1593 -
You're build looks pretty solid to me.
In terms of moving one slot to Physical Perfection, you could pull a slot out of Super Speed. The 2nd slot really adds very little to your build.
I do recommend adding Purple IO sets to Dark Armor builds. If it's with in you means, I say go for it. -
Quote:That's not a quibble, that's a choice.Well, I'd quibble with that. I've only recently been able to get together a whole set of Purples for characters I'm leveling, and even then, it's not the more expensive damage sets. I'm definitely not going to get some of those billion+ PvP IOs, even if I'd like the 3% res one on Grey Pilgrim.
Obtaining a Shield Wall: +3% resistance may not be the most efficient use of your time, especially if have alts to feed. This isn't a case of you can't afford to get them. You've consciously made the choice not to put forth the time and effort needed to acquire one. There is nothing wrong with that choice; many min/max-ers would make the exact same choice.
My gripe is with folks who claim they cannot afford IOs and thus are incapable of any form of min/max build. If you play CoH, you have time to make a min/max build.
The great thing about CoH is that you don't have to. I respect players right to chose not to min/max. I can appreciate that said players would not welcome discussions regarding min/max builds. A lengthy debate over the be-all-end-all defense soft cap myth in a channel set up for badge discussion isn't cool. Having a channel set up for this is.
Never mind the advantages of having a channel where there is a general consensus of what a speed run is; it saves a lot of aggravation and unnecessary animosity. -
Quote:No IO build is out of reach to anyone playing CoH. If you have limited time, then obviously it will take you longer. The notion that "I can't afford" a min/max build is precisely why these types are discussion don't alway go well in the current channels.By min/max, MP, what do you mean? I like IOs and making builds (and helping people with them... I have chatted with plenty of people in channels about builds), but I'm not really one for the most expensive builds out there, since not everyone is rich--or has been bankrolled by multiple PERC events.
While I am really good at designing melee builds, I'm not so good at amassing the resources to obtain them. For this I rely on information provide by others who do keep on best ways to obtain the resources I need. Presently, I simply don't have the time or the inclination to keep on both.
This is precisely why I like the idea regarding this type of channel. A place where we can openly discuss build strategies and strategies for achieving them. These conversations can get technical and would not always be welcome in the current global channels.
On that same notion, not every min/max build need be expensive. It all boils down to what you want to achieve. A scrapper wasn't intended to solo AVs. An ITF wasn't intended to be run in 20 minutes. Obviously, things like this can be done, and you can design your builds to be better suited for it. If these activities don't interest you, then you don't need that type of build.
Min/max does not refer to the most expensive build possible. It's about achieving the maximum you desire for the minimum amount of sacrifice. -
I like this idea. Honestly, I'm surprised it wasn't done sooner.
Sound like my cup a tea, I'll be joining. -
Quote:Actually, that part of the story makes sense to me. Think back to the "Empty Child", Season 1, 9th Doctor. The Nano Genes attempted to heal the boy, but were not familiar with human DNA and botched the job.So she put injured people or diseased people into the beds and kept them on some sort of life support that would keep them going even if they were on the brink of death at the time she grabbed them.
But she left the captain of her ship to die of a cold while he was sitting in his chair?
The ships captain was obviously not humanoid. The ships automated medical doctor was unfamiliar with the disease that infected the crew and did not recognize it in time. Same manner in which it was 'over reacting' minor injuries as it was trying to adapt to human physiology. -
Quote:Just was thinking tonight that is it bothering anyone yet that half the Avengers they will have in the movie are basicly un and/or underpowered heroes?
I mean they will have Hulk and Thor, obviously both very powerful. Then you add in ironman who though no powers i guess the suit becomes the balancing act there. But then its Capt A(super powered but within somewhat basic means) Black Widow(unpowered) and Hawkeye(unpowered).
It just seems like they run the risk of having characters with either to much power or to little for whatever they put in front of them.
That's the same dilemma of every "team comic book." Hence all the jokes about Batman being on the Justice League, yet he's considered one of the big three. It always boils down to how well they are portrayed. Consider how much buzz Hawkeye generated in this thread, yet he didn't actually do anything in the movie. Same as Black Widow in Iron Man, sure she beat a few thugs, small potatoes in the over scheme of that movie, yet those scenes stood out.
Vulnerable characters make a movie. -
Quote:I'm watching it via Amazon Instant Video.45 mins. (probably of which 40 was programme).
You guys watching on the new global iplayer? (with ads for U.S viewers).
I'd love to hear about other options. BBCA only broadcasts via HD services in my area. Online access is only available to HD subscribers, or so I've been told. -
Quote:Going to disagree with this. While I agree S/L defense should take priority, there are enough Energy and Negative Energy attacks that have no Smashing or Lethal component (particularly ranged attacks.), Energy attacks being the more common. Fiery Aura and Electric Armor have an advantage in this, as they have decent Energy Resistance, but will really notice Neg. Energy attacks. Dark Armor is in the reverse scenario.This strategy is not very good. Almost all melee attacks have a smashing or lethal component to them. The game only checks your highest applicable defense value, so it doesn't help to have both high.
Considering how much Smash/Lethal resistance any resistance set can acquire, soft capping is nice, but not really necessary. Given the choice between 45% S/L defense with very little E/Ne defense or 35%-40% to S/L and E/Ne, I'd chose the latter. Depending on your primary/secondary, mixing Kinetic Combats and Eradications gets you there with minimal sacrifice. -
Anyone stateside starting to notice missing scenes? How long was the UK air time?
My expectations for this film continue to run fairly low. That could be a blessing for me, as I'll watch it in theaters and be pleasantly surprised if it's even have way decent. Sometimes, negativity has it's rewards.
Quote:This prompted a 2nd viewing for me...ok 3rd but what ever. I am suddenly an even bigger fan of Moffat.She didn't seem to have her blaster with her at that point. It was the same gun she used to shoot the Stetson off the Doctor's head.
Of course, the more interesting point is, why was the suit immune to bullets, when one clearly smashed through the helmet in the second episode.
Several temporal oddities I noticed now, that or I'm grasping at straws for the fun of it.
1) From "Impossible Astronaut" to "Day of the Moon" 3 months passed. During this time we know Rory, Amy, and River have been investigating the Silence. Oddly, Amy and Rory are wearing the same clothes. River Song has changed her outfit...
2) River is sporting jeans and a six shooter, but still has her fancy tri-corder we saw her use in "Pandorica Opens" She jumps off a building and dives into the TARDIS swimming pool. Change of clothes and she's now wearing a Time Vortex Manipulator. Now it's plausible she had the TVM under her sleeves prior to this, but it seems rather unlikely she had her blaster the entire time. It's even more unlikely that she found one laying about inside the TARDIS. It does appear to be the same blaster she and in "Pandorica Opens" and "Big Bang."
3) River tells the Doctor they're lives are traveling in reverse. That may be true for her perspective, or she's lying. It's certainly not true from the Doctor's perspective. His encounters with River are not linear. -
Quote:OK, a couple of things.We are told that the first time River meets the Doctor he dies and the first time the Doctor meets River she dies. If it really is the Doctor who died in this episode, it would seem that it is River in the suit and would expain the Doctor telling everyon to stay back, as was explained early in the new series with Rose meeting her infant self about same matter and same space. And would explain her 'killing a good man.
Same matter occupying same space is often miss used concept in regards to time travel. Doctor who has never mis used it that I am aware of. Nothing terrible happened from Rose touching her baby self. That simply drew the attention of the creatures of that episode.
As for River being in the space suit, after further thought, it can't/shouldn't be her. River is serving time for killing "the great man." She remembers killing him. She would remember being in the space suit. Unless of course, Moffat pulls another memory/perception trick out his hat. -
So River ends up in the Astronaut suit...kills the Doctor?
Quote:OH, sorry. I see what I did there, lol.I was talking about HER first meeting with the Doctor from HER point of view. The Library was her last meeting with the Doctor from her point of view, while his first for her. That is of course assuming he doesn't visit her there, or manages to somehow create a new body to download in.
That wasn't there first meeting. The first meeting occurred in the previous generation, (David Tennent Doctor, "In the Library") was there first meeting. It occurred as she said it, he had no idea who she was. ...and she did kind of die.
Quote:No, I mean the character.Canton is (was) an openly gay character? I must have missed something in the 2 episodes....
Or are you talking about the actual actor?
Early on, we're told Canton was forced out of the FBI because he wanted to get married.
In the last exchange between Canton and Nixon it's revealed he wants to marry a black man. -
Great episode. Loved it. A few thoughts.
The Negative:
Starting to get a bit annoyed with Moffat's usage of perception filters. It seems a bit over done. First the Angels that can only move when you are not looking and now the Silence that you forget when you're not actively looking at them. Seems a bit over done. On the Silence, I get the whole markings on the hand to remember, but how or why would you tally on you're own face? Unless you had a mirror at all times, how would that help? Assuming they weren't marking their faces, then who was?
Really hoping they bring Canton back. He was a very cool character and seemed to adapt to the bizarre situation rather well. Seems like precisely the sort of person the Doctor would like to have around. Is he technically the first openly gay character to Doctor Who? IMHO, Jack Harkness does not count. Loved the last exchange between Canton and Nixon.
Continuity and my theory...sort of.
Much of this episode (counting the two as one episode), made me think of "Amy's Choice". Specifically, Amy being pregnant, some unknown force taking control of the TARDIS, and the Doctor blowing up the TARDIS. In "Amy's Choice" the Doctor claims The Dream Lord was actually the Doctor, but there is that cliff hanger reflection at the very end. Amy had to chose which world was a dream, where in the one she was pregnant and not pregnant in the other. Considering how well Moffat drops hints in early episodes, suddenly that episode seems more significant.
So.... parallel universes somehow colliding and only one can be saved....? The other universe is slight ahead of ours, so they know the score...? -
I got one level shift (along with some build changes) and things went considerably better. Once I have all three level shifts I suspect the whole thing will be a non-issue.
Still see too many people struggling with the "path technique." Seems every run, 3-4 people want to stand outside building 1 (S4). The majority of players should be in between building 2 (S5) and 3 (S6).
I do agree speed runs are a lot of fun. -
I don't recall what the other Tanker's primary was. I was aware some Tanker primaries had longer taunt auras then others. I'm gonna dismiss this is as a level shift issue and move on. Glad to hear this isn't par for the course. I'll proceed as planned.
Thank you for the replies. -
Simply put, for me it's all about spawn diving. While other set do well spawn diving, I feel Dark Armor does it's best damage and survivability by diving into the center of spawn...and that makes me happy
DM/DA is my favorite. DM is light on AoE...not any more; Soul Drain + Deathshoud = ravenous minion muncher. Add in recharge and Fire Ball...scrapper heaven. Throw in Incarnate Pyronic and Reacive....HA! HA! HA! HA!...
BS/DA, much like Werner's Kat/DA, just....slower.... Still get an evil smile off hitting 3-5 mobs with Headsplitter...that never gets old. Fun set, very durable....just slow.
Claws/DA takes a bit to get used to. Shockwave can be counter productive to spawn diving...but great for gather up mobs, particularly in doors. It does require hopping out of the spawn to line up Shockwave, then diving back in for SpinIf I had understood this when I made mine, I would have named her Kangaroo...or Joey, cause I'm hopping all over the place when I play her...lots of fun though.
Electric/DA, the ultimate spawn diver. Lightning Rod right in the middle for perfect placement every time. LR not up yet...meh, Thunder Strike is a close secondSuddenly Chain Induction looks like an evil version of "duck, duck, goose"
DB/DA, now this is death by 1000 paper cuts. Look at all the purdy orange numbers...Sweep Combo never looked so good...all those knocked down mobs still sprouting up purdy orange numbers... It's more like dancing, except your moves are so sexy everyone on the dance floor just falls over dead.
Spines/DA...I'm gonna stand in the middle eating my sandwich, you guys fall over dead, just send in the next spawn, please and thank you.
I play other secondaries.....I swear it.