117 -
What, no links?
From what I've seen of the artwork, it all looks... like nothing, since I've seen none of the artwork.
Zeus - god of artwork -
Ok... make sure and read the DATE of the posts you're responding to. This thread has 17 pages of last year's posts!
And the one guy who started this back up is laughing his [censored] off right now.
Zeus - god of laughing -
I see alot of people correcting other people's mythological stories. YOU ARE WRONG. About the only way to be wrong in your relating the stories of the greek pantheon is to say that someone else's version is wrong. Hephestus DID give Zeus his thunderbolts. In one version. In another version it was the cyclopes. There is no one correct version. This is mythology. That's how mythology works. Two mutually exclusive stories CAN be correct... because it's all just stories anyway. that kind of defines mythology.
I'll give a more modern example that we can all understand a little better, one that has already been brought up - christianty. According to christianity, their god is perfect. Also according to christianity, their god is a jealous, sometimes angry or vengeful god. Jealousy is a very human flaw, making their god far less than perfect. While these two versions of the gods are contradictary to each other, neither one is "totally correct"..... contradictary stories and descriptions are the bread and butter of any mythology... be it greek, roman, christian, or urban legend. It's just the nature of mythology.
So by all means... feel free to interject another version of the mythos... but don't say someone else's version is wrong. Because it probably isn't. It just isn't the version you heard.
Zeus - god of write and wrong -
Yeah, Kronos/Saturn. Zeus was kinda annoyed his Dad ate him and his brothers/sisters when he was born (or something like that) so after beating the heck out of him, he chained him up somewhere to suffer forever.
It's where he's chained up I can't remember.
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Typically it was uranus that swallowed his sons, because it was prophisized that his son would overthrow him. One of his sons was powerful enough to crawl out from his belly and slay him. This son was Chronos. (in other stories he was just a son who castrated his father and destroyed him.. no swallowing involved) He was also prophisized to have his son slay him, and he thought it was still a good idea to eat his kids. however, Zeus' mom (various names depending on who is telling the story) wanted Zeus to live (I was just way too cool to die) so she wrapped a stone in a baby blanket and fed that to her husband. Zeus was then raised by goats.. or fae, depending on the version. As a teenager he slew his father Chronos, and upon slicing open his father's stomach his brothers, Poseidon and Hades, came out.
It's odd... the more you look at various sources, the more varied stores you find. There seems to be no one right or wrong greek mythology - there are numerous stories, many of which contradict each other. So if you're SURE that the mythology went one particular way... You just only heard one version of the story. Other versions are usually just as correct, it's mythology after all.
Oh, and the god who made the lightining bolts was Hephaestus. God of smiths and metalworking.
Zeus - god of right and wrong -
Ok.. a couple of things to clear up here...
First of all, it is not Zues. it's Zeus. Zeus is one of the few words in the english language that has the 'e' before the 'u'. Since i've been writing the word "zeus" for my whole life, I now misspell words like feul, teusday... you get the idea. I try not to be a spelling nazi, but over the last 30something years this one has started to get to me.
Secondly, hades was in no way evil. The greeks did not have an evil underworld. They didn't really even have much of a concept of evil. Evil was a primarily christian concept, and that came around long after the greek pantheon had migrated into the romans.... same gods, less cool names. Evil is a relatively modern concept... the idea that any person or action can be "fundamentally, universally wrong just because of it's nature".... kind of an odd concept if you think about it. From what I can tell, Zeus was only an opponent of Hades in that damned disney movie.
That said, I don't think the OP's suggestion is really that far off base however. It has definate merit. If Statesman is an avatar of a god, he could very well be the power of a god incarnate. Lord Recluse could also be an avatar of a god. If indeed the power becomes incarnate by taking possession of a host (in this case, the guy statesman used to be), then perhaps lord recluse is a villian because he was of a villanous nature even before he was granted the powers of a god. In fact, it may be feasable that a benevolent god's powers, being used by a malicious person, would wind up more villianous than benevolent. A good hearted person could do the same with a more maelevolent natured god's powers.
Oh, and Zeus' father was Uranus. Or Chronos, depending on which version you read. Typically though Uranus was the first god of the universe, who was slain by his son Chronos, who in turn was slain by his son Zeus - the last of the titans and new ruler of the universe.
Zeus - god of information and opinion -
So do you mean Issue 4 will be live before May 30?
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Actually looking at the wording of such a badge... I would expect issue 4 to go live at the beginning of may. That way we have the entire month to log on and get the badge.
Not that it would be a guarantee or anything, but it appears that's what they're shooting for.
Zeus - god of hypotheses -
I would have expected some poor roleplayers to have complained about OOG statements long before this one. Alot of people have a really hard time telling the difference between in game and out of game comments.
For example, yesterday I heard someone on my team say ((it was great, but I have to head out now, see you later)). They figured that had to be said out of character.... why? The hero doesn't spend 24 hours a day on a single team, maybe he had to go to work and hang up the cape for a bit... there are alot of explanations, and things like this confuse the people who want to roleplay but have a hard time with how to do it. There are VERY few things that need to be said out of character. I've even seen people who think everytime you make a joke you should do it out of character...
In this case, PvP could be still very appropriate. You could call each of the arena heroes warriors, like they did a long time ago, but that has kind of a violent feel to it. The point of a hero arena is that you're just practicing - why not call them players? The arena is just a game after all. The heroes in the arena are playing that game. So Player vs Player is appropriate - in opposition to Team vs Team...
Zeus - god of a little understanding -
you know, for all those hampster>jesus posts you engorged the board with for a week..... you could have merely posted one statement...
Hampster is the one who says EQ users are "damned creepy".
Zeus - god of fun quotes -
As someone who has two level 50s I am absolutely bored with missions.
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As a father and an owner of a boat, I can safely say that you are not bored with missions.
I really would like to see more frequent additions to mission types, like the ones done, when destructable objects and simultaneous activations were added.
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Well, last time they put new mission objectives in everyone complained. People don't mind the destructable objects so much (although they still complain alot about them) but everyone seems to hate the simultaneous bomb missions. It's nice to have a group, but no one wants to be forced to have a group of X unless they're on a task force.
There need to be more unique missions, like the ones in Hess TF and Frostfire, more varied mission objectives, maybe branching missions, dynamic objectives, maybe even missions where the enemies come for us, instead of us coming after them.
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Well, it's not like frostfire is that old... it's pretty new. They are making new missions like this all the time. But I wouldn't expect to see them in the old zones for a while. If you want to see more unique missions, head to the hollows (frostfire isn't the only unique mission there, there are alot of them) or striga. I5 will being about more of these. And it's pretty common to see enemies come to us. We call them ambushes. Oh, and people complain about those too.
And what happened to the classics, where are the bank robberies, or the lazers of doom, or the girls (guys, if you want to be PC about it) hanging above pits swarming with lazer-carying sharks? I know that some missions actually talk about some such things (I remember a mission involving robbery, and I think nemesis was building some weapong for world domination), but I don't want to read a text about that, I want to see that.
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Now this idea I like... I just don't think it's that feasable for a couple reasons.... mainly you're talking about adding alot of graphics. And the graphics may or may not be appreciated, because if they add a shark tank (must access the computer to lower the hostages instead of just killing the two fungus near them) and a giant lazer of doom armageddon device, then in two weeks people will start complaining that "everytime nemesis makes a doomsday device, it always looks the same! After level 20 I don't even look at it anymore - it's always the same doomsday device". Essentially, the same thing you're talking about now.
While I think some of your ideas have merit (and are in fact being done with every new expansion - and I'd love to see people dangle over a SharkTank/VatOfAcid/Magma) In the long run everything becomes repetative unless there is a DM standing over each player making sure new content is added just for him. Tis the nature of games I suppose.
Zeus - god of rote actions -
Well, I say to even ask for an apology is incredibly arrogant. It's arrogant to assume that your opinion rules the rest and that you deserve an apology because your playtime hasn't been ideal.
On the other hand, I would also be curious to find out if the devs had anticipated the events that transpired, and what their opinion of them was.
I think they planned a fun event, but I can't even guess at whether or not they anticipated the effect it would have on the game (short term affect I'll agree... but an affect nonetheless). I don't think they'd consider it either a success or a failure... but they each probably have some opinion as to if they'd do it slightly differently had they a choice to go back and do so.
Zeus - god of wondering -
Just because Marvel has Magneto doesn't mean they own the concept of a being that can manipulate magnetic fields.
The Flash runs fast, but we have Super Speed. Does DC own that?
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My point was that magnetism is fairly unique umong superheroes. (which is why I made the claw refrence... claws like that are also unique umong superheroes). There are tons of fire, ice, and speed heroes around, so the argument is harder to make that those powers are copies of marvel or DC. I figured the dangerous ground was when you copied the powers of one single hero or villian.
Not that it would mean crypic IS copying marvel, but more of an argument could be made for it then. But you're right - it depends on how they do it. If they give them the ability of flight, magnetic personal force field, etc. then yeah, they'd probably be copying magneto. Do it a different way and it looks like less of a clone.
Zeus - god of contention -
Am I the only one who sees possible problems with the magnetism line of controllers?
There is ONE hero in all of comics that has claws similar to the claws set in CoH. Therefore there can arguably be a copyright violation there. I see the same problem with a magnetism set for conrollers. I mean... there are other options for controllers... nature control - make grass and what not entangle and ensnare your enemies. body control - specialize in posessing the bodies (but not the minds) of your enemies.... etc.
I guess I don't see a need to delve into the dangerous waters that are magneto.
Zeus - god of magnetism -
if you really want an RPG i would reccomend the upcoming Frankenstein: Breadlust game.
Zeus - god of refrences -
In alot of ways I feel bad for States.... sure, he has one of the coolest jobs on the planet and gets to make his dream and imagination come to life on a daily basis.. (wait, maybe it isn't so bad)....
On the other hand, I feel bad for him every time he speaks. If he posts something on the forum, the thread instantly becomes 30 pages long and people speculate on every word he says. (he left out an apostrophe... why did he do that? Does the next epic archtype require a hero with an apostrophe in his name to unlock?)
Clearly the guy who interviewed him wasn't paying attention all that well. I swear everytime states does a little PR and speaks to someone, it's taken all out of whack and causes as many problems as it fixes. perhaps he should just answer every question with "yellow".
Zeus - god of all I survey (assuming I survey only myself) -
I couldn't enter. None of the in-game models are of short overweight guys. /grin My main is short like me, but wayyy too svelt for me to even attempt it.
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well, i thought there was some pretty decent body sculpting in alot of them. I know spare parts, avonlea, White Dream did alot of body sculpting, although i'm sure others did as well... not everyone was ignoring the fact that human bodies dont' look good in head to toe spandex.
On a side note, I was dissapointed that I didn't see any fat bearded guys dressing as a skimpy chick. I was sure that was going to win best humorous entry, and I didn't see any. I'm actually wondering how many people went for humor... There certainly are more than a couple people who squeezed into spandex so tightly that they look like a pupae trying to emerge.
Zeus - god of pupae -
I second that notion. I wish we could give more prizes...
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Is it just me, or am I the only one who finds this amusing? of course you can! You're the guys who are running this thing! You can do whatever you want! You can choose to keep all the prizes yourself if you choose to. Or you can double the prizes. Or make new categories (I can see categories of blaster, scrapper, etc) or award honorable mentions different prizes....
I think people would be pissed if you didnt' give some of the rewards you'd promised, but I don't think you'd rub any fur the wrong way by giving extras....
Zeus - god of extras -
what are you saying that girls cant fix bugs?
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Girls don't fix bugs... they squish them - or run away screaming like a swat guy. I'm assuming the female devs are of the 'squish bugs' variety.
By the way, I wouldn't be so sure that Positron is male.... after all, when someone wears power armor all the time, it's pretty hard to 'check under the hood'.
Zeus - god of insight