517 -
I gotta say, The Sisterhood does it right.
I only have one toon in the Sisterhood, but they have never been anything but helpful and encouraging and very generous.
As individuals, they are fun and great to team with.
As a group, they never fail to live up to the high standards that they set for themselves.
Unfortunately, I will miss almost all of your celebration because I have a massive 4th of July party for 35 to prepare and cook for.
Also, there is cleaning. -
Quote:This, except for the selling part. I can wait a few weeks for things to settle and prices to stabilze. I know I will lose potential profits, but I least I won't lose money I currently have. My new toons will "make do" with common I/O's and SO's until I feel comfortable.I read a lol of this thread and i have to say im a little surprised.
I think this is gonna be more chaos than AE caused. I expect a total crazy freak increase in prices.
1) New players. from a new box.
2) returning players
3) New conent people will play to get their incarnation lvl thing
4) 2 very new ats types (kinetic, and elec) and two kinda new at types(demons, DP)
5) Not to mention people will roll reds on blues and blues on reds i.e. an MM hero etc...
6) people will play all thir old toons badge toons etc... for the new content
7) Im am stupid rich on blue side 20bill +, however on red not so much. Im sure others are like me and will "finish" their poorside toons
8) 2x weekend will hit also soon
9) wipe of the histories
10) a lot of redside will be bidding on the cheaper blue side stuff en mass. Most of its already cornerd. Purple pet ios, rech intensive sets etc....
there are many more reasons its gonna be a crazy, chaotic, nutjob, cluster%^$!, insane merger thats gonna make a lot of people a lot of money. And i cant wait.
Ill be selling for weeks till it all calms down then ill get back to normal.
In some ways, this is like knowing that "Black Monday" is coming on 8/17. However, since most of us have either a temp flying power or the real thing it will be pointless to jump out the window! -
I'm glad he did. There were 3 letters that I hadn't found yet. I certainly hope that we learn more about the capsule and the others involved.
In some ways I liked Ruins letter the best. He is so unrepentedly villianous. The paradox of this selfish egoist doing something selfless, for any reason, really exemplify's the struggle between good and evil and the great gray land inbetween. -
I don't think I am saaavy enough to take advantage of the chaos but I am just smart enough to lose a bunch of inf trying to so I am planning on conservative moves for the first month and see how things shake out.
I won't a killing but I won't get killed either.
Mainly I'll do the content and let it go at that.
Of course I'm keeping any melee and pet set rares that drop between now and then. -
Every Thursday is Alt moving day. I log in all my toons and see if they have completed thier current day job, If they have, on to the rest!
I have a couple of lowbie alts who have more dayjob powers than AT powers! -
Quote:Sure there's a reason for having market. If I would rather have 80 million inf than a LotG recharge someone saves 20 percent and I got 80 million (minus fees of course).The issue with price fixing is that it essentially creates a store for certain items, so there's no point in even having a market. Certain items are expensive because they have high demand and low supply, and are therefore not available to everyone - which is, I think, the way the devs want it to be. If certain items aren't hard to get, they lose their value. It's the whole "carrot on a stick" thing - if the carrot is rotten, why bother trying to get it?
In addition, that 100 million inf is removed from the game. Less money chasing goods should bring prices down overall, not just one the fixed prices items.
Plus I wouldn't imagine that everything would be there just some highly priced items. You would still need to get the other pieces of the sets and the salvage to craft it. Maybe it could be pieces of uncommon sets capped at level 35 where there is virtualy no supply to speak of.
Also, what changes will the Incarnate system bring? It could de-emphasize the "need" for I/O sets.
Ultimately the Devs want (getting my tarot cards out) people to keep spending a monthly fee. I think they will do whatever will bring that about. I don't think having some things readily available to buy will deincentify the game. It certainly didn't when they lowered the level when you qualify for the EATs. -
As someone who just got his 12 month Vet badge, I can tell you that no one is too late to enjoy this game.
I don't I/O every toon I have but I do have a fair number of I/O enhancments sets. I was able to stockpile about 1.35 billion in influence in just about 6 months of playing (since December).
That was without:
Farming Merits
Farming AE
No Purple Drops (I hear people get thess but I never have had one drop)
Playing my Level 50
I just played an embrassing number of alts and did TF's when one came around and did door missions. I crafted my drops and did a little marketing (limited to really just learning how to price and how to be a little patiant for bids to drop and stuff to sell). So I guess I feel if I could do it, then anyone could.
I'll never be as rich as the dedicated marketers who farm merits or AE or even those who get the lucky PvP drop, but I suspect I will hit the Inf cap at least once. Plenty of money to fund my alts with Common I/Os and still get a few Posi blast sets for the deserving blaster. Heck I even craft and buy to equip my sister's (RL) toons. -
If the devs want to drop prices they could just adjust the drop rate, increasing supply. Look at how the prices for costume pieces have bottomed since they increased how many drop.
A better idea than a price ceiling would be fixed prices for certain items. These items would still drop like normal and you could still get them just as you can now, but you can also pay say 200 million for LotG recharge.
People could still list them, but obviously for less than the fixed price. So you could get a bargain or just pay the fixed price or roll it merit wise or buy it merit wise or just get a lucky drop.
I agree with marketers that probably nothing will be done until they get a chance to see how the merger effects prices and supply. So I would guess nothing until October. -
Something I haven't seen mentioned is the effect of returning players on market supply/inf.
I doubt if it is typical or not but my brother-in-law and his best friend are coming back when GR breaks and they have tons of stuff from back in the day, purples, pvp IOs, billions of inf and so on.
If this was typical, then it might mean even more inf that is currently tied up in unactive accounts suddenly moving.
For that matterhow much inf do you suppose is tied up in inactive accounts?
Also what happens to the stuff sitting in Wents/BM for inactive players? -
Quote:Also because of the strategy that was used in Alpha/Omega teams at the end of the war, many rikti were drawn from other locations to meet the offensive in Paragon. They were fighting the Alpha team when the gate to the Rikti homeworld was shut down. Once the reinforcements stopped coming through the Rikiti settled into defensive positions. Essentially leaving the bulk of Rikti forces in Paragon City.I know this was said pages ago and isn't particularly relevant to the thread, but somewhere in the game lore it was specifically mentioned that Rome and Kuala Lumpur had similar amounts of fighting in the Rikti War as Paragon City did, and smaller battles happened in cities all over the world.
It has been stated that the red gates opened all over the world during in inital invasion.
This link talks about the scope of the war. -
question already answered!
Quote:Oh, I don't now when it will happen. But it will eventually. If prices keeping trending up, eventually those purples that sell now for a billion plus will rach 2 billion plus.I don't think that will happen in the forseeable future, because the only items which routinely trade off-market for above the inf cap are two or three extremely desireable items which only drop off of PvP kills, which means they're substantially rarer than even purples.
But really, there are going to be so many changes that it is really hard to predict what the overall effect will be.
New low level content should mean a better supply of salvage, but it also means merit farmers and AE ticket farmers will be doing less of that so maybe certain recipes will actually get scarcer.
But then again the new story arcs in pretoria will probably have some merits associated with them as well as new exploration accolades so maybe rares under 20 will get a nice bump in supply.
Just too many variables to do anything other than guess.
But one thing is certain, whatever happens, players who play the market will find some way to make money on it. (I certainly hope so anyway!) -
I think it is pretty unlikely that prices will drop. As has been pointed out, prices tend to trend upward and with a merger any unspent inf on redside can now chase goods that heretofore were only for sale on blue. That means higher prices across the board.
But so what?
When a Mu Vestemnt drops it used to sell about 1.78 mill or so. Now it comfortably goes for anywhere from 3 to 4 million. The prices for what you sell go up as well.
The only limit is the influence cap.
That means when the really pricey stuff is comforatably hitting 2 billion, the cap will have to be raised or trading will be done privately. That would be a shame because the number of players who frequent the forums is pretty small compared to total population. They won't even know one was for sale. -
Also prices on Redside are pretty high because supply is pretty low and those that do have money are willing to spend a pile to get things that are nearly valuless/or cheap on blueside.
I am very pleased to see this happen. As someone who actually has some heroes that he is planning on taking redside, I was dreading the ghost town that red seemed destined to become.
Grats to all those who kept up the clamor. I am only a wee 1.5 billionaire even I can see that this will change our pricing strategies, at least short term until the flow of goods redside equals out.
I think that this means prices will rise across the board as all that redside inf will be joined with blue chasing the goods. I certainly hope that there are stockpile redside waiting to be liquidated or prices will certainly scoot up. -
Thnaks a lotl I bookmarked all these and I will get in and try some of these.
So if your arc is there, I will give it a try.
PS. I always leave feedback, good or bad, so if you are looking for someone who justs plays, I'm your guy! -
I am sure that this is the wrong place to post it, but I noticed that someone said that people playing AE is down and it's hard to get people to run arcs.
From a player's side it is difficult to find arcs using the search. There a lot of unfinished story's, farms, dead farms, bugged missions, deathtraps (Arcs designed to kill teams that play on +4x8), etc. Wading through all this stuff is tedious enough that usually I would rather do The Hallows missions..again.
I don't farm and due to time constraints I solo a lot. Other than browsing through the forums and looking at sigs, is there any place where there is a vetted list of reccomended arcs for players like me? -
I usually take taunt on my tanks and always on my scrappers.
Having a ranged attack that you can slot that uses 0 end is pretty useful, even solo, but especially if you play +2x8 or x4 or anything else that generates a goodly mob.
Nice to be able to pull. Most scrapper sets don't have a decent range attack.
I tank all the time with my willpower scrapper. Rise To the challenge and taunt and you can really fill the role if you don't have an actual tank.
See, it all depends on the makeup of the team whether this is useful or not. A small team doesn't need me to tank, so I can lay into the bad guys. A bigger team might, depending on what powersets are there. If there are lost of squishies with AOE's I'll off-tank and pick any strays the tank loses and pull them off the beleagured.
Whether is is useful is situational and based on play style.
Are you are a cautious player who thins the herd before charging?
Do you barrel in battle all guns ablazing, using inspires and everything you've got?
Taunt is clearly useful in the first and not so much in the second.
But you ask a hundred people a question and you will get about 70 different answers. Try it, you might like it. If not you can always spec out of it. -
Quote:It took me months for me to sell all those fears, at a loss. Some I didn't even bother listing because I ddin't want them taking up slots for months. 0 bids 56 for sale last sale at 50? I could use that slot for flipping or dumping salvage or recipes or buying salavage to craft or...well you get the idea.For the more commonly needed IOs, like Acc, Dam, Defense, EndRdx, EndMod, Heal and Rech, it is almost always cheaper to craft. Sometimes the less common IOs, like Confuse, Fear, Knockback, ToHitDebuff, etc., will sell for cheaper than the recipes because someone is trying to get crafting badges, so they may put them on the market for cheap.
Quote:That's fine with this hero as long as if I can catch you I can send your villian to prison for about 3 months realtime.I propose only villains can gamble and if we win we get to steal stuff from Wentworths.
Of course if they did that wouldn't it be cool if they had a fiendishly hard set of missions you could do in jail to escape? -
I beleive that as long as there is no way that proceedings from in game gambling can be converted into real life money this regulation does not apply.
They literally hundreds of gambling and casino programs that allow you to play Vegas/Monte Carlo bigshot with fake money, both online and as standalone software.
I even remember a strip poker game on the Apple ][ (Those graphics were awesome in 1982) that used currency you could spend to see less, if you take my meaning. -
For Blue side you could create a Cruise ship casino based out of Talos Island with a ferry that takes you to the ship located offshore (outside the 3 mile limit). You could even make it a co-op zone.
Heavens! You could even have some missions take place aboard the cruise ship/casino.
1. Underwater baddies attack the ship.
2. Bombs need defusing on the ship.
3. etc,etc,etc.. -
99.99% of the time it is always better to craft than to buy it ready made.
This holds true for recipes that you are rewarded from mission completion as well.
Just be sure when crafting for selling to make sure that you can make a profit. For example if Clayborn's Awesome Attack ACC/DAM sells for roughly 5 million inf then it may be worthing crafting and listing.
But if it takes rare salavage that costs 3.5 million that makes dicier especially when you figure in Crafting cost and listing fees.
Also if it last sold 3 months ago there may not be much demand so it might take a while to make your money back.
If all the above were true I would either list the recipe on Wents or Vendor it. -
The LOS static team helped Jim Tremblor out and even helped Penelope Yin find her Dad. Unfortunately Doc Deliah informs us that we aren't quite tough enough to help her recover some weird device that Arachnos is interested in...yet!
So this Sunday we will meet in Steel Canyon and see if we can help Positron deal with some mysterious happenings and save Faultline from a truly desperate stituation!
Steel Canyon, This Sunday, Noon - Positron Task Force
Any and all are welcome. Since we are in it for XP we will probably fight our way to goals, but if the team votes for stealth we'll do that. -
Sounds like fun. If I don't have to cook dinner, I'll be there!
I think it is a fun set to play. It seems underpowered compared to other blaster sets but that could just be because of what I chose and how I slotted.
That said, I am really enjoying my dual 45 weilding vigilante who traces his linage to the original shadow. I have soloed him (mostly) all the way to 38 and had blast (literally)
You might want to check out the preorder from Gamestop. it comes with some nice preorder bonuses. But you don't get DP until it arrives.
On the other hand, Red Names have confirmed that the complete collection will stack with the preorder. So you can do both.