and the chest pieces I'd say it'd be fair to probably tack on an extra few bucks.

    To be fair, I know this isn't going to happen, they're not going to change a damn thing because they want people to keep grinding the trials so they can look better for their NCsoft bosses rather than the playerbase.

    I love the rest of the changes they've done with the Incarnate system, I love the Incarnate system, it's made my tanker even more awesome but...yeah...the Incarnate 'rewards' besides the Ascension armour...really shouldn't be there and if they remain...well it'll kind of show which direction the devs want to move this game in.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I'm of the opinion that cosmetic options should have a dual-path to acquisition most of the time: you can buy them, or you can earn them. I have stronger generally balance-related concerns with powers and abilities. Pay-to-accessorize I have no problem with. Pay-to-win I think is generally radioactive.
    I'm in agreement with this statement!

    Originally Posted by Mjolnir875 View Post
    I keep seeing people in this thread saying that they dont play for "phat loot" yet they will not stand any system that does not hand them their "phat loot"... >_<
    Actually I DO play for the Phat Loot, the Phatest of lewts is often a driving force and yet I feel the same as these people that dont play for it and yet want it...where does that put me?

    I'd much rather buy an Incarnate pack with all the stuff apart from the Ascension armour as a global unlock, which also means I don't have to go through the hastle of claiming it on EVERY-SINGLE-CHARACTER through Email.

    You can keep the Ascension armour as an unlockable only but everything else...yeah looks like it kind of belongs in a booster pack anyway...infact I swear everything BUT the Ascension armour was originally going to be in a booster pack anyway until they panicked and threw them in the Incarnate unlockables instead.
  12. Yeah to be fair I'd pay up front probably twice the normal booster cost (so £12 for me) to avoid the grind.

    The problem is they will NEVER offer this simply because they cynical git in me says the reason they're introducing these things now is because running the trials is starting to tail off (slowly admittedly) so they're bringing this in to get people back into grinding the trials. They want people grinding the trials so they can look good to their NCsoft bosses, simply as really.
  13. Hmm certainly going to be interesting looking for an artist that is comfortable doing different styles of characters in one group shot (lizardman, halfling thief, Transformer, four colour spandex, an Exalted, character from Fallout universe and one or two I mayve have forgotten).
  14. Just curious what the cost of a picture featuring multiple characters is, roughly.

    While I'm not after a fully coloured, shaded piece, more linework pencils than anything else to keep the cost down, I imagine that I'm still probably looking at $70+ for such a thing aren't I?

    Would involve 6-8 characters.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    There was the silken, sharp and threatening sound of metal on metal, accompanied by a drawn out hiss of breath between teeth.

    "We shall give thee the Heretic for thine inheretance...and all the Kingdom's o' the Earth."

    Anderson was stood, blades formed into a cross, the manic grin back on his face

    "Like lambs t'slaughter they shall come, and their blood shall be the wine o' your everlasting ascension."

    He raised his head, glasses flashing in the bright light from the Blind Arrow.


    With that he charged, hissing madly as he hurled himself at Katze, blades lashing out as he dove in like a man possessed.
    Katze was force onto the backfoot, blocking the blows as best she could. this... man... attacked with the fury of the gods themselves but she would not back down. A twist of the head of the mace and another click, now a length of chain attached between the two pieces, forming a Morning Star.

    "It takes great skill to use one of these without hurting yourself you know...let us see how skilled you are at blocking one..."

    She hefted the spiked ball towards Anderson...

    Professor Mechaniker had decided to make a run of it.

    There was the hiss of jet boots. One Dr Mechano was now appearing in the flesh, he didn't look very impressed with his Axis counterpart. He may have been an old, grey skinned man with white hair and a beared but there was the fury of the ages about him.

    "I would have words with you my dimensional doppleganger..."

    Energy sparked into life surrounding his cybernetic hands, "it seems that unlike you, I have seen combat action...I'm guessing you missed out on being involved in the big conflict in your dimension by a few years, I've lived through two Rikti invasions and living through a Praetorian invasion as we speak...that and I carry this..."

    Unhooking a hefty looking sledgehammer from his back, "I call her the Foehammer..." with a single swing Mechano sent Mechaniker sprawling and laid out unconscious.

    "Nobody conquers Paragon but ME!"

    He smirked as he fired his jetboots, "I'd like to stick around and help you with the invasion but I've done my part...." flying off into the sky.

    Meanwhile on the Airship
    As if this sight alone wasn’t terrifying enough for the poor pilot, it probably wasn’t helped as Mirel funnelled her Essence into making herself look just that extra bit intimidating, hoping to flick the right switches in the pilots head that it really would be best to just do as she said, hopefully making her more scary then his other superiors.

    “I do believe this is my airship now, I trust you don’t disagree?”

    Perhaps the intimidation worked a little too well, the pilot hurled himself out of the door.

    Thankfully to be caught by a flying hero below and promptly zigtagged.

    The invasion was wearing down, the Kreigroboter were directionless, one leader unconscious and the other too busy fighting to direct them, leaving them easy prey for anyone fighting them.
  16. Aye they won't nerf the defense bonuses down.

    Now because of the fact they didn't really consider the whole 'stacking defense to soft cap' thing it took them by complete surprise. Now I somehow doubt they'll allow you to do the same with Resistance..

    You CAN stack meaningful resistance but only against Psi, my old Invuln/SS tanker build though use of sets managed to gain a 40% resistance to Psi however it ended up that getting to softcap in all but Psi was far more effective.

    Now if I could do the same with say every other resistance (not all at once but say, be able to further enhance each resistance by..20% so my tanker has 90% resistance to Smashing/lethal, 50% resistance to fire/cold/energy/neg and 20% resistance to Psi you'd probably see a lot less people focusing on defense.

    Being able to stack +damage to a big degree (say managing +80% perma) would give people a choice, do they go for defense, resistance or damage?
  17. The feathered crusader Null D. Gull strikes again!

    Null soiling the cars, jackets and thrones of villains everywhere.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
    Wait, you can do that? *smacks forehead*

    I do find that mission fun, though. But yeah, dropping every now and then sounds pretty good. Missions that cut your Endurance bar in half are annoying.
    Its a bit of a pain in the backside since you have to go back to Ramiel in order to drop it after you pick up the mission from Lady Grey then go BACK to the RWZ to talk to Lady Grey, then wait a couple of minutes to let your orob portal recharge.
  19. That's what confuses me.

    A token to unlock the Alpha slot...which can already be unlocked Solo and in a fairly quick manner if you choose to drop the mission with the two EBs in it.

    Now I could understand tokens to unlock the other slots but the Alpha makes very little sense...I don't think they mean Solo friendly..I think they mean ALT friendly.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Please be very clear about this: If I buy the Ice Trail Aura with Incarnate Merits, are you saying that the Ice Trail Aura will be unlocked on all toons from creation and level 1 and onwards?
    Indeed inquiring minds would like to know.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
    "locked behind arbitrary gates" is kind of the point of MMO's. It's called "character progression".
    As I said, tier gear.

    The big gorilla of the fantasy MMO uses the exact same system for character progession admittedly that is SINGLE character progession and this is slightly better in that it is account based.

    I'm sitting here in much the same position as Sam going "I have so many new concepts I could make using that armour...but I'll be buggered if I'm going to wait until I get that character to level 50 in order to make use of it."

    That is unless one of you people out there saying that the idea behind this is fine is willing to PL that one character to 50 in sharp order for me, then I'd maybe consider it.

    So now the costume pieces fail as a 'carrot on a stick' for me at that point, which, for me personally, makes it completely friggen useless. I'll probably get the emotes and the auras but the costume pieces will remain untouched.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
    In case you miss it;
    Positron explains the Ascension armor here.

    TLDR: Designed, Drawn, and Implemented for Incarnates ONLY.
    So it basically is a slightly modified version 'tier gear' ala World of Orcs and Humans then (except this unlocks per account, which is better admittedly but it is tier gear none the less), you have to be this awesome to unlock the costume, this shows everyone that you have one or more possibly high ranking incarnate characters.

    Who wants to bet that the next 4 slots will have their own tier gear and the Omega slot will have one all its own?

    Wow *golfclaps*.

    Also I do love the 'if we allowed your low level alts to access it, it would be an insult to the art team' line, really Posi, you honestly think that despite people running the content and actually unlocking it that somewhere, someone using this on a level 1 would make the art team so incredibly insulted.

    You probably want MORE people using your costume, showing it off as an incentive for new players to not only reach 50 but also to stick with the game and run the incarnate system so they too can unlock the awesome costume.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Teenage_Kid View Post
    Wait a second. Is that spider walking up the side of that building and the atlas statue i thought that we could not interact with the buildings and that's why things like running up walls and swinging were impossible.

    (sorry not sure how to turn the link into just a picture.)
    instead of using use [img][/img] will allow the picture to be shown as a normal image on the forums instead of just a link.

    Yes Frietag did actually walk up the side of the building however he couldn't climb the Atlas statue, he had to fly up and land on it.
  24. Much like science the question isn't why do something but why not?!

    I'm guessing he had some spare time on his hands, was bored at work and decided to do something for a giggle.
  25. Union was one a peaceful place but suddenly....

    Thanks for coming to Union Freitag!