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  1. DevilYouKnow

    Hamidon Raids

    I have a BBQ that Sunday but if it was early I could probably do it. Otherwise Saturday could work as well as a weeknight after 7:00 pm CST

    Always willing to help with the coordinating and to help the Sisters take the battle to the foe!
  2. DevilYouKnow

    Hamidon Raids

    I am certainly in. I have 1 lvl fifty scapper and I am really playing my DP blaster with an eye to making him my next fifty.
  3. Would love to be there but I have a date!
  4. DevilYouKnow

    Mother's Day

    I am so sorry about your losses and I wish I could join you this Sunday. Protean kicked my blaster's tail 4 times before I gave up and completed the mission!
  5. DevilYouKnow

    Spring Cleaning!

    Crimson Despair sound perfect for a Dark Melee/Dark Armor scrapper with red tinted powers!


    US Centurion also sounds good but I don't want to be greedy.
  6. DevilYouKnow

    Mother's Day

    This Sunday is Mother Day and as a result, I have already postponed my NSTF Manticore and I wondering if anyone else has had similar thoughts.

    Anyway, I plan to log out and spend some time with the family and I encourage everyone to do the same and remember your mother or the mother of your children,

    Happy Mother's Day to all the wife's and mother's who still find time to keep Paragon City safe. You are a class act!
  7. I have had the base builder crash on my pre i17 many times. Sometimes on exit, sometimes while editing. But since it seems to save location whenever you move anything, I haven't lost any edits.

    That aside, I think it would be cool if you could reverese edits for an entire session instead of having to undo each edit singlely.

    (if you can already do this and I am noob, please let me know how. Many failed stair building projects would easier to remove when I scream and give up.)
  8. AV, that just about matches our time overall. But those dark mirror doubles at the end faceplanted our whole team! It was so wicked cool. I wonder if there will every be a way to solo that TF?

    The mix of baddies is so cool and the story is pretty sweet as well. I would love to get a toon to 10 and just play through the whole arc a little at a time.
  9. This event is being postponed for a week because of Mother's Day.

    Don't forget your mother or the mother of your children. Log out and spend some time with them!

    Happy Mother's Day (in advance) to all the great ladies who play the game and still find time to be wifes and mothers!
  10. I had a blast and I will be interested in seeing those times. Our team took just about as long as the old did. But my toon got 8 levels, so I got no complaints!
  11. My one year anniversary is on May 8th so all my memories are recent ones but they are some really great ones.

    -My first time through the Hollows story arc. I loved the idea that all these story arcs were related and that a trial caps off the fate of Sam Wincott.

    -Realizing that the Cavern of Transcendence trail CAN actually be completed easily with a 14 level character with teleport and an empowerment station.

    - First time through the Faultline story line and thinking "wow. This really is like a comic book!"

    -Regaling my RL friends who have been playing for 4 and 5 years with how awesome these arcs were and getting weird looks. They stopped reading the text long ago and were surprised to find there actually was a story there. They started reading the mission text again. (just to keep up I think)

    -Being welcomed by the community on Liberty and helping me run Task Forces and learn how to plan events and well everything.

    -Creating a toon just so I could join the Sisterhood.

    -Getting the last Teleporter for my own SG. (Boomtown was the winner foe being last)

    -Reading the Death and Rebirth of Numina in the Midnighter's club Archivist badge. It's the little touches like that that make it such a joy to explore.
  12. I am postponing the NSTF event for a week so me and my SG mates can all take part in this event. I have tons of alts on Liberty so at least 1 or two can do use this Task Force.

    I will also head a team if needed.
  13. I've got a Energy/Energy Manip that is just about to hit 30 and I was thinking of permaleveling him to 35 or should I leave him at 30?

    I need a good fun toon to permalevel to 21. I am thinking Willpower scrapper of some sort. I suspect I should do one I already have a toon for so I won't be tempted to keep leveling him.

    My sister can't be bothered with crafting anything and basically gives me all her recipes from the 4 toons she is leveling so I have been crafting tons of stuff from a level 10 Time/Space Manipulation to lvl 43 Mocking Beratement as long as I won't lose money crafting it or can craft it for next to nothing out of base salavge. I'll post a list later of weird stuff.
  14. Maybe you are all right and I just got the wrong impression, if so I apologize.

    But that was my impression. I have actually heard many redside only players say the exact same thing. I've done ITF's where that kinda thing is said:

    "Don't you have any Villians for this?"
    "Everybody knows Villians are the best."

    I really did enjoy my mastermind last night so I hope I can solo him cause it sounds like thing are gonna get worse in the Rouge Isles!
  15. DevilYouKnow

    Last 5 clear out

    Hmm. Why wouldn't I leave all my current pricing in place and let that stuff sell (slow moving stuff) and not list anything new until prices reappear?
  16. From the posts on this thread it sound like that there is:

    1. No point in trying to equip villains because the market is terrible redside
    2. “Everybody” is going to abandon redside and move blue to market
    3. Redside players are so awesome they are gonna lord it over the hero only types and spank them in every task force because the difficulty on redside is so high it has made them into godlike players.
    4. Redside is going to basically be abandoned except for maybe trying to do strikeforces.
    5. Blueside is boring, the players are bad, the AT’s are bad and the only reason to switch is for people who are already ebills many times over to get more inf for no purpose whatsoever.

    A lot of this sounds like the same line of BS that I hear from Mac users. How much better the Mac is (When is exactly the same hardware as a windows machine) etc. Basically it comes across as snobbish.

    Now I play almost exclusively blue. I grew up in the Silver Age and I like being a hero. But I like to try different things so I rolled a Merc Mastermind last night and got him up a few levels. I had a pretty good time and got on a team at 2 in the morning CST on Liberty.
    I have a couple of hero toons that would make great villains including an insane AI that thinks it’s Nikolai Tesla and that Marconi and Edison are out to get him. I was thinking it might be fun to bring Electrix Destructor over for ...well… a little destruction and finish leveling on Redside.

    But from what I’ve read in this thread why should anybody blueside bother or even want to come to red? Should I even bother to keep playing my Mastermind?

    “Oh, you’re a hero? Well, you probably suck as a player but maybe you can hang with the awesome kids before we all leave to make fun of you in Paragon City and take over all the markets and flood them with crap no one wants and horde all the stuff they do want.”

    Yeah, I can see why redside might be deserted.
  17. Legion of Steel will be there for at least one run and I will try to get a couple of other toons through there as well. Lots of alts need this one!
  18. I like a balanced team, but whoever (or whatever) you bring will be welcome. I keep the challenge level pretty low since every week so far we have had some people who have never done that Task Force or maybe never done one period.

    That means that if we had to field a team of all tanks (lord help us) we could, it just would take a while to finish.
  19. 1. Mariko Charbonnet (Scrapper)
    2. Fathom (Defender)
    3. Uber Golem (Tank)
  20. Racing toward the epic conclusion! We seek to complete all the task forces needed for the Task Force Commander Accolade! Continuing our Non Speed run Task Force - Freedom Phalanx Omnibus, this next event will be investigating the nefarious doings of Countess Crey by checking in with Manticore and seeing what he has for us to do.

    You must be level 30 to participate and will be exampled down to 35 if you are over the mark.

    Where to meet: Brickstown in front of Manticore
    When: 12:00 Noon CST on May 8th, that's 1:00 PM to you guys on the East Coast!


    Who: Vets, Returnees, Novitiates are all welcome.
    Length: Plan on 2 hours
    How: Sign up Below or send me a tell @mwruger or a PM
    Enemies: Crey
    Reward: Fun and 32 merits

    Please note that this is NSTF event. That means a Non Speed run Task Force. Everybody gets a chance to read the mission notes and clues. We won't be ghosting, but stealthy characters are welcome to scout the path out.

    We experience the content at a pace that allows those who have never done the Task Force to get a handle on it. This means that we will fight our way to our objectives and help anyone who needs it. Joking and in game chat welcome.

    Sign Up Sheet Below:
  21. We had a full crew this sunday.

    1. Justice Councilman
    2. Flamebaked
    3. Mystic Sheild
    4. Nursy
    5. Lightlord
    6. Fathom
    7. Uber Golem
    8. Markio Charbonnet

    Everyone had a pretty good time and the council will thin twice before messing with Task Force Fission!

    Next Event will be May 9th.
  22. I can help with one of those teams as well. I need to work on planting some bombs and of course killing the big guy!
  23. Yeah! This sounds like fun. This would also let just about any of our toons take part.

    Plus, there are going to be new badges with I17 that our badging toons could get. Imagine a team of 8 heroes or villians sweeping the city to get the new badges!

    I also had another idea where we have a 1 to 16 team. Basically, everyone who's interested creates a new toon and starts with a sewer run to get to 10 fighting our way to Skyway, then we emerge and head to...Boomtown! No one goes there, but we could!

    Doesn't have to be part of the Anniversary events, but it could be.
  24. That could work for me. Multiple Mothership raids? Oh yeah! Maybe my buddy who has never sucessfully done one could finally get one!

    Also, I was thnking it doesn't have to be in five days, just during the anniversary celebration.

    I17 is coming out that day and there WILL be technical problems on both ends of the system. It might make it hard for some folk to participate when teh graphics go haywire or some unknown bug rears its ugly head.

    There are also the dev sponsered events that day that would cut participation.

    But whatever we do, we should do something. The announcement says that they (NCSOFT) will help with player sponsered events so we should try and get something cool to go with everything.
  25. I thought about a Hami raid. But the zone caps so not everyone could attend, plus we haven't done one in a while. (I've never done one)

    But if that is what people want, then I'm cool with that.