1814 -
Quote:Granted, but that's an Issue. Also, note at the bottom of that page:
*Requires the City of Heroes Going Rogue® expansion.
What I meant was can you find info on the slots, like the power trees etc, on the main page? -
Quote:No, that is the Going Rogue website. The one the released when GR was announced. It's not a style as per the forums. All the info under game info on that link is Going Rogue only. As in stuff that you gained access to by buying GR.Er No.
You are just browsing the Site using the Going Rogue style sheet, just like you used to be able to do with the Villain Style sheet. The same section links you to this forum, that doesn't mean access to this forum is part of Going Rogue. The Going Rogue Overview on the same page does not mention Incarnates. Nada, nothing, not a peep!
If you go to the main CoH page you won't find any information on the incarnates. -
Quote:Except, under game info, on the going rogue website it has the incarnate info. It's the only place it is.No.
Going Rogue clearly states it gives access to the Alignment System and Praetoria. You got what you paid for.
I have no sympathy for anyone that purchased a product going through Beta and discovers the released article isn't everything they expected.
Incarnates Overview -
There is a voice over volume control in the Audio. You should be able to turn it to 0 there to remove it.
Good post UberGuy, nailed it pretty well really.
Quote:Not really a good analogy, as I got the incarnates DVD free with the DVD player, in fact the only way to get the incarnates DVD was to buy that DVD player. Except the upgrade to DVD player will no longer play the DVD, even thought the only reason I bought the DVD player was to get the DVD.Indeed.
The confusion stems from the fact that you had to have GR in order to participate in Incarnate content. Nothing in the ad's for GR mentioned Incarnates...
To those that can't understand how you can be required to have something before you can use something else, yet now it's ok...
Look at it this way. Think of GR as a DvD player and Incarnates is a DvD.
You have to have the player in order to use the disc.
Well, 3 years later Sony comes out with a TV that has aDvD player built in.
Would you then be ticked off that this Disc wasn't installed? No, you'd just go buy a copy of the one you wanted. -
I'm with Techbot, no. I don't like the voice over at all.
Quote:I bought the cyborg pack but without a subscription I couldn't access it.You're forgetting the other prerequisite.
A paid monthly subscription.
That's missing in the case of VIPs. Is it not, therefore, reasonable to expect that certain systems aren't available?
Honestly, this has been a known issue for how long now? Why, all of the sudden, is a huge stink being raised?
Because someone who didn't bother to do the required reading feels butt-hurt?
I bought the mutant pack but without a subscription I couldn't access it.
I bought GR for the incarnate content it unlocked but without a subscription I couldn't access it.
Now, I would be able to access the cyborg pack, mutant pack without a subscription... however, I wouldn't be able to access the Incarnate system, without the subscription still, despite having had to pay money to access it.
Now, do I think premium players should have full access to the system? No, that wouldn't be a good idea. However, I think it someone has paid for GR on the basis it was needed to play incarnates, they are entitled to some access. -
Yup, because they gave everyone access to GR. Note how access to GR being given free includes access to the incarnates.
Quote:Ouch.. it does say nearly, but still.Check my edit. I was wrong. That promise is in the official documentation on the site. That's a pretty big "oops" on their part.
Quote:Ok...lets check the box
Nope no incarnate there lets look elsewhere...
Lets take the wayback machine to July of 2010 a month before GR went live.
Nope not there, could you please show where incarnates were included as a Going Rogue feature?
1: All the incarnate information is on the going rogue site, not the main site.
2: How could you access the incarnate content PRIOR to freedom without GR?
Just cos it's not on the box, it's still a purchase you had to make to access the content. -
Quote:I'm firmly on the side that if you bought GR you bought access to the Incarnates powers in some manner. And sure, Sam posted that comparison, but this isn't news, it's been argued before.I'm pretty sure that model would be illegal. And I'm also pretty sure that Positron isn't Tony Soprano.
That said, as Samuel_Tow has already posted and linked, the side-by-side comparison clearly states that incarnate content is "Not Available" for free and premium players. Also as previously stated the incarnate system was NOT included with Going Rogue. Having GR was a requirement for the incarnate system that began the issue following GR, but that isn't the same as incarnates being included with GR.
Which ever Dev said you keep access to everything you paid for did clearly mess up. -
Quote:17th, 4 hours from 5pm to 9pm BSTPoster 1: Your servers are broken, you need to fix them.
Poster 2: You need to upgrade your servers so the game runs right.
OCR Poster: Server hardware upgrades announced.
Poster 1: Why you doing this to us. You so mean.
Poster 2: Servers going down again? This is beyond a joke.
20th 3 hours from 12pm to 3pm
22nd 12 hours from 9:30am to 9:30pm
While I understand the need for upgrades, this is getting silly. -
12 hours...?
Quote:While your clasification makes sense, seeing as they mention tier 4 and there are only 4 powers it makes sense that tough is tier 3. Although really they could have said the 1st and 2nd powers rather than tier.From the patch notes:
I translated this as: (to use the fighting pool example) Boxing and Kick are tier 1, since they could originally be chosen when the pool is first available, and Tough is tier 2.
However, when I go to choose the fighting pool on live, Tough is still unavailable. Same with Aid Self.
I /bugged in game, but haven't received an answer from an obviously overwhelmed tech support. I have a number of respecs on hold waiting for the answer and thought I'd search here. When a search turned up nothing, I thought I'd post.
Can anyone confirm if this is WAI or a bug that's somewhere down what must be a gargantuan list?
(and I'll bet it's long) -
Quote:The thing with this idea is it drops super heroes into our world. Most comics work on the basis that with super heroes you also get super villians.I just recently read a book in which the superheroes served mostly as emergency response-type teams. There wasn't much call for crime fighting, as the police could handle that, just as they always did.
But, the ability to respond quickly to disasters and use their powers to rescue people within minutes was something that non-powered first responders couldn't do.
Made sense to me and probably the kind of team I'd put together. I know this doesn't answer the question in the OP, sorry about that. -
Quote:So now we have to do what other MMOs do? Seriously, thats your argument? So we'll be seeing Elves, Armour, looting etc next?Now where did the floating coin touch you?
Seriously, we're now complaining about a feature that telling new players "Hey Story Arc RIGHT HERE" as bad thing? You realize this is staple kind of thing of MMOs, something that people expect and would be criticized if it was absent when this game goes F2P.
I didn't say they had to remove them from the game, just that they needed to allow me to remove them. -
Quote:My thanks. That will do for nowNo option to remove them and (AFAIK) zero redname comment on them.
MTS's coin-b-gone is the only way to remove it right now. It's not perfect, but it's the only way I can tolerate being near a contact now. -
Is there any option to remove these from above the contacts heads? I really don't like them. I know there wasn't in Beta, but wondered if they'd added one?