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  1. I can give you a good example of how NOT to do it.

    During the Winter event I was hunting for packages and I spot one. There's a mob of hellions around but I get close and aggro them a little. So I am fighting these guys and in swoops some jerk, opens the package, spawns snowbeasts and then flys off. Of course I die.

    Person never said anything and didn't stick around to clean up the fight he started. Didn't rez me or anything. If he would have said something like "Sorry. Didn't see you" or helped with the fight, it would have been cool. but no.

    Now I know one is really in danger, but when I open packages, I kill the freakin snowbeasts and not them haress citizens of lowbies. Say I'm hunting in King's Row and everything cons gray to me, Doesn't mean it will be to the 5th lvl who is trying to do radio missions. I also don't trail a huge mob behind me into bunch of lowbies without pitching in to help.

    Despite that, that is one of very few incidents that I recall of people being really, really jerky and unheroic.

    Heck, when my blaster got the entire team faceplanted when they tried to save me because I aggroed a huge mob, the team leader didn't a strip off me (which I certainly deserved) but he said:

    "It's not a good idea to aggro an entire mob by yourself or when you are playing a blaster. Or Ever."

    Overall, even when people are not being heroic, they aren't being jerks.

    It's thinking about the other guy a little and not just what you want/need.

    PS. Tell you a dirty little secret. Sometimes, even when I am playing a higher level if I see an NPC (usually a lady I confess) I will stop and do something about it. Sometimes it just feels wrong not to stop and help even though there is no XP involved. Heck my 18th level blaster went through Perez the other day and killed about 10 mobs of COT just cuz!
  2. Didn't want to start a new thread for the same thing but today Clockwork Winders went a little crazy.

    I had a couple and was looking to buy for enhancements and I noticed that they were selling for a million. Sold about 12 with the price peaking at 10 million influence and supply dried up to 4. Made about 20 million and then it started selling for 1000 with no increase in supply.

    I just don't understand this. One or two I could see but 20 or 30? For something a lvl 1 toon could get street sweeping? I had a thought that maybe some ebiller was trying to shift Influence to as many different characters as possible, but I am not sure what the point would be.

    Color me confused.
  3. Maybe what we need is a zone where there is no level cap and that exists only for community events. Someplace to have big get togethers. Maybe a zone called Congress or Heroes or Council of Villiany or maybe even co-op.

    It could even be a function of Base Design so those so inclined could host parties and make like a banquet hall. Imagine doing a party circuit where everyone can goes from base to base (acessing the public area only) everybody stands around chatting, gawking at people's costumes and Bios.

    Probably have to wait for i20, even if we could get interest from devs and show them it is a game wide issue not a server issue.

    I have one toon on Virtue and since it is the unoffifcal RP server, there are usually a couple of dozen people in Pocket D just chatting and similar number just hanging out under Atlas.

    But again, this is something outside of gameplay.
  4. It also occurs to me that the only way heroes have to get recognition is OUTSIDE of the gameplay. We all do the same missions, so recognition is based around being an eBiller or Forum Cartel ot hosting events or having the most ridiculous names, or fan art or fan fic or AE missions or whatever makes you stand out from all the other players who have done all the Hollows missions, badges, etc. I don't know what the answer is, but I think there should be some way to recognize people who actually do more than just level 50's.

    (Yes I realize that so much of this is subjective and that there are no metrics to show, blah blah blah. I know when I see someone do something above and beyond that contibutes to my greater enjoyment of the game.)

    I may not be able to define it, but I know it when I see it.
  5. I think Sweet Sarah is on to something here. I see a few people on the channels and I know a few people on the server itself and more here on the forums, but there isn't really any in-game method to knit people together, some kind of server event that could get just about everybody together, even if it was for a few minutes.

    As far as Street Sweeping, I was thinking about starting a bi weekly event, maybe on Tuesday or Monday called Perez Park Patrol, where teams would sweep the streets clean (just for a little while anyway). Just imagine two or three teams sweeping through the zones, using a dedicated channel. It could be fun and get people together.

    But explain to me this zone cap. Is it limited to 50 characters per zone or is it just special zones. Cause I was thinking that It might be nice to hold a big get together and everyone who attends gets a million Influence just for showing up and meeting everyone. Just imagine a screen shot with a couple of hundred characters clustered under Atlas! very sweet.
  6. No, I was just so dazzled by my own verbage that I forgot to include it!
  7. DevilYouKnow


    Oh I remember that mission! She is wicked tough. My poor scrapper died about 5 times before he "beat" her.

    I also like her line "I thought maybe Arius The Red-Handed could end my tortured existence."
  8. It's interesting that you posted this top right now because I just took my private SG public and wrote a code of conduct for those who would like to join.

    One of the primary things that is expected of a Legion of Steel member is to be helpful to anyone they see needing help, not just teammates.

    An example of this would be the other night a member of our SG was up late and playing a TF and got a tell from someone I've teamed with before asking for help with a mission. They finished the TF and were invited to another but they declined and got a tank because were joining an all blaster team and needed the help to finish.

    Of course, they didn't get a mission reward because they joined so late. But, there was a new player in that group who was on a trial account and was looking into the game. Whether they convereted or not, I don't know, but they got a chance to see a slightly better balanced team and not so much death.

    Being a hero in my eyes is not just about doing what's right, but remembering that everyone out there needs help from time to time. We are a community and we should take care of our fellow heroes and lead by example.
  9. Introducing to the public, The Legion of Steel.

    We are a small, private supergroup who believe that only in the hottest fire can the mettle of our members be tested. Accordingly, we encourage adventure on the streets of Paragon City and teaming either with or members or on pickup groups. All those with a warrior’s heart are welcome.

    Our base has TP’s to all zones, A pillar of Ice and Flame and an empowerment station. It is still growing and more will be added as our legend grows:

    We don’t have rules per se, but rather a code of conduct that we follow as warriors and heroes.
    1. If there is a fallen comrade, whether they are group members or not, if you can help them revive, do so.
    2. We believe in honor and that means being courteous and helpful. If you are asked for help you are expected to give it. This means if there is a local question asked and you can answer it, do so. If you have a spare million or so and can offer it to a starting hero, do so. If you see a starting hero that needs guidance do so.
    3. Guiding a new hero is important, but that doesn’t mean power leveling them. Show them the ropes or team with them at an appropriate level. Show them how contacts work, show them Wentworth’s, show them AE. Help them get their feet under them. Feel free to tell them about our group but never hard sell our group.
    4. We respect other’s rights to play as they see fit. There are many paths to being a hero and ours is not the only one. We do missions, Task forces, Sewer teams, street sweeping, Trials and AE missions with a story arc. Others may farm or power level, it is not for us to judge them, but it is not the road we have chosen. (If you love to do these things and are in our group, I would ask that you exit SG mode while doing them).
    5. Our colors are Red and Yellow, you may decide whether they fit your costume. The Logo is also optional but encouraged.
    6. We encourage all our members to run in SG mode. It helps grow the base and provides more options to us as a group.
    Questions? Send me a PM or a tell to @mwruger.
  10. Sign up sheet:

    1. Mariko Blackthorne
    2. Fathom
    3. Angus The Red

    If we get enough for two teams we will happily oblige!
  11. The perilous and arduous journey continues as we seek to complete all the task forces needed for the Task Force Commander Accolade! Continuing our Non Speed run Task Force - Freedom Phalanx Omnibus, this week we will be seeing what the Clockwork King is up to by running Synapse's Task Force.

    You must be level 15 to participate and will be exampled down to 20 if you are over the mark.

    (You might need blues if you are lower than level 20)

    Where to meet: Skyway in front of Synapse
    When: 11:00 AM CST on April 11th, that's noon to you guys on the East Coast!
    Who: Vets, Returnees, Novitiates are all welcome.
    Length: Plan on 3 hours
    How: Sign up Below or send me a tell @mwruger or a PM
    Enemies: Clockwork
    Reward: Fun and 58 merits

    Please note that this is NSTF event. That means a Non Speed run Task Force. Everybody gets a chance to read the mission notes and clues. We experience the content at a pace that allows those who have never done the Task Force to get a handle on it. This means that we will fight our way to our objectives and help anyone who needs it.

    This is also a great way to level a lower level character. My level 14 tank shot up 4 levels on Positron and I think a level 20 could look forward to at least one level and well on toward a second level

    That way when all you speed runners need to fill out a team, you have a larger pool of people who know what needs to done.

    Sign Up Sheet Below:
  12. DevilYouKnow

    The Hunt!

    I kinda sorta promised to do some grilling at a friends house but I don't know when that would be so if I can, I have a toon that I could use. He's a Dual Blade/ Willpower scrapper.

    He's been on teams that have killed 4 or 5 GM's but there are a few he needs. Plus, it's always good to put the arches in place!
  13. I suspect that people would need to change to different toons at some point.

    A lvl 15 toon could make it to 20 by the end of Positron (if you killed everything) and maybe to 25 by the end of Synapse and Sister Psyche, but to get to the minimum of 35 for Numinia (not to mention that they will spawn all baddies at lvl 40) would seem pretty tough to do, so people should plan accordingly.

    One good lvl 15 toon and a well built toon about lvl 37 should be able to hack it.

    I'll definetly try and make some of these.
  14. I dd and thanks to all my friends in COH for the well wishes!
  15. Thanks for the reply. I see what you mean about the ceiling height. I wish there some other floor textures to use!
  16. Thanks for the details. All my info was second hand and from memory so I knew I missed a few things.
  17. What server are you on?

    Is it only open to Fire/Rad toons?
  18. Ok, I floated a floor in my Workshop to but salvage racks on it. It looks fine except when you stand underneath it. You can see right through this. I suspect that what I (and others) am doing is not the intended purpose of the floor tile so no graphic when view from underneath.

    I was in someone else's base and they had a raised floor and it was solid. I suspect that it is some odd piece floated up but I couldn't tell what it was.

    How do you create a raised floor that is solid on both sides?
  19. I have actually thought about creating some toons and turning off XP when they hit 20 and another one at 35 just so I could do something like this.

    Positron TF nets 68 merits
    Synapse TF nets 58 Merits
    Sister Psyche nets 50 merits

    Plenty to keep you busy and up the supply of low and mid level recipes.

    The money would be nice of course but it would be cool to have a custom built toon at that level and get some recipes in circulation.
  20. Thanks for the replies. It's acting more rationale now. I was just suprised to see so many go for such high prices. 1 or 2 I could understand. but a couple of dozen?

    Mind you, I just waited until it calmed down some and I still overpaid for it but it just suprised me.

    I had a buddy who used to play and he and his SG bought up all the luck charms in a market experiment. They but in high bids to dry up the supply so it was going for obscene amounts of inf. Then they dumped them all on the market cratering the price. Of course, because it actually is useful prices stabilized about where they were before.

    He told me that the reason they did it was to prove to people no one was manipulating the price of luck charms. The idea was that if someone was doing that, a massive dump on the market would reset prices and let them go to a natural level, which he beleived is exactly what happened.

    I just wondered if something like that was being done with Demonic Blood Sample.
  21. Happy Birthday to you Outlaw Woman!

    By some cosmic kwinkydink it is also my birthday as well!
  22. I always do either some of Striga or Croatoa and occasionally both.

    Those zones feel the most coherent contentwise (even if I loath Redcaps). Seriously, I wish the other zones had similar content.
  23. Yeah but it went on like that for about on hour. 1 guy, sure but I sold 4 like that and, while I was trying to cash in on a few more, there new sales anywhere from 750000 to 1.2 million.

    Back to normal now, but I don't understand what I saw happening.

    Was somebody trying to corner the market on Demonic Blood Sample or was something else?

    You are the go to guys for this kind of thing for me. I have most of the marketing guides here and I am trying to apply this knowledge and I am doing ok considering I like to play way more than market. I am doing about 50 million a week using a variety of techniques that you guys have discussed from a starting investment of about 85 million I am up to about 500 million in inf and assets in about 2 months. So any insight would be helpful.
  24. What the heck is going on with this salavge.

    I was trying to buy some to craft some enhancements for one of my alts and bid 30,000 on a stack of 8 and got 4 for that and looked and saw that it last sold for 1 million influnce. I list all four and made 3.5 million in about two seconds. I checked later and the massacre was still going on. I searched through all my alts but I have been using to build things so no dice, but really? 1 million for something that 1 trip to a CoT base will probably drop is just crazy.